Chpt. 17 So.. Where'd Amy Go?

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It didn't take long to drive home where we all got settled down.
Signe made some tea, and we thought about what do to.
"I know pretty much everything about Chantelle." Phil said.
"And I know that she does use dark magic-" Dan started but was interrupted by Mark.
"So she's like, the Voldemort of LA?"
We all just looked at him.
Mark's smile quickly faded. "Sorry." He muttered.
"Think about Chantelle, where would she be?" Signe asked.
"Probably an abandoned hospital is my guess, they still have equipment there to keep babies happy and healthy." Jack suggested.
"Then lets go!" I stood up and walked to the door.
"Y/N, wait-" Jack started.
"What?" I whipped my head around.
"Don't you think we should plan first?" Jack questioned
"These are our kids, aren't you concerned one little bit they might be DEAD?" I asked.
Jack stood there, looking at his feet.
"Fine, lets go." He rolled his eyes.
I kissed him on the cheek which brought a smile to his face.
We all got up and walked to the car.
We got inside and buckled up, then we were off.
Sometime during the middle of the ride, Jack asked: "Don't you ever feel like we are in a book?" And everyone agreed.
Once we were at the hospital, we got all suited up and headed inside.
There were three different ways.
"Dan and Phil, you go to the left, Signe and I go to the right, and Jack and Mark, you go straight ahead." I said.
We all parted ways.
"So.. you're dating Mark?" I nervously asked.
"Yep. It's been going on for quite a while." Signe sighed.
"Well, I'm happy for you!" I said.
"Thanks." She said.
"What happened to Amy?" I asked.
"I'm glad you asked me, Mark would burst out crying." She said. "People shipping Amyplier and watching Mark, were wondering where Amy had went for a few days. Mark just said that she was on vacation, but they noticed she hadn't been posting on her Twitter. It started to get really suspicious. There was nothing coming from Amy on any of her social media sites, so they asked Mark what happened." She paused. "Mark had confirmed Amy killed herself because of all the hatred for her on the internet. Everyone was sad, especially Mark. He refused to go on the internet and post videos, so he said he was going to delete his YouTube. One fan got all of Marks fans so sign a collage of him and Amy to make him feel better. He then was cheering up and started to make videos again." Signe finished.
I was almost on the verge of tears.
I grabbed my phone to see who posted the collage for Mark.
I read the name out loud.
"Chantelle-" I didn't need to finish the rest, because there was a loud echoed laugh and a scream from Phil.
"DAN!! NO!!!" Signe and I looked at each other before turning around and running in Phil's direction.

Welp, I haven't posted in a while. Here's a drawing of Melanie Martinez to make up for it (:

Thank you for all the support on this book while I was gone, I will try to update more often!!

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