Chpt. 19 A Vacation?!

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Four months later,  Jack and I had a party to celebrate the death of Chantelle and celebrate that our life be normal again.
Dan and Phil confessed to their subscribers that they were dating and about Phil's arm and how it was going to be okay.
Jack confessed he would stop doing YouTube to spend time with his family.
There were a bunch of other YouTubers there, like TheGabbieShow, PewDiePie, JoeyGraceffa, Shane Dawson, KickThePJ, and more.
There was a stage where Mark and Signe stood, and we were livestream for the whole party.
Signe tapped her champagne glass to get everyone's attention.
"Excuse me!" Yelled Mark.
Everyone looked at the stage.
"Mark and I have something to confess.." Signe started.
"We're dating!" Mark announced.
Everyone clapped and he dipped Signe back and kissed her.
She giggled.
"And Signe.." Mark bent down on one knee.
Everyone gasped.
"Will you marry me?" Mark smiled.
Signe burst out crying tears of joy.
"Yes!" She cried as Mark slipped the ring onto her finger.
He stood up as Signe leaped into his arms.
Mark wiped her eyes and carried her off stage.
Everyone cheered.
"I would like to make a toast!" I said as I walked into the stage.
"Everyone, thank you so much for coming to this party! Chantelle is now dead and we can all live in peace. And today, we mourn the death of Amy Nelson. She was a great person to all, and loved every single one of Mark's friends and fans. And I bet if Mark had a family with her, she would've been a great mother. To Amy!" I raised my glass.
"To Amy!" Everyone raised their glasses and took a sip.
Mark wasn't crying, thankfully. He got a flower and placed it at where Amy's shrine was.
I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
Signe was off with some friends, showing off her ring.
"I know you miss her deeply, and so does Signe. But you should let it go." I said.
"You're right." Mark sucked in a big breath, tearing up. "I need some air.." He let out the breath and walked outside.
I walked up to Jack.
"Um, Jack? Mark is outside. I think he needs you right now. You know.. guy time?" I said.
"Okay, thanks for telling me." Jack kissed me on the lips and walked off.
I heard soft crying.
The kids were awake.
I walked upstairs to their room, wanting to be fed.
I gave them some milk and carrots, burped them, and then they fell back asleep.
I walked into our room and onto the balcony, looking out over the busy LA.
I rubbed my arms and felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, Y/N! Great party!" It was Phil.
"Oh, thanks!..." I sighed.
"What?" Phil asked.
"Well since all the action is over, now what do we do?" I walked back into my room and plopped myself down on the bed.
"Well.. Dan and I have enough money to take all six of us on a vacation to a resort." Phil said.
"What?" I perked up.
"Yeah, if you wanna come.. Mark and Signe are coming." Phil said.
"I'll have to ask Jack, stay here!" I ran downstairs.
I eased through the crowd of people and to the front door, opening it.
"Jack!" I called, running to him and Mark.
"Shhh!"  Jack hushed.
"Why?" I whispered.
Jack pointed to a sleeping Mark resting his head on his shoulder.
I smiled.
"Phil said him and Dan had enough money to take us on a vacation to a resort." I said.
"He wants to take us?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, Mark and Signe are already going." I said.
"Then I'm in!" Jack said loudly, waking Mark up.
"Shit, go back to sleep." Jack said.
"No, I'll get Signe and tell her I'm ready to go." Mark got up and walked inside.
We followed.
Jack and I made our way upstairs to tell Phil we were going to the resort with them.
I opened the door to see Dan and Phil kissing on the balcony.
"Guys..?" Jack said breaking the silence.
Dan and Phil immediately broke from the kiss, both blushing.
"To let you know, we'd like to go to the resort with you." I said.
"Great!" Said Dan.
"Awesome!" Said Phil.
"See you later, we're going to have sex in the bathroom." Dan said.
"Okay, see ya!" I said.
Jack and I stood on the balcony, looking at the sky.
He put an arm around me.
"The story is now finished, what's to come next?" I sighed.


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