Chapter 2. Cuddle Time!

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Jack got me a soft snack of yogurt.
I didn't really care that I had it for breakfast this morning.
I didn't finish the entire thing, anyway.
As I was eating that, we heard someone banging on the door.
We heard a muffled, "Let me in!"
Jack went up to the door.
"Chantelle, go away!" Jack yelled at her through the door.
"Come back to me!" She hit the door a few more times.
Jack ignored her, and walked over to where I was sitting.
"You okay?" He sat next to me, and put his arm around me.
My neck hurt to much to talk or nod.
So I started to take out my sketch pad.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
I put a finger up as if to say, "one moment."
I flipped to a page, and wrote: "I feel fine. It's just my neck."
"Are you sure you don't need to go to a hospital?" He touched my neck again.
"No." I wrote on the paper.
"Uh.. do you wanna watch something?" Jack asked.
"Yes." I wrote on the paper.
Jack grabbed the remote.
"What do you wanna watch?" He looked at me.
"The Walking Dead." I wrote.
Jack went on Netflix and turned on "The Walking Dead"
Jack wrapped his arm around me, which made me feel safe and comfortable, after all the craziness that had happened.
I rested my head on his shoulder.
He started stroking my hair.
I soon fell asleep.

About seven hours later, I finally woke up on Jack's couch.
I blinked a few times, and sat upright.
I walked into the kitchen.
"Looks who's finally up!" Jack kissed my forehead.
"Mhmm.." I muttered.
I felt my neck.
"Oh, yay. I can talk again." I muttered.
"Good." Jack nodded.
"What are you cooking?" I rubbed my eyes,
"I'm cooking ramen in a packet, why?" He asked.
"Oh, just wondering." I walked back into the living room.
"Hey, where am I gonna sleep tonight?" I yelled.
"My room, if you want." He yelled back.
"Nah, I can sleep on the couch." I half shouted.
The yelling started to hurt my neck.
I walked back into the kitchen.
"No, stay in my room. I don't wanna risk Chantelle breaking in and killing you." Jack poured the ramen into two bowls.
He got two forks, and placed the bowls and forks on the table.
He sat down in a seat, and started eating.
So did I.
"So, how did you become friends with Chantelle, anyway?" Jack asked,
"I can't really remember.." I said in a hoarse whisper.
"You know what, don't tell me." He smiled at me.
"You need to save your voice."

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