Story key point 1

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Friday March first. 3rd person view.

Jack walked down the corridors to leave. He smiled faintly but something was wrong. He was happy, but truly, sad. He kept his diary loaded with things that happened today. But now people noticed his bright smile, it started to fade.

Let me explain from the beginning of the day;

At 7:30: Jack woke up. School didn't start until 10:00am so he had 2 'n a half hours. As he got up, he did what normal people do and got dressed. He than sat on his phone for ten minutes until his Bladder felt it was going to explode.

7:45: he has used the bathroom and has brushed his teeth. He then walked down the hall to his mothers room to wake her up. She was widowed so Jack had a hard childhood. (Hence thus depression)

8:00: Jack has gone to make breakfast for his mother. He makes coffee and pancakes. He pours the syrup onto his mothers pancakes and walks it to her room with her cup of coffee, fork 'n knife.
It was a struggle due to healing wounds but he had enough in him now to do such things for his old frail mother.

9:00: he gets offline and puts his books together so he can get to school 30 minutes early. (It takes him 30 mins. To walk)

10 am on the dot.

Jack ran into Mark who was enjoying his time with some new friends. Jack walked past and down to his class. The one Mark was in! It didn't take long for the bell to ring once most students had filed into class. The teacher was late. That never happened.

Jack leans close to mark's ear and whispers, "is something wrong with mrs. Corbis?" Mark shrugged.

Now half way through class mrs. Corbis comes into a bunch of even border students. She was a crazy c*nt that's why it wasn't boring.

"Yo my fellow crazy ass faggot niggas!" She screamed! The students turned their heads in unison and laughed.

Everyone smiled at their crazy ass teacher being back!

One student screamed(because raising hands are overrated), "yo! Mrs. C*nt I mean Corbis, where the fuck were you?!"

"Out being a lesbian hungover c*nt! Duh! What else?"

Class was going great! They learn nothing in this class and always get an A on report cards so it was all good.

12 pm

It was now lunch for the school, 1 hour until 13:00 o'clock. When classes started again.

Many things happened through lunch like; fights, food fights, fist fights, Mrs. Corbis joining these fights, laughter, humiliation, more stuff.

Jack sat alone in the corner because he didn't like the noise. He looked back into the main crowd and saw the thing, the thing that set his life back down. Mark, kissing Lilly Singh. (Ship it on insta and Twitter jk)

Jack shed a tear and looked away. Mrs. Corbis somehow got out of the commotion and said to Jack, "you pussy! If you're gonna be a gay faggot tell him you love him! It worked for my girlfriend! Even if he has a lady, fuck Mark right in the butt hole!" Then she walked away.

Back to the end of the day

Jack sighed. He hummed a song that made him relate back to earlier that day. Some of the lyrics were,
so long to all my friends, everyone of them met tragic ends. Be still and hold my hand, time it comes for us you'll understand. but if you promise not to cry, then I'd tell you just what I would say, if I could be with you to night I would sing you to sleep, I'd never let them take the light behind you eyes. And so on and so forth.
(Song: Light Behind Your Eyes)-(my chemical romance)

He turned his face from the wall to the floor as he walked through the jittery hallways.

Not the longest but this book isn't suppose to be crazy long. It'll bring you to tears hopefully eventually.

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