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Life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief commercial like breaks of happiness. ~ Deadpool.

Yes I'm opening this true story with a Deadpool quote. It fits the situation too well. Everything I tell you is true, it's not made up. I assure you. I know it's hard to believe, but you must... In respect of those who have died by the hands of these lunatic psycho's. Please, read.

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse." Read a police man, who sounded british with sandy brown hair

"Who are these people?" Asked a different police guy, who wore glasses and hat and very little hair and very short beard and loose red tie.

"These ain't people they're things."  Growled s police man, who had brown hair, glasses and pens in his pocket.

They looked on the cream wall, now stained red, with the sickening and scary warning message. A cop with a Russian accent read out the statement again, which was smeared on the wall in blood and a ladies lifeless body on the ground with her guts hanging out.

"So you know who done it?" Asked the police man with a red tie.

"Only two suspects." Answered the police man with loads of pens in his pocket.

"Damn those two?" Asked the Russian police man.

"Yes those two." Replied the man with a weird pen obsession.

"Who?" Asked the guy with the loose red tie, being the newest member on the team sucks at times.

"Darkiplier." Answered the man with a pen fetish.

"AntiSepticeye." Added the Russian man.

This story starts years ago. Please read with caution.

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse

Markiplier, or more commonly known as Mark amongst his friends or Mark Fischbach, was a pleasant and happy man, with a slight stubble, muscular structure, very tanned and dyed red hair with brown dough eyes. His smile welcoming and warm. His happiness, constantly filling the room with delight. Everyone loved to be around him and he loved to be around everyone. His personality was always a cheerful one and rarely ever got angry. His job wasn't that big of a deal, just a small coffee shop in which he worked at behind the till. Taking orders and making the coffee then giving it out, he didn't earn much either, yet it still got him through the month. Nothing interesting, it only got interesting behind closed doors in his cheap single apartment, playing crappy video games on a crappy console and eating pizza and chocolate. His life was seemingly boring, past that.

How he wished it stayed like that and hadn't taken the life he had for granted like he had done.

He soon learned that the hard way, that having a boring life was in fact better then having a life of crime as his thrill. He hadn't meant to, but then again it was either that or be deemed 'chicken' for the rest of his god forsaken life, which now he thinks about, was stupid and would have taken the latter.

It all started with a house party, thrown by one of his many friends, Bob. It was just a party for the fun of it, or so Bob had said, though may of his friends, including Mark, suspected it was to show off his new house. The house was massive, almost as if it was a mansion, each room decorated to its own style and structure full of antiques and anything expensive. Including a room in which most of Bobs friends loved, though his girlfriend, Mandy, who was a historian, didn't like it, there was a room dedicated to video games, his friends envied him for it. Even though Bob was a professor in Trigonometry, he was still a man child deep down inside, which was sometimes shown through his kindness and laughs and stupid immature dick jokes. Meaning that the friends he had were also immature children on the inside as well.

Of course Mark was invited and so was another one of their friends... His name was Wade.... and of course his lovely girlfriend called Molly.

Wade was a man of many talents, the most common one was in fact, stupidity. His Job wasn't the best, better then Marks however. Working at a pastry shop was surprisingly well for a good pay. Molly, his girlfriend who also worked at the pastry, didn't care on what Wade did, as long as he was happy. Wade was a happy man and was the butt of people's jokes, which he loved, he loved making people laugh, maybe that's why he was Marks best friend? Because he was always the butt of Marks joke.

There where other friends such as a Swedish man named Felix with tattoos all over his body and his Italian girlfriend Marzia who's voice was angelic. There was a British man named Aaron who was very, very British, almost as British as Dan and Phil, who also went, as they where visiting Bob, this always intimated Mark as their height is a staggering 1.91m and 1.88m.

However, I can't go through the many of Marks amazing friends that there were, but sadly all were there to witness the terrifyingly, frightening and bloody horror that was foreseen that fateful night.

It started off as an innocent party. Eating food, dick jokes, dancing and video games, with Mark singing his famous songs to Yandere Simulator, these songs being:

'I love senpia! Yes I do! He's for me! Not for you!'


'Hi ho! Hi ho! Off to bloodville I go! Doo doo doo do doo! Doo doo doo do doo! Senpia! Don't notice me right now!' Then ended up being seen sand saying 'oh! Uh, hey senpai! I love you!!!!!'


'Let's go say hi to Senpia! Oh Senpai, where are you?! I'm coming for you senpia! Don't be afraid of meeee!' In which made his friends laugh.

Then soon, the games changed and it then turned into a big game of Truth or Dare, and then Seven Minutes in Heaven. It was all fun and games, until Felix had said 'wanna take it up a notch'.

People nodded excitedly, wanting to see what the Swedish man had in store. They watch in anticipation, as Felix stuck his hand into his man purse, claiming the reason he hand it was because he's too fabulous, and slowly brought out, to create the sense of suspense towards his friend, a board  and a triangular like abject the went in on one side, on small stands with a piece of glass in the middle.

"A board game?" Asked Aaron, in a bored tone of voice, as if saying he was too good for a childish game like that... But then again, he says that as he is playing video games, so really, who's the real child here? Aaron that's who.

Mark nodded his head, "there's a reason the word board is in the tile of board game... because it's fucking boring!"

Felix rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Wrong board, stupid."

"Sarcasm." Was the reply, Felix had gotten from Mark, which made the Swedish man roll his ice blue eyes, yet couldn't help the grin on his features.

"And besides, this isn't any old board game," Felix started, slowly turning it so everyone could see the front.

Molly and Wade, upon seeing it, gasped and held each other close, muttering things about a curses.

There in the board was writing, numbers and pictures on all in white

"That's right. Ouija! Do you dare play?" The Swedish man said in a shaky, spooky voice to try and scare the others.

Everyone stayed in silence glancing at one and other to see if they someone was brave enough.

"Sorry! Me and Phil are too adorable to die!" Dan said, making Phil nod at the accuse.

"That's true." Matthias, another one of his friends who's hair was a bleach blonde type white colour.

This caused Felix to grin, "what are you guys chicken?"

Mark sat up straight upon hearing the cruel title given to his friends and him, making Mark feeling personally attacked. He hated the title 'chicken', it was like a slur to him. Claiming you to be weak.

"I'll play."

You know the joke? Why did the chicken cross the rode? And the answer is, to get to the other side? Well the darker meaning is the chicken committed suicide passing onto the next life. Mark, at this moment in time, felt like that chicken, crossing the road.

Felix grinned, "let the games begin."

They turned off the lights, lit up candles that dropped of wax and gave Mark the peck, as his friends ran off and hid behind a wall, terrified, including Felix, claiming he heard Marzia calling him.

'Huh, yeah, who's chicken now?' The semi brave half Korean, thought in annoyance.

Mark didn't know if he was being brave, or just plain stupid. He picked brave, however I choose the latter, stupid.

Mark placed his hands upon the peck and circled it around three times on the board, slowly.

"If there are any spirits in here tonight, please will you make your presence known?" He asked, his voice starting to shake slightly, feeling ever so slightly scared of what's to come.

The peck stayed still for what felt like an hour, when really it was only a minute and thirty seconds or maybe even thirty four seconds, when finally it moved, shooting of to the 'yes'.

Mark stared in shock and stayed silent too afraid to react or to do anything, for that matter of fact. His head began to race of any logical explanation as to what was happening, as Mark lived off facts and real things with a logical or, and scientific explanation, sometimes coming up with one himself, however this time, there was no explanation or logic behind this.

Then the peck started moving again and began spelling out letters, going on a repeat. Scaring Mark more and more and he looked at it reading the letters out loud, "D. A. R. K."

It repeated in a circle, going back to 'D', then 'A', then 'R', then 'K', then repeat and repeat and repeat.

"Dark...." Mark said dumbly and the peck shot to the 'yes'. He mouthed the name, 'Dark'... Who would name their kid, 'Dark'? After a dull and boring colour.

The peck went in circles, spelling out creepy and dark words, such as 'death' and 'kill' and 'blood'.

Finally having enough of the scares given to him, Mark pulled back terrified, getting the shivers up his spine.

He looked at the melting candles, that had clumps of melted wax that dried on the floor, with the dim flickering of the fire, he was in shock thinking, 'did it really go that fast?!'

Suddenly, Mark was in pain, however he didn't scream, he couldn't, he was unable to. It was as if someone or, something was preventing him from doing so.

Felix walked up to him, "well?"

Mark stared at the board, not replying, unresponsive.

"Mark?" Asked Felix, shaking his shoulder lightly, but yelped in shock as Mark grabbed his wrist and then struggled, upon seeing Marks black, sharp fingernails.

"There is no Mark, only Dark." Mark grinned, looking up and eyes now black, his skin a whiter tone and his cheeks sunken in.

Felix tried to back up scared out of his mind, but 'Dark' wasn't having any of it and ripped Felix's arm off roughy, making the Swedish man scream bloody murder,in pain and fell back.

One sight of his arm lying limp on the floor, the blood spurted out of the sump then, he dropped to the floor from the severed arm and  and the loss of blood, which had knocked him out. 'Dark' stared in amusement and broke a window with his fist, getting shards of glass in his hand and blood trickled down his fist, then started stabbing Felix with it, viciously and repeatedly.

Marks friends where too scared to move, look, say or do anything.

Finally, Dark stopped upon seeing the dead mangled and lifeless man and dropped the shard of glass, finally coming back to his senses. A black sort of mist came out his ears and everything went back to normal.

Upon seeing Felix's mangled and bloody body, that was almost unrecognisable, the shard of glass with blood on and his hands and clothes with Felix's blood covered him, he screamed in fear and back up, covering his mouth smudging the blood all over him.

Finally, his friends came out and Marzia, seeing Felix's body, barely unrecognisable, she screamed, her angelic voice cracking and tears ran down her cheeks and dropped next to her now dead boyfriend and hugged him.

Mark sobbed, "I-I didn't mean to. I-I d-didn't mean too!"

Bob roughly grabbed Marks flanneled shirt and literally, kicked him out and called the police quickly, making Mark go on the run. Catching a plane and moving to Ireland, thinking it'd be best to start a new life... yet not his name, how can you blame him? He liked the name 'Mark'!

And upon moving there, he went about his normal life during the day, working at a coffee store for cheap and then at night he became a horrible monster, that went by the name 'Dark'.

Mark, as usual was working at 11:30, bored out of his gamer filled mind, when an Irish man with glasses and green hair walked in, with Ava bounce in his step.

"Hi, a cupa' black coffee!" He smiled, pulling out the money, from his green leather wallet which had a weird eye on the front.

Mark smiled being friendly and for the business, didn't want to lose the job, "your name sir?"

"Jack! Jack McLoughlin!"

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse.

Sean 'Jack' McLoughlin, was an Irish man with green dyed hair, glasses, short stubble of a beard, pale-ish and blue eyes with a Blood Borne tattoos on his left arm all in black, which represented the Hunters Mark off the game. His personality was bubbly and out going, making friends was easy as they warmed up to him instantly, seeing his big and warm, welcoming smile. His life was exciting. He was a self publishing author and traveled the world, to learn new cultures for his books and ideas for stories.

Though he wished he never had made one trip.

It was a simple trip really, it was to Japan, at Mount Fuji. He was writing a story, a fictional one, about ghosts living in the mountain. His tour guide was paid extra, considering the guide was so hesitant to go to the very top.

When they finally got to the top, they went down the opening of Fuji. Jacks face lit up with delight, as if a child who just saw Santa Clause at the supermarket, finally getting the story he needed, the story he wanted. There was rocks and it was dark and damp, their footsteps echoed and upon a slight bump, the tour guide screamed and ran in fear, back to the exit. The tour guide screaming about some curse and to beware.

Jack saw, the best he could with such dark surroundings, and yelled, "No! Wait! Come back!"

The man not hearing Jacks pleads and ran faster and finally Jack got annoyed and screamed out, "Coward!!!!" And walked onward, he was not going to turn back now just because the tour guide was scared as an elephant when seeing a mouse.

Jack walked for a good hour or so when finally getting to a big cave and turned on his silver and metal flash light to see exactly what was happening. The light was dim and dull from low power. He knew he shouldn't of turned it on to look for his stupid and cracked phone 4s, that was in his grey and black backpack.

He saw rocks stacked up as if someone had tried to make a small, rocky mountain and on top of the make shift rock and pebble mountain, was an ornament that looked to be like a rock sort of formation. It looked like a skinny, stereotypical ancient Japanese lady.

Interested in the small antique like statue, he picked it up and gave it a closer inspection. He shone the dim flash light on it seeing if there was any hint as to what it was. Slowly, running his fingers, that was in his fingerless gloves, over it and was very fascinated by it. He saw some sort of inscription, carved into the ornament, he could tell it was written in Japanese, no shock to him. Good thing he came prepared. So, taking out a small Japanese language book, which was dirty and tattered with a rip here and there and very damp as the SmartWater bottle in his bag leaked, he flicked through.

"Open....... Head....... reveal...... Anti?" He stared then re-read the sentence, however this time, it was more like he was stating the obvious.

"Open head, reveal Anti."

Jack finally he closed the book after being sure it wasn't something different. He looked at the ornament, debating wether or wether not if to open the head, as told by the instructions.

Question spun in his head and was answered by himself. Who was Anti? Probably a spirit. Should I open the head? Yes, it's more for the story. Is Anti nice or evil? Doesn't matter at this point. Will I die? No, you can run. So re-thinking everything that he thought, he liked the odds.

So, he closed his hand on the head and grinned. He let curiosity win. He took the head off with a jerky turn and quiet click and out came a dark misty air, it reached out for him and he gasped and dropped the ornament, it shattered, the sound bounced off the wall and echoed, as well as his bone chilling, screeching, scream.

Do you know the saying, 'curiosity killed the cat'? Jack always ignored it, writing it off as if people worrying about him, now he was left wishing he had listened to the saying and took it to heart and had it embroidered in his brain. In this case Jack was the cat, and the curiosity had won, but Jack didn't die, oh no, what died that night was part of him and some of the sanity that was in him.

He laughed loudly, his laughter different tones, the white of one eye of his black yet the other eye was the colour of his blue eyes now green where there whites were had green veins running around it. His nails where black and sharp and skin was white as snow. If anything he looked like the Joker, but non of the crazy tattoos or creepy red smile, carved into his skin.

He grabbed his hair and tugged on it, as if trying to get whatever out of him. He pulled out tiny hairs and screamed and finally let the mystical and supernatural being win and then ran out, smiling insanely.

He ran all the way to the small town of Japan and grinned evilly. He had the best idea he ever thought up. Why not show the bastardly coward of a tour guide true fear?

Laughing insanely, he stopped at the tour guide company and entered casually.

"Hello sir, how may I he-"

Jack had grabbed the mans throat and dug his black nails in the mans weak and flimsy neck, the man coughed and hacked, as Jack left tiny finger nail marks on his skin, tiny drops of blood fell from the wounds.

"W-Who are you?" He choked out.

Jack smiled insanely, "I'm Anti."

Anti, ripped of the guys head and laughed madly and dropped the mans headless and lifeless body on the titled bloody and dirty floor.

Coming back to his senses, he screamed upon seeing the dead body and wondered, how he got to the guide building, when he was just in Mount Fuji?

Soon people saw and screamed and pointed at him, they yelled 'murderer' and 'killer' in Japanese.

His eyes widen, "no I didn't! I didn't touch him!" He screamed in fear.

Though despite his shouts, nobody listened or understood and soon the police arrived and he had no choice but to run and run back to Ireland.

He continued his life normally, as normal as he could, he continued writing and pleasing the people of Ireland.

Yet on this day, he went to a small coffee shop at 11:30. Upon entering he saw a red headed man at the counter and the man looked up and Jack red the name tag, 'Mark Fischbach'.

"Hi, a cupa' black coffee!" He smiled, pulling out the money, from his wallet which had a weird, green and blue eye on.

Mark Fischbach smiled smiled, "your name sir?"

"Jack! Jack McLoughlin!"

They looked at each other and froze, staring for at least five seconds until Mark said it'd be out in a minute or so, his breathing hitched and Jacks movement limited to a slight nod.

Welcome to the room of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades

Mark hadn't had much going on in life. At nights he wasn't himself, it was Dark. This night Dark had took over like usual and snuck out.

He had a rival on his case, some green bean called 'Anti'. To Dark this 'Anti' guy seemed weak, disgusting, vile and down right a fucktard who should be strangled to death.

Though Anti was no better thinking the exact same thing as Dark, about his rival, who was Dark, though Anti claimed Dark was a bastard who should be shot in the head with an AK47.

Dark stopped at a small wooden shack and walked in, sneaking up stairs and saw a kids bedroom with a poorly drawn picture of, what he guessed, the boy and the boys name.

Slowly and quietly, he entered, seeing the brown walls with terribly drawn pictures that looked like a  of robotic animals from the pizzeria just down the road, the brown fluffy carpet sunk as he walked in. But when entering he glared and snarled quietly, with hatred dripping and oozing out of him.


The snarl and glare was returned, with just as much hatred.

"Dark." He spat, as if it was a type of poison.

Dark walked forward and whispered in a menacing low tone, "this is here kill is mine, friend."

Anti grinned, "I don't see ya name written on the kid, pal."

Dark sighed in annoyance and growled, "look here you Irish fucktard, let me take the kill."

"Fuck no," came the angry replay, however Anti paused, thinking of an idea as he knew Dark wouldn't leave, "how about..... we both kill em, ya Korean bastard."

Dark thought it over thoroughly, yet for some reason, he really wanting to kill the brunette kid, which pushed any other thought out of his dark and fucked up twisted mind and finally said, "deal."

Dark quietly and carefully walked forward bring out a sharp butchers knife and Anti grinned at the sight of the sharp glistening blade in the moon light.

Anti brought out his sharp pointed, black nails and held the boy down, roughly, with his freezing cold hands.

The child feeling the pressure on his body from the cold skin opened his eyes, revelling two big, cute ocean blue eyes, filled with wonder and confusion as his silky brown hair was ruffled. Upon seeing Anti, his face and eyes contorted into showing fear and terror and his mouth gaped open and went to scream, but was silenced by Anti, who was shoving fabric in his mouth, tying it in a tight double knot.

Even with the fabric in place, it didn't stop the kid from trying. He tried screaming, though it came out muffled, amusing the killers, he tried shaking Anti off and fought back, it was all in vain and again, this only fuelled the psychotic killers to do their evil deed.

Dark grinned and walked closer a crazed look in his eyes, Anti smirked and dig his sharp nails into the kid, making the boy whimper through the piece of fabric and Dark carved things into the boy, 'useless'.

"Le'me try!" Grinned Anti and Dark couldn't help but smirk and happily hand the knife, which had a thin layer of blood on the sharp edge, to Anti, who smiled at the familiarity of having the cold blade handle in his hand.

Dark room over for Anti and held the boy down, as he made whimpers and cries through the fabric, which muffled the noise making everything the child was doing useless, this made Dark growl in annoyance and anger and spat, "shut it, kid."

Anti cared 'Anti' into the boy and then next to it carved 'Dark'. "Now they'll know of our great masterpiece." Anti laughed.

Dark grinned and tied the boy down and snatched the blade out of Antis firm grip, feeling a shiver, as they brushed their hands together, by accident, of course.

They glanced at each other. They stared at each other for a minute or so, when finally, they snapped out of it, hearing the boys muffled cries of fear.

Anti nails went sharper and Dark twirled the blade as they walked forward, a psychotic look, laced their eyes and was amused and fuelled by the boys actions and sounds and looks.

Dark cut the boy open and Anti ripped out the boys insides. The child's muffled pleads to stop and thrashing and fighting against the the ropes, earning him nothing but rope burns, only fuelled the two male killers further and continued their act of darkness, as Dark stabbed the boys neck, making him cough blood, soaking the rag with the red goo. Anti ripped the boys arm off viciously as the boys blood splattered up the walls on the brown bed sheets and cover and the carpet and scalped him of his hair soaking the boys pillow.

The both dabbed their index finger and middle fingers inside the boys big opened cut wound with a pool of red goo, getting blood on them and wrote on the wall:
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse.

They would be remembered from now on, partners in crime.

The room smelled Metallic, so much so, that they could practically taste the blood and Anti licked his fingers to satisfy his crave and Dark, not craving the taste as much, wiped his on his black shirt, as they jumped out the boys window, upon hearing the sound of fast and panicked footsteps.

They both ran for what seemed like hours when really, it was only five minutes.

"You aren't too bad, you Irish fucktard."

"Same to you, you Korean bastard."

You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you
You'll never the murderer sitting next to you
You'll think, how'd I get here, sitting next to you?

The next day things went on as normal, both boys not remembering much as they went to work. Mark arriving at the cafe around 7am, pissing him off to no end and got to work, taking orders.

Time strolled on to 11:30 and in came Jack.

Mark felt the sense of dejavu.

He knew he met him yesterday, but he meant as if he bonded with the green haired customer more so, after Jack had come in to order a cup of black coffee.

"Hiya Mark a-"

Mark interrupted grinning slightly and did a terrible Irish accent, "A cupa' black coffee! For Jack McLoughlin!"

Mark hopped he hand the offended the man.

Jack laughed and hid his accent the best he could and deepened his voice as much as he could, "that's right! Thanks Mark."

Mark laughed and blushed lightly rubbing his neck and looked down, "uh mind if I sat with you? I'm on a break and I want to get to know you better..." He paused proceeding the words he said out loud, "That sounds really weird now that I say it out loud. You know what?" Said Mark, "forget I said anythi-"

Jack grinned, interrupting the barista, "sure!" Was the reply and walked off to his table with a bounce in his step.

Mark blushed more, did the cute Irish green bean agree to him sitting next to him?..... wait cute? Where did that come from?

Shrugging off the thought thinking he misheard himself, Mark made the black coffee and took of his stupid white apron, to reveal his black and red lucky flannel, the reason it's lucky is because he played Five Nights at Freddy's, or FNAF as it's called, on four-twenty mode and needed luck, as if he was going home after or going to the pizzeria called Freddy Fazbears, yes the game was made and a tribute to the pizzeria, after work and walked to Jack and sat down lazily.

"Here you go!" He smiled.

Jack smiled in return, "thanks!"

They sat in awkward silence, not knowing what to say to the other.

Mark sighing, hating the silence, then finally asked, "what do you do for a living?"

Jack grinned, "I'mm'a self publisher!" The comment made Mark smile.

"Then how come I've never heard your name before?" He asked confusion realisation setting in he never heard of him before.

"I go by ta name, BooperDopper."

This made Mark laugh loudly, gaining a few annoyed and weirded out stares from customers. This made Mark shrink into his seat mumbling apologies.

"What type of books do you write?" Mark asked interested, resting his chin on his hand and tying his head sideways to the left, like a curious child with their cute wide eyes.

Jack chuckled, "horror mostly, though a few adventure ones are thrown in 'ere and there."

Mark smiled, "where can I find the books?"

"At WHSmiths. My collage friend lives there, so he sells my books." Jack blushed, someone was actually interested in his books, this doesn't usually happen.

Jack looked at Mark, "so where're ya from?"

"America." He smiled, "my mothers Korean." He continued, to clear up the confusion as to why he looked Korean.

"Why did ya leave to Ireland?" Jack asked, tilting his head to left, his chin resting on his hand as he took a big sip of black coffee.

"I wanted a new start. Nothing more, nothing less." He lied with ease.

"Mark! Boss man says he doesn't need you for the day but what's you back at 6:30am tomorrow!" Shouted a co-worker in a British accent and hair in multi-coloured dread locks, who clearly didn't care about his job, to Mark.

Mark nodded, "thanks Jason!"

Mark turned to see a disappointed Irish man, "don't frown." Mark said, "we'll meet tomorrow?"

Jack grinned and nodded in excitement, as Mark walked out, blushing lightly, had Jack McLoughlin agreed to go out on another date? Well, no, but Mark sure as hell was thinking it!

But after all I've said, please don't forget

Jack glared himself in the mirror, this was the night he refused to let Anti take over. Just this night.

"~Let me out Jack, it's time for my play time~"

Jack growled, "ya not gettin' outta my head!"

The creature inside Jack growled and slammed against his head and Jack groaned and grabbed his head, it felt like a Migraine but ten times worse, so he rubbed his eyes.

"Don't ya dare take control!" He screamed as he feel the meta human taking over, so he threw himself into a wall and bashed his head against the plain red wallpaper.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!" He repeated, screaming in pain and agony, feeling Anti fighting his soul.

"~As if you could stop me Jack~"

Jack screamed and his eyes twitched, his warm, welcoming blue eyes now gone, instead now replaced with Anti's black and green eyes now in its place, as Jack threw his hands onto his eyes and rubbed vigorously as dark, sharp, black nails appeared and finally he grinned.

"It feels so good ta be bad!"

Mark shot out of bed in hot swets and rolled over on the floor. He managed to keep Dark down for a while, making him happy, though he knew it wouldn't last.

Mark suddenly, screamed in pain and kicked and flailed his legs around and hit himself in the head, stopping the pain and Dark stopped in shock.

The red head, stumbled towards the bathroom and flicked on the dim light switch and turned the tap on.

The quiet hissing noise from the faucet, gave Mark a sense of comfort as he scooped up two handfuls of freezing cold water in his hands and splashed his face, making him shiver and squeezed his chocolate brown eyes shut and opening them widely again wide awake and fumbled around to et his glasses and put them on, he grabbed the sink hard almost cracking it and knuckles white, panting, then looked up in the mirror.

Though he wished he hadn't looked and yelled in shock and fell. The sound of a loud, thud echoing the tiny bathroom.

There in the mirror was Dark, his whiter skin and darker hair and black eyes and black nails, made Mark shudder in fear.

"~Come on Mark!~ I need to be let out~ You've already lost~"

Mark screamed in pain and kneeled, holding his head, pulling at his hair which pulled out small strands of hair. Bashing his head on the floor, no doubt bruising it in the process, he screamed, "STOP!!!!!!!!"

When finally, the pain stopped. The screaming subsided. Not a sound, just a quiet panting from Mark.

The said male, slowly got up shakily and grabbed the sink to help him stand. Leaning onto the sink for support, he looked up at the mirror.

"Well," he grinned, seeing the paler skin and darker hair and black eyes, "your back."

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse

Dark and Anti saw each other in the dim lit streets and grinned. Anti lost his stability of insanity and a bit of Jack shone through the dark.

"Hiya Dark!" He shouted, his Irish accent thick as he hugged the red head. Dark stood shocked for a moment, but hugged back.

"Uh yeah, hi Anti...."

Anti let go of him, just as quickly as he hugged him.

Anti sighed, "sorry, I'm only a spirit tat possessed a green haired Irish-"

"Self publisher..." interrupted Dark.

The green haired male's mouth gaped.

"Y-your the man behind the counter! Mark!" Stuttered Anti, feeling a tad bit of sanity and shock in his body and brain.

"Jack?" Dark asked in shock, feeing comfort and happiness he wasn't alone, about possessing bodies.

"I'm a spirit too!"Dark continued, "sent by Mephistopheles. The idiot played the Ouija."

Anti smirked, "my idiot awoke my spirit, in Mount Fuji."

Dark paused, "maybe I shouldn't wipe Marks memory this time, so he'll feel comfort in knowing that he has a friend that feels the same...."

"Friend? Mark and Jack are friends now?" Anti asked, confused as to when they where on official friend terms, instead of Christmas card terms that don't really hang out but don't want to feel bad for leaving that person out.

"Well Mark thinks so." Dark grinned, cheekily.

Anti sighed, "no wonder Jack wouldn't stop talkin' about Mark."

Warmth hit their cheeks and they squinted.

"It's sunrise." Anti stated in shock.

"We talked a full night. That's a first for me." Sighed Dark, miserable he spent the night talking and not killing, like he had planned.

"Let's get outta here! I'll see ya tomorrow Dark!" Jack yelled as he ran.

"See ya!" Dark yelled and ran.

Watch it

Mark ran into work, at 9:40 am.

Yes he was late, later than he usually would be when late. He was originally meant to be there by 6:30 am, as requested by the fucktard of a boss.

When he ran in, he froze, mid-step, panting. There stood his Boss reading a file.

His boss being a man called, Daithi. He was a scrawny looking man and had brown fluffy hair, a small scraggly beard and brown eyes, covered by the bland and boring boss like glasses he was wearing, while looking at a file, that he was probably just using to intimidate his workers... Not that Mark was intimidated.... Mark was just.... more like, terrified.

"Mark! You are very late!" He screamed in anger.

Mark stuttered, "I-I'm so sorry Boss. I-I was-"

"He was helping me move last night, an' he was so tired! He fell asleep and wouldn't wake up... And I couldn't bring myself to do it!" Said an Irish voice, in agency

Daithi looked up, "right." He said, hesitantly, not wanting to yell at one of his workers, in front of such a loyal costumer so, he chose his words carefully. "Don't let it happen again." And walked off, annoyed, leaving the silent warning message, 'your late again, I'll fire you,' lingering in the air.

Daithi's warning hung there and embroidered into Marks brain who nodded, watching his Boss walk off.

"Thanks Jack..."

"Why didn't ya tell me, Dark?"  Jack asked, spitting the name 'Dark' as if it was poison.

Marks head snapped up and sneered and if he could have of growled he would have. "Do not call me that! I'm not Dark!" He spat.

Jack gave an exasperated look, waiting for Mark to continue.

"At least not in the day." Mark continued nervously, but then he mimicked Jack's look, "and what of you, Anti?" However, Mark didn't spit out the name.

Jacks expression changed to a blank, unreadable expression and soon after thinking it through replied, "ya got me there." Then sighed in defeat a millisecond later.

"However," the green haired man continued with his voice sharp, yet sounded as if saying 'are you that stupid' voice, "I didn't mess with an Ouija Bored."

Mark sighed and had to nod his head in agreement, his red fluffy hair bouncing lightly going to the left, "true, true, but I didn't mess with something that clearly stated it released a spirit." he argued, crossing his arms, a cheeky glint in he choatd dough eyes, behind the glasses.

Jack sighed and replied in an airy way, "ok, ok, ok....."

They looked at each other, not to sure on what to say.

Jacks eyes went down to Marks lips and then back up thinking, 'was Mark's lips always this tempting?'

Mark noticing Jacks glances to his lips, blushed lightly, thinking 'it's official, Jack is adorable.... Wait, does he want to kiss me?!' He hid the stupid grin he wanted to do.

"I-I uh, should get to work." Mark stuttered.

Jack nodded, "uh yeah, don't le'me stop ya."

The half Korean, looked down and rushed behind the counter, throwing on the ugly white apron and began to take the orders.

The Irish man brought out his note book, then shouted, "I'll see ya tamorrow, Mark!" Then walked out.

"Talk to you tomorrow, Jack!"

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse

It had been a year. Each passing day, Jack and Mark hung out. They let Dark and Anti hang out and kill.

Just like tonight.

Dark had just killed a young teenage boy, while Anti had killed a young teenage girl, they assumed they was a couple, as before they was killed they where walking down the street holding hands.

Anti laughed at the sight of the lifeless, limped bodies. Dark just cackled at the sight, then slowly looked at Anti and blushed.

The full moon reflected upon Anti's, side of his face. The septic green eyes caught the moon light and stars, which twinkled in them. A cute grin placed upon Anti's face, causing his cheeks to go up, with a slight red, tinting his cheeks. Dark also noted the small dimples he had when grinning.

Anti noticed Dark's gaze and looked at him confused, "uh Dark?"

Dark ignored his best friends comment and moved in closer to him and placed a cold, pale hand upon Anti's cold, snow pale cheeks, getting tingles up his arm.

Anti blushed, "D-Dark? Come on, ya scarin' me!"

Dark pulled Anti into a long, loving kiss.

Anti's blush only deepened, but didn't protest. He wrapped his arms around Darks neck and pulled him closer eagerly, Dark waisted no time responding, by placing his hands upon Anti's hips and pulled him closer, digging his fingers into Anti's sides lightly, deepening the kiss.

The sirens where heard. So, upon hearing them, they pulled back, pouting like children who had just been taken of their candy and ran, hand in hand not wanting to break physical contact.

All my friends are heathens, take it slow

Jack walked into the cafe, nervously. Anti never erased the memory of the kiss, for whatever reason, he didn't know.

"Mark!" Screamed a deeper Irish voice, "Wake up!" The Irish voice then sounded apologetic, "Ma'am I'm so sorry."

Jack looked up, seeing Mark's Boss and the said male looking down, in his own world and then, a women, who's cream coloured coat was stained brown, from the, what Jack could tell, black coffee. He slowly pieced it all together, Mark was tired, spilled coffee on a customer and Mark's Boss got mad.

"This is by far the worst establishment I've ever drank at! I want a refund."

"Of course ma'am, this doesn't happen often, this man was working late last night." Daithi said, going to the counter bring out the two pound, forty five pence and then handing it back to the lady.

The lady snatched it, angrily out of Daithi's hands, "I want the man fired!"

Marks head shot up, so fast that is, he was surprised it hadn't snapped off his neck.

"I was just about to fire him." Daithi confirmed.

"W-What?! B-Boss! You can't fire me, I have no job after that!" Mark screeched in horror, stuttering and fumbling over his own words, if he lost this job he wouldn't have an apartment, he would be homeless, he'd be hungry, he'd be thirsty.

Daithi looked at Mark, having enough of Marks behaviour and ways, "go collect your things, Fischbach."

Marks heart broke and his mouth dropped in shock, with eyes that was filled with sadness and pools of tears, "fine." He spat angrily and stormed off, taking his black jacket.

He took off the white apron and threw it to the checkered floor.

"Good luck with out me." Mark spat and walked out, missing Jack and his worry and shock for Mark.

Watch it

Anti waited that night for Dark to talk about what happened today, he waited and waited and waited, but he didn't show, worrying Anti.

So, he ran.

He ran to Marks house and skidded to a stop, seeing the apartment building that Mark lived in and ran through the dirty glass doors. He walked the steps, deciding some exercise would be good for him, then finally reached the apartment.

He knocked the old, damp and rusty oak door, gently.

There was no reply, no noise, nothing.

"Mark?" He asked, softly.

Finally, there was a click, click, click, then a loud creeeeeaaaaaak.

The door opened ever so slightly, with a chain on the door stop it from opening, then two chocolate, dough brown eyes appeared in the gap, staring straight at Anti.

"Mark?" Anti asked, worry etched into his face.

The said male closed the door harshly with a loud, slam. Then there was a sound of a skkkkkk and click. The door opened completely and Anti pulled Mark into a hug.

Mark slowly wrapped his muscular arms around Anti and cried, soaking Anti's green jumper.

"I-I was fired! I-I'm g-gonna get k-kicked out of the a-apartment!" The red head sobbed, tears falling down his face and onto Anti, who rubbed Marks back comfortingly.

"It's ok Mark, look Jack was going to ask if you wanted to move in." Anti lied, hating to see Mark cry, though he didn't care for the mortal, he cared for the immortal, Dark, that was inside Mark, who surely was just as upset as the fired barista.

"I-I can't let Dark out t-tonight A-Anti." He sobbed.

Anti nodded in understanding, "it's ok. Now pack, Jack'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

Mark nodded and pulled back with blood shot and puffy red eyes and red, tear stained cheeks, then rushed in his house, then started packing.

Anti sighed, running his hand in his dark green dyed hair annoyed at himself and stressed, mumbling, "sorry Jack." Then walked out, forgetting about murdering for the night, which was a shock to the police and news the next morning.

Wait for them to ask you who you know

When they got back, Jack regained control, but Anti wiped the memory, so that they could have a face-to-face talk with each other.

Jack woke up in his warm, cozy black and grey striped bed, in his black fuzzy pyjamas. He yawned loudly, covering his mouth and sat up tiredly, his back slouched and slowly got out of bed, groaning when loosing the comfort of the bed and warmth and instead greeted by the cold air and dragged his feet to his toilet on the freezing wood floor, it was these times he wished he had carpet for floors or at least some cozy and fluffy slippers, he opened the door and turned on the blinding light, squinting, groaning in annoyance and tiredness when he was hit by the light.

He washed his face with cold water, shivering at the impact, then felt more awake and finally looked up at the mirror and screamed, falling back, painfully.

There in the mirror stood Anti, looking down at Jack as if judging him.

"~Jack~ We need to talk~" he said, his face serious and voice stern.

Jack, was slightly worried, never seeing Anti like this, he got up nervously, holding onto the sink and staring directly at the mirror image of Anti.

"I-I'm listening." Stuttered the self publisher, nervous for the serious talk that was about to come from Anti.

"~It is about Mark~You must go and pick him up~I lied last night by saying you was letting him stay with you~"

Jacks mouth dropped, "what?!" He couldn't help but think of the things he'd be sharing with Mark, such as the kitchen, the television, a shower, at the thought of the dyed red head being shirtless he blushed beat red, then it got worse when he thought of Mark without the towel around his waist. He shook his head violently, to get the image of the hot, muscular, sexy, attractive- maybe he was getting of track? Yeah, just a bit. He shook his head again, getting those thoughts of Mark out of his head, feeling a tight feeling in his pants and groaned.

"~Your getting hard~"

Jack blushed at Anti's comment and slowly moved his hand down his pyjama bottoms, and grabbed his erection.

He had to get rid of it somehow!

"~I don't find Mark attractive~Though I'd get hard at the sight of Dark like that~"

"Oh la la~" Jack sang, teasingly at his darker self.

It was Anti's turn to blush, now getting hard himself of the image of Dark naked.

"~Pick up Mark~"

Anti left.

The self publisher though of Mark naked in front of him, with maple syrup and pancake batter all over him, rubbing it around and he started rubbing slowly and then started to speed up, moaning Marks name. He took off the pyjama bottoms and sat down spending up and moaning more. Then finally released, still in a daze.

It took a minute or two but finally, Jack snapped out of his trance of having a hot and sexy Mark with him in the house and nodded, "right, I'll go."

He cleaned up, got a shower and dressed.

He ran out grabbing the keys, forgetting to eat breakfast and getting into his small black Coupe and driving to Marks apartment.

Watch it

When Jack got there, Mark already had his bags and suit cases and they where clearly cheap as it had patches of different fabrics on, blue, pink and polka dot. And there was only a few, two at the most.

Mark was sat on one outside the apartment, fiddling with a piece of chipped purple wallpaper, that was peeling at the wall, revealing its brown, damp, wooden wall, that was covered by a beautiful purple patterned wallpaper which got damp over time and pealed and chipped and turned a mouldy colour.

Jack coughed, grabbing the dyed red heads attention, who's head shot up so fast that Jack was surprised it didn't snap off.

"Jack!" Smiled Mark excitedly, getting up quickly, "uh, thanks for letting me stay in your house. I'll move out as soon as I get a job! I'm already looking! I'll help pay and move out!" He assured, his best friend.

The Irish man shook his head, quickly,"No!"

Mark blushed confused as to why Jack said that, "uh, what?" He asked.

Jack blushed at his own out burst but continued to speak, "no! You are staying with me! As my roommate!"

Mark blushed more, "I am definitely paying the bills."

"Your helpin' pay ta bills." Corrected Jack putting emphasis on 'helping' and then picked up the cheap and light bags.

Mark got up quickly, snatching them back, not meaning to be rude, "I-I got it. You've done so much already."

Jack shook his head and took them back, "yeah? And ya got fired yesterday. So tough shit, I'm carryin' them."

Then the green dyed hair male, walked out ignoring the protests of his best friend, who was shouting he could carry them.

Jack got to his small car and opened the boot of his black Coupe and put them in.

"Hop in." Jack said, smiling.

Nervously, Mark sat in the passenger seat thinking, 'shot gun!' and held back a fist bump.

All my friends are heathens, take it slow

Jack pulled up at his house, after the awkward and quiet car ride and they walked in, Mark now carrying the bags and started grinning.

"You can put your stuff in the room to the left." Jack said, pointing straight down the hall and then pointed to the left.

Mark nodded his thanks and walk down to the room, carrying his cheap and wrecked bags.

The half Korean man, walked the hall looking at all the pictures. By no means where they master pieces of majestic artwork, it's was only artwork of video game characters, which really shocked him. He knew Jack liked video games, but he had no idea Jack in fact, loved video games this much. He found the wooded door and grabbed the cold iron handle, turning it left. He opened it and a blast of cold air hit him, sending cold shivers down his spine.

He suddenly felt very nervous. But why should he feel nervous about staying here? It was only Jack. His friend. Darks murder buddy... maybe something more. Perhaps that's why he feels so awkward? The fact their darker sides, Anti and Dark, have fallen deeply in love with each other. Now, it wasn't the fact he didn't support LGBT, he did completely, however he has never known a gay man or lesbian women. Maybe he felt slightly weird about that? No, that isn't it, he felt awkward around Jack even before Anti and Dark became a thing.

'No, it couldn't be....' Mark thought, he finally figured it out, after all this time... Yet he didn't want to believe it. Even with all the links.

The first meeting they had, he thought Jack was cute, which soon turned into hotness. Anti and Dark, they slowly fell for each other. And now, both Mark and Jack are being awkward around each other.

He had no choice but to admit it, 'I'm in love with Jack....'

Watch it

It was finally night, both Anti and Dark ran out, hand in hand, smirking.

They made up for missing their murder activities last night, they killed three women, five men and one kid.

They left their mark, 'Dark and Anti '. The heart, taunting the family's victims and police.

Both killers walked out, Dark twirling the knife, which made blood fly off the sharp butchers blade. They sat down on a cold cheaper green bench.

Anti sighed and said, "I want my own body...."

The statement caught Dark off guard making he lose grip of the knife, which was sent flying into a car window, smashing it on impact and the loud alarm of the car began to blare out.

"What?" Was the only thing Dark could ask, too shocked to say anything else.

Anti sighed again, "you know what I said..."

Dark didn't really know how to respond, the statement from Anti came out of no where, they was just having fun together, not like that, thought Dark secretly wished they where, but they where instead killing people for fun and enjoying every minute of it, now it was a serious talk? He didn't like that... However, Anti is his boyfriend now, meaning there will be serious talks, but some hung so serious and yet, this soon?

"We could try and convince Mark to do the Ouija Board and get us bodies of our own?" Dark suggested after thinking it through.

Anti stopped and thought carefully and thoroughly, then finally nodded, liking the idea very very much.

Anti started grinning and he hugged him close, "I love you."

Dark blushed, they were so early into the relationship, he didn't know if he was comfortable repeating it, so he did what Sam Wheat, played by Patrick Swayze in the movie, Ghost had said.

Dark simply said, "ditto."

Confused, Anti asked, "what?"

"Ditto.... it means 'same'" Dark replied, slowly.

Anti slowly processed what Dark said and smiled and cuddled up to him, until sun rise.

Wait for them to ask you who you know

Jack got ready for the day and Mark was reading the newspaper, pant-less, looking for a job. Yet nothing sparked his interest.

Jack walked down tiredly and slumped and got himself some black coffee, then walked to his fridge which had a mirror on, which Mark jokes about saying Jack got it to check himself out in the morning, annoying Jack, upon looking at his reflection as he reached out to grab the handle and open it, he screamed and fell back with a thud, dropping the mug making it smash and the coffee went everywhere.

The loud thud and crash of Jack and the coffee cup was heard by Mark, grabbing his attention.

"Jack?!?!" Yelled Mark in worry, running to the kitchen in red slippers and stood on a piece of pottery and slipped falling next to Jack with a thud, just as loud as the Irish mans thud.

"Where're ya pants?!" Screeched Jack, in horror, upon seeing Mark with no bangs on, just red boxers with an old statement on the back, 'Tight ass!' And on the front 'big dick!' Yet, Jack, still couldn't help himself and blushed darkly.

"Home are where the pants aren't!" Mark argued, cheekily, not caring he was in front of Jack. Hey, if Jack is to be his roommate, he would have to get used to it. He never wore pants at home!

They remember Dark and Anti and quickly snapped their heads up to look back at the mirrored fridge.

There in the reflection, was Anti and Dark, both with a serious expression placed upon their faces. This worried both Mark and Jack, mostly Mark, since usually they had a dark, evil, sinister smirk on their faces and evil glint in their eyes. Now their faces are deadpanned and serious.

"Uh, what's wrong?" Mark asked, worriedly.

Dark sighed, "Mark do you think you could play one last game..."

Mark confused asked wearily, "what type of game?"

Dark paused knowing it would trigger Mark, the pause made the dyed red head worry more, "O-Ouija...." Dark stuttered out.

Marks eyes widened with shock and fear, which slowly turned to anger which masked his fear, "No. No! Last time I played that fucked up game, my friends kicked me out! I lost everything! Everything!!! Because you fucking came here! You fucking possessed me, you sick twisted fuck!"

Darks face dropped drastically.

"It's ok," Anti said, tying to calm Dark down and cheer him up and held Darks arm lovingly, "Jack can go and get the statue and open the second one and we can have our own bodies if he reads the incantation correctly."

Upon hearing this, Jack growled, "I'm not doing that shit! Last time that fuckin' happened, my life turned upside down and fucked up!"

Anti's hope was lost and his warm features on his face dropped, "please? We want bodies of our own."

"No! And that's my final answer!" Jack snarled.

Anti and Dark snarled.

"Fine." Hisses Anti.

"We'll make your lives a living hell." Dark hissed.

They vanished.

Mark's hand found Jack's and held it, Jack blushed and squeezed the other mans hand gently.

Why'd you come, you knew you should have stayed
I tried to warn you just to stay away
And now they're outside ready to bust
It looks like you might be one of us

There Mark and Jack stood, hand in hand staring at Dark and Anti, who also stood hand in hand and in a phantom look form.

All four with a gun in hand, aiming at the opposite, their dark alter egos and the bright alter egos.

They all shot just missing their heads, shooting the men behind the other.

"There are your bodies." Mark said as Jack, wrapped his hand around the mans waist.

Dark nodded his thanks and Anti smiled.

"Thanks for stoppin' those guys...." Jack muttered nervously, Mark just had to feel bad for their darker selves, didn't he?

"It's ok! Besides! You two are a cute couple!" Squealed Anti, gushing at the sight of Jack and Mark being all cute with each other.

"Thanks for playing Ouija, Mark." Dark said,

"It's fine, I don't mind having demons and ghosts on my tail." Mark joked lightly, rubbing his neck nervously and making quick glances, checking to see if he was safe of not.

Dark, then vanished into the mans body, who had dark brown hair, muscles and tanned skin and stubble beard with a name tag 'Anthony' on.

Jack possessed the other, who had light brown hair, chubbier and smaller then the other and every stubblier beard, he believed he heard the other man call him, 'Ian'.

Mark looked at the black man and blonde muscular man, "what do we do with them, babe?"

Jack shrugged and pulled him off, "Anti and Dark got those two."

Dark and Anti, now in the new bodies, dragged the other bodies off, smirking evilly.

Mark looked at Jack.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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