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"Where's Yammi!?" Shouted Mark in full on panic mode.

"How am I supposed ta know?" Asked the Irish man, Jack.

"Guys we need to get rid of him." Said Wade looking over to his best friend Bob who had been acting quite suspicious.

"Guys, Yanmi is dead!!!" Screamed Bob.

The three male's looked at Bob and saw Yammi's cold lifeless body net to the larger man.

"I knew it..." Mumbled Wade "we need to kill him, now!" He continued.

The innocent men hid behind a couch.

"Guys I'm not the killer!" Shouted Bob, frantically looking for his friends.

"Yeah well tell that to Yammi's corpse!!" Shouted Jack.

"Sh!" Shushed Mark and Wade.

Then out of no where Bob popped up.

"Guys really!" Bob said pulling out a gun. "Guys really honestly I'm not the killer I know who it is it's-"


Bob's pale cold body dropped to the floor blood oozing out of his head.

Jack turned and saw "M-Mark?"

Wade looked and saw Mark holding a gun shaking.

"Mark it was you?" Questioned Wade "YOU JUST KILLED MY BEST FRIEND HOW DARE YOU!!!!" Screamed Wade.

"Guys I'm not the killer!" Shouted Mark with obvious panic.

"Yeah tell that to Bob's corpse" Jack said.

"Guys I was with you Wade or with Jack, but Bob always worked alone or with Jack." Said Mark.

Wade came to realise this was true.

And then they came to realise something... Three people all suspects and one has a gun.

Mark is the one who will choose to get killed.

"Mark, I was either with Bob you or Yammi." Said Wade now trying to convince his grind he was innocent.

"Mark, when have I ever let you down?" Asked Jack now scared Mark would kill him.

"Come on Mark we've known each other longer than Jack had known you" said Wade.

"Yeh but I love him and plus never let him down." Said Jack.

"Mark please..."

"You know I'm innocent..."




Jack froze and heard a thud he looked to his left and saw Wade on the floor, bleeding from his stomach and could hear Marks heavy breaths of panic.

Mark dropped the gun and kicked it by mistake and it slid to Jack.

Mark looked at Jack with panic and fear.

"It wasn't Wade, it was you."

Jack smirked and Mark dove for the gun only for Jack to stand on it.

The Irish man knocked the American to the floor leaving Mark lying down but pushed up with his arms. Mark slowly got up again and backed up into a wall and winced on the small impact.

Jack picked up a sword and aimed it for marks stomach.

"I can't believe it was you, I-I trusted you!" Shouted Mark and sobbed.

"Sorry lover boy but I do love you" said Jack aiming the sword down.

Jack walked forward and puckered up his lips.

Mark blushed but did the same and Jack moved forward and kissed him.

Mark kissed back.

It was sweet for a second until he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

Jack moved back a smirk on his lips, locking off the blood from Mark's mouth.

Mark's eyes widened at the pain and sight he looked down only to go pale.

"J-Jack w-why?" Stuttered Mark running out of breath from the sword wound that Jack had driven though him when they kissed.

"I love you Mark, night night" said Jack.

"I love y-you t-too" said Mark and died.


"Jack you act like an actual killer" said Yammi

"Yeah it's kinda uncomfortable." Dado Wade.

"Jack was the killer! I tried to tell you but noooooo, let's kill Bob!" The said man said with frustration.

Jack laughed and looked at Mark through Skype.

"You killed me and I trusted you" said Mark refusing to believe that Jack just did that.

"Don't cry Markimoo." Said Jack.

Mark looked at Jack with hurt and betrayal.

And though they confined played Jack remembered the words "I love you too."

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