One of Us

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(This does contain a few Spoilers for the movie Suicide Squad and I would like to apologise for that. But it's nothing major! It doesn't give away the plot! I promise!)

Markiplier, also known as Mark, was in his lone cage, cell, in Dr. Bumbee's Asylum. Remind me to ask how the asshole is a doctor. He hung upside down on cloth that was tied to the cage.

A guard walked through the door, shaking.

"Bob? How ya doing?!" Laughed Mark, looking at the missing ear on the man.

All he did was bite the guys ear off, is that so bad?

'Bob' stopped shaking, now showing balls. He walked up to the cage.

"Are you gonna get down from there?" He asked, watching Mark smirk and slither down.

"Hi." Smirked Mark, crawling to the cage and holding the bars.

"You shouldn't really touch the cage." Bob said, to which Mark smirked at.

"This cage?" He asked the licking a bar.

Bob smirked and made a signal.

In a second the bars shocked Mark with electric pulse and made him fly back.


He sat with his family at the dining table.

"Well, what do you want me to do?!" Screamed his Mother.

"How about not be a bitch?!" Shouted his Father.

Mark looked at the meal in front of him, a meatloaf dinner, that looked like it just came from his school lunches from the canteen.

"I'm done!" She screamed, slamming her plate on the table, ignoring the curses from her husband.

Mark sat silently, looking at the door every few seconds, trying to see if his brother had returned from his friends. His parents where fighting and when they did, if either boy set a foot out of line, they would be spanked. Harder than usual.

Marks brother ran through the door.

"Sorry I'm late." He stated, feeling the tension in the room,

"Upstairs." His Father demanded making the boy gulp.

Mark looked down eating his meatloaf, ignoring the world around him and his brother was sent upstairs and was slapped by his Father.

Loud 'slaps' and 'thwacks'.


Mark got back up, screamed and ran at the bars. He head butted them and fell back again, unconscious.

Mark hadn't noticed the man standing in the doorway, looking at him silently.

"You'll be working with him." Bob claimed, looking at the newbie.

"Are ya mad?! He's- he's nuts! Bonkers! Off his head!" The man screamed, an Irish accent visible.

"It's not my fault Mr.McLoughlin."

"Call me Jack, everyone does."


Mark woke up with a banging headache.

"Glad to see your up, Mark." Said an Irish accent.

Mark scowled, "only my friends call me Mark."

The man sat on a chair facing the cage, "then what do I call you?"

Mark smirked, "Markiplier." Mark looked at the man.

Green hair, pale face, not as pale as his, blue eyes...

"But I'll make an acceptation for you darling." He said, standing up and walking to the bars, bars grabbing hold of them again.

The Irish mans cheeks blushed, but decided to go with 'Markiplier', just to make sure he wasn't angered.

Mark eyed the man, "are you the devil?"

"My names Seán McLoughlin, but you can call me Jack."

Mark laughed, "Hahaha!!! That's nothing like Seán!"

Jack sighed, "yes but, Seán means John, which means Jack."

"That makes no sense." The red head said, dropping to the floor, in a sitting position.

Jack looked at the man, red hair, brown eyes, huge bags, pale skin as if he'd painted his face white, a nose ring, a tattoo of the word 'evil' of his cheek and a swirl on his collar bone'

"Markiplier, I want you to know, don't treat me like a Doctor. Treat me like a friend."

Marks eyes lingered on the man, "Ok, Jack."

"I want to hear about you, then I'll tell you about me." Jack smiled, "is that ok?"

Mark scoffed, "What like Harley Quinn and Joker? You asking about my past life and I make up some bullshit."

"Actually, nothing like that. Just your hobbies and favourite things, bands, music, colours, you get my drift." Jack smiled at the psycho.

"I don't listen to music, I think it's stupid and waste of time." Mark said.

"Dude, seriously? Not even Beyoncé?" Jack asked in shock.

The red head raised an eyebrow, "who?"

"She's one of the most flawless women of all time!" Jack said, envy in his voice.

"I guess the only music I like, is the screams of people I kill!" Mark laughed, his laughter changing tones and cackling.

"My favourite colour is green... And that's not because it's your hair colour."

Jack simply looked at the man, "I thought it would be red." Basically signalling his hair colour and the fact he's killed thousands.

Mark smiled widely, "you might be insane Jack!"

"What's your hobbies?" Jack asked, writing everything he heard down.

"Killing people!" Giggled Mark, insanely.

"Ok, anything besides killing people," Jack asked, tapping his pen lightly.

Mark eyed his pen, seeing it's sharp point, "video games."

Jack looked at Mark, "favourite video game?"

"I can't decide, but if I had to pick, it would have to be 'Magic Carpet 2'."

Jack nodded writing it down.

"How was you caught?" Jack asked, hoping he hadn't pissed off his patient.

Mark sat in silence, a blank look on his face.


Mark and his boyfriend Aaron was in a car, going at least 150mph.

Mark laughed, "this is so exciting!!!"

"Always is with you, Marky!" Laughed Aaron.

There was a loud 'thud' on top of the car. Only one person who that could be.

"Vol!!!" Screeched Mark, picking up a gun, "your ruining date night!!!" He shot the roof of the car five times.

Aaron laughed and drove faster and faster.

Mark looked forward, "babe?" Horror in his eyes.

"Your aiming for a wall!!!!"

Aaron jumped out and rolled as the car hit the wall and Mark went through the window.

Vol fixed his mask so nobody could see his brown bowl hair and blue eyes.

He jumped down and picked Mark up, who was knocked out and brought him to Bumbee's.


He glared at the green haired man.

Jack saw the look, "you don't have to tell me, I understand I don't deserve to know. I'm sorry for asking so soon." His voice full of sincerity.

Mark's glare softened, "whatever. are you gonna tell me about you?"

"Red is my favourite colour-"

"Is my hair that fabulous?" Mark joked.

Jack laughed, but stopped, realising it was unprofessional to laugh at joke and sick patient made, "no, I just like it. My hobbies are video games too, I like, 'Shadow of the Colossus'. My favourite band is 'Hair Band' and my favourite song is 'The Hit.'"

Mark stared at the man, he smiled, insanely.

"Jack, your not like most Doctors. I do hope we'll be seeing each other in the future."

Jack eyed the caged man, "you will, don't worry. My time is up, I'll be back tomorrow. Do you want me to get you anything?"

Marks eyes lit up, "chicken and dumplings."

Jack knew if he said he couldn't, there would be no trust.

"I'll bring them tomorrow." He got up and smiled at the man and walked off.

Mark looked at the retreating man, "get rid of the pen."

Jack turned around, "what?"

"Use a blunt pencil, the people here a bad guys, psychos, the pen is sharp, they'll use it as a weapon and kill you."

Jack nodded his thanks and walked off.


As promised Jack came back the next day, with the chicken and dumplings and had a blunt pencil.

He walked into the room with Marks cell in, only to be greeted with Mark pounding away and some guard who went in and tried to fight him.

"Markiplier, please stop hurting the man." Jack asked, in a soft voice.

Mark stopped and let go of the man, who ran out and slammed the cage doors shut.

"He was trying to floss my brain!" Screamed Mark, his hand point to the man.

Jack looked at the man, "electric chair."

Jack shook his head, "you are not electrocuting my friend." He warned, a glare on his features.

His glare was stone cold and was actually scary, the guard gulped and backed away slowly until he was eventually out of the room.

"You know, you could be one of us." Mark smirked, leaning his back on the cage.

"I brought you, your chicken and dumplings." He said, sliding the food through the cage holes.

Mark grasped the mans hand, Jack nearly screamed, but knew he'd be showing his fear.

"Thank you." Mark said, squeezing the males hand lightly and moved his hand back and started to slowly eat the food.

"Your welcome, Markiplier." Jack said and sat on the chair.

"So, Markiplier, mind telling me some stories? Like, before you got here?"

Mark looked at the man and smiled insanely, "well, ever heard of the girl called Mary Lee?"

Jack nodded.

"Well, she and I were hanging out and the bar. We partied, she drunk a little too much and her friends offered to walk her home, she denied and stumbled home herself. Her, being under the influence of alcohol, allowed me to join her, I walked her and stirred her away from her house and into an abandoned house, in which my boyfriend was waiting for me in. I walked her and knocked her out. Her family must have called the police or something because three days later, she was claimed missing. Me and my boyfriend, we tortured her, she stayed optimistic and hopeful until, Aaron showed her the news paper clipping of her being claimed dead, since she's been gone that long and she broke. Poor dear," Mark started to laugh, "we felt so sorry for her, that we decided to just end her right there and then. As a gift we wrapped her body up and sent it to her family." He laughed loudly, an insane smile upon his face.

Jack wrote it all down, "any others?"

"Well, me and LordMinion777 robbed a bank. Bumbee's bank. The place had over $30,000,000 dollars! Over 25,000,000 Karrot Gold! Over 4,000,000 pure silver! Over 400 pounds of rubies! Over 600 pounds of diamonds! We spent it on a new place, equipment, food... Everything we needed, we had!" Mark smirked, gloating.

"Anything else?" Jack asked, writing it down.

"There was a time where I kidnapped another girl, Suzie Swan. But we just tortured her and broke her spirit and killed herself." Mark shrugged.

Jack wrote it down, "you set fire to the Johnsons house."

"Why yes, I did. The bastard didn't pay the $2,000,000 dollars he said he would, If I killed his bitch ass wife." Mark complained.

"What did you feel during all this?" Jack asked.

"Happiness, anger, sanity." Mark listed.

"It's all one big joke." Smiled Mark, "what about you? Done anything bad in your life?"

Jack looked at the man, "something naughty, but nothing as bad as you."

"Like?" Urged Mark.

"I skipped maths class once, considering my girlfriend cheated on me with another guy and the guy was in my maths class and I would have strangled him... I actually ended up strangling him the next day and punched the bitch in the face." Jack said, shrugging.

"Not as bad, your right, but still bad." Mark smirked.

"You sure your not one of us?" He asked, to which Jack replied with, "I'm sure."

Mark slid the paper plate through the bars, "done." He said.

Jack smiled and took the plate, "do you need anything for tomorrow?" He asked.

Mark paused, "a punching bag and punching gloves would be nice."

Jack smiled, "I'll do my best Markiplier."

He walked off, before he shut the door he heard Marks voice.

"Call me Mark, all my friends do."

Jack smiled and blushed and shut the door.


Jack arrived back home with the punching bag and gloves. He'd brought green as it was Marks favourite colour and thought it would liven the place up.

He sat on his bed and laid down.

His mind drifted to Mark.

There was no point denying he found the American man attractive and charming and dashing and gorgeous and hot and- oh- he had realised, he's fallen madly in love with him.

This wasn't good, falling in love with a psycho. A Doctor! Falling in love! With his patient!

He closed his eyes, Mark plaguing his thoughts.

Wait, Mark said he had a boyfriend called Aaron... What happened?


Mark lay on his back waiting for Jack. He missed his Irish Doctor. It was quiet with out him.

He closed his eyes, waiting for him.

Marks mind began to wandered.

Where did his mind take him? To his boyfriend...


Mark and his boyfriend, Aaron, also known as Yamimash, was at a stripper club.

Mark was working and grinding the pole. Jumping up and gripping it and then wrapping his legs around it and bending backwards. Licking the pole.

The men eyed him like a piece of meat. Marks eyes wandered through the club and his eyes stopped on the man he dated.


He was talking to a scrawny looking man, who had brown hair and ear piercings, who was eyeing Mark up.

"You like what he's doing there Nate?"

The said male shook his head, 'no.'

Aaron made a gesture at Mark, to come to him.

Mark obeyed and strutted over, his hips swaying.

"Hi babe." Mark said, smirking.

"Nate do you want a... Private dance?" Aaron asked.

Mark sat on Nate's lap.

"Nah man, he's your man."

"Awe, you don't like me?" Mocked Mark, moving his hips a bit.

Nate bit back a moan, "you crazy bitch!" He yelled and shoved him off.

Mark fell and was helped up by Aaron.

"Did you just call him a bitch?" He growled.

Nate gulped, realising his mistake.

"No! No! No!" He panicked.

Aaron held up his gun.

"Please! I-I-"



Mark gasped and shot up.

He looked to his left and saw Jack sat on a chair, "are you ok? You was having a moment..."

"I'm fine Jack..."

"So Mark, do you mind telling me who Aaron is?"

"Aaron, the bastard! He's my ex-boyfriend. We used to do everything together. We'd rob, steal, kill... Then one day, on our date night.... We was riding in our car and then Vol.... He jumped on our car and I shot the stop... Aaron, he ran into a wall. He jumped out, I went through the window."

Jack had wrote it down.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I got you the punching bag and punching gloves... It's in your favourite colour too!"

Mark smiled, a true and happy smile.

"Thank you, Jack... You might be nuts for giving me these."

Bob came in, "Ok, here's the keys." Handing Jack the keys.

Mark gave off a confused look.

"He's going to let me go in your cell." Jack said.

Mark nodded and watch Jack unlock his cage.

Bob moved forward and held up a gun as Jack walked in.

Mark sat in the middle and watched as Jack tied the punching bag to the top.

Mark got up and walked to Jack, Bob help up his gun.

Jack saw and made a 'wait' signal.

Mark walked closer to Jack and hugged him.

"I've missed giving hugs." Mark mumbled, a small blush on his cheeks.

Jack hugged back, a deep blush on his, "it's ok, it's ok."

"McLoughlin! Get a move on!" Bob yelled.

Jack pulled back and walked out locking the cage again.

Bob walked out, leaving the patient and Doctor.

"Why didn't you run?" Jack asked.

"Because I enjoy your company..."

"Can you tell me your family life?" Jack asked.

Mark shook his head, "tell me yours."

"I was born February 7th 1990. I two big sisters and two big brothers. The sister born before me turned out to be my best friend. I used to climb on the tree outside and there used to be a rope on it and I would swing on it. I always pretended I was Spider Man, except I almost broke my neck on it." Jack laughed "I got straight A's and A+'s and AA+'s. I did get bullied a lot for that, but I had a few friends. We played video games and then me and some others actually made a band. I was the drummer. We made albums and preformed. It was awesome! I remember, I hurt my eye and it became infected, so I called it SepticEye and then everyone called me JackSepticEye. So, my life was ok." Jack said, smiling.

Mark looked down, "no yours." Jack said.

"I was born on June 28th 1989. My Mother and Father fought a lot, they stopped caring for me and my brother at a young age. They did slap us, only harder when angry or dunk. They cursed a lot too... They got a divorce. My Dad remarried. The girl wasn't any better, she was always high. My Father one day, came home and handed me a piece of paper. He basically had cancer... He died when I was young,
leaving me with the words 'I love you... So much.' Everything fell apart. My Mother was killed, I don't know how. My Step-Mom left. My brother was killed by a drunk driver... My grades dropped. I had no friends. A week after my brothers death I went mad. A guy named David came up to me and said he was sorry. He was the guy who killed my brother. I shoved him in an alley and I killed him... I couldn't help it!!! It felt good... So I ended up doing it again... A few years later I ran into Yamimash and we fell in love... And then... You know the rest."

Jack sat in silence then spoke, "well, your not alone anymore." He said walk up to the bars and reaching his hand in and took Mark's hand.

"You have me."

Bob entered the room, "you can go now McLoughlin!"

Jack let go and stood up, "do you want anything?"

"I want a small lion teddy..." Mark said, feeling small.

"I will Mark." Jack smiled lightly and walked away.


The next day Jack walked in with the small teddy Mark wanted and walked through the door.

He saw Mark punching away at the bag and heard him singing, "I love Senpia! Yes I do! He's for me! Not for you!"


The red head turned around and smiled, "hey, Jackaboy!"

Jack smiled, "hi Markimoo. I brought you your lion." He said moving it slightly.

Mark walked over, swaying his hips and took it.

"Thank you, that's ever so kind."

"So Mark, how are you?"

"Oh I'm fine! Much better now that your here."

Jack blushed, "how come?"

"Not only are you cute, but your beautiful, funny and your helping me... But there is just one thing I need from you." Mark said.

Jack moved closer, "what?"

Mark made an action to come closer.

Jack moved closer, "yes?"

Mark grabbed hold of Jack's face and kissed him, shocking Jack, but soon melted into it.

He pulled back, "get me machine guns."


Jack did and a bunch of men in mask ran in, shooting everyone.

Screams and bodies surrounded Bumbee's.

Three guys grabbed hold of Jack, to his surprise.

"Hey!!! Let me go!!!" He screamed, thrashing about, flailing his arms around and kicking his legs.

They threw him on a table and tied him up as he struggled and screamed.

He struggled and tried to pull on the bounds as the men started to take his shirt off and unbutton his pants.

They cheered and shouted and then everything stopped.

He looked up and saw Markiplier walk in, in a red flannel, blue jeans and black shoes.

"Hi Jackaboy. It's time for my toys."  He said, standing over Jack.

"Are you ready?"

Jack gulped and held back his screams, "ready for what?"

"To become my JackSeptiEye."

Jack knew it was wrong, oh so wrong. But he knew his feelings, he knew, at the end of the day, he would give his life up just to be with this man. He would treat him far better than Aaron ever did! He snapped, he loved Mark, that's all that matters.

He looked at Mark and giggled, shocking Mark but Mark smiled widely.

"What are you gonna do? You gonna kill me Markimoo? I can take it." He giggled, looking at the man he loved. Jack smiled wildly and insane look in his eyes.

Mark smirked and pecked Jacks lips, he picked up too objects that had an electrical pulse in and out the together, at first nothing happened, so he did it a few times more, he did it one more time making them spark suddenly, which made his jump slightly.

"What? Oh... I'm not gonna kill ya... No, no. I'm just gonna hurt ya... Really... Really... Bad."

He put them to the side of Jack's head, making Jack's brain fry and frizzle. Jack jolted from side to side.

That day, he became, JackSepticEye.

"I told you, you'd become one of us."

"You was right."

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