The Forest (Part 2)

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"WHY?! FUCK MY LIFE!!!!!! OH GOD KILL ME!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!" And a thud and what sounded like crying.


Jack was confused.

He had heard that voice from somewhere before... But where?!


Jack felt sorry for this person.

It sounded like they was in obvious pain, he wanted to go and comfort them.

Jack looked down and saw a guy with a pink jumper, the guys head was down so he couldn't see... But he could see the red hair.

Jack, thought it could have been Mark. But why?!

Why would it be Mark Edward Fischbach?

Mark Edward Fischbach, the most popular boy in school.

Mark Edward Fischbach, the guy who's slept and dated every girl.

Mark Edward Fischbach, the guy which female teachers are actually attracted to.

Mark Edward Fischbach, the heartbreaker at school who people, still love.

Mark Edward Fischbach, the guy who parties to much and gets wasted.

Mark Edward Fischbach, the guys who lies.

Mark Edward Fischbach, the bad child in school.

Mark Edward Fischbach, his bully.

Why would Mark, be out here in the forest, screaming about how his life is fucked up?

Why would Mark, be out here in the forest, crying about his life?

Why would Mark, be out here, when he good be at home?

Why would Mark, be out here, when he could be with Bob or Wade?

So Jack the rules it down to 'that not being Mark'.

So with Jack knowing, it wasn't Mark, he silently and slowly climbed down the tree.

He got on the ground with a soft and quiet thud and crunch.


"Um excuse me? Sir, you ok?" Asked Jack.

The screaming man stopped in surprise and fright.

'Why?! Why him?!' Thought the man.

Jack looked concerned for the stranger.

"Who are you? I'm Sean William McLoughlin. But you can call me Jack."

The screaming man, sighed.

"I'm..... Mark Edward Fischbach. I'm your bully." Sighed Mark as he turned around to face the Irish teenager.

Jack looked scared but soon remembered, Mark was screaming and crying before!

And Mark still has read puffy eyes.

"Mark, you was just crying and screaming about your supposed Fucked up life!" Stated Jack.

"I don't cry! And I never said that Fuckward!" Mark grumbled.

"Again with the name calling." Jack said, sighing... He'd heard all the names before and now it's just boring.

"So you got that homework Dickhead?!" Shouted Mark.

"Fischbach, stop with this! Why was you crying about your supposed fucked up life?" Asked Jack with seriousness.

"I don't cr-"

"Bullshit! When you was five, you probably- NO! You have cried when you was five! I don't know what at, but you have!" Shouted Jack, he knew Mark had been crying, but he didn't understand why Mark thought his life was messed up.

In fact, Jack thought Marks life was a delight. Having all those friends, not caring, his family letting him do what he wants.

Mark stood in shock at Jacks outburst.

"Alright! I was crying! You tell anyone about it and I will beat you up at dinner!" Shouted Mark, backing him into a tree.

Jack rolled his eyes, "You mean like... Everyday?" He asked.

Mark stood in silence.

He knew that, that threat meant nothing to Jack, Mark beats Jack up day in and day out.

"They won't believe you anyway!" Glared Mark.

"How do you know? They could." Replied Jack, smirking.

He knew he had Mark now.

"Dammit!" Muttered Mark as he ran his fingers threw his blood red hair.

"Why was you screaming out you supposed fucked up life?" Asked Jack.

Mark stood still, he didn't want the loser, the kid he bullies, Jack William McLoughlin, that Mark Edward Fischbach, is in fact, a loser, he gets bullied himself, his 'friends' aren't really friends, his family problems, he didn't want to tell Jack anything.

"You should live my life. Now my life is fucked up." Said Jack as he leaned against a tree.

Mark looked at the tree green haired boy.

"What do you mean?" Asked Mark in a whispered voice, as if, he was afraid to ask.

If truth be told, Mark wasn't scared... He was petrified! Mark knew Jacks life was fucked up, because of Marks constant bullying.

"Well, for starters, you. Your my bully." Started Jack as he slid down the tree.

Mark looked down at Jack, not wanting him to continue.

"Then there is your friends who join in with the taunts and threats and bullying and beatings." Sighed Jack.

Mark sat in front of Jack, looking down, ashamed.


Mark looked back at Jack.


Jack couldn't finish.

"What Jack? You are what?!" Urged Mark.


"You're... Angry?" Asked Mark.

Jack shook his head 'no'.

"You're... Sad?" Mark asked.

"I'm... depressed." Whispered Jack.

Marks world crashed around him.

"Why?" Was the dreaded question, both Mark and Jack didn't want to hear come for the red hair'd boys mouth.

And both Jack and Mark, didn't really want an answer.

"I'm, bisexual, ok? Those girls that I dated, broke up with me after they found out I was bisexual! I have no friends, everyone wants me dead! I'm a nerd which means people hate me more! My family, thank god, still care about me... but too much. I want your family. I want to live your life! Your carefree life." Jack answered, sadly.

Mark looked at him in shock.

"You, want to live my life?" Whispered Mark as he slowly moved next to Jack to sit next to him.

"Well, yeah! Everyone loves you! And your straight!" Said Jack.

'I'm not... I'm gay.' Thought Mark, saddened that Jack wanted to live his life.

"Why was you out here, crying? And not out with your friends?" Asked Jack.

"My friends? What frien- OH! My friends! Yeah, I uh wanted to be alone."

"Bullshit!" Scolded Jack.


Mark looked at Jack in wonder.

"You was screaming about you wondering why you was friends with them." Said Jack, in a matter of fact tone.

"I'm... I... Why.... You...." Stuttered Mark.

Jack looked at Mark as if to say 'confess'.

Mark looked down.

"My... 'Friends' aren't really, my friends. I hang out with them because....." Started Mark.

"Mark? Can you tell me?" Asked Jack carefully, placing a comforting hand on the red hair'd kids shoulder.

"How long have you got?" Asked Mark, quietly.

"As long as I need." Replied Jack.

"Well, OK. You was right... I did cry when I was five. At the age of five, my father died of cancer. His last words being 'I love you... so much.' As I moved into high school, I was... considered, a nerd. I'm a grade A student, well... Was. And I still am sometimes, although I hide it. The reason why I hang around those idiots, is because. One day I was at school and this kid, I think his name was Jesse and his girlfriend Jeana, they disrespected my father so, I punched Jesse and scared Jeana and then I was considered popular, I started flunking, being the bad kid. But they still hate me. I hate them. I hang out with so they don't bully me... And they threaten me if I don't bully you... You don't want my life! Fake friends, having to bully, hiding your grades, an abusive mum, suicidal thoughts, being even more bullied, and hiding your sexuality-"

"Wait what?! Sexuality? Abusive Mum? Dead Father? Fake friends, suicidal?!" Jack said with panic in his voice.

"Oops I said to much." Said Mark.

"Mark, although you've bullied me... I want to be your friend."

Mark sat looking at Jack.

"What? Are you serious?" Asked Mark in shock.

"Yeah, so what sexuality are you?" Asked Jack.

"Uh, gay... I slept with those girls so they could think I'm straight." Whispered Mark.

Jack smiled.

"So you want help with the homework?" Asked Jack.

"Nah, I think I got it. Oh uh... Here's my number." Mark said blushing lightly as he passed it to Jack.

Jack blushed as he took it.

"Thanks." Said Jack adding in the number and texting Mark right away.

Hey, it's Jack.

Mark read the text and smiled.

"Hey, uh... I should go. My mums probably worried." Said Jack, standing up.

"Ok bye Jack!" Mark said, smiling as Jack walked off.

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