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I'm so sorry for taking so long! When I was almost done with this chapter and my phone did a weird thing so it got deleted. It's a longer chapter then usual. Hope you like it! Bye bye !

Mark's POV

I keep looking at the sealing. I am so bored, but I can't do anything. There are no TVs here because people who have a mental problem apparently can't handle screens. I'm just counting the the lines on the sealing. 145... 146... . Oh god this is so boring. I'm also not allowed to talk to other people in the room because I'm 'mentally not right', like they say it and I might make it worse for others. I personally think that it would make it worse to get isolated, but who am I to say that right ? So I just keep counting lines and keep quiet. The nurse that forced me back into my bed told other nurses that I have a little anger problem (I don't !) ant that they should keep an eye on me. This is the most annoying thing she could've done, because when I even move an inch, a nurse will come up to me to 'calm me down'. Like I don't see the syringe in their pocket to 'calm me down' (get me unconscious) when I get angry. I will just have to wait until late in the evening. After a day of doing literally nothing they probably won't keep an eye on me the whole time. I will sneak out to get to Jack.

Jacks POV

I've given up on asking about Mark. They won't answer me or they'll tell me that I can't get to him because of my condition. I can sit up now, it still hurts though. I'm looking at the TV. There's some reality show on it, but I'm not really paying attention. The nurses here are not that smart. They think I can't hear them talk about how worrying my behaviour about Mark is. Is it that weird that I wanna have the man I love close to me ? I keep staring at the screen. I like reality shows. Especially if they're really bad. I love it to point out everything that's bad about the show, especially together with Mark. How would he be ? I hope he's okay. He is probably furious about the fact that he's at mental health care. I giggle a little by the idea of Mark screaming at a nurse. The nurses in my room immediately looked at me, like I just screamed that I was dying. I hate it. They won't leave me alone and they won't answer me. They are also clearly done with me, they keep switching the nurses. That's no surprise though. I'm being very rude and I know it, I just don't care. As long as they won't tell me anything about where Mark is and how he's doing, I will stay very rude and annoying. They'll just have to deal with me.

I look at the clock on the wall opposite me. It's 6:30 p.m. and I'm getting hungry. I hope they'll get my food soon, even though I hate hospital food. I'm so done with this. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to walk. I hope it goes well so Mark and I can leave soon. We still can't be at the same place for long, but I know that Mark can keep us save. I smile. He might have become my hero. I started blushing by the thought and I was giggling. I probably looked like a little girl who just heard that her crush likes her back.
The nurses noticed that I was acting weird, they walked up to me and started checking everything. My smile faded. I didn't look at them unless u had to. "How are you feeling Mr. Smith?" One of the male nurses asked. "Fine, can you go away and give me so space." I answered bored. The nurse was clearly offended, but I know that he isn't allowed to hurt or scream at patients. I looked at him in a deadly way and they walked back to the other people at the other side of the room. Mark, please get here soon.

Marks POV

why is time so slow when your waiting for something. Thanks to the fact that I've been listening to the nurses I now know that most of them leave at 8 p.m. and there will be two keeping an eye on us. Escaping from two nurses is way easier than escaping eight. It's about 7:10 p.m. right now, so I don't have to wait that long anymore. I've counted the lines on the sealing at least 4 times now. There are 784 lines. I'm so bored, but listening to the nurses is kinda helping me trough it. On the mental health care there are especially many female nurses. They are gossiping the whole time, and it's pretty much fun to listen to them. They clearly think I'm like the guy next to me and don't hear them, but I'm not mentally ill in any way.

A few hours ago, I was so bored that I got an idea. A really bad one. I was thinking 'what would happen if I started screaming ?' So I did. It was kinda funny to look at it. I screamed and all the nurses started to run around and grab things, screaming commands at each other. I was just kinda looking at them and smiling. I could cause so much panic here, just by screaming. When they got to me, they saw that there was nothing wrong with me and I got called a 'bad boy' again. I'm not 10 anymore, but okay.
7:15 p.m.
The nurses got me some food. Hospital food isn't that great, but it is food. On the mental health section, they only get soup, because we can't eat normal food. Such bullshit. They even wanted to feed me. "Come on Mr. Smith. Open your mouth." Well, I did open my mouth. Not to get fed, but to say: "I can hold a spoon, thanks. Could you give me space now." While saying that, I grabbed the spoon out of the nurses hands. She looked really offended at me and I looked back with a daring look.' Come on, scream at me. I know your not allowed to. ' The nurse stood there for a few seconds, probably calling me a few horrible insults in her head, but she kept calm and walked away. After that, I could hear her talking about how I was such a horrible patient and how she didn't want to take care of me anymore. I smiled. Glad she felt the same way.

After dinner, they took my bowl without saying a word and I started looking at the sealing again. It was almost 8:00 p.m. I only have to wait a few more minutes. Most of the nurses already left and instead of eight, there where three now. I kept listening to them. I heard one of them leaving and we where told to go to sleep. Than the lights turned off and the nurses left the room. They would keep an eye on us trough cameras. I waited a few minutes after they left to make sure they didn't come back, then I sat up. I looked at the clock. 8:14 p.m. I knew that Jack was on the 5th floor room 45, but I don't know on what floor I am. It didn't really matter though, the numbers where on the walls at the stairs and of course on on the buttons in the elevators.

I slowly got out of the bed. I needed my own clothes. They had put me in some weird kind of enormous, blue shirt. I knew they where in the closet at the other side of the room. Very quietly, so I didn't wake up anyone, I sneaked to the closet. When I had my own clothes back on , I looked at the girl I had talked to. I saw her drawings lying on the ground. I got closer and grabbed one of the drawings. It was an angel with a black wing and a white wing. The angel looked happy. When I looked at her other drawings, I noticed they where all angels. All with black and white. "Do you like them?" The whispering voice scared me to death. I dropped the drawings and walked a few steps back. I saw the girl sitting up on the bed, looking at me with big friendly eyes. "Sorry" she whispered. " I didn't mean to scare you." I walked back to her bed. "You are a very good artist, you know. Where did you learn that?" I knew I had to go to Jack, but this girl was lonely and very nice company. I wanna talk to her at least once. "I learned it myself. The nurses keep saying it's a useless skill." She looked down. Her voice sounded sad. I felt anger coming up. How dare they push a girl down like that! She is already in mental health care for fucks sake! "They are lying. Drawing is one of the most awesome skills. They are just jealous." I whispered. We had to keep quiet. She looked up. Hope was clearly visible in her eyes. "Really? You think so ?" I smiled. "I'm sure." She smiled too. She had a beautiful smile. I felt sorry to say this." I'm really sorry, but I have to go." She looked curious. "Where are you going?" I looked at her. I can trust her. "I'm going to see the boy I love." I smiled and looked down while saying this. I rushed my hand trough my hair. It felt awesome to say that out loud. She smiled at me and pulled me in a hug. I hugged back. She whispered in my ear. "Good luck." And the she let go and pretended to be asleep.

Apparently, they don't expect us to break out, because the door wasn't even locked. I walked trough the hallway. The lights where shining bright here and there where doctors and nurses walking around. Not that much though, I can hide from them. I found the stairs and saw that I'm on the third floor. I started walking up the stairs with my hands in my pockets. Everything was going really easy. I smiled when I got on the fifth floor. I knew where to go. Then I heard someone scream; "COME BACK YOU ANNOYING TWAT!" I recognized that voice. It way the only nurse that had stayed with me the whole time and was at least as annoying as I am. She was running up the stairs, what was surprising because she wasn't skinny. I started running too and hid behind one of the pillars that where in front of the enormous windows. She ran past and I looked at the room numbers. I was standing at room 39. I started walking again and quickly found room 45. Happiness was flowing trough me. I grabbed the door handle and was thinking about sleeping next to Jack again. I tried to open the door. I tried. It was locked. I cursed. What am I supposed to do now?! Tears started rolling down my face. I stood with my back to the wall and was slowly sliding down until I sat down with my head on my knees and my arms around my legs. I don't know how long I sat there like that, but after a while, I heard the nurse come back. "That stupid cunt. For gods sake!" She said. I got an idea. A very stupid one, but it would work.

I looked up and saw that the nurse had noticed me. I slowly got up. The nurse was furious. "Now you listen to me! You are going to-""No, you listen to me." I interrupted her. "Do you have the key to this room." I asked slowly. "Why do you-""Answer" I stood pretty close to her and she was clearly seeing that she didn't had a change. "Yes, I do have the key." She answered quietly. "Give it to me." She stepped back, I stepped forward. "I can also break down the door." The nurse stood there and looked at me. "Why." Her voice was quietly and very high pitched. Tears started running down my face again. "Please. Please open the door. The only person I ever loved is in there and I can't handle being without him." I didn't sound creepy anymore, but sad and desperate. I took two steps back and looked down. "I'm sorry" I said. My voice cracked. Then the nurse walked up to me. She grabbed my hand and gave me a little metal thing. The nurse walked away. I opened my hand and looked at the little silver key. I smiled. I could finally get back to my little Jackaboy.

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