Mikaela, Is It Really You?

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Pairing: Mikaela Hyakuya x Male Human Reader

Style: Angst


You huff as you swing your feet, sat on the ledge of a wall. You still felt drained from the daily blood extraction, even if it was around two hours ago.

You didn't really know what you were doing out there, you should have headed home a while ago. You were probably worrying your housemates. No, scratch that, they probably hadn't noticed you had even left in the first place.

He let out a puff of air, moving your hands back to lean against the back of the wall and looking up at the sky. It was weird. It was light, but the sky was dark and you had never been able to see where the light was coming from. You couldn't even see stars, that's what was most unusual.

You then hear from behind two people talking behind you, getting closer before stopping and shuffling their feet.

You lower your eyes from the black sky, gazing behind you to see who had approached. There were two boys, one with black hair and green eyes, the other with white hair and bright blue eyes.

Yours and the blue eyes connect, your eyes unblinking, while his eyes rapidly blink. He looks away and a blush rises from his neck.

You smile gently, before swinging your legs around and jumping down from the wall. You calmly walk over to the two slightly smaller boys.

You hold a hand out and state, "Hello, I'm Y/N L/N. I'm 14 years old."

The black haired boy has his eyes narrowed slightly, before taking my hand and replying, "Yuichiro Hyakuya, 12."

The blond looks back at you and hesitantly takes my hand after Yuu takes his hand away. "I'm uh, Mikaela Hyakuya, also 12."

You smile gently and kiss the back of his hand, noticing his blush deepen. "Well it's lovely to meet you two handsome boys, shall I walk you home? You seem like the sort to find trouble easy."

"You have no idea," Mika complains under his breath, causing you to chuckle gently.

You then take Yuu's hand and start walking. "C'mon you two. Which way is it?"

Mika blinks a few times before he smiles and starts walking with you, giving directions, while Yuu stays in a grump.

~~One month later~~

You, Mika and Yuu had been hanging out more often during the time. You had met their family a few times, you found them all adorable, so you looked after them as much as you could while you were over.

But, you couldn't help feeling... wrong.

You hadn't told them your plan, but you didn't want them to become hopeful or to make them come along. Now way, way to dangerous. You'd just come back for them, when everything outside was better, when it was safe.


You couldn't believe it. You'd outsmarted them. You were escaping.

Your eyes widen as something dashes in front of you, to the top of the stairs that you were rushing up. Before you could skid to a stop, hand wraps around your throat and pulls you around. Your back hits someone's chest and the grip tightens, causing you to choke and thrash in the hold.

"Now now, lamb, don't fight back," a smooth voice hums into your ear. You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "I think you may have gotten lost, hm? How about we put this behind us, in return you have to give me your blood, like my precious Mikaela."

"You bastard," you growl, realising who was behind you at the mention of your friends name. "Don't you even lay one of your filthy fingers on hi-"

You're cut off by the grip tightening on your throat and feeling a searing pain through your stomach. You start choking and coughing on blood, finding it hard to get any air with the combination of the hand through your stomach and the other around your neck.

The vampire progenitor sighs dramatically behind you and pulls you closer to him, pressing your body to him. "Tsk, what a waste of such a divine substance. I really hoped this could have gone another way, lamb. But remember, I offered~!"

As you watch his hand raise, presumably ready to slice you, you notice how it was easier to breath now. After feeling the pressure gone around your neck, you realise he had used that hand and took this as an opportunity to escape.

You duck under his arm, before dashing down the long, dark corridor, ignoring his shouts and whines, and his footsteps racing after you. You just needed to get out, just run, damn legs. Don't stop, or he'll catch you. If you stop, you wont be able to start running again, the pain from the wound to your stomach will be too much. Don't. Stop.


It had been weeks and you hadn't stopped running. You couldn't stop running. He was still trying to find you, he wasn't far behind. It wasn't heard, all he had to do was follow the blood trail in the snow.

Your breathing was starting to get weak and your legs were giving in. You slowed down to a walk. There was no-one out here, no humans left. I was dumb, I should just let him get me, I shouldn't have left, You think, your eyes slowly drooping.

Your hand drops down to your stomach, uselessly putting pressure on the wound, causing pain to radiate through your body. You groan and pull your hand away, looking down at your shaky, blood covered palm. 

You then hear the crunching of feet on the snow. You assume it's Ferid coming to kill you, before you realise it was coming from the opposite way, and that you could hear more than one pair of footsteps.

You shakily raise your head as you hear them approach, their movements stopping. You're met by the sight of what seemed to be humans all in black clothing with green hints to it. They all had different weapons on them and the clothes seemed to be a sort of uniform.

The older humans watched you with either concern or looked at you calculatingly. You smile slightly, before you fall to the floor, your world going back.

~~4 Years Later~~


"Here we go again..." Guren sighs from inside the classroom, his arm covering his eyes from trying to sleep.

You slammed open the door to the classroom, glaring at the man sat at the desk. You stomp over to him and swat his arm away from his face, before grabbing his collar and dragging him to stand up. As he was taller than you, you pull him down to your height.

"What did I tell you about lying to me?" you growl. "You said you'd teach these kids, yet I find out you've been slacking off!"

"Calm down, you're giving me a headache already," Guren complains. You let go of his collar and rub the bridge of your nose, sighing as he rolled his eyes at your 'dramatics'.

"At least tell me you've got a replacement for you."

"Yup, they just arrived. Have fun."


You blink a few times, before you realise that he had gone. You deflate in defeat, before sitting down in the seat that Guren had previously been sat on. You look across the class and ask, "Alright, what's he been teaching you?"

"Nothing, of course," a purple haired girl replies, a smug look on her face.

I make an annoyed face and sigh, "You're here, Shinoa?"

"Where else would I be?" she teases, moving to come sit by you on the desk.

"I thought you had to look after some kid who wouldn't listen to orders, more of a lone wolf than Guren or something," you say, raising an eyebrow at her as I picked up Guren's priceless jar he had found a while back.

"I am not a lone wolf or a kid!" a rather familiar voice shouts from the back.

"No shouting, and that sounds exactly like something a kid would say," I reply while standing up to get a look at the person, as the familiarity of the voice was bugging me.

You spot the boy immediately, as he was glaring right at you, and a little at Shinoa. You take in his appearance, his black hair was messy and his bright green eyes shined with determination. Then it clicked. My eyes widen and the jar slips from my hands.

The class jumps and the boy furrows his eyebrows. "What?"

"Y-Yuichiro?" you breath out.

"Uh yeah, that's me...?" he questions, looking over at Shinoa then back at you. "What about it?"

"You're Mikaela's brother," you explain, your eyes still wide and not moving from him. "H-how? How are you here?"

"Y/N?" he asks, his eyes also widening. You nod in response and he stands up. "We thought you died! You disappeared, along with the fang progenitor!"

"It's a long story, but we shouldn't distract the class more," you sigh. "I'm sorry everyone, we'll start class now..."

~~A Few Months Later~~

Gasping for breath and wincing from pain, you walk through the empty streets. You'd just taken down a whole group of vampires on your own, your team having being brutally murdered. You had already buried them the best you could. 

Your double swords were drawn, in case you came across any vampires. Just as you were about to stop to have a break, something catches the corner of your eye. 

You look over and see two figures standing in the distance. One was significantly taller, and the other was only just taller than you. You could see the white uniforms from when you were standing, meaning they were vampires.

You grip your swords tighter as they approach, standing your ground and getting into a fighting stance.

"Well well, would you look who we found~," a voice calls, making your blood run cold. It was Ferid. He'd found you again. As they get close enough, you can see the vampires smirk. "See, Mika? I said she wasn't dead!"

Your eyes widen as you look at the blond vampire stood next to Ferid, his blue eyes piercing yours. He then starts walking towards you, his eyes never leaves yours. He stops in front of you.

"You killed my family," he says in a monotone voice, his eyes dull as he looks at you. "You escaped, so we thought we could. You killed them."

Before you could even reply, you feel a sword go through your chest. Your eyes water as your lungs slowly fill with blood, causing you to cough.

"M-Mikaela, is it r-really you?" you ask, still not believing he was the boy you once knew. He nods, as he holds you as you collapse and start to bleed out. You shakily smile and cup his cheek with your pale hand. "I'm s-sorry. Y-Yuu is a-alive, he's looking f-for you. I protected h-him the best I co-could. I-I love you, Mika."

Before you could see or hear how he responded, your eyes shut, and you take your last, raspy breath.


A/N: Oops, I made this really dark-

Oh well!

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