Chapter 28 - This Is Unbelievable

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Author's Note: I would say happy Monday, but I don't really think any Monday can be happy. Therefore, I won't. Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote, please, please, please. Also, don't forget that my newest story, 'Poor Little Rich Girl', went up Friday, you know, in case you wanna read it. And it'll be updated tomorrow! Notice the gif of Barbara Palvin [Sydney] and the song! I'm not sure how this chapter turned out, but I hope you guys like it. 

Chapter 28 - This Is Unbelievable

“Holy crap, Sydney, what are you doing?!” Tanner bellows walking into the living room.

“Huh?” I ask, not tearing my eyes away from Mikey’s iPad which I stole from his suitcase.

“What are you doing up? It’s 3 in the morning.” He scolds, sitting beside me.

“I could ask you the same thing, Mr. Foster.” I say, still watching my newest obsession, Supernatural.

That Jensen Ackles as Dean is just too much for me; then of course there’s the beyond gorgeously sexy Jared Padalecki as Sam. It’s just all too much for me. It’s enough to make me stay up to the wee hours of the morning watching episodes which is what I’m doing on Mikey’s iPad and it’s what I have been doing for about four hours now after Bradley fell asleep.

“Please don’t tell me that you and Bradley are already having sex.”

“Why would you think that?” I wonder, pulling my legs up with me on the couch.

Tanner raises his eyebrows at me with a pointed look on his face. “Is that his shirt you’re wearing? Do you even have any pants on?” He demands.

“It’s his shirt,” I confirm, looking down at the too big black t-shirt with the Batman logo in the center. “And yes, I have pants on.” I tell him, lifting the shirt and revealing my black yoga shorts hidden by Bradley’s shirt.

He breathes out a sigh of relief, “Good; you’re too young for a baby.”

“My and Bradley’s relationship is too young for talks about babies.” I say, chuckling.

“I see what you did there,” He chuckles. “So what are you doing?”

“I’m watching Supernatural so go do whatever it is you came to do and go back to sleep.”

“I came to get food; I’m starving.”

“When aren’t you starving?”

“In my defense, I’m a growing boy; I need nutrients.” Tanner retorts, walking into the kitchen.

“Potato chips don’t have nutrients.” I call back, pressing play on Netflix.

“Says you.” Tanner scoffs, coming back into the living room with a bag of unopened Doritos.

“How are you actually in shape?”

“Because,” He says, rubbing his naked torso. “I eat junk in moderation.”

“That’s funny; I didn’t know that moderation meant the same thing as all the time.”

Tanner cracks a smile before shaking his head, “Goodnight Sydney; don’t stay up all night.”

“Goodnight,” I say, then check the time. “Too later for that.” I murmur to myself.

It’s already 3:00 a.m. Time just flies when you’re watching Supernatural. I get through two more episodes before I suddenly feel someone or something behind me, brushing my neck. Mind you, I’m watching Supernatural; not the best show to be up alone watching in the middle of Colorado in a cabin. At first I think it’s the necklace but I pull it off over my neck, looking at the clasp, seeing nothing. I slip it back on, deciding that I’m probably just being paranoid about nothing.

“Whatcha watching?” Drew’s voice suddenly asks, making me jump.

“Dang it, Drew! Don’t do that!” I yelp, keeping my voice low so I don’t wake up the boys.

He grins, jumping over the back of the couch, sitting beside me. “Sorry,” He apologizes, shrugging.

“No, you’re not.” I argue, narrowing my eyes.

“You’re right; I’m not. So, why are you awake at 4:50?”

“Because I’m watching Supernatural, hence the paranoidness.”

“Did you make that word up all by yourself?”

“I sure did,” I reply, nodding.

“Well,” Drew says, hesitating. “Turn it off. I wanna talk to you.”

“About what?”

“Something serious.”

Your definition of serious or the real definition of serious?”

“Is there a difference?”

“Remember sophomore year when you called me at like 2 a.m. saying you had a serious emergency?”

Drew furrows his brow before cocking his head to the side, “I don’t remember half of the stuff I say.”

“You said you needed condoms, which I don’t know why you thought I had, because you were hooking up with someone.”

"Oh.” He says, still not remembering. “Well, that’s a serious emergency!” Drew exclaims.

“No, it isn’t.” I scoff.

“Really though, it’s a seriously serious thing.”

“Fine,” I say with a sigh, slipping the ear buds out of my ears and pausing the episode. “What’s wrong?”

“Sydney, are you happy?”


"Are you happy? Like, are you happy?”

"I’m always happy.” I assure him.

“No, I mean….you know…with Bradley.”

I turn on the couch, facing Drew full on, realizing how serious a conversation this is gonna be. “Of course.”

“No, I mean, are you really? Like, really, are you happy?

“Drew, you just asked me that,” I reply with a small smile. “I really am. Bradley makes me really happy.”

“So, that’s it? You wanna be with him forever?”

“It’s a little…early to be talking about forever, don’t you think?”

“So, you don’t wanna be with him forever?”

“I don’t know; maybe? I’m just living right now, I don’t know what I want for the future.”

Drew falls back into the couch, sighing and running his hands down his face. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”          

"Drew, what’s wrong with you?” I ask, truly concerned.

“I just never thought it’d be your two.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just that out of the five of us, I didn’t think Bradley would be the one who got you.”

“Then,” I say quietly, catching on to what’s going on right now. “Who’d you think it’d be?”

“You’re gonna think I’m so stupid after I say this.” He warns.

“Try me.”               


“You?” I echo, dumbfounded.

“Me.” Drew repeats, shaking his head. “Told you you’d think I was stupid.”

“I don’t think you’re stupid.” I say truthfully. “Drew, are you trying to tell me something?”

“I like you, Sydney.” He admits in one quick breath.

My jaw drops and if it weren’t for the ear buds plug in the iPad, it would have fallen to the ground. “What?”

“I like you.” Drew repeats.

"W-w-wha? Since when?”

“Since, I dunno, like Jake’s party a few weeks ago.”

“Okay,” I say, laughing. “Where’s Ashton?”


"I must be getting Punk’d right now, so that means Ashton Kutcher is somewhere in this cabin hiding.”

“You’re not being Punk’d; this is the most serious I’ve ever been in my entire life about anything.”

“I just find it tremendously…difficult to believe that you like me.” I confess.


“Because you’ve never done one single thing to make me even think that you like me.”

“Because by the time I realized it, Bradley was already over the moon for you.”

“You still should have said something.”

“What good would it have done?” Drew asks with a sad smile. “It was too late.”

“You said you were happy for me though.”

“I am,” He promises, nodding. “I want you to be happy, even if that means I’m not, Sydney.”

“This is unbelievable.” I mutter, running my fingers through my hair.

“I’m not trying to make things hard for you; I just wanted you to know.”

“I do--“

“Besides, Bradley’s really good for you. I won’t lie though; I really, really wish it was me.”

“You helped him though, like with all the stuff.” I note.


“My birthday, homecoming, everything. You knew how you felt, but you still helped get us together?”

Drew nods, “Yeah,” He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. “I guess I did, didn’t I?”

“You’re so stupid.” I say, hitting him in his shoulder lightly.

“I know I am; I let you get away. That in itself explains what a complete dumbass I am.”

“Oh, Drew!” I cry, overwhelmed with guilt. “I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry? What are you sorry for?” He asks, confused.

“Bradley and I aren’t exactly discreet about it. Not since last night anyway.” I recall.

Last night we were all sitting here in the living room eating Chinese take-out - do you know how far you have to go out of Vail, Colorado to find Chinese food? Very far, that’s how far. Anyway, we were eating take-out, watching some stupid action movie and Bradley and I were, well, we were cuddling.

He was sitting at the edge of the couch, near the arm and I was sitting on his lap with one of my arms wrapped around his neck, playing with the hair near the nape of his neck and the other was continuously tracing his permanently inked skin with my name on it.

Bradley’s arm was wrapped around my waist, his other was  resting on top of my knee and my head was nuzzled into his neck. I don’t feel bad about cuddling with him, because it was pretty darn amazing; I feel about cuddling in front of Drew who apparently likes me.

Drew gives off a humorless laugh and says, “Erm, no. No, you two were not. It’s okay though, I expect it.”

“I have absolutely no idea what to say to any of this.”

“Don’t say anything. Just know that if it were me, I’d make you happy too.”

“I know you would, Drew.” I tell him, squeezing his shoulder in what I hope is a comforting gesture.

“Well,” Drew supplies after a momentary silence. “I think I’ve made things awkward enough. I’m gonna back to my room and get some sleep.”

“Why weren’t you sleep anyway?” I query.

“I couldn’t. Not without you knowing how I really felt. Feel.” Drew replies, standing up. I stand up too and Drew wraps his strong arms around me, crushing me to him in a big bear hug. “I love you Sydney.”

“I love you too, Drewy.” I mumble in his shoulder.

“And, just so you know, I’ll always be here.”

“Okay,” I sigh, not really knowing what else to say. Oh, God, why am I so awkward.

“I may even love you, you know.” Drew whispers, his lips near my ear.

I shiver unintentionally at that and shake my head, “Drew, pl--“             

“Sorry,” He quickly tells me. “Um, I wasn’t supposed to say that.”

“No, no you were not.” I reply, giggling, still hugging him.

"And, I just gotta let you know that if Bradley ever fucks it all up, I’ll be happily waiting.” He jokes.

“I’ll remember that.” I say, inhaling his cinnamon scent. Why he smells like cinnamon, I don’t know.

“I mean it, Sydney.” Drew seriously replies. “I’ll always feel this way about you and I won’t stop wishing.”

“Don’t stop wishing. Maybe one day, Drew. Not now though. Not anytime soon that is.”

Drew releases his tight hold, nodding. “I understand.” Then he kisses my forehead, sighing deeply.

“Thanks, Drewy, for telling me. I know it’s not easy to watch someone you like, like someone else.”

“How would you know?” He wonders, wrinkling his forehead.

“I’ve liked taken guys before; I’m eighteen you know.” I defend with a cheeky grin.  

“Right,” He laughs. “Well, I’ll, uh, I’ll see you in the morning.”  

"I think I’ll go back to sleep now too. It’s kinda creepy being up along watching Supernatural.”

"I’d watch it with you, but that shows just too fucking weird.”

“You mean you’re too scared to watch it.” I tease, grabbing Mikey’s iPad and turning it off, setting it down.

“Am not.”

“Are so,” I giggle in a sing-song voice.

“Am not,” Drew argues, bumping my arm with his shoulder, walking down the hallway to our bedrooms.

“Are so, face it Drew. I’m right, you’re wrong.”

“Okay, Queen Stubborn. See you in the morning, Sydney.” Drew gives me a small smile, going in his room.

“Oh, you’re cheesy!” I call after him, even though I know he probably doesn’t hear me.

I push my door open, walking into my room and close the door behind me. I tiredly walk over to my bed, smiling when I see my boyfriend sprawled across my bed. He’s lying his stomach shirtless, wrapped up in my covers and snoring lightly. I lie down next to him in bed - this is the first time we’re actually gonna sleep in a bed together since we actually got together - and lay on my back, pulling the cover away from him and snuggling up underneath it. Bradley groans unconsciously, rolling over in the bed and throwing his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He drops his head on my pillow, sleepily pushing his lips to my cheek.

“Where’d you go?” He asks in his tired voice.

“Nowhere; just in the living room.”

“I love you, Sydney.” Bradley murmurs. Man, I think I’m in love with his tired voice. It’s so adorable. I smile at my boyfriend who’s already falling back asleep and sigh to myself, trying to fall asleep.  


“You’re such a failure; you can’t even make eggs.” Walker says, rolling his eyes at Mikey.

“If you’re such an Emeril,” Mikey retorts, referring to the chef guy. “You make them.”

“I can do a more bang up job than you.”

"Shut up,” Mikey says, jumping as he gets hit by a spark from the oven. “Shit!” He shouts.

“See, you can’t do it.” Tanner interjects, sitting up on the counter and swinging his feet, peeling an orange.

“I’m just a boy, what do you expect? Why am I cooking for us anyway?”

“Is everything okay?” Bradley asks me, walking in the room and sitting down with me on the couch.

“Yeah,” I nod, smiling. “Everything’s peachy.”

“Usually when people use the word peachy, everything’s not peachy. Something’s usually wrong.”

“Nothing is wrong, I promise.”

“You promise?” He wonders, running his hand through his wet hair- he just got out of the shower.

“Yes, Bradley, I promise.”

“Okay,” He says, nodding. “What’s up with them?” Bradley asks, pointing his chin towards the boys.

“It’s Mikey’s pathetic attempt to make eggs.”

“Why’s he making eggs?”

“I have no idea,” I say, shaking my head.

“Hey, where’s Drew?” Bradley wonders, looking around.

“I dunno; he’s, uh, he’s probably still asleep.” I answer, remembering our conversation last night.

“I have a feeling there’s something you aren’t telling me.”

“There’s nothing I’m not telling you, I swear it.” I tell him discreetly crossing my fingers.Yes, it’s a childish gesture, but I don’t wanna feel like I’m lying to my boyfriend.

“You can’t put plastic in the microwave, you dumbass.” Tanner says, throwing a halve of his orange at Mikey.

“Says who?” Mikey wonders, scowling at Tanner.

"The laws of plastic and heat?” Walker asks sarcastically.

“I’m pretty sure you can.”

“Well, sure you can, but you’re gonna blow everything up.” Tanner tells him.

“I have a really great idea,” I call from the couch.

The boys all stop talking, turning and looking at Bradley and me. “What is it?” Mikey wonders.

“Why don’t we just go out for breakfast?” I suggest in a ‘duh’ tone.

Walker smiles, snapping his fingers at me. “I knew we kept you around for a reason.” He jokes. 

Drew enters the room at that moment, a tired look on his face. His eyes almost instantaneously connect with mine and he sends me a small smile that doesn't quite reach his bright brown eyes. Just when you think you have yourself in order and everything great, your best friend tells you that he loves you even though you're dating your other best friend. Can I just be the first to say that growing up completely and totally sucks and everything is extremely and immensely confusing?

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