Chapter 35 - We're Everything And More

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Author's Note: I think this is my favorite of them all. So, after this chapter, there's gonna be two more, for sure and I'm gonna try to finish this story by like, June 10th, at the latest, so yeah. The sequel, Give Me Love, will be up on Wattpad for reading on July 15th, I think I'm gonna do it. Oh and quite a few people have asked about one-shots, so if you wanna write one, feel free to and just email it to me at [email protected], and I'll pick like, the best one and post it as the last chapter or something like that, maybe. Alrighty, that's it, and I'm finally feeling a tiny bit better! Not that you care, but I'm posting this so early because I'm actually going to the movies, like really leaving my house on the weekend. Crazy, right? Anyways, notice the song and picture! Also, don't forget to comment and vote, s'il vous plaît. 

Chapter 35 - We're Everything And More

"So, you’re not coming home?” Arianna wonders, putting on my eye shadow.

“No, I am, just tomorrow.” I reassure her.

“Where are you staying at then?”

“I think we have a hotel. There’s like three rooms and we’re doubling up in them all.”

“Oooh, so you’re spending the night with Bradley?”

"Yeah, probably.” I say, disregarding the implication.

“Well, have fun.” She says in a singsong voice.

“I hate you,” I mutter as she finishes my makeup. I tried to do it myself, but she wasn’t having it.

“What? Why!? I just said ‘have fun’!” Arianna reasons falling into a fit of laughter.

“You’re such a pervert,” I tell her, standing up and grabbing my shoes from Giorgio’s, an expensive pair of Coral Suede Pumps with a heel that’s at least a good four inches tall. I don’t have a problem with heels, it’s just weird to walk in them. I’m more of a gladiator sandals / Toms kinda girl.

“I’m your big sister; this is why I’m here,” Arianna argues.

“Whatever you say,” I reply, walking to my full-length mirror and looking at my reflection.

This is the first time I’m actually seeing myself in three hours, that’s how long Arianna took me to get ready. Granted, Charlie cried and needed her diaper changed and had to eat and all that stuff in between, but still. She does really get on my nerves, Arianna, not Charlie, but I really do love her; she knows that. While she is rather annoying a large percentage of the time, the girl knows her stuff and I think I look pretty darn good for Prom.

The Coral dress fits perfectly and it’s long enough that even with my heels, it still just grazes the floor, but not very much. That’s good though, right? Like, you don’t want your Prom dress to be all short and un-proportional to your shoes; then you’d look stupid. I have on a double layered pearl necklace, a pair of diamond earrings - my dad really did try to buy my love in the earlier stages of the divorce - and an expensive diamond tennis bracelet courtesy of my mother as a birthday present from last year.

Being the adamant human being she is, Arianna didn’t even let me do my own hair. It does look really nice though and considering my totally lack of creativity, I would have just straightened it or something. But Arianna did it in a really elaborate updo. She left two strands down on either side and curled them and secured the updo with about a bazillion sparkly bobby pins.

My makeup is heavy, but not like, grossly so. It’s blended really well, so that it comes off as natural. She’s lined my eyes in a barely visible light pink color, coated my lashes in some kinda elongating mascara and powdered on a hint of pink blush on my cheeks. It’s a good thing I didn’t waste money actually getting everything done professionally, when I have a free makeup and hair girl at my own dispense. I did have to pay to get my manicure and pedicure though, but that wasn’t so bad and afterwards Arianna took me to this spa-type place and forced me to get waxed. Everywhere. Aside from my head and face, of course.

“Do you like it?” Arianna asks hopefully, recovered from her childish laughing.

"I love it,” I nod, stepping away from the mirror and hugging my sister. “Thank you, Ari.”

“Like I said, I’m your big sister; this is what I’m here for.” She replies, pulling away from me.

“Sydney?” My mother calls from outside of my closed bedroom door.

“Yeah mom?”

“Bradley’s here.” She informs me. “Come down so I can take pictures.”

“Okay, I’ll be right down,” I tell her as I hear her footsteps head down the hallway.

“You ready?” Arianna asks me.

“I think so,” I nod. “It’s it completely ridiculous that I’m actually kinda nervous?”

“No, I was really, really nervous about Prom with Jared two years ago. But relax, it’s gonna be fun and you know that Bradley’s not gonna make you do anything that you don’t wanna do. I’m sure if you wanna lay in bed and order those weird hotel HBO movies and eat popcorn after the Prom, he’d happily do it. I am completely all for you doing that certain something that a lot of people will be doing though.”

“You are like, obsessed with my virginity.” I note, giving my sister a weird look.

“Oh, please, no I’m not,” She argues. “Now come on. Don’t forget your purse and boutonnière.”  

“Oh, yeah,” I say, grabbing my nearly empty Coral clutch - the only thing in there is my cell phone, a random ink pen, my cell phone charger and some mints. I also grab the smallish red velvet box that has Bradley’s boutonnière in it. It’s just the little flower that I’m supposed to put on the front of his tuxedo, but apparently it’s kinda important. Like the male equivalent of the corsage.

With that, I walk out of my room, Arianna trailing behind me, spritzing me with some kinda perfume. I swear, she’s just so happy about this. I can’t wait until Charlie has her Junior Prom in like, sixteen years; Arianna’s gonna freak out.

“Is that Someday?” I ask her, referring to the stupid Justin Bieber perfume. “If so, I’m gonna kill you.”

“No, it’s not Someday; I will share anything I have with you except Someday.” She firmly explains.

“I don’t want Someday,” I assure her, walking down the corridor. “Oh, it’s Wonderstruck?”

“Mhm,” She assures me, spritzing it two more times before capping it.

When I reach the end of the corridor, I grab onto the railing of the stairs and slowly begin to descend it. I’m walking slowly because in high heels and a floor length dress, tripping won’t be so hard. And stumbling down the stairs on the night of Prom isn’t such a great way to start off the night.

“You two are staying at a hotel?” My dad’s gruff voice asks.

Holy crap, what the heck is he doing here? I didn’t think he was coming! If I’d known that, I would have already been down here so that he didn’t have time to interrogate Bradley on of his intentions. I hear Bradley awkwardly chuckle and clear his throat.

“Uh, I mean, we’re all staying there; not just Sydney and me.”

“And you’re all staying in one room or something?”

“No, erm, us five guys are taking two rooms and Jaime and Sydney are sharing the last.” He lies.

Well, I guess that could be true, but I highly doubt it. I quicken my pace, walking down the stairs like a normal person and catch sight of my father talking to Bradley, who has his back to me. Mikey and Jaime are also here, they’re talking with my mother, who is continuously snapping photos of them with the digital camera.

“Oh sweetheart, you look beautiful.” My dad tells me, his eyes averting from Bradley to me.

Bradley turns around then, seemingly thankful for the fact that I’m down here now and the awkward conversation between he and my father is over. His eyes buck a little as he rakes them over me subtly, but then he composes himself, smiling widely.

“Thanks Daddy,” I reply, stepping down off the last step and making my way over to Bradley.

“You look…” Bradley stops, apparently searching for a fitting adjective. “Wow,” He concludes.

“Thanks,” I giggle. “You look wow too.” I tease.

He gives me his signature boyish grin and holds up a little pink box. “I got your little flower thing.”

Suppressing the urge to laugh, I say, “The corsage.”

Rolling his eyes playfully, he says, “Yeah, that thing.” Bradley gently grabs my wrist, pulling the corsage from the little pink box. A flash goes off as he gently grabs my wrist, my mother would of course go overboard; capturing every single memory she can tonight. Then another flashes as Bradley slips the bracelet of flowers onto my wrist, opposite the one wearing the diamond tennis bracelet.  

“They’re so pretty,” I coo, looking down at the coral colored flowers. “You ever got the right color.”

“And it was extremely difficult, I’ll have you know,” He replies, letting go of my wrist. “They’re Dahlias.”

“They’re beautiful,” I reply, taking out his white boutonnière and easily poking it through the lapel of his tux. My mother takes another photograph as I do so, causing me to nearly stick him. “Mom, could you not?” I ask her.  

“Not what? Take pictures? I have to take pictures, Sydney, this is an important rite of passage.”

“Your mother’s right, Sydney,” My father agrees, which is kinda bizarre; those two never agree on things.

"Now, let me get a picture of you two together,” My mom demands, poising the camera.

Bradley steps behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist in the traditional Prom pose, and I place my hands over his, smiling brightly. As annoying as my parents are and as much as I hate taking pictures, I’m actually really, really happy right now. I’ll be happier once we leave my house, but I’m happy. My mom snaps the picture then tells Mikey and Jaime to get in with us and then takes another.

After about twenty-five pictures, I draw the line, telling my mother that we’re gonna be later for Prom, even though I’m pretty sure it doesn’t start for at least another thirty minutes. My parents and Arianna bid us goodbye, my dad making me promise to call once we get to the hotel tonight.

Bradley pulls open the front door, gesturing for Mikey and Jaime to go first, which they do. Jaime looks amazing, by the way. In addition to her gorgeous blue Taryn J.Crew dress, she has on the high heels of the same hue that I think are probably just a little taller than mine. Jaime’s wearing a pair of stud diamond earrings with a golden encasing around them and a pearl necklace much like mine, except hers is longer and has just one layer as opposed to my two. Her hair is also done into an intricate updo; the front side braided into a French braid that wraps around and flows into the simple yet elegant updo. Like I said, if she wasn’t so nice and sweet, I’d hate her. I really do like her though, she’s a really nice girl.

Bradley and I walk out of the front door and he pulls it closed behind us, as I gather my dress in my hand so that the grass doesn’t stain it. Standing on the porch, I look out at the street as I hear the engine of a car start up and notice a long black limousine sitting there idly on the street in front of my house.

“Oh my gosh, are we riding in that?” I ask, looking up at Bradley.

“We gotta arrive at Prom in style,” He confirms with a nod.

“I love you,” I say in admiration, grabbing his big hand in my smaller one.

“I love you too,” Bradley replies with no hesitation. “And I love that dress that you’re wearing.”

“Thanks,” I say, blushing as we make our way to the limo. I don’t know why I always blush when he compliments me. I mean, he is my boyfriend after all. “You should see what Arianna tried to get me to buy.”

“What, was it bad?”

“Yes, it was awful,” I tell him. “Most of them were way too short and hooker-ish.”

"Hooker-ish?” He echoes, pulling the door to the limo open for me.

“Yeah,” I say, slipping into the limo next to Bradley. “Jaime can vouch, right Jaime?”

“Vouch on what?” She wonders as Bradley gets in, closing the door behind him and the limo pulls off.

“How hooker-ish the dresses Arianna wanted us to get were.”

“Oh, yeah,” Jaime giggles. “they were pretty, uh, hooker-ish.”

“See? Told you.” I say, turning to Bradley.

“What’s the problem with hooker-ish?” He teasing asks.

“You’re stupid,” I tell him with a small giggle.

“Really though, I think you should go back, buy this so called hooker-ish dress and let me see. Just for verification, you know, that it is indeed a hooker-ish dress.” Bradley jokingly suggests.

“I’m sure you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Actually, no, I’d love that,” He corrects.

“You’re a pig,” I say, hitting his arm.

“Aw, don’t be abusive; you know I’m just kidding.”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s what a pig would say.” I tease.

“You’re so peculiar.”

“But you love me anyways,” I remind him.

“I sure do. Got the ink to prove it. My mother about killed me when she saw it though.”

“I told you she didn’t like me!” I exclaim with a pout.

“She does like you,” Bradley assures me. “She just doesn’t like the fact that I got your name on me.”

"Because she doesn’t like me,” I grumpily reply.

"She loves you. Speaking of tattoos, you never showed me that one on your hip.”

“I know.” I retort. “Maybe tonight. Assuming you just lied to my Dad and you and me are actually sharing?”

“It’s Prom night; I’m not letting you get away that easily Of course we’re sharing.”


“Wow, they really went all out this year,” I say, walking hand in hand into the elegant ballroom with Bradley.

“Right? Junior Prom was a load of crap,” He reminisces. It really was. For starters, it was in the school gym and there was no food or anything. Just some kinda punch that tasted like sweaty gym socks or something. Well, there were cookies and cupcakes but that wasn’t really anything. This place though, it looks way better than the school gym. It’s a hotel ballroom, after all; it should look good.

"What’s the theme this year?” I wonder, looking around the elaborately decorated ballroom.

“I think it’s ‘Starry Night’,’ Jaime tells me.

“Wow, how original,” Mikey scoffs.

“It’s gorgeous,” I state. “So, are Walker and Tanner coming?” I ask to no one in particular.

“I don’t know,” Bradley shrugs. “I think Alison went all Sadie Hawkins on Walker, but he turned her down.”

“That is literally the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard,” I say, rolling my eyes. “What about Tanner?”

“He’s coming with some random girl,” Mikey interjects. “Holly? Heather? Something like that.”

“Hanna,” Jaime corrects, giggling at her boyfriend.

“Oh, whatever.” He retorts. “Wanna dance?”

“Do I ever not wanna dance?” She teases.

“Okay, that was a stupid question on my part,” Mikey admits, grabbing his girlfriend’s hand. “I’ll see you guys later. Don’t forget to wrap it up, Bradley.” With that, he and Jaime go off to the center of the dance floor, Jaime gyrating into Mikey to the rhythm of the song- some Pitbull song, I think.

“Don’t you just love our friends?” I sarcastically ask Bradley, my face going a bit red.

“Yes, yes I do.” He earnestly replies with a chuckle.

“Hey guys,” Drew says, suddenly by Bradley and me.

“Hey Drew,” Bradley replies at the same time that I offer him a small, ‘Hi’.

“So, you guys know Darcy,” Drew voices, gesturing to Darcy Banks, his…whatever they are.

“Hey guys,” Darcy chirps in her thick Southern accent. I think that Drew says she’s from Arkansas or something. “I love your dress, Sydney.”

“Thanks,” I reply with a polite smile. “Yours is really pretty,” I tell her.

It is, but it’s one of those cocktail type dresses, like the kind Arianna kept trying to get Jaime and me to get. It does look nice on her though; it’s silver and shimmery, stopping a few inches above her knees. Her long brunette hair has been styled so that the ends have soft curls in them, and they flow down her back. Darcy’s makeup isn’t heavy, just a little mascara, eye shadow and eye liner. She has on a pair of high heels that match her dress exactly. They’re tall- probably taller than mine and Jaime’s both.

“Thanks,” She says, hooking her arm through Drew’s. It’s only a tad bit awkward standing here with my boyfriend and my best friend, both who like me and my best friend’s…friend with benefits, or whatever it is Darcy is to him.

“You wanna go get some punch? Let’s go get some punch.” Drew says to Darcy.

"Yeah, okay,” She replies. “See y’all later,” Darcy chirps to Drew as they walk off.

“You still never told me what you two were fighting about, you know.” Bradley reminds me. 

“I know,” I nod.


“So what?”

“So, why were you two fighting?”

“Well--“ I start, but thankfully a song starts. “Oh my gosh, this is one of my favorite songs. Let’s dance!”

“I noticed you tried to subtly changed the subject,” Bradley informs me, but let’s me led him to the dance floor. “I’ll get it outta you,” He confidently says.

“Doubt it,” I reply, wrapping my arms around Bradley’s neck and grinding my hips into his to the beat of the song- Blow by Ke$ha.

Back door cracked

We don't need a key

We get in for free

No VIP sleaze

Drink that Kool-Aid

Follow my lead

Now you're one of us

You're coming with me

“If this is how you’re gonna dance when there’s good music, I think we may need to start going clubbing.” Bradley says seconds later, letting his hands travel down my back, resting on my butt.

“I like that idea,” I reply with a giggle.


“Lakeside High seniors, it’s time for the crowning of the Prom King and Queen.” Principal Dewitt says about twenty-five songs - about two hours - later from a stage near the front of the ballroom. Almost immediately, the room goes nearly silent, everyone wondering who’ll earn the coveted titles this year. “The envelope, please,” He demands of the girl up on the stage with him. She hands him a tiny white envelope like the ones at the Academy Awards or something and flicks it open, scanning over it. “Your 2013 Prom King is Mr. Reese Logan.”

The rest of the seniors erupt in applause but I just roll my eyes, not wanting to hear Reese’s stupid speech. It’s been so long since I last talked to him, which is a wonderful thing because I deeply hate that boy. Reese bounces up on the stage, grinning ear to ear, and takes the crown from the girl, instead of bowing so that she may place it on him. He sets it on top of his head, practically pushing Principal Dewitt away from the microphone.

“I don’t really think that it’s a surprise that I’m Prom King. I mean, why would it be? So, yeah. Uh, thanks to everyone who voted for me, you guys are awesome and for those of you who didn’t, well, you’re a bunch of fucktards. Yeah, that’s it.” He concludes, still grinning.

Principal Dewitt shakes his head, but doesn’t scold Reese, but instead returns to the microphone. “Thank you, Mr. Logan. Now, for the Queen. Your 2013 Prom Queen is Miss Fallon Richards.” He announces.

In case you don’t remember, Fallon Richards is an insanely popular girl, nearly as popular as Reese himself. She was on my track team and she was one of the ones that got that tiny rumor that Reese and I were dating going. Luckily, it didn’t really blossom into much, that rumor. Fallon goes up on the stage in her skin tight, back-baring, pink dress and accepts her crown and sash, making some small somewhat humble speech. After Fallon’s speech, the lights near the front of the stage are turned back off, and the room evaporates back to its somewhat darkness.

"Alright Lakeside High,” the DJ says smoothly over his microphone. “grab someone special. This will be the last dance of the night; enjoy it.”

Because my school is so weird, this is actually the first - and apparently last - slow song they’ve played of the entire night. Most of the dance floor empties, people either leaving the room or going to sit at the numerous tables. Bradley extends his hand towards me with a boyish grin, silently asking me to dance. With a small smile, I grab his hand and let him lead me to the center of the dance floor, a nice spot where there isn’t too many people already crowding.

Bradley places his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him and I instinctively let my arms lock around his neck. The David Archuleta song slowly fades in and I rest my head on Bradley’s chest, swaying in our little area with him.

You see a storm heading our way

You know the cold can make things delay, up here it can't do any harm.

The cracks show in the concrete jungle

Tear apart the weakest of hearts, up here you'll be safe in my arms.

“Sydney?” Bradley quietly says.

“Mhm?” I reply, letting my eyes flutter closed, just relishing in this moment.

“I love you.”

“I love you more,” I retort.

“I love you most,” Bradley says. “We just re-enacted that Rapunzel/Mother Gothel thing, didn’t we?”

“We did, didn’t we?” I giggling at his reference to Tangled.

"Yup, but there’s something I should tell you.”

“What is it?” I wonder, my eyes still closed.

“I, erm, I got in.”

“Got in what?”

“UCL.” He clarifies.

“Oh,” I say, remembering the college in London. “You gonna go?”

“No. I thought you should know though.”

“But it’s a really, really good school and you got in. You should go.”

“And leave you here? No.” He argues. “Let’s talk about it some other time though; I just wanted to tell you.”

“Okay,” I softly agree with a nod against his chest.

Nothing can touch us, we're everything, we're everything and more.

Let's try holding each other, found a love to last forever.

Up here gives you wings to stay strong, ooh.

The air is pure that we're breathing.

We're something to believe in, 'cause I feel it's where we both belong.


I know that you're feeling like we're only dreaming

Well don't look down 'cause this is real.

And for the remaining of the duration of the song, Bradley and I move together in our little circle silently, neither of us thinking of what the future might bring. Because the reality of it is that in a little over a month, we’ll be graduating and then we’re done. School will be finished, summer will come, summer will leave and then we’ll all be going our separate ways. Unless by some weird twist of fate, we don’t have to leave each other. The chances of that happening though, are slim to none. I’ll worry about that later though; right now I’m in this moment and I don’t wanna think of anything else except for the amazingly wonderful boy holding me.

“Goodnight class of 2013.” The DJ says as the song ends minutes later.

The lights begin to fade and the rest of the people begin to disperse as Prom comes to an end. Bradley steps away from me reluctantly and kisses the top of my head. “You ready to go to the room?”

“Oh, is it here? Like in this hotel?”

“Yes, Sydney, it’s in this hotel,” He confirms with a chuckle.

“Oh, well, I didn’t know!” I defend with a smile.

“Excuses, excuses,” Bradley teases as we’re joined by Mikey, Jaime, Tanner, Drew and Walker.

“Walker, I didn’t know you came,” I tell him. 

“Yeah, I figured, ‘hey, you only come to Prom once’, so I came.”

“Well, I’m glad.” I truthfully state.

“Oh and I got the keys.” He informs us, pulling a set of room keys out of his tuxedo internal pocket.

Walker was probably the one to book the rooms because besides the fact that he’s the most responsible of the group, he’s the only one of the guys that’s already eighteen, besides Tanner and Tanner can barely keep up with his car keys, let alone room keys. I’m eighteen of course, I just didn’t book them because I didn’t know we were staying at this hotel. Walker hands out the keys, giving Bradley ours with a stern look.

“You two better use something if you go up there and have sex,” He warns.

“Okay, dad,” I mutter, my face going red.

Walker gives Mikey and Jaime their room key, and then keeps the third for himself and Drew, who is standing beside him, Darcy nowhere in sight I don’t wanna ask about it though, therefore I’m not going to. Tanner’s still with the random girl, looking extremely tired. Catherine, I think that’s her name. She’s a nice enough girl, I guess. I’ve never really spoken to her, so I wouldn’t really know.

“See you guys in the morning,” Walker says as we all begin to walk off, heading out of the ballroom.

It doesn’t take long for Bradley and me to find our room. It’s on the second floor, and it was clearly marked, so yeah. It’s really nice though, the room. I think Walker intentionally gave us this one though, because there’s only one bed- a king sized bed styled with fluffy white pillows and a blasé white comforter. Bradley closes the door behind us, locking it and pulls of his black dress shoes. I unintentionally stare as he begins to undo the buttons on the black jacket of his tuxedo. Bradley tosses the jacket over the back of a chair and loosens his tie, but doesn’t take it off. Suddenly he chuckles and looks over at me.


“Are you checking me out?” He asks with a hint of amusement.

“Yes, yes I am.” I tell him, not bothering to deny it.

Bradley wordlessly walks over to me, placing his hands on either side of my face and leans down. His lips lace mine in a sweet and simple kiss and my hands go up, resting on his warm chest. I feel Bradley walks up backwards slowly and somewhat reluctantly across the room. My fingers shakily begin to undo the buttons of his white button up shirt, yanking his Coral colored tie over his head and letting it fall to the floor. I step out of my shoes- which isn’t easy to do when you’re walking backwards, thank you very much- and continue going up, unbuttoning the white buttons.

Once I get them all unbutton, I pull it off of Bradley and it hits the floor silently. Suddenly the back of my knees hit the foot of the bed, causing me to go tumbling backwards, Bradley following on top of me, holding his weight up. I let my fingers absentmindedly traces the planes of Bradley’s defined ab muscles and he emits a throaty moan as my fingers lightly brush over the front of his suit pants.

Bradley’s tongue finds its way into my mouth, skillfully working its way around. As I pull away from Bradley, practically gasping for air, he moves his lips to my neck, licking, biting and kissing the skin. At that moment, I moan, rather loudly, I might add and Bradley pushes his lips back to mine. I absentmindedly move my fingers back down to Bradley’s pants, popping the button on them.

"W-wait a second,” Bradley breathlessly says. “what’re we doing?”

“Isn’t it kinda obvious?” I giggle.

"I guess so,” He chuckles. “We don’t have to though, you know.”

“I know,” I assure him, opening my eyes, seeing that he’s staring down at me with his icy blue eyes.

“I mean it, Syd. Like, you don’t have to go the ‘lose your virginity on Prom night’ route.”

“Don’t you want to?” I ask him.

“Of course I do. I’m a guy; I always want to.” He says from above me, his minty breath wavering over me.

“Then why’re we talking about it?”

"Because I don’t wanna do it and then in the morning you regret it and hate me or something.”

“I could never hate you,” I truthfully tell him. “Besides, this is what I want.”

“Is it really?”

“Yes, really.” I report, leaning up to kiss him. “I promise.”

“Okay,” Bradley says with a relieved nod.

He slips down the strap on my dress, kissing down my shoulder, sucking on the skin. With his pants unbuttoned and his shoes off, it’s surprisingly easy to get them down. He kicks them off along with his boxers and socks and seconds later, my Prom dress goes flying over my head with my undergarments, landing somewhere in this huge hotel room.

“’B.N.E.’?” Bradley suddenly says.

“Huh?” I ask, my eyes still closed.

“That’s the tattoo you got on your hip?” Bradley asks, sounding amused.

“Oh, yeah,” I say, remembering I never showed him it. 

“My initials?”      

“Well, you did get my name, after all.” I remind him.

“That’s true,” He retorts, pulling a packaged condom from his pants and putting it on. “Man, I love you.”

“Man,” I giggle. “I love you too.”

He goes back to kissing me, and that’s the end of our conversation for a very, very long time.

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