Chapter 15: Motherly Instinct

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"The family is one of nature's masterpieces." -George Santayana

They say time heals al wounds, it doesn't. We heal ourselves, it just takes time - Nuel11 Blood From a teenage heart.


He drove towards his estate. His Honda accord 2016 was what he considered his baby. He turned right and almost immediately, the estate gate pulled open. He drove in after waving at the security. He drove towards his apartment building and parked outside. He picked his file bag and rushed out of the car, towards the elevator.

In no time, he was in and out of the elevator. He brought out his keys from his pocket and opened his door. The light was off. He always left it on. Stepping back, he had one leg in and one out. As a lawyer he had learnt to be self conscious. Danger could be everywhere and no where. He flicked the light on.

"Congratulations!" The loud mixture of voices filled his ears.

Breaking into a grin, he stepped inside. He was sure it was Mimi who planned this one.

He looked around the room. Mimi stood beside her husband, their broad smiles unwavering and his father;it was his smile that made him really smile. Ikenna moved in quick steps and engulfed Nonso in a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you, my boy!"

Nonso hugged him closely. Mimi butt in, hugging them both together.

Francis was missing, his lousy comments and his constant hailing was missing. Nonso shrank back in guilt, he hadn't spoken to Francis since sunday;the day he had a fight with Mimi.

"You were so good!" Mimi smirked once they pulled apart. "I kept telling Ugo 'that's my junior brother, I cleaned his ass when he was younger'"

Everyone laughed.

Nonso rolled his eyes. "You are only three years older. That's totally impossible."

Mimi glared at him.

"Congrats bro!" Ugo smiled, patting him on the back. "That was awesome. Weren't you shy of the cameras?"

Nonso scrunched his brows. He didn't even notice it.

"The case is a big one, so you should know it would be on air, the news carried it. It's all over the news," his father's grin never wavered.

"So... You didn't invite Fran?" Nonso spoke out of the blues.

Silence prevailed.

"I did. Just..... I don't know if he'll come," Mimi replied.

"Oh." He was hurt no doubt. What was ever fun without Francis.

The apartment door suddenly burst open, a loud scream followed after that. Nonso grinned knowingly, turning around, Francis stood there, with a bottle of red wine in hand.

He smirked. "If it isn't Nornor!"

The next moment, they were hugging.

"Bro. This is the success story! You are getting there." Francis smiled.

"Fran Fran!" Nonso hailed.

After their laughters died, Francis turned to the entire family. The air tensed.

Nonso was more than certain Mimi would not apologize, he wasn't sure if Francis would either. Francis always made reconciliation efforts but the fight had been deep.

"I'm sorry," Francis broke the silence. He kept his head straight ahead, his eyes on Mimi. "I'm sorry about the awful things I said on sunday. I was just really pissed. I'm sorry also for bringing Selena, dressed that way. It was my fault. She refused to come dressed like that but her house is far and I was sure we wouldn't make it back if we had gone there. And the thing is that I was really looking foward to introducing her to everyone. I'm sorry."

Mimi sighed.

"What's her job that she had to be dressed in such a way?" Ikenna asked.

Nonso watched as Francis tensed.

"Am I forgiven or...."

"Francis I asked-"

"Fine. I'll tell you what's up with her," Francis puffed a breath. "Whatever it is, is no one's business, only hers and the man she has promised to give herself to. You guys all know me and how I really just like things to be perfect but meeting Selena, I realized that no one and nothing is perfect but, there is a kind of beauty in imperfect. Trust me when I say Selena is not a bad person, she's been through so much in life and her story is hers alone to share, I hope you all accept that and above all, accept her because I'm totally in love with her."

Silence. Francis shifted uncomfortably under their Father's stern gaze. Mimi broke into a grin. "I forgive you, and I'm sorry too,"

She moved foward and engulfed Francis in a hug, but no before shoving their father lightly on the arm.

Ikenna didn't budge. It was certain he was not pleased with the Selena girl, but he forced a smile, perhaps because it was Nonso's night and they were a family after all.

"God! Mimi I missed you,"

Mimi smacked his head. "It's been three days, Ode,"

Francis put his hand on his head and rubbed slightly. "See what I'm saying."

"So... How is Ziterem?" His smile was gone, replaced by a guilty one.

Nonso spoke up this time. Truth was he was hungry and the sentimental shit was getting too much. "It's Zara actually and She's better,"

Ugo only nodded at Francis, not uttering a word. He seemed quite off. Perhaps he was still angry.

"Alright let's eat, the chicken is getting cold," Ikenna spoke up. Rubbing his palms together, he moved towards the small round dinning table.

"Daddy ehn!" Nonso roared in laughter.

The aroma that followed after Ikenna opened the dish covers sent everyone inhaling sharply.

"Mehn. Orji children are the best," Francis smirked.

Nonso scoffed. "She is now Mimi Osakwe,"

Francis made a face. "Mimi Orji sounds better."

"I agree."

"I can hear you guys you know?" Ugo interjected, an amused smile playing on his lips.

Mimi shook her head and headed for the dinning, her banter with their father was heard afterwards.

"Mimi likes family gatherings," Ugo spoke up after minutes of silence and the three standing there idly.

Francis smiled. "Family is everything. We learnt that while growing up."

"I wish it had been like that with us. You guys are lucky with what you have, a mother trying to keep it all together,"

Nonso smiled. Mimi had been a mother since their mother died, he'd always appreciated her but with Ugo voicing it out, he really saw that Mimi had done much in their life than they'd admit.

"The chicken is getting cold now! You guys should come over!"

And the chattering began.


Walking into the reception, he prayed her mother wouldn't be around, he had been embarrassed the last time she sent him out. And he hoped Derin was alone.

The awful smell greeted him again. It was stronger this time around. And with his perfumed handkerchief, he covered his nose.

He bumped into someone. A basket fell out of nowhere and it's content were all over the floor. Six Oranges, a pineapple and a huge round watermelon.

"I'm so sorry!"

He bent quickly and picked them all up,placing them back in the basket. Once he was done, he took the basket and streched it out.

His eyes met with wrinkled ones, not from old age but from stress.

"Good evening ma," he greeted.

She turned her face in a small smile. "Barrister."

She smiled. One point.

"So, you are here again,"

"Yes. I was about looking for you." He pressed his lips in a thin line.

Liar, liar!

He all but wanted to see her.


He chuckled. "I wanted to ask if it's ok that I see Derin,"

He still held out the basket. She collected it from him.

"It's almost been a week since I saw you."

"Five days," he smiled. "I've been busy,"

She nodded. "A lawyer. A real lawyer or the begi begi one, which are you?"

He chuckled softly. "A real one ma."

"I see. We didn't start on good terms. We met under weird circumstances, I wasn't happy that sunday. "

Nigerian mothers.

That was her way of saying she was sorry for kicking him out on Sunday. It was how all elderly Nigerians behaved. Their indirect apologies.

"It's fine ma."

"She might be asleep now, but let's go together, I was headed there."

She turned. Nonso quickly stretched out his hands to take her basket."let me, ma,"

She smiled. "Ómò dada,"

He wasn't fluent in the Yoruba language but he was sure she meant. Good child.


He was making a good impression.

The rest of the walk was silent. He walked behind, following her every step until they got to the room. She opened the door slowly. They both stepped in.

A man, the young man Nonso had seen on Sunday who mentioned Derin's name sat beside her, his macho frame blocked Derin from view. He sprang up the moment he saw them, his hands darted into the pocket of his flowered shorts quickly. Nonso could have sworn he had slipped something inside.

"Micheal. What are you doing here? I thought you left." Derin's mother moved quickly to the Derin's side, she was fast asleep.

Micheal yawned. "You scared me,"

"Micheal. I told you I don't like her alone with anyone else apart from me. You could have told me you were coming back."

Michael shrugged. "I'm her brother, what's bad with me staying with her," his eyes drifted to Nonso. "Who is this, the janitor?"

Nonso clenched his jaw, he'd barely known this guy but he felt like punching him already.

"Go home. Your father needs you, he called you about two hours ago," Derin's mother snapped.

Micheal raised his hands in the air and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Nonso dropped the basket on the table. Derin stirred a little. Taking the plastic chair by the corner, he sat down.

Silence drowned the room, and in an attempt to break it, he asked the one question that had been haunting him.

"What happened to her ma?"

Derin's mother looked up. Sighing loudly, she spoke.

"On Saturday evening, Derin came to visit. I quickly insisted on getting her drink because I had none at home. The shop that sole drink was three streets away from mine but I insisted on going. So I left her at home with Micheal-"

Nonso sat up abruptly. "The man who just left?"

"Yes. He is my husband's son,"

"OK. Oh. Go on ma,"

She heaved a sigh. "When I got back, the front door was locked. I called out to her, she didn't answer. I started knocking. No anwer," she placed her palm on her knee. "I got down so I could head to the back door, it was then I saw Michael coming from the neighbors house. He greeted when he saw me. Then he asked why I was going to the back. I told him the door was locked, so we both went through the back. Hmm... When I got inside, lo and behold, Derin lay unconscious on the living room floor, her clothes were torn to pieces,"

Derin's mother laughed painfully. Nonso clenched his fists. His heart went out for what next she was about to say.

"Her legs were spread apart. I rushed over to her with Michael in tow. Her face was all red and she had a bit of swell on her forehead. Her shoulder too was red. That was how we rushed her to the General hospital Ikorodu-"

"Without dressing her?" Nonso's eyes bulged out. He'd become comfortable talking with her, she wasn't as bad as she made herself the last time he saw her.

"Noo. I threw one of my big gowns on her. So when we got there, we were told she was raped. Because of the injuries in her legs and traces injuries, sperm and bruises in her private area. Although from the position I found her in, I already knew what the situation was."

His eyes drifted to Derin. Her eyes were shut tighter than normal. Then it released and she stirred. Her breathing slowed and she moaned softly. She was still asleep.

"So how did she get here?"

"I didn't like the hospital condition there, so I called her father.." She trailed off.

He knew what she didn't want to say. Perhaps she was scared of how Nonso would see her if she admitted that Derin was the governor's illegitimate child. He didn't press the issue further.

"Does she know?" Nonso broke the silence.

Derin's mother shook her head. "That's the strangest thing, she remembers nothing, she doesn't even remember she visited me. She has lost her memory for that particular day. More strange is that they say she was drugged, perhaps injected but the doctors cannot identify what drug it is."


"And she forgets somethings too, minor things. Plus the itching. But the doctor said it must be a side effect of the drug given to her. They washed the drug from her, but she keeps on scratching and she keeps on forgetting."

His mind reflected on all she had said.


He wondered what her motherly instincts told her, did she suspect Michael?

"Ma, how is the house you stay in, the compound, how is it?" He cringed at the way he questioned her. He hoped she didn't see it any other way.

"We live in a bungalow. In our compound, we have five bungalows,"

"And all are the same? Like they all have this back door you speak of?"

"Yes, affirmative."

"So, there isn't any shop on your street?"

"At all." Her eyes drifted back to Derin.

"I should have never left her, I should have just given her the Zobo I made. Instead I wanted to give her something posh," her eyes watered. "I know she would have taken the Zobo if I had told her it was all there was, but I just wanted her to have juice."

She shook her head.

His thoughts drifted to Micheal. He needed to know who he was. The name kept staggering back into his mind. Even more suspicious was the fact that Micheal had slipped into her room although strictly instructed against it.

"It's ok Miss Adeyi,"

He'd said it deliberately, he needed to get something from her.

She smiled. "It's Mrs Ojo. Shola Adeyi-Ojo. I'm married,"

Then he remembered when Derin had told him her mother was getting married. He remembered her specifically telling him she was an only child.

Micheal must be her step brother.

Micheal Adeyi.


Micheal Ojo.

He got his answer.

"She is supposed to be discharged now right?"

"Yes, but we need to run a serious test in the next two weeks and she needs to be monitored, with the itching and missing memories."

"What test?"

"Pregnancy test," she replied lowly, merely a whisper but he heard.

"But don't you think she'll remember if she is in a familiar environment, perhaps she should go home," he suggested.

She shook her head. "No,"

He almost asked why, but he realized he'd asked her too much.

However, she answered on her own.

"I'm scared. I fear that my motherly instinct may be right."

He said nothing, she said nothing, they both glued their gazes to the sleeping beauty.


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It's unedited.

Dedicated to Tohria for the support and Prendywillow for the lovely review. Chiziterem 💋

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