Chapter 20: Ignorance is bliss

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Get me a man that looks at me like I'm magic - Thebeverlynaya - IG.


Ten days had gone by since he last saw Derin. On her birthday, they hadn't even spoken on phone or chatted each other up on WhatsApp. He was waiting for her to call, and she hadn't.

He'd walked out of her little get together birthday party to drag his best friend Alex out of a club, the dude was drunk and wasted when he got there. He had to take him home and call up his girlfriend to do the rest.

Alex had a fight with Vanessa, his fiancée and he'd gone to get drunk just to forget. Nonso shook his head at his logic of forgetting things.

Get drunk.

He scoffed. As if.

He kept glancing at his phone, hoping for a call from Derin. He really missed her. He however wanted to step back a bit. Maybe he was coming unto her too forcefully.

His office door suddenly burst open. He snapped his head up instantly, his ex girlfriend Mitchell stood there in a short denim skirt and a pink blouse to match her pink glittering gladiator sandals.

"Mitchelle," he gestured to the sit in front of him."you could have knocked. "

She grinned broadly. "To think that I've passed that stage. Two months ago, I'd have barged in here, chanting 'babe' " her smile wavered. "But that's not the case,"

He cleared his throat. "How are you?"

"I'm where you left me," she glanced at him then took a sit. "After that case we both had. However, to cover the damage that did to my career, I won two cases in two weeks. How good is that?"

Nonso smiled. "I'm happy for you,"

She nodded. "Thank you."

He adjusted in his chair. "So, you came here..."

"Can't I just come and visit sometimes?" She raised a brow.

He tightened his lips, then chuckled nervously. "Sure,"

He glanced at his phone. No call.

"Well... I came to invite you to my twenty fifth birthday and three year celebration of me as a lawyer."

She passed him an invitation card. He barely looked at it and slipped it under his desk.

"Sure, I'll be there."

She smiled gratefully. "Don't miss it Nonso, who knows we can get back on and make a power couple in the legal business!"

Nonso creased his brows.

Mitchelle shook her head. "Never mind!"

She blew him a kiss and walked out of the office.

Sighing, Nonso put his head down and groaned.

This party would be another reason for his father to emphasis that Mitchell was his soul mate.


Jessica turned the steering and rounded by the corner, whistling to Ed sheeran's photograph as she drove.

"Where exactly are we heading to?"

Jessica grinned cheerily. "Calm down Derin. After I see this friend of mine, we'll head straight to hang out, probably shopping. It's been long since we had time out together."

Derin nodded understandingly.

Her boss had given her two weeks off work to rest and get better, although the woman and the rest of the office apart from Ify, had no idea of the reason she was in the hospital.

She'd been in her apartment resting after her mother left when Jessica came visiting.

"Ok. Are we there?" Derin asked as Jessica parked in front of something labeled a huge event center at Lekki, Lagos.

Something labeled was one of the biggest places one could find on the Island.

"What are we doing here?" Derin sighed. "I need to braid this hair,"

"You will but not today oh! Abeg! Today is our day out."

Derin raised her hands in the air, chuckling. "Ok,"

"Good, get down. I need to get a jewelry set from here."

Derin nodded and got down. She walked over to Jessica's side and watched as she locked up her car.

"Is my hair good?" Derin asked, patting her hair.

Jessica turned to her. "Yeah."

"Ok, let's go."

They both walked towards the gate. "Mehn. I should have brought shades. The sun is hot today."

Jessica shook her head. "That one can't affect black babes na. It's the likes of your friends Lola and Ify."

Derin smiled "true,"

The gate man ushered them in. The reception door automatically slid open as they got closer. The reception smiled at them.

"Welcome to Something labelled,"

Derin smiled and nodded. "Dalu,"

Jessica laughed. "I didn't know you knew any word Igbo,"

Derin smirked. "I know na, you always gave me lessons,"

Jessica smiled then turned to the receptionist. "Where is Onyeka?"

The receptionist eyes lit up in recognition. "Ah. You came by on Tuesday and last Friday,"

Jessica nodded. "Affirmative."

"Madam is at the pool side, she is with a customer."

"Oh. Ok. Can we see her there?"

"Yes, sure. Just go outside and take the right route to the back, the pool is there."

"Thank you," Jessica nodded then turned to Derin. "Let's go."

The two walked out of the reception and as directed by the receptionist, they took the right route to the back. The pool came into view immediately.

The water was so blue. Modern wooden sits and fine beach hurts were built beside the pull.

The pool was almost empty. The only person they saw, were a fair woman and Mitchelle.

Derin groaned internally.

Another lady stepped out from a door. She nodded towards Mitchelle and said something. Mitchell shrugged and they discussed with the other lady.

Jessica waved. "Onyii!"

The woman in question, a fair lady with gold dreads turned to them. She grinned as she saw them then gestured for them to come over.

Jessica grabbed Derin and walked over to the ladies.

Mitchell's eyes narrowed. The dark Lady beside her whispered something to her and she nodded.

As they got closer, Derin put on her best smile.

"Hi," Jessica smiled as she got closer.

"Hi," the ladies chimed.

Derin waved. "Hello."

"Hello," they chimed again.

Jessica and Onyeka hugged. While Mitchell and her dark friend just waved.

"I think I know you," she pointed at Jessica. "I see you a lot, at my boyfriend's building."

Jessica smiled. "Yeah."

"She is Governor Nzube's daughter." Her dark friend deadpanned.

Mitchelle gasped. "Really? I had no idea." She shovelled her bag quickly and dug out an envelope. She handed it to Jessica. "This Saturday, you are invited."

Jessica whistled as she opened it. "Your twenty fifth?"

"Yeah. Why? I don't look it?"

"You look it, I was just surprised." Jessica shrugged, still smiling.

Mitchelle turned to Derin. "Hi,"

Derin raised a brow but replied. "Hi,"

"You look familiar," Mitchelle beamed. "Oh. Yes. I remember. You are that old friend of my boyfriend, the one who eh..... Lived in Ajegunle, am I right?"

Derin smirked. The Lady was going bitch mode in a soft way.

First off, Nonso was no longer her boyfriend.

"Who knows?" Derin shrugged.

"It is you, I remember. The only other way you'll look familiar is if your parents are high societal people, like my dad, he is minister of information. Besides if i don't know you then Uche will." She turned to her dark friend. "Do you?"

"Nope," the Uche popped.

Derin broke into a loud laugh. Jessica looked at her weirdly.

It was that are you ok? Look.

Derin turned to Mitchell. "Your father is the minister of information? Wow! Did he educate you on the mind your business policy?-"

"Ehm.. Derin... Why don't we go in with Onyeka" Jessica cut her short.

Derin was sure Jessica was trying to avoid her bitch mode.

Derin shook her head. "I'll just wait for you here."


"Jess, it's fine. Go get your stuff,"

Onyeka nodded. "Jessica let's go,"

She pulled Jessica away and they both walked to the building.

Derin turned to Mitchelle.

"I know you," Mitchelle smirked. "You're that gold digging bitch who tried to get at Nonso."

Derin smirked. "Ohh..."

Mitchelle placed her hand on her waist and smiled. "Well, we broke up, he really must be into you. He always kept thinking about you, looking at your pictures then he'd hide it when i came by."

Derin creased her brows. Mitchelle went on.

"But you see, in this society, it's not about what one feels, it's about class, it's about tribe, it's about status."

Derin shook her head, smirking. "So you are telling me all this because....?"

"Because Nonso is bound to end up with me. Same class, Same tribe, same level."

Derin burst into laughter. She'd listened to the bitch for far too long.

"Look... What's that your name again?" Derin asked smugly.

"It's Mitch-"

"I don't care. Bitchelle,Mitchelle, whatever your name is, don't step on my toes cause you won't like it when i clap back." Derin snarled.

Mitchelle smiled. "We should be cool, Derin. I'm not bad person really, I was just pointing out a mere fact,"

"Shove it up your ass, my dear,"

The dark friend, Uche spoke up. "Look, Derin she's just trying to tell you that the parents might hook them both together but they might not want it."

Mitchelle nodded. "Exactly, My dad is so obsessed with me marrying Ikenna Orji's son. I mean because we are on the same level, that's all I'm saying. "

Derin huffed. "That's really not my problem. Besides, we only met twice, remember? At the coffee shop and at his apartment building."

Mitchelle sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I think we started on a bad note-"

"Well, you don't talk to somebody for the first time and call them gold digging bitches,"

"I'm sorry, really. It's just that I couldn't miss out on the opportunity to see you get all riled up." Mitchelle grinned.

Derin didn't crack a smile.

"I'm really sorry. Like really," Mitchelle stepped closer and in her attempt to shake Derin, she hit Derin's ankle with the side of her Jimmy Choo heel.

Letting out a pained whistle, Derin tried to touch her legs and she tripped, falling into the pool.

"My hair!"


Derin sat in the car, with a grim expression plastered on her face. Her hair had shrunk to a horrible low - cut size.

"I'm so sorry," Jessica murmured.

Derin looked away. She was so certain Mitchell had pushed her on purpose and then she'd done the pleading so cleanly everyone thought it was a mistake.


" a bitch! She was trying to belittle me in front of everyone, with that Ajegunle lie and calling me a gold digging bitch. Seriously though?"

Jessica sighed. "She apologized like a million times."

"It doesn't cut it." Derin huffed.

Jessica sighed. "Whatever,"

"Just take me home. I'm in no mood to go out with you anymore,"

Jessica turned to her sharply. "For real?"

Derin mimicked her slightly. "For real?" Turning her face away, she pouted her lips. "I can't go out with you, looking like this,"

Jessica stared at her. "Ok, I'll take you to a saloon, you'll fix instead."

Derin scrunched her brows. "Thank you, just take me home abeg,"

Jessica roared her engine to life and drove out of the parking lot. Her silence caught Derin off guard. Jessica's silence often meant she was angry. Derin felt bad. She didn't mean to hurt to her feelings.


"I know, I know, I'll take you home.."


" know? I just felt bad that we haven't really spoken to each other in years and I felt like we needed to bond. With Dike acting all grown up and spending more time with his babe, I thought it'll give us time to bond but I was wrong,"

There is no use in pushing away the people that matter to you or the people who really want to matter to you.

Selena's words played on in her mind. Selena was right, there really was no use.

"Jessica, I'm sorry." Derin whispered.

Jessica had always been the one trying to reach out. To make things better, yet she ended pushing her away time without number.


Jessica pressed her lips in a thin line. It was obvious she was trying to still her grin. Derin poked her.

Jessica let the grin slip.

"Fine. Fine. I forgive you,"

"Thank you," Derin gave a genuine smile.

Jessica sighed. "So, will you still make the hair,"

Derin sighed. "I really wanted to braid,"

Jessica turned her steering right. "It'll take the whole day and we still need our time out."

"Fine," Derin shrugged.


Derin laughed at how childish her reply seemed.

Jessica cleared her throat. "So do you know about Dike and that your best friend, Lola,"

Derin turned to Jessica sharply. She'd known Lola and Dike had met at Mimi's engagement but she didn't know they'd gone far, Lola never mentioned it to her.

"Oh. They must be serious."

Jessica grinned cheekily. "This is the first relationship I've seen that boy committed to."

Derin shook her head and smiled.

"Who is your best friend sef, Lola or Ify," Jessica blurted out.

Trust her to ask questions that don't rhyme with the initial discussion.

Derin shrugged. She never really thought about it. "Both of them,"

Jessica smirked. "In a three cord friendship, two out of the three share a unique bond."

Derin raised a brow. "So what happens to the third,"

Jessica cringed. "Well.... She is like a third wheel."

Derin scoffed. "We all connect with each other. Ify and I kind of have similar goals and dreams and our pasts- childhood wasn't the best. Lola and I, well we bonded cause we went bitch mode on one girl together," Derin chuckled. "Let's just say, we don't let people step on us. And now, Lola and Ify have similar characters. They are both chirpy and Like the same things, see life in the same view, love, fun, risks. We all bond," Derin shrugged.

"Hmm.. Cool. My only best friend has been a guy."

Derin scrunched her brows. "Is it that Dubem guy, the one since secondary school?"

Jessica nodded. "The very one."

Derin smirked. "I hear wedding bells,"

"What?" Jessica scoffed. "Not possible, he is busy screwing the entire nation to glance at me."

Derin laughed. "That's how the story starts."

Jessica threw a glare her way. Derin threw her head back and laughed out loudly.


She turned the door knob easily. The spare key that was usually kept under the mat fit in perfectly. Pushing the door open, she walked inside with her shopping bags.

The day out with Jessica had been exhausting, despite the fun.

Stepping into the house, dropping her bags on the living room chair, she headed for the kitchen.

Something beeping on the dining table diverted her attention. Lola's iPhone sat on the table, blaring. She picked it up.

There was a voice message from Micheal.


Derin's heart beat became frantic. For some reason, she had become uncomfortable around him. Was he the same person who messaged Lola.

To satisfy her curiosity, she clicked the play button. The unmistakable voice of her step brother played out.

"I'm sorry Lola, I swear I was as drunk as you. But thank God you caught yourself in time. I swear we didn't go as far as you think. It wasn't sex, Lola. I'm really sorry. Call me when you get this, let's talk. I'll telk you everything. It was just a drunken mistake."

Her mouth was left agape after she listened to the message. She shook her head. She hoped Lola wouldn't go down the road she did years ago. She just hoped.

" have to go jhoor. We are having girls night. Ify has slept off because of you now." Lola's voice echoed in the hallway.

"Seriously, you guys do girls night on Wednesday?" Dike's voice followed suit.


Derin groaned lowly. They hadn't spoken face to face for four years. She'd done well in avoiding him. He brought bad memories, really bad ones. Bullying her as a ten year old and reminding her that her mother was a home wrecker. She hated seeing him.

"Your mommy is a whore!" He screamed and shoved her out of his way. She fell to the side, rolling on the dirty water Gina, the house help had used to wash her under wears.

Before she could step into the kitchen, to avoid an encounter, the door to the inner room swung open and Dike stepped out. He froze once their eyes met.


Her heart almost went out it's cage.

Trying to conceal her fear, her fear for him, she clenched her fists and raised her face up high.


He opened his mouth to say something but he shook his head. "Ugh... Bye babe." He turned to Lola and kissed her on the lips squarely.

Then he turned to her and nodded before he headed for the door, closing it with a soft bang.

Derin released a breath she'd been holding. Dike was one of the people who'd shaped her, to the woman she'd become.

"Why are you holding my phone?!" Lola snapped.

Derin blinked, trying to clear her head.

"Oh," then she remembered why she was holding it. She narrowed her eyes at Lola. "What happened with you and Michael?"

Lola froze for a moment. Moving forward, she snatched the phone from Derin. "How dare you go through my phone?"

"Lola, I'm just asking ok? If it's something serious, just be careful of him. Besides, I think you should tell Dike if you guys are serious, it's... It's unfair to him, really?"

"Derin!" She snapped, her anger so visible it flamed her eyes

"Lola look I know I'm just saying it bluntly, it's because I don't want you to make the same mistake as I did."

"No you look!" Lola snapped, stepping foward. "You like acting like you are all perfect and flawless. You always want everyone around you to see life in the boring cold way you do-"


"-yes! You shone Ify out every time she tells you about her love for love. It's as if you control her, only she doesn't see it. Telling her how to spend her money, when she told you about her trip to calabar, you scolded her on how to spend her money and how to stay calm,not to take risks and blah. The other day, she asked your thoughts on love and you told her bluntly it doesn't exist, did you care how she felt?..."

How does this connect to the initial topic. Derin pondered.

" never ask about my relationship with Dike and I never tell you because I keep thinking how you'll feel. Ify and I are always so cautious, not to say things that annoy you because we know hom malicious you can be, you'd keep it for hundred years in your heart and throw away the key. Yet you say things anyhow to us and we keep watching you. Because of your bitterness, you fail to notice how sorry Dike is for everything he's done in the past.... You know what? You are a bitter selfish bitch Derin. I can go on and on about you, Madame. Should we try?"

Derin's fists clenched. "What's making you angry, I'm just trying to advice-"

"Advice my foot. Have you told Nonso of your lovely bed events with his favorite professor? Or you know he'll leave you when he finds out?"

Derin paled. The scalp, where the hairdresser had tacked the hair together ached her more.

How could you?

How could her best friend keep so much inside her. And what made her pour it out all of a sudden. She's said nothing provocative that would have made Lola get all riled up.

Clenching her fists together, she searched her brain for a comeback that'll hurt Lola to the core. That would bring her to her knees.

But searching, she found none. Only the words Selena had told her once echoed in her memory.

Ignorance is Bliss, you mustn't reply to everything some one tells you, at times it's better to just ignore.

She let a painful smile grace her lips. Trying to make it as lovely as she could, she raised her head up high. Lola must not see how much her words had hurt.

"Thank you."

She was pleased as Lola's angry face turned into a confused one. Turning around, she picked up her shopping bags and walked through the front door with the remains of her shattered heart and her pride intact.


Who won,

Lola or Derin 😹😹

This chap is for _isioma_

Babe's a year older. I'm so sorry it's coming late. In arias tho.

I pray you have llnp.... 👏👏
And now that you are official, pls don't drink vodka 😹😹

Happy birthday.

❤Chiziterem .

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