Chapter 24 : Never A Bitch.

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Dedicated to FWC_official

for making it possible that i explore more paths to writing and widening my initial narrow thinking in the world of art.You may not know this,but you've impacted so much.  I cannot thank u all enough.

Thank you, to the one who introduced me @lemarson We should talk more often. Too much good you have in you 😇


True friends stab you in the front. Oscar Wilde


Morning came with cool air and soft breeze. Derin opened her eyes to find herself laying her head on Nonso's thigh. They had both slept off in the living room while watching The Wedding Party. She opened her eyes, they landed on the figurine beside the decoder, she averted her gaze. It moved to the thigh she lay on. Sitting up, she moved her leg to the floor and stood up. Nonso had his head rested on the arm of the couch.

She tapped him.

"Nonso," he stirred immediately, opening his eyes.

"Yeah?" He murmured.

She smiled. "The room, let's go."

"What's the time?" He asked as he wore his soft pam made of furr. He glanced at her feet. "Where is your slipper."

She moved beside him and wore the slipper he'd bought her immediately.

"It's five."

"Wow. We must have been tired," he placed a kiss on her forehead and moved around her to walk into his room.

She bent down and started clearing the living room. She packed up the plate they'd put the chin-chin they'd shared in, alongside the juice pack and the glass tumblers. She headed to the kitchen with them. She trashed the juice pack and washed off the tumblers and plate. Taking the broom by the corner, she headed back to sweep the living room.

Nonso raises a brow as she walks in.

"I want to sweep this place out."

He shakes his head. "The cleaner comes by mid day, when I'm gone so she can clean up. Just leave it. Besides we have an event today."

"What event?"

"Eh... I was going to ask you," he offered a tight smile. "It's Michelle's birthday."

Derin drops the broom. "Michelle as in your ex?"

She'd known about it, but she didn't know Nonso planned to go.

"Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think you'd want to come.."

Derin rolled her eyes. "Did you sleep with her?"

Nonso's eyes widened. "Eh.. Nope.. We never got near it."

Derin nodded.

It wouldn't be bad to grace Michelle's party. Besides after the stunt she'd pulled at something labeled, Derin felt the need to flaunt Nonso in her face. She made up her mind, she'd go with Nonso.

"It's cool. We'll go."

Nonso grinned.

Her phone vibrated on the center table just before Psquares bring it on blared from it. She rushed over and picked it up. The caller Id was unknown. She creased her brows and picked up the phone and kept quiet, waiting for the caller to speak up first.

"Derin Adeyi?"

Her heart froze. The voice sounded familiar, too familiar yet she wasn't so sure. Nonso raised a brow at her, she shrugged.



"Who is speaking?"

There was a long pause before something was heard. "It's Daniel."

He is involved with the rape.

Her throat closed up. This was who she wanted to speak to. Who she needed to speak to. How did he get her number. She had so many things to ask her, yet she couldn't speak. The cold air that swept past her spine alerted her that Nonso was in front of her. She couldn't possibly talk freely with Daniel without licking secrets. She closed her eyes tight and spoke up.

"Wrong number,"

She put the phone down from her ear and disconnected the call. She looked up to find Nonso staring at her curiously.

"Wrong Number?" He pried.

She nodded, offering him a smile. "Yeah, a little mix up."

He nodded. "Okay,"

She nodded. "Today is 1st October, it's independence day."

Nonso smirked. "Yeah. Baby, happy independence,"

He kissed her chastely. Derin groaned. "You too baby."


Nonso smiled as she stepped in, dressed in a yellow long dress that swept on the tiled floor, with a black strap that ran from beneath the mid waist joining of the dress, and made a cross across her burst and formed a strap. The dress was everything beautiful, she could tell by the way Nonso stared at her.

"You have a red lipstick on." He noted, his face adorned with a smirk.

Derin giggled and made her way over to him, landing a kiss on his cheek. She picked up her silver purse that matched her shoes from the couch and headed towards the door with Nonso behind her.

After he had locked the apartment, they both headed to the car and he drove towards the banana island. It was where Mitchelle's parents lived and it was where the party was being held.

Elites graced the event, Derin felt self conscious even as Nonso wrapped his hands around her and held her close. Men dressed in suits were filed outside, watching intently as people walked into the mansion with their invitation cards.

Rihanna's stay rolled out softly from the speakers as Nonso took out a sit for her on a round table for four. The remaining two chairs were left empty.

Derin assessed the hall closely, a hall in their home. There was a banner, behind three chairs, one was a Queen's styled chair. The remaining two were normal red chairs, beautiful also.

The seats in front of them moved. Derin looked up, to her shock, Lola and Dike took their sits. Derin froze.

Lola looked up at her and smiled. Not the normal warm smile, a cold calculating smile that sent chills down Derin's smile. Derin returned the smile, making hers barely visible.

Dike and Nonso looked between them, their eyes scanning them. From her peripheral gaze, she knew they were watching.

"Lola," Derin let out a full blown grin.

Lola did the same. "Bitch."

And she let out a quiet laugh before adding. "Hello."

Derin's smile never wavered. "Hey. What of Ify?"

"I don't know, probably with Tunmise." Lola shrugged. "You wouldn't know right? Seeing as you are too preoccupied in yourself to notice any other thing."

Lola picked a champagne glass as one of the waiters passed by.

She knew Lola was trying to get to her, to get her all riled up and the make her cause a scene. Or better still have to explain their fight to Nonso.

Derin laughed. Her bitch mode came on as quickly as possible. "How is Micheal?"

Lola choked on her drink, her coughing fits began too immediately and Dike began rubbing her back. Lola took a napkin and dabbed her lips. Her lipstick was already smeared.

Derin 1, Lola 0.

Once she was ok, she dropped the Napkin and faced Derin. "How is Daniel?"

Nonso's hand made it's way to hers and just as she expected, Dike interrupted. "What's up with you guys? I thought you are best friends?"

"Best friends fight." Lola stated.

Derin nodded in confirmation. "Indeed they do. But not as heated as this." She turned to Dike. "We aren't."

Lola's face went from smug to shocked.

Derin smirked. She needed to get away from the table before she would punch Lola in the face.

"Excuse me," she stood up and walked out. She was seething as she made her way to one of the waiters to ask for the restroom. On the way, she bumped into someone, a red coloured wine trailed down her yellow gown. She looked up. It was Ify, alone.

"Derin?" Ify gasped. "I'm so sorry, I swear. I never meant to... I swear... I swear,"

Derin creased her brows. Ify, in a place like this. In a place like this. How Ify got the invitation was beyond wonder. How Ify knew Mitchelle.

"What are you doing here?" Derin asked astonished.

"Lola got me a ticket." Ify smiled.

The last time they'd seen, Ify had calles her a monster. Derin scowled and turned away from her. But Ify gripped her forearm.

"Derin." Ify called. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything I failed to do. I'm so sorry, I swear I am. I'm sorry. I didn't tell you about Lola because I felt she'd tell you on her own, that she'd come around-"

"Bullshit. She photoshopped my picture, she framed a lie that almost ruined me. She could never come around."

"I wanted to tell you, I wanted to, even when... When I knew she wouldn't tell you. I however didn't want to see the aftermath of you knowing. So I begged Lola, not to act strange around you, to put up with you, to do it for me. She just shrugged, but things went back to normal, she just changed."

Derin scoffed. "I've been stupid."

Ify bent her head low. "I guess in my head, I was trying to make everything perfect. The two girls I loved, my two friends, the only two people who ever really understood me. I guess I was trying to keep it all together, because I could never choose between the two of you."

Derin closed her eyes, the tears threatening to fall. It was then she realized that people were getting seated around her and the MC had started talking. She pulled her hand away from Ify's and walked over to a guard.

"The rest room?"

He pointed to the right, a hallway. Nodding her head once, she went for the hallway.

You chose Lola.

A tear dropped.


She stood there, looking into the mirror, her reflection stared back at her. Her make up was still intact and her red lipstick still made her lips beautiful, yet there was a red stain on her dress. She groaned. She stepped out of the restroom and walked farther down the hallway. The popular aroma of the Nigerian party Rice filled her nostrils. Perhaps she'd find a sponge and clean her dress.

She walked into the kitchen to see workers, running about helter skelter. She was about to walk in, when a girl blabbering her mouth off and carrying a plate of African Salad (Abacha) bumped into her, the contents spilling on Derin's face, to her dress.

Bad day.

Everyone gasped. Derin clenched her jaw, silence raked through the room and she couldn't see anything as face was covered in peppery food.

A voice boomed. "Amarachi! Jesus! What have you done?!"

She felt a hand grip hers tightly and guide her. "Sorry, I'm so sorry. Let me wash up your face and I'll help redo your make up and scrub off your dress."

Derin recognized the voice. It was Mitchelle.

She was guided right, left, right and right again before a door opened, and another.

She felt water and soap wash up her face thoroughly, scrubbing until finally, her eyes were clear and her face smelt of Idol soap.

She gasped out as water ran down her face again. She opened her eyes, green towel dabbed on her face. Finally, she opened her eyes and Mitchelle stood before her, smiling.

"Derin." She paused her lips.

"Thank you," Derin smiled.

Mitchelle grinned genuinely. "Welcome,"

She was in a white robe, her hair packed up in a towel and her eyebrows were not so nicely carved.

Derin creased her brows. "Aren't you the birthday person?"

Mitchelle's smile died. "I thought so too, until my cousin instantly announced she was going to back to Malaysia and all my other friends who aren't around are down helping out in coordination and my mother is such a perfection freak and I have to wait up here and i stare at my make up bare face and the gown I can't wear on my own and I'm freaking out cause they'll call me out in like - and I feel-"

Derin caught her off. Staring at her weirdly as she rambled on. Mitchelle seemed nervous, although she kept her hand on her waist and placed an extremly cool expression on her face as she spoke.

"Mitchelle, calm down." Derin blurted out. Although Mitchelle was indeed calm. She spoke the way she had at something labelled, cool, as though not affected, except this time, she wasn't smiling.

Mitchelle blinked twice and nodded dryly. "I'm sorry, I just blabber when I'm nervous...."

"It's ok," Derin nodded.

Mitchelle smiled and nodded. "Ok."

Suddenly feeling grateful for what Mitchelle had done, Derin felt the need to do back a great did. Staring at Mitchelle, she cleared her throat.

"I can do a make over." Derin shrugged.

"You can?" Mitchelle broke into a grin.

"Yes, but I'll scrub this," she pointed to her dress. "Off, and spread it while I make you up. Deal?"

Mitchelle clapped her hands in glee. "Absolutely."

Derin and Mitchelle both worked on scrubbing off the stains on her gown. Once they were done, they spread it on Mitchelle's bed. Derin stood in a strap less black bra and a black tight.

Mitchelle threw a top at her. "I don't want your boobs shoving my face when you're making me up."

Derin scrunched her brows, trying to stiffle a chuckle.

"I never knew you were funny."

"Fun fact." Mitchelle smirked.

Derin clapped her hands together. "Let's get to work."

Mitchelle took the seat infront of the dressing mirror and Derin was in front of her in no time. The make over started.


"Ok so are you done yet?" Mitchell asked, her eyes closed as Derin rubbed the powder across her face mercilessly. She smiled down at her job. Mitchelle looked perfect.

"I'm done," Mitchelle opened her eyes.

She turned to the mirror immediately and gasped. "I look like a frigging barbie!"

Derin choked a laugh. "You are no where near her."

Mitchelle huffed. "I'm still pretty and I smile a lot."

Derin nodded. The only time she'd seen Mitchelle angry was the first time they'd met. Mitchelle had been a smiley after that time.

"Even when you are being a bitch." Derin announced.

Mitchelle chuckled. "I'm never a bitch, Madame."

Derin raised a brow. "At something labelled?"

Mitchelle smiled. "I'm not sorry I said those to you, I only stated a fact. I'm not a bitch Derin. Smiling always makes you the bigger person. In any situation."


"And forgiving makes you the most powerful. I forgive your peachy self on our first encounter."

Derin cocked her head to the side and smiled. "Thank you."

Mitchelle tilted her head and assessed Derin. "Struggle to keep yourself happy, even in the moments you think you can't. Happiness is the key to all things good. You always look angry and bitter and I don't mean to pry but I'm so blunt."

Derin looked away, but nodded. "I'm blunt but you- you are sooo blunt."

Derin sent Mitchelle a smile. She didn't feel like discussing her life with her.

Mitchelle clapped her hands together and twirled in delight. "Let's get my gown! Which I totally designed!"

Mitchelle opened her closet and revealed a long red sequeced gown, with white sequence on the red breast that carved out a rose. It was an armless gown and the hem swept on the floor so grace fully.

Derin gasped. "You designed this?!"

Mitchelle nodded, grinning broadly."I'm the Queen of fashion!"

Derin chuckled. "Ok. Let's get it on you."

They both got the dress out of the wardrobe and spent the next ten minutes putting it on. It fitted Mitchelle perfectly, her curves carved out perfectly and the dress swept on the floor in style.

Derin unwrapped the towel on Mitchell's hair and helped style her long black braids to perfection. The front was held up in a bun, while the rest fell on her shoulders finely. And in that moment, Mitchelle did look like a queen.

And Derin felt captivated by who Mitchelle really was.

"I'm the most enthusiastic Queen of fashion!"

"Now I have to do my make up!" Derin grunted as Mitchelle crushed her in a hug.

"Don't be silly. I'm not leaving here until we are both dressed and ready." Mitchelle rolled her eyes and sat down on her bed.

Their eyes locked.

"Thank you." Mitchelle grinned.

The most enthusiastic Queen of fashion.


"Where have you been?" Nonso gritted as Derin made her way to the table with a broad grin on her face and a darker shade of red lipstick.

She sat opposite Lola and pecked him on the lip.

"Getting to know a Queen," Derin smiled.

He creased his brow. "What-"

"Never Mind. Mitchelle is making the grand entrance, we can't miss it." Derin blurted.

He gave her a weird look but averted his. He wondered when she'd become so interested in Mitchelle. And she seemed happier than when she left an hour ago. He turned to look at her, she smiled and looked back at the stage where Mitchelle now stood.

"Good day everyone." Mitchelle greeted.

There was a calm murmur before she laughed cooly.

"I'm slightly nervous so I'm certain it's acceptable if I stutter hmm?" Mitchelle wriggled her brows.

Everyone chuckled, including Derin.

"I'm quite honoured that you all decided to grace this event, despite your hectic schedule. It means a lot to me. Twenty five years ago," Mitchelle smiled. "Mama pushed me out and father stood by her. Since then, since I came into their lives, it's been the best thing ever. I love you guys so much."

Mitchelle raised her hand and waved to the front roll, where her parents sat.

"And also to my brother, who can't make it obviously because he ain't in the country. He made my life a living hell with his boring jokes,"

Everyone laughed.

Mitchelle scanned the crowd with her eyes and it landed on him for a nanosecond before it moved slowly to his side. Derin.

"I want to thank my cousin Uche, for bringing up the idea of this birthday and then ditching me to do it alone myself." She sighed Dramatically. " I want to thank family. Ebuka, Nonso, Mimi,Freda, Jilian, Adaeze Umeh Obi - been long dear I'm glad you could come despite residing in Port Harcourt- Francis and Finally, a certain black chic who saved the day, Derin."

"I want to thank all the sponsors and every other well wisher. I love you guys. Boss, Barr. Smith, thank you for your pushes, it's what got me here today.

Quote for the day, Struggle to keep yourself happy even in the moments you feel you can't. Happiness builds the strongest being. Always be happy with who you are, bad or good, we all have a purpose on this earth.
I love every one of you sitting on both asses and listening to my blabber. Thank you."

A loud clap went across the hall. Nonso turned to Derin. She held a discreet grin.

"Mitchelle?" He asked.

Derin shrugged.

The party went on as Mitchelle took her sit on the Queen's chair with two little girls beside her and watched the first presentation.


"Derin! Derin!!"

She turned. Mitchelle walked towards her in her red dress.

Derin smiled. "Hey."

"Are you leaving?" Mitchell asked.

Derin nodded. "Yes, obviously."

"Ok. I just wanted to get your number, someone might need an emergency," Mitchell pressed her lips together.

Derin nodded sceptically. "Ok...."

She called out her number for Mitchell and waited. Mitchelle dialled hers. It rang and Mitchelle smiled.

"That's mine."

"Bye." Derin called as she turned and headed out and saved Mitchelle's number.


He was looking for Derin. He thought she was beside him, and the next moment she wasn't. Moving back into the hall, he looked around. Then he sighted her, talking to Mimi.


Derin threw her head back and laughed. He moved closer towards them.

"I didn't even know you'd recognize me."

Mimi scoffed. "My brother keeps you're pic-"

"Mimi!" He called and cut her shut in order for her not to spill his secret. Mimi smirked as soon as she saw him.

"Nonso Gregory Orji! How can you not look for me, you were already leaving and you didn't tell me you were meeting up with the love of your life-"

"Mimi-" he smiled stiffly. Silently telling her to shut up because he was going all red. Derin shoved him lightly, chuckling.

"I saw Daniela here and even Diana, and Dabere," Mimi sighed dramatically. "All the D girls you've dated. Did you know my brother only dated dark girls whose name start with D. But they don't keep natural hair."

Derin smiled in amusement.

Mimi went on embarrassing him. "After law school, he dated three women before Michelle. I hated Dabere and Diana but I liked Mitchelle and Dabere. Any way, he only dated Mitchelle for one month. We used to be close sha but now he is keeping his distance-"

"Ok. Ok Mimi that's enough, we'll get going."

Mimi smiled evily. "Next time, seek your family out when you get to a social gathering."


Nonso groaned. The family. They were coming one by one.

Francis came into veiw with Selena in his arms. He wore a blue suit and a creamy inner. "Nor Nor!"

"Fran!" Nonso rolled his eyes.

"I've been looking for all of you!" Another voice interrupted. It was their father. Nonso pulled Derin to his side and entwined their fingers.

With Francis and Mimi smirking, their father came into veiw. He looked young in a grey fitted suit.

His eyes landed on Nonso and his hands entwined to Derin's.

"Nonso," the old man forced a smile. "How have you been? It's been long."

Nonso sighed. "I'm sorry, I've been busy."

"Obviously. Too busy to come visit your old man."

Nonso and Francis chuckled. "I'll come around."

His old man nodded, smiling. "So, a young lady that isn't Mitchelle?"

Nonso groaned. He'd expected his father to say this.

"Her name is Derin."

"She is the love of his life. Remember that picture in his room at home-"

"Mimi," Francis shoved her slightly. She clamped her lips together and raised her hands in the air.

Ikenna Orji sighed. "Hello," he said to Derin. "I hope to see you in one of our family dinners,"

Derin nodded once and smiled. Nonso noticed that her head and shoulder did not go up as usual, instead she kept smiling.

He narrowed his eyes when he saw her shoulder tilt up slightly. He grinned. The Derin he knew.

"Thank you," Derin smiled.

Ikenna nodded. "My sons never even listen to me, especially Francis so I think I'll just have to blend with their choices,"

Mimi smiled. "When Mimi talks, you listen."

Everyone laughed. Relief surged through him. His father sent him an understanding smile.


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