Chapter 28 : Bitchelle (part one.)

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You'll only know I'm crazy when you get to know the real me. - unknown.


Derin laughed as Mitchelle swayed her hips to the music heard from a distance. Her laughter echoed through the almost empty parking lot of shoprite Ikoyi. Derin copied, swaying her hips too. Mitchelle twirled around even with the shopping bags in her hand.

After her encounter with Daniel, she and Mitchell hit shoprite, so she could lighten up - Mitchell's words.

It worked. Derin discovered Mitchell's obsession of eating baked beans from it's can and her absolute love for strawberry. Mitchell had bought a packet of frozen strawberries that had cost five thousand naira. Derin sure knew she couldn't spend money like that, she was always so cautious.

They both stopped dancing when they heard someone call Derin. Derin turned, only to feel water pour down her hair, to her satin blouse. The water kept coming, flowing down hurriedly. She opened her eyes to see Lola standing in front of her holding an empty bottle of Eva table water.

"Coincidence, I just got off the phone with Michael." Lola smirked.

Derin stood in shock, staring at her drenched clothes. The feel of water stuck in her now old extension worried her. The hair will smell.

Before she could react, Mitchell beat her to it. As expected, Mitchell wasn't one to rush words or bone. She smiled, always.

"So, in your well civilized manner of thinking, the best way to approach an issue is by drenching someone in a public parking lot. Where are your brain cells?" Mitchelle smiled sweetly.

Lola's bitch mode set in. She dropped the plastic bottle and stepped towards Mitchelle. "So you are the new side kick. You look it, the way you just stand there like someone who is begging for attention."

Mitchell threw her head back and laughed. "Sweetheart," her smile dropped. "No man wants someone with an empty brain. If you want Daniel, learn to act matured and please be intelligenct. Your petty display just shows how low you think and how uncivilized you are for the daughter of a public figure. Lola, grow up. Everyone around you has."

Derin knew Mitchell had listened in to her conversation with Daniel through the bug. And with what she had told her, Derin knew that Mitchelle was also in line with the story.

Lola turned furious. "You're one to talk. Sneaking around with your ex's girlfriend just to get in his pants."

Derin wondered how Lola knew Mitchell, she'd talked about her but she'd never shown Mitchell to Lola or Ify. Perhaps because their parents were public figures, it was easy to know them.

"At least it's better by sticking around someone who obviously wants another." Mitchell smiled.

Lola growled. "Dike loves me."

"Ugh.. i was talking about Daniel dummy." Mitchell cooed.

"He's confused. Derin just... just has a way of twisting people's brain-"

Derin sighed, their conversation was tiring already.

"Lola," she said calmly. "We hurt each other, but i started it. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have slept with Daniel, I shouldn't have dated him. I'm sorry, you also shouldn't have ruined my reputation."

Lola scoffed. "I've forgiven you for dating Daniel long ago. I'm just so angry about how he turned out. You ruined him! You deserve worse than what he did to you."

"I know. I do..."

"You know? Derin you are cruel. You... destroy. "

Mitchelle suddenly snapped. "All those times she was your friend, what effort did you make to scold her!"

"I talked to her. Ask her. I often told her!" Lola cried.

Mitchell nodded. "What action did you take when she wanted to set Nonso up."

"We warned her. " Lola gritted.

"Did you try to stop her? As a friend, your strong will should have shun her. She was hurt, if you guys had wrapped her in your arms and talk-"

"Derin is stubborn, she never listens." Lola spoke truthfully.

"How many times did you warn her?" Mitchell queried.

"Once,wasn't she old enough to know wrong from right?"

"Who introduced her to Daniel?"

"Me." Lola said. "Look, we were always afraid of Derin. No one wanted to hurt her feelings or step on her toes but we always did our best to tell her off."

Derin suddenly realized that Lola and Ify had always been good friends. But there were not the people she needed. They weren't meant to be, they weren't the ones destined to be her friends. Their friendship was all serendipity. But it was not meant to be.

Mitchelle sighed. "Derin let's go."

All she needed was her match, someone who was not afraid of her, someone who was more strong willed than her, someone who stabbed her in the front and smiled at her behind her back. Someone who was a bitchier bitch than she was but not a bitch. Someone who had action, just like she did. Lola and Ify were always the talk and no action kind of people, but still they were good people but not just meant for someone like her.

Lola was crying, her make up had smeared. "Derin, I always loved you. You were always so dear to me. But you betrayed me, even after all I stood by you."

"I'm sorry." Derin whispered.

Lola cried more. "It just broke my heart to see Daniel so ruined. It was horrible."

"I know," Derin nodded.

She wanted to hug Lola, she always hugged her when bad things happened. She stepped forward. Pulling Lola close, she hugged her.

"Lola, I love you. I do."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Lola breathed. "Ify is too, she is just such a mess, she misses you."

"I do too."

Lola looked up. "But i don't think I'm ready to get over what you did."

Derin nodded.

She stepped back. Looking into Lola's eyes, she realized that they may never share each others deepest secrets or understand each other but surely they'd still sit and gossip like old times, they'd still laugh at Ify's romantic movies, they'd still be good, they'd still be friends but never best of.

It was what had been written for them.


Michelle waved at her. Her long human hair extension fell loosely on her shoulders.

"Tell me how it goes later." She said.

Derin nodded. "Sure."

She stepped back and watched as Mitchell roared the engine to life then sped off. Derin turned, she looked up at the apartment building. Her eyes landed on the window of Nonso's apartment. It was dark. She gathered courage and walked towards the building.

She breathed out, clutched her purse tightly and walked into the reception. She took the elevator and in no time, she was standing in front of his apartment door. She walked further, taking a deep breath, she turned the knob.

The apartment was clouded with darkness, too much darkness. Nonso never let his lights off. She cleared her throat and stepped in.


The door suddenly closed and the lights turned on. The first thing that caught her eye was the dining table, a huge red candle lay in between two plates of food, a champagne bottle and two champagne glasses. Red petals littered everywhere in the apartment.

She felt teasing fingers trail on her bare arm. Lips touched her hair.

"Derin." Nonso's voice came out huskily.

Please don't propose. She panicked.

She turned to him, ready to tell him that they needed to talk. Her eyes met with hazel ones and the most genuine smile she'd seen in days.

He grinned. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." She breathed.

"Okay, I'm glad you're back now." He breathed. Then he cleared his throat. "In house date."

She smiled. Her senses came back. She needed to talk to him.

"No —"

"Derin, I've loved for a very long time. Loved you enough to know when things bother you." He sighed. "I'm in love with you and I don't want to loose you for any reason. Derin, don't withdraw yourself from me, please. If there's anything then talk it out with me."

Derin almost winced. What if he found out about how she'd planted the expo on him. She looked into her eyes and all she wanted was to make him happy.

She broke into a grin. Slipping her hands around his waist, she pulled him closer. She patted his back softly. "I love you Nor."

He chuckled. "Nor?"

She pulled away from him and looked around. The room was beautiful.
"King Nonso, I think your talent is preparing private dates. This is beautiful."

He laughed. "Baby you haven't seen it all."

He moved her towards the dining table. "Open the plate."

She narrowed her eyes at him, her heart pounding. She opened the plate slowly, sending silent prayers to the supernatural one. She hoped again that he wasn't proposing. She gasped once her eyes landed on the tasty looking Yam adorned with fried eggs on top.


Nonso chuckled. Derin pulled the chair out and sat on it immediately. Nonso huffed and bent over her, his head coming in front of hers.

"This is a romantic date, not a platform to throw the fact that you love that food more than me." He gave her a pointed look.

Derin giggled.

Nonso smiled. He moved around and sat infront of her. They both dug into their meal.

"So, how was your day?" He asked.

Derin almost choked. She swallowed the meal roughly. Her day.

Quite dramatic.

"I went to see my mother. " she started. "Apparently, Michael's mom had been pleading to see me. She went on her knee and begged that i free Michael."

Nonso's eyes bore into hers. "What do you want to do?"

Without thinking, Derin blurted. "Free him." Nonso snorted and gulped down a glass of water. "Because... because I felt for that wom-"

"He raped you." Nonso said sternly. "He raped you, abused you. Bruised you and took away your pride as a woman. He forcefully harassed you, there should be no turning back."

"There must have been a reason he did it." She blurted.

Nonso raised a brow. "Reason? Enlighten me."

She sipped her champagne and shrugged stupidly. At that moment she didn't feel like herself. She felt like a coward. She felt stupid. "So much for a romantic dinner."

Nonso downed his champagne. "Derin, what Michael did was horrible. You can't just-"

"It's my choice!" she snapped.

Nonso raised a brow. "First you distance yourself, I tell you my mind, Now you are bringing up bull crap."

"Michael doesn't deserve -"

"Why?!" Nonso boomed. Derin flinched. "Because his mother begged you? That's not enough reason!"

Derin opened her mouth. She closed it back instantly. "Nonso-"

He shook his head. "Derin, I love you. I totally do but there's a limit to what love can take. Derin there's a limit to the nonsense you spit at times and although I want to believe the nonsense, I can't."

He stood up from his chair and paced the room angrily.

She breathed out, standing up."I just... I just want to move on from all the rubbish of my past. Please, I want to learn to forgive. I forgive Michael."

Nonso turned to her, sighing, he clutched his hair. Derin blinked rapidly, trying to breath comfortably. He stepped closer to her. He wrapped her closely into his arms and rested his head on hers, after slightly bending.

"That bastard is more dangerous than whoever sent him." Nonso seethed with his eyes on hers. "Michael may have a reason, but he still deserves to pay."

Derin froze. Nonso knew too much already.

"What do you mean?" Her heart beat escalated.

"He wasn't working alone, he attacked on someone's orders." Nonso said.

Derin stilled. "Do.. do you know who he is?"

"No. But I will."

Derin pulled away from him. "Let's forget about Michael, the world, all our flaws and worries, let's just be us. Derin and Nonso."

He smirked. Bringing his head down to hers, he kissed her. She held him closely and kissed him back. Their lips danced in sync, the same music playing in their head. Their very own love song. She slipped her hands around his neck.

She giggled, pulling away.

"Derin.." he warned.


"I'm finding it difficult to breathe." He groaned.

"Why?" She asked innocently.

"I don't know. The love in the air is too much." He grumbled.

Derin threw her head back and laughed out loud. Nonso scooped her up unexpectedly and twirled her around.

"We haven't gossiped in days,"

Derin laughed. "Chinonso be a man!"

"I am a man." He set her down, panting. "I keep telling you. You're fat."

Derin slapped his arms. Nonso gasped and inched away from her before laughing in pain. "Derin!"

She pointed her index finger his way. "Chinonso, I'm thick. Not fat!"

He stared at her in confusion. "I'm sorry what's the difference."


Her weekend had the similar routine her remaining weekdays had. Surprisingly, the past days had gone smoothly, except for her boss threatening to fire her for being absent at work on Tuesday.

She sat on the peach coloured Sofa in Michelle's living room. Mitchell had cooked her first soup in her entire life and had invited Derin to taste for her.

They had kept contact over the days, chatting and calling each other. Mitchell had asked if she'd told Nonso about the secrets, Derin's reply had come negative. Her plan was to tell Nonso but not when they had become so happy again. Mitchell had simply nodded in understanding, but she'd insisted that Derin must tell him herself. And she insisted she did it soon.

Mitchelle walked back into the living room, her eyes snapped from Derin to the empty bowl of soup on the side table.

"How was it?" She asked excitedly.

Derin sighed. "Hate to break it to you b. That was.... not wife material soup."

Mitchelle shrugged, playing cool as usual. "Wow! I'll just have to try again."

Derin broke into a loud laughter. "Bitchelle. You believed my fucking lie." She doubled over. "That was awesome. So awesome. I finished it na."

Mitchelle picked a pillow from the sofa and chucked it at Derin. "I can't believe you. You gave me heart attack."

Derin burst into more laughter. "You. You didn't even seem bothered joor."

Mitchell glared at her.

Her eyes suddenly turned mischievous. "You've been shagging lately abi?"

Derin sat up. "Huh?"

"Nonso and you. How's the relationship going?."

Derin blushed. She and Mitchell had never discussed personal relationships, but they'd talked about so many other things. Mitchell was Nonso's ex and Derin found it awkward to tell Mitchell about she and Nonso. She felt the issue was delicate, she and Mitchell had once been rivals.

Derin groaned. "How was church today?"

Mitchell smirked.

"Nice save." She turned to the television. "Nice, you know how Catholic church is."

Derin sighed dramatically. "I don't."

Her phone beeped. She retrieved it from her pocket. It was a text from Daniel. She opened it.

Hey, I need a hundred k. It's for the year, first semester.

Derin gulped hard. What had she signed in for. Her savings were only 50k. She turned to Mitchell.

"Hey, can I eh... borrow 50k?" Derin asked. After the word had slipped, she realized how blunt she'd been.

Mitchell turned. "Yeah. Ok."

Derin sighed silently.

"Don't you have friends?" She asked again.

Michelle shrugged. "I do oh. It's just they aren't close friends, they only know me when it's party time."

Derin laughed.

Michelle laughed too. She leaned into the sofa and crossed her legs.

"I'm bored," Derin muttered.

"Go and meet Nonso na."

Derin snorted. "And I ditched him for you oh."

Mitchell laughed. "Na so. Where is he?"

"At a family dinner."

"You didn't go?" Mitchell queried.

"Nope," Derin shrugged. "Didn't want to."


"Not ready."

"Hiahn!" Mitchell exclaimed.

Derin burst into laughter.

She'd find herself drowning in the peculiar character of the woman sitting beside her. The times they had spent together didn't really seem like the time they hadn't known each other. Mitchell had always been the same person, there was no difference. Only now, Derin knew her deeply and something wonderful was brewing within.

"Ok. Let's go stalking." Mitchell suddenly said.

Derin sat up. "Stalking?"

Michelle looked away. "I've been into this guy since but he doesn't even look my way."

"So you'll stalk him?"

Mitchelle smirked. "He runs a night club."

"I don't do clubs." Derin shook her head.

Mitchelle did the puppy dog eye. I just want to flaunt my cool babe character in his face."

Derin stared at her. "You're serious."

Mitchell nodded. "Because I seem cool all the time doesn't mean I'm always cool shaa, I can be crazy at times."

Derin smiled.  Mitchelle had been there for her. And no matter how unserious Mitchell sounded or how stupid she thought of the idea, she wanted to be there for Mitchelle. "Oya."

Mitchelle sat up. "Serious?"

"Yes na,"

To be continued.

This chapter is supposed to be longer than this, but I'm cutting it. The next chapter is a part two of this one.

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