Chapter 5: Saturday.

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I know you fell in love but nobody caught you - mayorkun's Mama


Her eyes fluttered open. She felt a little cold but above all, she felt weak. She moaned weakly and turned to her side, there was someone at the other edge of the king sized bed.

She almost screamed. The pain at the side of her jaw stopped her from doing so. Her eyes landed on the fair skinned man by her side.

She stared at him, the outline of his lips, parted a little so he could breathe, he looked as she remembered. His hair, unbrushed were in nuts, very unattractive. But still she found it beguiling. Everything about him still amused her.

His lips were so pink. She watched as he breathed slowly. His chest rising and falling at a rhythmic pace. She swallowed hard and looked away, once she felt a pounding in her head. She attempted to sit up. Her back stilled with an ache that ran down her spine and lungs. She felt weak. Her whole body ached, every where. But she didn't stop. With a low groan, she swung her feet on the tiled floor.

She could do it.

She let herself up lightly. In gradual slow and painful steps, she walked out of the room. She had no idea where she was going. It was her first time in Nonso's house and she didn't know her way around.

Her hands gripped the sides of the wall for support. She waited until her legs stopped wobbling. Letting out a sharp pained breath, she walked on.

She turned left and walked straight down. Her mouth almost hit the ground at the splash of colour.   The living room was beautifully painted in lilac and had yellow dots splattered everywhere.  The couch was a dark blue leather designed to perfection with traces of yellow lined at its bottom and arms. As she stoop painfully with her pounding head and feeble legs, she scanned the whole room. Her eyes darted to the beautiful marble vases that stood at each side of the home theater and had artificial sun flowers placed inside.  The kitchen was barely hidden from it. From where she stood, she vaguely made out the white tiles plastered on the walls of the kitchen and the simple yellow painting above.

This apartment must have cost millons. Everything in place was beautiful and expensive. She took a step forward slowly, trying to prevent the pain her weak legs generated. Still, she felt weak. Huffing angrily, she took another step. While struggling to stand firm and steady her wobbly legs,  tripped and fell to the ground. She winced as her legs hit the solid ground with cream tiles. She hissed as the pain sent her head pounding.


She tried to stand on her feet but the slight ache in her head stopped her. After all attempt ended in her weak fall, she sat back there and endured the pain that crept through her body.


She sat there for the moment, promising herself to make an attempt soo after. Soon she tried to move again but her legs wobbled once she had stood midway. She gripped the wall for balance but in her haste, her legs gave up and she ended up in a sitting position.

She huffed and sat there, not making an attempt any longer.

A hand suddenly went around her torso and she felt herself being lifted. A fair skinned hand wrapped around her torso and steadied her on the ground by supporting her. Derin held on to Nonso's arms firmly for support. She closed her eyes and in haled the fresh morning breathe, as he pulled her closer, tightening his hands around her waist. They walked further into the living room slowly.

She sighed in relief."Thank you,"

"Are you ok?" He looked down at her. She nodded quickly as he put her on the couch and sat beside her.

"This is your apartment?" She asked slowly, trying to stop her jaw from the ache it generated when she spoke.

He nodded.

"You have good taste in decor." she said smiling.

"My sister is into this interior decor stuff.... So she went out of her way,"

She had met Mimi Orji once, and although she was way older, they hit it off straight. It was the time when she had come to see Nonso at the university and Derin was in his dorm room. She was a beauty you could not resist.

"David's is a great organization... You've really achieved." she commended.

"We all built David's." he said.


"Yeah... My dad started it as a law firm, using his middle name but once Mimi had graduated, he expanded it. Now Francis is done, we had to make way for his micro finance bank after he had a working experience with some banks for two years."

"That's lovely. You won't change the name?"

"Na..We like it. David's." He shook his head and smiled proudly.

"So you worked in other places?"

"I worked two years under the government after my youth service, then one year under another private firm, my dad just handed his firm to me three months ago. And the bitter truth is that I have no idea what it is I am doing." he tittered.

She stared at him, he had his insecurities.

"Oh... Please don't tell me I stayed up all those nights for nothing." she jabbed him lightly, grinning. He stared at her. His eyes twinkled and he smiled back. She felt his pupils flicker and she was satisfied that she'd made him feel ok.

She remembered how they'd stay up late researching legal cases relating to Lsw online and he'd tell her to sleep but she'd refuse, she'd tell him they were in it together. Those were the days when she'd been happy. When she forgot that before then, she was somewhat lonely and unhappy.

They were both smiling at each other, their eyes were locked. Nostalgia graced the air and their similar facial expressions showed that they were  reminiscing the same memory.  His eyes flashed for a moment and without doubt she knew he thought of their time together. His hand grazed hers and she could feel it again, the wat she'd been all giddy and excited on seeing him anytime. The broad grins that made her cheek hurt and sent her stomach tightening. But it was never love, she never loved.

The moment died once a ringtone blasted from a phone. It was definitely hers. Pasquare's 'bring it on' resonated through the room and sent them looking everywhere and anywhere. Nonso jolted up instantly and searched for it, he found her purse on the mini couch opposite the one they were seated on and handed it to her.

She quickly fished out her phone and checked the caller ID. It was Ifeoma. She swiped to respond and placed the device on her ear.

"Hey." she said slowly.

"Oh thank goodness!" Ify shouted on hearing her voice. "Where are you? we've bern worried sick, I am out with Lola looking for you!"

Her voice was filled with worry. The way she croaked out words in choking sharp hiccups gave away that she had been crying.

"Did you call my mother?" Derin asked slowly. The ache was severe.

" how can you even ask me such!" Ify said. "You know I can't call her yet, at least not until we know you've been used for sacrifice."

"Thank God." Derin whispered.

"Where were you ehn? We've been so worried. We've been up since twelve midnight looking for you. Worse you weren't responding to your calls."

Derin rubbed her temple slowly. The head ache was worse,  perhaps because of Ifeoma's shouting.

"Zach is freaking out," she went on screaming. "He was the one who called me yesterday to inform me you were missing. Maybe he was crying oh. I just couldn't really make out his words. You have to call him."

"Zach?" She whispered lowly, slightly puzzled. Then her mind clicked. "Oh! The date. Oh.. I totally forgot. I'd have to call him. I left him there."

She saw from the corner of her eye as Nonso rolled his eyes before he murmured. "Or he left you,"

She ignored him. "I should have let him know my whereabouts."

"Where are you?"

"Eh.. Can we talk about this when we meet?" She pleaded. "I'll be home soon, promise."

The phone seemed to be snatched due to the shuffling and background voices. She knew it was Lola who had snatched the phone. It was her kind of thing to do. Lola was the craziest out of the three, she never took no for an answer.

"Derinsola! You had us worried. Where the hell are you! Or you don't want us to get you?" Lola queried fiercely. "Are you in danger? Derin, we are worried say something."

She felt bad, they were her best friends and they were looking out for her. She however didn't want them to see her in Nonso's house and then think something was up. She had a feeling that letting them see Nonso would mean letting him into her life. He might decide to reconnect their long lost friendship and what not.

"Hold on." she sighed in deafeat then turned to Nonso. "Where is this?"

"You are still weak," he said shifting slightly, his eyes not leaving hers. "They can come later. Festac is a far place. I'd take you home tomorrow."

"My friends will take care of me."

They had a stare down before he sighed. "Northway estate, along Chevron drive. Once they get to the gate, they should just tell them my name."

She repeated what he had said to Lola.

"See you in twenty minutes, babe!"

They hung up immediately. Derin threw the phone down on the couch and made to stand up.

She stood up slowly, she had to get dressed before they got here. The sharp ache her spine sent through her body destabilized her balance. She whimpered lowly and staggered back.

Nonso was by her side in a jiffy. His hands stilled her and gently, he helped her to the room. He handed her a toothbrush and watched her brush her teeth and after that he left her alone to get dressed.

She quickly slipped on her jeans, she didn't bother taking of his T-shirt. Putting on the jeans alone had been a lot of trouble.

He popped his head into the room minutes after, smiling.

"It's time to take your medicine for the morning, it's ten." He said. she nodded silently and got back to what she was doing. She packed her bra and blouse in a blue nylon she had found in the dressing drawer and headed out.

She managed get a toast bread and a steaming hot tea into her stomach before taking her medicine. Nonso stood by her, he had been the one insisting that she not throw up or stop eating even though everything she ate tasted bitter. He handed her her medicine, claiming to have got it from the pharmacy the previous night. Then he instructed her when to take them as prescribed in the pharmacy.

He dropped her phone and purse in front of her, just in time for the door bell rang to ring.

He went on and opened it. Two fair skinned women walked in hurriedly, their facial expressions and apparent worry had Derin smiling slightly.

Ify placed her hands on het chest and sighed dramatically. "Babes."

Derin chuckled painfully as Ify crashed her into a hug. She groaned. "Ify, my body..."

Ify let go quickly. "I'm so sorry. Whatever happened to you?"

Lola stood behind Ify, her eyes darting to Nonso and to Derin. "Hey.. Nonso. Longest time."

It was going to be a long talk.

"Hey, Lola." His voice came out sultry. Derin stiffled her laughter as he squirmed discreetly under Lola's accusing gaze. "Long time..?"

"Very long time." Lola nodded. She gestured towards Derin. "I didn't know you guys... Were.." She waved her hands and stuck out her thumb, trying to explain through gestulations.

Derin sat up slowly. "We aren't back. I was freezing last night and he aided me. Simple."

Ify and Lola exchanged a look and smirked simultaneously.

Nonso raised a brow at Derin. She chuckled, he had never gotten used to her friends. Once he'd told her they were her personal police officers. Nonso shook his head slowly then mouthed something that sounded like 'your friends ehn' Derin chuckled at his scrunched face and squinted eyes. The chuckle sent a stinging pain in her stomach and she had to slow down.

"Derin, are you coming with us or —"

"Of course I am." Derin snapped her gaze to Lola and glared at the sly grin that was spread across her lips.

"I was just asking since you were having your moment." Lola went on. Ify chuckled beside her.

Derin hissed jocosely then made to get to her feet. Nonso dashed to her side and gripped her hands to steady her. He slipped his hands around her waist as she held on to his torso.

"You have to help her to the car." he said. "She's weak."

Derin watched as her friends raised a brow then grinned snidely. Derin knew that look, it came whenever a silly idea was at the tip of their tongue.

"We won't mind if you just carried her." Lola voiced sweetly. Of course, she was queen evil.

"Definitely," Ify smiled in return.

They were so dead.

And he did as he was asked, he scooped her up, all bare chested and walked outside.


It was a bad idea for him to be carrying her downstairs especially since he was topless. It seemed weird, she didn't like to feel weak, even sickness annoyed her. In her sick state, she'd rather not let anyone feel that she was dependent on them. Especially not Nonso. Nonso who had broken her, Nonso who had hurt her and made her let down her walls.

"Nonso?" Someone said from behind, dragging her out of her reverie.  Nonso turned around, making her back ache as she did so. She gasped the moment she saw her halfsister, Jessica. They used to be close in secondary school but after that, they drifted. Jessica went oversees to study and she stayed in the country. Her half brother however never liked her, not even a bit. And he made sure she knew.

"Put me down!" She shrieked and despite how weak she was she dashed to her and flung herself around her. Her feet wobbled and she hugged Jessica.

"Derin?!" Jessica said smiling when she pulled back. "What are you doing here? Mom said you stay in Kano!"

Derin heard Lola snort and Ify snicker.

"Kano? No way, Never! She told me you were still in Canada."

"I got back a year ago. I live here! I've been looking for a way to get to you. I kept asking mom where you were. It's so good to see you." Jessica smiled. "I missed you sooo much."

Derin's leg wobbled. Nonso gripped her before she lost balance. She clung to him tightly, grateful for the support. "I had no idea you had gotten back. Dad and I haven't seen each other in a while and you know your mom can be..."

Jessica nodded. "I'm so sorry,  I should have tried to reach out more."

Derin gasped as a sharp pain shot through her spine. She grunted lowly. Nonso gripped her waist and whispered. "Hey, you ok?"

She nodded slowly and held on to him. Jessica gazed at the both of them curiously. "Wait are you together?" Her eyes were wide with excitement.

"No!" Derin said sharply. Nonso tightened his grip on her.

"Jessica, she is weak. Her legs are wobbly." Nonso said bluntly. "She needs to seat and rest."

"Oh. Are you ill? Sorry. "

"How are your parents?" Derin queried, ignoring her question.

"They went back to Imo. Politics," Jessica shrugged "Dad said he invited you to the his last Christmas dinner about three years back. It was his birthday, you didn't go."

Derin shrugged. "I don't like the idea of seeing your mom and arguing with your brother."

The subject brought silence and they knew better than to go further.

"So.... Your friends?" Jessica nodded behind her.

Derin smiled.

"Hey," they said in unison. "The best friends."

Jessica chuckled. "Eh... The." She glanced at Derin.

"Everyone here knows." she said simply.

"The sister." Jessica said smiling.

"Oh. Jessica Nzube." Lola said dumbly.

"Ahhhh.... The pleasure." Ify said in the same tone.

"Your life must be interesting." Nonso chuckled as he glanced at her friends. Lola winked and Ify shrugged.

"Here is my card. Call me once you are better, we need to catch up!" Jessica said handing Derin her a white squared hard paper. Her eyes darted behind them and her lips parted. The excitement in her eyes changed.
"I think an angry girl friend is on her way." Jessica smirked.

"Oh crap! " Lola voiced dryly.

"This is going to be bad." Ify added.

Derin closed her eyes and sighed. Could the day get any worse? The worse part was that Nonso held on to her even more. "Stay put. You'd fall."



Who loves a little drama?

I do !!!!

Mitchelle has arrived!!!! 😂😂

Bitch mode!

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Bless your lovely souls for reading.

When am up to it, a long chapter shall grace your eyes 😉😉.

Winner xoxo ❤

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