Chapter One : Of Coffee and Ex's

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Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts- Confucius


The sky had become darker and the wind whirled furiously. The crispy smell of dust evaded her breathing space. The wind blew her hair out of place and covered her shoes with dust. It was going to rain, that was certain.

Derin groaned as she felt something light drop on her face. She placed her hand on it. A drop of water. She looked up and more fell.

Shit! It had already started.

A rounded mucous landed on her right shoe and she almost screamed in irritation. Her nostrils flared in fury as she looked up to see the ignoramus who had spat on her favorite pair of flats. An old woman dressed in a supposedly white lace which was now a dirty cream colour shoved past her. "Ekuro, ójare!"

She looked around, everyone moved normally. No one spared a glance at her. The rain drops were becoming heavier. It pained her that she had missed the person who had spat on her. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she kept walking, weaving her way skillfully through the crowd.

Welcome to Lagos, the land where everyone knew no bounds. The lousy bus drivers, the demanding old market women, the very yellow cabs and the traffic were only little things that made Lagos Lagos. She weaved her way through the streets of Oyingbo, eager to find a bus that headed straight for Yaba.

She turned right and ran towards the bus station, she couldn't afford to get to work late. Her boss wasn't the nicest person on earth, in fact she was a grade A bitch -Scratch that a beautiful bitch - and her husband who happened to drop by once in a while seemed like the nicest person on earth and he still loved his bitchy wife.
Derin was a bitch on her own, she never denied it but she had stepped down from grade A. Gone were those days when no one dared to talk her down, she did the talking and you did the nodding but hey, high school was over, this was real life and she couldn't exactly go bitch face on her boss.

She ran towards the first bus she saw at the end of the street. The yellow danfo had a lot of writings on it's windows and black smears around it's yellow coloured metallic body but it's inside had good seats, fine blue leathers supported by rusted irons. As she walked hurriedly towards the bus, she saw people hop in hurriedly and she prayed to God the bus would have space for her.

"Yaba, how much?" She asked the impatiently, the moment she stopped in front of the bus.

"One-fifty." the driver replied, nodding to a middle aged woman who handed him a five hundred naira note and hopped into the front seat.

"Nikini? For what? It's hundred I have o!" Derin spoke loudly. The usual fare was a hundred naira, she didn't understand why some greedy drivers upped the prize on rainy days or whenever suited them.

"Madam rain dey fall. Traffic will dey." He shrugged.

She snorted. She knew it would be their excuse, that the traffic was horrible. They had already decided that whenever it rained or drizzled, there would be traffic. Drops of water fell on her black hand bag and she could feel it drop lightly on her back.

"Oga. Hundred." She tried.

The man shrugged. He raised the hem of his faded Chelsea shirt and blew his nose into it. Derin cringed. Her face scrunched up to show her irritation. She stepped back a bit and tried again. "Hundred?"

"Na one fifty. If you no enter park one side. Customers are arriffing!" He spoke sternly then raised his hands and shouted. "Yaba! Yaba!"

"Ahn- ahn," she whined. Her voice attracted his scornful gaze. He eyed her halfway then looked away from and continued shouting.


She would have sought out other buses, but she was certain they were lined accordingly meaning she would have to wait for this one to get filled up before another one would move. And the drizzle was slowly becoming heavier. She wasn't sure she liked the idea of walking into her workplace with smeared make up and dripping wet clothes.

She grudgingly handed the man a mint note of two hundred naira, and hopped into the bus.

The man handed her a fifty naira change once she was seated comfortably. He mumbled something inaudible before he slammed the metal door of the bus shut. She watched as he hooked it's lock with an iron rod. Then he ran round and got in behind the wheel.

She checked the time on her smart phone. It was just 7:05.

Thank goodness. At least it wasn't eight yet.

The bus stopped right in front of the MTN company. The yellow board above the building had MTN written on it in blue bold letters. The tall building stood out magnificently as shorter buildings graced it's surroundings.

She got down from the bus swiftly and walked straight to the coffee shop beside it. She had to get coffee for herself and Ify, her best friend. She was sure Ify would come in minutes after eight o clock. The luxurious bus she took from calabar to Lagos had only arrived two hours ago.

Her best friend had a wild weekend and it certainly didn't end well since the asshole who took her on the trip to calabar had left her alone in the hotel to pay for everything on an early Saturday morning. The story was hilarious but she couldn't show sympathy for someone who was so stubborn.

"Give me one black, no cream and the other extremely creamy." she ordered the moment she stepped in front of the counter.

The barista handed it to her with a smile as she paid. "have a good day Derin." he nodded.

She didn't remember his name so she laughed nervously and turned around immediately. She lost her balance the moment her body collided with another. The black coffee spilled on the sky blue shirt in front of her. Slightly horrified and still in shock, she stood there and watched as the brown colour spread slowly on the blue shirt. She blinked rapidly and moved back a bit, having realized that she had been staring stupidly for quite a long time.

"I'm so sorry!" she said as she looked up. Her eyes landed on very light familiar ones. She gulped slowly. It couldn't be, those light pair of hazel eyes hidden behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses. The eyes narrowed slightly then lit up in amusement and astonishment.

Damn Igbo boys and their eyes.

"Derin!" He whispered. He too seemed to have been frozen. He seemed surprised to see her. Suddenly a genuine smile coasted his lips and all signs of astonishment vanished.

Was he really happy to see her? After the way they had parted six years ago, she didn't expect him to show his thirty-two to her. If anything, he should be uncomfortable seeing her as she was him.

She glanced at his face, eager to see all of it. Her former melanin lacking boyfriend.

Melanin Lacker. The name still sounded funny in her ears, it was a name Nonso had come up with for people like him. People who had hazel eyes, dark brown hair - almost yellow in a way- and extremely fair skinned. People who were not Albinos but were considered Albinos.

"Ouch. My chest." he gasped. He brought out a handkerchief from his pocket, popped two buttons and dabbed it on his chest carefully.

She stared at the redness that glowed on his chest. The coffee had been hot and steaming, straight from its maker. His skin. The coffee had left a red mark that she was sure would last for a day or two. She had almost forgotten that Melanin Lackers got affected by any little thing. The sun, hot things, heat.

"I'm sorry Nonso," she glanced at his chest which was now left on display. His singlet was stained with brown and so was his shirt.

"It's OK."

His chest was still glaring red and dots of red spread round his skin. She felt guilty for spilling the coffee on him.
"It's so good to see you." He spoke once he had discarded the Handkerchief in a small waste basket by the corner.

She smiled, she had expected him to do that. How could she forget how neat he was, even the unnecessary things bothered him. Even if he hadn't used the handkerchief to clean the coffee, she was sure on the third use, he'll dispose it. She remembered. Her eyes suddenly flew to his smirking lips. He had a smug look on, accompanied with a raised brow. She clenched her jaws, suddenly recalling the way they had parted years ago.

"drop the act!" She scoffed. All sympathy for his red skin gone.

She was definitely not happy to see him. She still remembered what happened five and a half years ago, almost six now but how could she forget. The burning pain that attacked the heart and weakened the soul had been her companion, something everyone termed heart break. She could never forget the way she had cried, it had weakened her and for that, she hated him.

"It's been what six years and you still haven't let go have you?" Now his smile was gone and a smirk replaced it. He shook his head lightly and licked his lips. "How have you been?"

She opened her mouth in shock, angered at how easy it was for him to strike up a conversation, as though they had been buddies. She was in no mood for coffee anymore, she dumped the second one in the bin and moved around him, heading towards the door.

"Derin, what the hell?!" Nonso snarled lowly. He hurriedly gripped her forearm before she made it past him. His cold hands encircled her wrists, bringing her to an instant halt.

"Don't cause a scene. Rich bwoy." she gritted out. She tried to jack her hands away from his large ones but his grip tightened. She looked up at him and raised a menacing brow.

"We can at least be civil to each other. Its in the past!" he loosened his grip on her arm and slipped it coolly into his pocket.

She could have punched him right there, she thought of it, she imagined it and she so badly wanted to do it. The cool aura he gave irked her, that he could be so relaxed while she remained pained vexed her deeply but no, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that what he did still irked her and she hated him.

"I have to get to work." she turned away from him.

"Two minutes." he called.

"It's almost eight!" She replied, but she stood still.

"That's like in Seven minutes time," he pleaded. His voice sounded calmer now, less at ease and disturbed. It pleased her. "Please. I won't take your time."

"Fine." She turned around slowly.
He smiled gratefully, then gestured to the far end of the shop. The seat was empty and it was far from all the noise.

"Can we s-"

"Babe! It's raining and I had to come out of the car to get -" a fair lovely looking lady with long black braids came into view.

She was pretty, too pretty to be simply walking, Derin thought. People who were this fine should simply seat on high horses and never get down. Nonso always had the fine ones after him.

Her fair skin shone mildly, her long legs took calculated steps supported by balanced four inches pumps that clicked as she walked. She was clad in jean armless jumpsuit that gave away her slender curves.


And Derin being dark skinned felt self conscious. The woman was with Nonso, her ex. A very pretty Lady that had confidence, just like her. Fair people often had that effect. They were considered the beautiful ones mostly because of their skin. Derin didn't feel like she could stand beside the woman in beauty. This woman represented beauty itself but that didn't mean that she would let them know that she felt slightly intimidated by such beauty. Such things never really affected her, but this time it was different. The woman was with Nonso, her ex! How could he be allowed to be happy?

The woman quickly flung her arm on Nonso's shoulder and smiled at them both.

"Nonso, who is this?" the woman said eyeing her suspiciously. Her long lashes flicked up and down slowly.

Derin almost laughed. If there was one thing about her, it was that no one ever intimidated her easily. And even if she was intimidated, she'd rather die than have them know. She was far too much of a bitch to let that happen.

She flipped her braids softly and offered a slow beguiling smile. One she believed had it's own peculiar charm.

Nonso's eyes widened. He knew what was coming next. If he still remembered her, he'd know what it was she was about to do.


"So, you have a girlfriend?" Derin feigned hurt, placing her left hand limply beside her. She'd forgotten how much of an actress she could be when she needed to.

If there was one thing she'd learnt while growing up, it was the need to keep her shoulders higher than it supposedly was and stick her chin upwards and look straight ahead. She'd learnt it the hard way and she hadn't let it slip from her mind.
It was time for revenge.

"I thought we could.. You know rekindle old times.. So why did you give me your card any ways? " She went on feigning confusion and hurt as she slipped one of her own cards from her bag dangling it in between her fingers as though Nonso had given her.

His nose had turned to a light shade of red. Being so fair skinned, his mood dictated the shade his skin should be, especially when he was angry. She saw his eyes flash with warning but she ignored it. He had played with fire, he should dance with it.

"Anyways I am definitely available tonight. Eko hotel, that's where you mentioned right?" She smiled sweetly and lightly touched his arm, then she winked and left the angry couple standing there.


She had gotten to the office five minutes after eight. Damn him for keeping her. She walked in swiftly and dashed to her corner. She heaved a sigh of relief the moment she was well seated and had booted her system. Everyone around was still chattering, almost half of the employers weren't in their assigned department.

She sighted two colleagues chatting not so Platonically and expressing their selves shamelessly. Shoulder tapping, winking, pointing and she didn't miss how the female culprit, Onome laughed when a word was exchanged. The laughter was too long, too high pitched and too fine. Onome's voice was horrible. Rough and thick, she could easily pass for a man when she spoke, although her body would tell you otherwise. She was curvy, very curvy.

Derin sighed, wondering why her brain had decided to asses Onome so early in the morning. She looked away. She came in before the boss at least.

At the very last minute before nine o'clock, the entrance door opened slowly. The intriguing scent of fantasy filled the air and on this, everyone dashed to their department and busied their selves. Everyone was almost settled when the lady finally stepped in. Olanna Esosa at her very worst. The long box braid she wore that cascaded down her back swung in unison as she walked. Her steps slowed as she scanned everywhere and it didn't take long for her to notice the missing space beside Derin.

"Where is Dominic?" she asked simply, her eyes landing on Derin.


Just then the door flung open and Ify walked in dramatically. Her blonde hair extension stuck to her face with water dripping from it. Her red lipstick was smeared and her chest rose in fast rhythm. Her hands gripped a polythene on her left hand and a huge hand bag on the right. She flashed an awkward smile at everyone and turned to the boss.

"I got involved in an accident on my way here, but I'm okay!" She chuckled nervously. Derin shook her head in disdain. Nice one Ify.

Mrs Esosa looked her up, then down, then she walked away. She said nothing, no insults, no threats. That was a first. Everyone exchanged glances. The moment her office door was shut, whispers began.

Ify smiled as she made her way to her cubicle. She huffed loudly the moment her butt came in contact with the leader.

"An accident really?" Derin snickered. She snatched the polythene bag from her. She looked into it only to see a brown cooler. Definitely food. She returned it to Ify.

Ify smiled slyly as she collected the nylon from her. "It was all I could think of."

The rest of the day went well, customers trooped in to register their Sims, get new Sims, get a new smart phone. It was definitely a hectic day.

By four o'clock Derin had packed her stuffs and was out the door with Ify. They were heading home.

"Derin!" She heard her name from behind.

She rolled her eyes before turning around. Zachary Obih waved at her before he started walking towards her. In bounced like the cliché big Nigerian men. His solid petite body looking quite at ease for once. He was fair skinned and definitely what everyone termed fine. She still didn't see the handsome face Evey one praised. For a very long time, he had asked to go on a date with her and each time, he got a rougher 'no' than the previous time. Why he kept coming back was none of her business, she would always deliver the 'no".

"Biko Give this guy a chance, he has been chasing you since God knows when and you haven't even looked his way." Ify whispered as though she had read her thoughts. "Just try, you keep giving him a louder no than the first time and you know what's romantic about it is that he keeps coming back to try. I think this is the kind of man you need. You are a tough one."

Derin rolled her eyes at Ify and ignored her.

"hey," He smiled as he got closer. His confidence seemed to have dropped from his short walk. Was she that scary?

Ify nudged her slightly. She clenched her jaws and glared at her. Ify creased her brows and looked away, at Zach.


Derin plastered a fake grin on her lips, she had to greet him too, she forgot - not.

"Heyyy! What's up!" She replied in feigned excitement. Never was she so pleased to see him.

He chuckled then his hands made its way to his neck. "Friday night, I eh... Got this ticket to a WizKid Concert, I was hoping you'll eh..."

Ify pinched her. She swiped her hand away and smiled at him. Her 'no' was once again ready. Ify shook her head slightly, pleading with her to accept. Derin groaned lowly then turned to Zach. His uncomfortable demeanor melted her slightly. Zach looked expectant. His discomfort was visible, with the way he scratched his neck. She suddenly felt like a bad person, always telling him off.

"Derin!" Ify gritted out.

Derin sighed. Zach was not her kind of man. He wasn't her type. If he was willing to date her, then he needed to know that she liked people who had oozing confidence. He lacked it.

But suddenly she wanted to see what he was like. She wanted to give him a chance at least, even though she was sure it won't lead anywhere. Seeing Nonso earlier still ticked her off. Even worse was the fact that he had a girlfriend, which meant he was happy. Son of a bitch. She wished he wasn't happy. It disturbed her that he felt at ease and cool with himself. He could go to hell. She'd go out with Zach and have fun. Nothing serious. She didn't need to date to be happy.

Its just for fun.

"Sure. What time is it?" She shrugged coolly.

"Eh... Really?" He asked, his mouth hanging open. Ify also raised a brow beside her. They hadn't expected such positive answer.

"Of course! Why the hell not! It'll be fun right?" She said coolly.

"Definitely! So where do I pick you up." he asked excitedly. He hands were now in front of him, rubbing each other. He maintained his happy grin while Ify handed her a piece of paper.

She scribbled her address on a piece of paper and handed it to him. He smirked, winked at her then left. So now he gets confident?

Maybe he wasn't so bad. She turned to Ify and shook her head.

"This won't lead anywhere." She groaned.

Ify rolled her eyes. "just give the guy a chance. You've been snubbing him since."

"Well I didn't snub him today." Derin turned and began her walk down the side walk. Ify quickened her pace to meet up with her.

"But you usually do." Ify gave her a pointed look.

"Well. He isn't my type." Derin shrugged and walked on, looking around.

Ify rolled her eyes. "How will you find your type if you don't try to know people."

"I know my type when I see them."

"As if. You are just being unfair, to yourself and the poor guy running after you."

It took all her will power not to snap at Ify. She was being intrusive and it was not as if she was better. Ify was worse than her when it came to men. She took risks and came back crying when things went downhill.

"I hope you are not vexing oh. I was just saying my mind."

Derin huffed. "keep them to yourself."

Ify shoved her lightly. "you dey vex?"

"Stop." Derin halted and turned to Ify. She held her fingers up and shook them lightly. "I'm not in the mood. Just stop."

Ify smirked and ignored her warning. She was among the very few people who weren't always afraid even when Derin had her meanest character on.

"Ifeoma stop." She warned again.

Ify's eyes widened. "so you dey vex?"

Derin turned away from her and walked on.

Ify bumped her butt into Derin's the moment she caught up with her.
"Gehvren is vexing!"

Derin clamped her lips together to prevent her smile. However, she knew Ify wouldn't stop until she smiled. She simply wouldn't give in, Ify had indeed annoyed her.

A tickle on her ribs made her flinch. Her shock was short lived when the tickles became deeper and sent a funny feeling round her body. She laughed out loud.

Ify tickled her more, running her finger tips on her her ribs and by her side, completely forgetting they were on the Lagos street.

"Ify. Stop. We are on the street!" Derin spoke between laughs. The loud sounds that bubbled from her lips came uncontrollably, some in fits, some loud squeaks and most sounded more like roars. The by passers eyed them weirdly and shook their heads. Derin laughed harder than intended at a point because an Old woman had eyed Ify's butt.

"You still dey vex?" Ify asked as she let go, smiling and laughing at intervals.

"Gosh. Ify no! Just stop!" She giggled.

Ify smiled in satisfaction. "Better."

Derin glared at her. "you are so weird,"

Ify shook her head. "what are we eating tonight, I'm famished. Oh and hey!You'll do the cooking while I'll tell you about my trip."

They now stood at the junction, talking.

"Nice try, Best friend but you are doing the cooking while I tell you of how I ran into Nonso Orji today."

Ify froze. She placed her hand on Derin's shoulder and shook lightly. "No way!"

Derin smiled. "yes way, honey. Now we need to get home!"



It was nice living with your best friend since Uni, definitely nice but not too nice when she was the romantic type and she kept swooning over a celebrity you so do not like.

Derin sank further into the couch as Wizkids come closer played on the TV.

"This song is too frigging cute! Look at him... Wizkid is the absolute best." Ify wiggled her butt to the beat of the music.

They had gotten home minutes ago but the two were lazy to go inside to freshen up and change. They both plopped down in the living room and switched on the TV.

Derin scoffed. "You look good, you don't seem like someone who was... Eh... Left hanging."

"Oh please, I wasn't planning on sleeping with him, definitely not! I just thought we could be in for something long, you know how it is with me," Ify grabbed the remote and tuned down the volume.

Derin knew how much Ify loved relationships. She rushed into them once she felt she had chemistry with the guy and rushed back out when her heart was broken or when she realized it was just chemistry and nothing more.

Derin sighed "yeah."

"Well I got to the tourism center and bam! He wasn't so hard to find, he looked the same, just like in the pictures, we hit it off straight until I got into details about growing up and he was like 'what? No billionaire daddy!' Like on what my profile said. We simply laughed it off. We ate a lot of things, drank and then the bill came, it was 100,000! Hia! Me I shock oh! He said he was coming, he left and that was it!"

Derin left her mouth hanging open.
"How did you pay the bill and what made it so expensive!"

"The damn wine was a freaking Remmy martin Original and the bastard ordered it. I was embarrassed. My ATM card had only 70,000 in it and I've been saving up. We haven't received a pay for this month or it would have helped."

"Mehn. That guy is mad oh." Derin snickered.

"Just laugh it out and say I told you so. I know you want to say it."

Derin sat up. "But it's the truth. I did tell you. Besides you are even lucky the guy is not a ritualist. You know Nigerians. You have to be careful. How can this guy, someone you don't know before, someone you met on this dating site thing just call you and tell you to come and see him in calabar...."

"Derin..." Ify held up her hands.

"... Why can't he come down to Lagos and see you. Imagine, you just wasted money you were saving because of online chemistry,"

Derin clapped her hands together and laughed.

"Derin it's OK. I've heard you." Ify nodded, although her irritation was a glaring one.

"Did you tell Lola?"

Ify shrugged. Lola was the third tier. The third best friend but distance had slackened their relationship with her. She lived at Lekki and worked in a hot shot oil company.

Derin sighed. "I'm just trying to say be careful. Every body does not think like you. Not everyone is nice. Besides consider your life. You just wasted money. Money that you could have saved. You took flight to go and bus to come back. You gan calculate the money na."

"I know, I just want life to get better. I don't want to bother Ada anymore on anything, she has tried enough in my life even if she is my sister." Ify huffed, leaning into the chair and resting her head on the side.

It was obvious Ify didn't like the discussion. Derin played along, she'd let it slip today.

"Hey. Don't bug yourself, we just started this job last year and it'll get better, we are quite lucky we didn't take so long to get a job after youth service."

Ify smiled then looked at Derin." Abi?"

"Yeah... Hey! So how did you pay off the bill,"

Derin cringed. She didn't want Ify to get upset. She hoped that Ify didn't see her question as she trying to get back to the former discussion.

"Oh... The owner of the restaurant let me go... He was so rude! But I didn't want to embarrass myself more since i was owing, I only sent him glares but imagine my surprise when he said I'll go on one condition."

"What was the condition?" Derin asked excitedly.

"I washed plates for the rest of the night.... What choice did I have... I did it and I was free to go Abeg, I cannuh comman kee myself,"

Derin burst into laughter.

"I'm so over dating sites, never ever again!" Ify scoffed.

And Derin laughed some more. Her laughter died slowly but she said nothing after that.

"So... Your ex today?" Ify asked with a raised brow almost immediately.
"Nonso." Derin murmured.

"And?" Ify pressed on. She sat up instantly, eyes wide and hands gesturing. "Come on, what happened?!"

"I had to deal with something that clung to him." Derin grinned. She pulled up a braid that fell across her eye and tucked it into the loose band she used in packing her braids.

Ify smirked. "do not tell me you went bitch mode on them,"

Derin laughed. " not crazy bitch mode, you know the cool bitch modes where you get them all riled up while smiling sweetly. As a Lagos sharp girl na."

"No way!" Ify laughed loud, tapping her thigh.

"You have no idea." Derin said as she went on to tell Ify about her encounter with her ex and his hot shot girl friend.

"Oh.. My God... Was he pissed?"

"Of course but I was too excited to notice anything I just walked out." Derin grinned as she snapped her head to Ify.

"Derin you know, you never listened to him before he graduated." Ify said. Her voice was merely a whisper and all humour had drained from her face.
Derin shook her head. "There was nothing to listen to, he cheated on me, he was sleeping with that girl... That Yemi, how could he?!"

"He told you he wasn't good at relationships an that he could make mistakes," Ify said.

"But he said he'll try for me!"

"And he did... He came back begging! He wanted to explain himself."

Derin narrowed her eyes"are you on his side now?"

"I never take sides Derin. Never except if there is a valid reason to,"

"So you are trying to say Nonso is innocent?!"

"I'm trying to say you should have heard him out six years ago " Ify sighed.

"I can't believe you!" Derin flared. She turned sharply to Ify who flinched a bit at her sudden anger. Although she managed to mask it with an easy smile. She placed her hands on Derin's and spoke.

"Hey! Calm down, you are my best friend and even if he shows up at the door today, you know I got your back" Ify patted her hand soothingly. Derin didn't know how it was that she did it, but it often worked for her. She relaxed into the couch, her anger had slowly vanished and was now replaced with a smile.

"Best friends?" Derin slipped her hands from beneath Ify's and spread them apart, pulling her in for a hug.

Ify chuckled, shaking her head jocosely and squatting farther away, she nearly tripped the moment she got to the edge. Derin shook her head and sat back and watched as Ify balanced herself while speaking. "we made a promise to Lola. No best friend hugs without her."

Derin sighed. Of course Lola, her rich best friend who was far away yet close at once.

"I miss us three." Derin said.

"Yeah me too."

"Spaghetti for diner?" Derin asked, standing up slowly. She picked her shoes from the carpeted floor and took her hand bag from the side table

"With sauce! I'm so in!" Ify called as she made her way into the room, inhaling the vanilla flavored air freshner she had launched the previous day.


This is the first chapter, comment Asap, like and share. Thank you

Chiziterem 😘😘

P.s sorry for the errors I'll be editing soon.

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