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the fact of something interesting or pleasant happening by chance
"Meeting him like that, and there of all places, was true serendipity!"

Serendipity, a symphony of sweet joy resonating through life.
Unveiling unexpected beauty, a dance of the serendipitous moment.
Savoring the delightful embrace of fortune as it gracefully unfolds before your senses.
This is what elevates the spirit—the pure essence of serendipity—the exhilarating thrill of discovering joy where expectation dared not tread. Not merely a fleeting moment or an isolated instance, but an infusion of the very soul with the essence of serendipity.

Adelaide Hogan was a loner. Her father had arranged for her to be homeschooled since her youth, denying her the chance to socialize with people her age. The only individuals she could contemplate deeming as friends were of her father's age.

Her whole life Adelaide waited for that serendipitous moment to come and embrace her like a body embraces the soul. The time flew by, and her hope to find that moment also flew with it.

Adelaide was just becoming accustomed to the idea that she would be friendless for the rest of her life when she encounters him – her first friend.
Her first true friend.


I extend my heartfelt acknowledgment to whothehvllisbucky for their plot that served as the base of my book.
A very big thank you to my readers too who patiently wait for the next update of each of my published book.

While I am publishing serendipity and wish for it to be the best, I can't promise my readers about how often I will update all of my books. I am slowly starting to gain the courage to write again and I hope that the readers will understand if I give updates late and not on time. 

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