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"What's my little brother doing???" Rishab chimed placing his hand over karan's shoulder, who was facing the opposite side..

Karan tilted his head to see him, a sad smile adorned his lips and he shook his head, proceeding to gulp another shot of tequila.

"Woah it's my first time seeing you drink in the daylight...... is something wrong????" He asked, taking a stool beside him.

Karan sighed, "It was today....." he whispered, empty eyes staring at the glass...

Rishab frowned in confusion, but then suddenly it struck him, "the unfinished engagement party......" he whispered lowly...

"Hmm.... and today I saw someone in the same coloured dress we decided for the engagement.... it just kinda.... tripped me off..."

Rishab sighed, giving him a disapproving look, "how long karan.... how long are you planning to do this? To be like this??

"Do what???" Karan asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Running away....!! Stop putting your life in danger karan!! Do you think she's worth it??? She is worth risking your life?? No.... whatever you do she's not coming back... so stop this madness!!!.. every time you go out for work, do you have any idea how much worried everyone is about you returning home in one piece, alive!!!.... she has consumed you, drawn you into her underworld and you're failing to come out of it..... and you think what you both had was love. For God sake karan, she was just using you!!!! And you're a Freaking coward not to accept the reality!!!"

Karan turned towards rishab, his eyes feral, "what she and I had, you'll never understand... so stop acting like you know it all!!! You have no idea about it. Hell, you have never fallen in love. What do you even know? Huh? Have you ever experienced love? Have you ever experienced what it does to a person? You have no idea what the hell it can do to your soul!! I just hope you find someone who would show you what the real pain is!!!"

"And I just hope you meet someone who would do a good job of wrenching that girl who's buried deep inside your heart and show you what real love is!!!" Rishab replied with the same anger and both of them panted, looking at each fiercely.

"ENOUGHHH!!!" A loud voice, belonging to their grandfather made them look back.... "PATHETICCCC!!!"

Karan looked at his grandfather, his eyes holding poison.... and turned to walk away... making his way towards the door.

"Did I gave you the permission to leave Karan Luthra????" His words made karan stop in his tracks and faced him..

"Are you two 5 years old??? Cursing each others life like this???? Is that what brothers do???" He asked with a raised voice and both of them shook their head looking down.

"Now both of you, hug each other!!!" He said and karan and rishab raised an eyebrow at their grandfather.

"I. Said. Hug!!! Now!!!!"

Taking a deep breath, both karan and rishab moved towards each other and very lightly threw their arms over each other....


The gripped each other tighter.

"Now apologize..."

Both turned scowling, "grandp-"

"I said apologise!!!!"

Karan and rishab turned hugging each other tightly.

"Sorry bhai I raised my voice at you .." karan mumbled.

"I'm also sorry for the mean things I said, it's just that... I want your happiness...." rishab's tone softened at his baby brother.

"I know bhai....." karan smiled at him and turned towards the bar.

'I really hope you meet someone who could show you what real love is and make your life fill with the happiness you deserve my chotu" rishab thought looking at karan with a sad smile.

"What are you thinking???" Sameer asked looking at her face who was zoned out in her world.....

"Hmm?? Oh just thinking what would buy time and life.... have any idea???" Preeta asked with a smile.

"Doremon's time machine, duhhh!!!!"

The duo stared at each other and preeta let out laugh while he chuckled behind her, "interesting... very interesting...."

"I know righttt" Sameer giggled, laughing at his joke.

He handed her her coffee and both began to walk towards the rest of the crew who were in the waiting lounge. That's when she saw that cocky photographer and the trainers talking to a few travelers.

He had his arms crossed over his broad chest, a black t-shirt, a black and red jacket, comfortable cargo pants and freshly showered bouncy hair.

He sure works to take care of his looks.. his parents gave him good genes, but looks like they forgot to give him good manners....

Arrogant jer-

"Umm preeta???" Sameer called out confused.


"You're spilling the coffee......"

Gasping at his words, Preeta looked down to see the crushed cup in her hands and the spilled coffee all over.... perfect way to start the day.

"Here I have some tissues.." Sameer said, giving her some wipes and helped her clean herself and her bag.

Preeta looked down embarassed, it's all because of that arrogant photographer.... she jerked to look at him but he was already staring at her, shaking his head in a disapproving manner.

He took his back pack with a few papers and passport in his hand and made his way towards them.

Shit!! The way he walks with oozing confidence... it should be illegal. He smirked when he caught her openly gawking at him.

Great!!! Now he's gonna say something cocky and arrogant as obviously he's not gonna miss this chance to put me down.

"It's time to board" he told Sameer and stood behind them silently.

"We are not kids, there's absolutely no need to be behind us to check we are boarding right..." preeta told him annoyed while he regarded her with calm eyes.

He didn't say anything which further fueled her anger.

They boarded the plane and took their designated seats while the trainers stood before them.

"It's a 16 hr flight and this entire cabin belong to us. Josh will be at the front, me in the middle and karan at the back. Any troubles, you can reach us.!!!" Emma instructed... "we are here to ensure your safety and comfort... unless you prefer the beautiful air hostess to help you around...."

Everyone laughed while her eyes involuntarily moved towards karan. He had his face masked with absolute calmess instead of his signature confident and a cocky expression...

He caught her gaze and gave her a small bow  before walking past her at the back to take his seat.

He looked so exhausted and bored.... did he not like to accompany this trip???? Preeta questioned herself and turned towards Sameer seated next to her.

"Is he really famous???" She asked, despite knowing pretty well the reaction he got from others that day.

"Tkl???" He asked and she nodded, "he is... in his field of work.. he is an absolute genius. More like a craftsman when he works.."

"But still at the end of the day, he's just a photographer right?" She wondered whether he's worth all this hype.

Sameer took a deep sigh shaking his head and opened his tab, pulling her closer to him, "look at these 4 pictures carefully... and tell me what do you see??"

"It's a sand storm taken in four different angles. And is beautifully captured." She replied.

"It's just not that idiot... these all four photos were clicked at a single moment with 12 seconds.. but can you see any other camera captured in any of these photos??" He explained

"He must've edite-"

"Oh no he is a man of raw photos... he never edits and that's his speacility..." Sameer replied..... "he's a master, completely in control and absolute mastery in his skills and on his instruments.... he knows how to change diverse situations into his favour and lives like he owns the world..."

Preeta couldn't help but glance back at him who was now busy on his laptop. He raised his head and caught her staring for the third time today but before she turn away he gave her his signature smirk that made her flush.

That man is dangerous preeta... no matter how much riled up he makes you, ignore him... men like him are just trouble.

She had never been more happier than this moment in life. The bone chilling breeze, the heavy drakes of antartica that sways the whole cruise.

The seagulls and some seals racing along the boat made her feel euphoric. She kept her head down, looking at those seals swimming along and the subtle yet strong waters crashes against the cruise.

Then it dawned upon her, there was something she wanted to do from her childhood and since it was 5 in the morning, no one was up yet.

She sneakingly examined her surrounding and no one was awake. So that meant only the captain at the Deck could see her, and like she cared...

She slowly made her way to the pointed end of the cruise and slowly raised her hands up at her side and get aderanline slowly started rising up, pulsing through her veins.

A giggle escaped her lips and before she knew, she blew a happy loud should towards the ocean.


She never believed when people said a loud shout would relieve your stress. But today she felt her inner turmoil slowly blowing away.

And looking at the majestic ocean, she completely forgot she even have a deadly disease growing inside her body.

A small laugh bubbled up her mouth when she felt two strong arms slowly snaking their way around her hips holding her secure.

And without even turning around, she knew who it was. That familiar and masculine scent she experienced in the elevator, at the lake, office and the airport. She knew unmistakably who it was.

"Waiting for your Jack, Miss Rose????" She heard his whisper in her ear.

Despite her hate towards him, his body against her was warm, his touch was comfortable, and shockingly, her heart yearned for more.

She turned her head to the right, expecting him to look into the waters but he was staring deep into her eyes which was making it difficult for her to come with a perfect counterblow to strike back.

"Looks like my Jack is already here...." she said back, before her mind could even process what she was saying..

He raised a brow at her, "you want me to die by the end of this trip little Rose? You know I do a dangerous job..."

Preeta shrugged with a smile, "who knows, may be in this story It's the little Rose who dies first???" She asked, turning her eyes towards the ocean, remembering her condition and a part of her was mad at him for bringing up death like this.

"Though unlike that artificial lake, you can actually die if you jump in the ocean but I suggest you do it once we return back to india.. hm? Don't spoil the mood of the travellers or put the trainers job at stake...." he said and she turned towards him, still inside his arms, scowling.

She saw a rope clung to the holder he had fastened up on his waist and its other end was tied up to rails of the cruise.

Did he really think I was going to jump??

"Despite my actions last week, I really love my life and yearn for it... and the fact that people like you who have vast years of life ahead and still put it in danger anger me the most!!" She replied pushing him aside and jumped down the deck. Anger fuming in her being. She crossed her arms and stomped inside the cruise, leaving that arrogant jerk out there.

He looked at her angry back unbelievably. She was standing on the railing of the ship and they were now travelling along the drakes, that makes the ship sway way harder than usual.

If, even if by mistake she had fallen down, he would never forgive himself. As one of the trainers of the trip, she was his responsibility and it was his responsibility to protect her.

But, their conversation twisted into something else and now she's even more pissed off at him. He took a deep sigh and looked at the vast ocean before him.

"Should I apologise?" He whispered to himself, the fact that she was suicidal and death probably was a sensitive topic to her, he felt bad for bringing the topic up so carelessly... but his ego didn't allow him to accept his mistake.

They had been travelling for 42 hours straight and now preeta sat at the top of the deck to see the early sunrise in Antarctica.

The trainers gave them special instruction that there would be sunrise in the early morning and whoever in interested and wants to see can gather on the top deck.

She kept her eyes scrutinised and her camera ready in her hands to film it rising.

Those records were important to her, if she begin to lose memories, they will serve as an amazing purpose in telling her the awesome time she had before death.

That way she could die peacefully.

She turned the camera towards her face and took a deep breath, preparing to talk to her future, lost self.

"Preeta.. if you're seeing this, just take it to your heart hmm?? You lived an amazing life and do you even know where you're now??? You're encounter towards antartica!!! The 7th continent, the land of ice.... and what we are going to see right now is...."

She turned the camera towards the sea and gasped, lost in the scenario before. "It's beautiful...." she whispered.

The sun slowly rose from the sea and she smiled relishing the overwhelmingness inside her heart and thanked God for giving her an opportunity to experience all this.

"This was the most beautiful sunrise you've ever seen preeta and it was the best moment if your life..." she talked in the camera, adressing to her future self as the camera captured the most beautiful snd majestic sunrise.

"Okay so everyone, in the next fifteen minutes, we are gonna set a foot on the land of antarctica  so get your stuff prepared and meet me at the Deck.." Emma announced and everyone cheered in excitement.

"We are going in two groups, 10 each boat... so hop onto the boat with your favourite traiber and remember, only 10 per boat..."

They stood by queue and waited for each member to board on the rubber boat.. and as expected everyone was hopping on with karan. when it was her turn, she silently turned towards josh and he smiled appreciately at her.

"You're much more handsome and charming than him..." she mumbled so that only josh could hear.

"Well that's an honour senorita..." he said making her blush.

"No one has ever called me that way...." she said as Sameer followed her into josh's boat.

"You deserve it..." he replied.

Karan saw her turning towards Josh and let out a sigh, ofcourse, what should I even expect after that horrendous argument of ours....

Well he does try to forget it because a part of him still felt that it wasn't his fault but....

Something in him is not allowing him to.

His eyes involuntarily stayed on the other boat where she was and his fists clutched into a ball when he saw her blushing over something josh said.

And when she's with me her eyes practically throw daggers at me, if looks could kill I would have been 6 ft under that very night when we met at the lake side.

Rolling his eyes he turned towards the crew who was looking at him expectantly and he focused on his work

Her jaws slowly dropped taking in the majestic continent and she knew she couldn't describe the beauty infront of her in words.

It was something that you have to experience yourself.

The crew followed the trainers silently, some taking pictures, some filming the journey like her and josh was enlightening them with some interesting facts about antarctica.

They were following the same order, josh in the front, Emma in the centre and karan in the back. She spent her most time with Sameer and Emma.

They were the most funniest and kindest humans she has met.

Unlike certain someone..

Josh abruptly stopped and a sudden hush fell within them.

"PENGUINSSSSS" Sameer exclaimed and everyone hushed him

"Let's not frighten them... take as many photos as you want but just stay silent..." Emma told them with a smile... "its their territory, let them live in peace..."

Preeta and the rest nodded, slowly dispersing into smaller groups. Preeta set up her gopro to their levels to film them and sat next to it silently. They are really like cute little toddlers learning to walk.

She looked at the ocean beyond them while they heard a thunderous sound from somewhere. She turned around to find Emma and ask what it was but her eyes stopped at one person who was looking at her intently.

She took a frustrated sigh and turned her attention back to the penguins, she can ask Emma later.

Karan looked at her, seated silently looking at the penguins rather than taking pictures and it had his eyes strained on her.

Who is she??? And why does she seem so different from everyone??

Everyone here is busy filling up there Instagram stories and posts, but unlike them, shes genuinely taking in the view, memorising every single detail of this trip.

She just talks to her gopro, sometime film herself talking, other than that, nothing....

May be a vlogger?

Suddenly they heard an iceberg cracking and she looked around wide eyes and caught into mine almost immediately.

He saw her taking a heavy sigh and turned to look at the penguins again.

She still looked pissed at me.

So taking a deep breath, he walked towards her.

"It's the sound of a glacier melting..." he said while she looked at him and nodded, turning her attention back to the penguins.

Karan looked at her unbelievably, well if shes giving me a cold shoulder then i should stop stepping down because of her arrogance.

Great miss Rose, hope we don't get into situation that requires us talking.

A fire was burning in his heart looking at her ignorance towards him. And he'll make sure to get it extinguish soon.

Karan sat next to josh discussing how to engage them into a fun activity for the night when Emma came up with a childish idea.

"How about never have i ever game???" Emma asked.

"Emma they are not university students..." karan replied but josh cut him off

"I think it will be fun karan, if we frame the right questions... let's get it..." josh said gathering everyone's attention, "so everyone, it's just 8 in the evening and I'm sure no one wants to go to bed this early... so why don't we play a little game instead?"

Everyone hooted and sat around the bonfire.

"It's the simple never have I ever game.. but we'll play with our fingers.. first we have to stretch all our 10 fingers out like this, next when someone asks any question and you have done it, you'll put a finger down, and if not, you'll keep them open... and whoever remains with the fingers open till the end of the game wins and to make this game more interested, we have decided on a prize.... its TKL autographed winter padding!!"

Karan looked at him with a scowl, he didn't ask him before announcing that. Josh turned towards him and winked but karan rolled jis eyes, Yeah, whatever.

"So chose your questions wisely that everyone would close their fingers. And with the way you have seated, please start...."

"Okay I'll go first and it goes clockwise from me..."  one of the girl said and everyone nodded.

"It can be 21 rated questions too right??" A boy asked josh causing others to chuckle.

"We are all adults and I'm pretty sure the youngest among you would be hardly 21.. so no worries it's legal..." josh replied.

"Never have I ever had alcohol before turning 20..."

Karan chuckled, not closing his finger, he was good boy then. But seeing almost everyone closing their fingers made him surprised.

"That was quite weak I would say, next" he heard josh say and raised an eyebrow when he saw his closed finger.

"Well I think I should be the one giving you that look..." josh replied looking at his all open fingers, which made him laugh.

"Never have I ever left a drunk voicemail.."

Karan furrowed his brows together, remembering unwanted memories but surprisingly they did not hurt as much they did in the past and he silently closed his finger.

And again almost everyone closed their finger.

"Never have I ever had a one night stand with a stranger."

Ohh I have that All the time, karan chuckled tk himself, closing his finger shamelessly.

The questions went on and on and many people were out of the game, finilalizing three people now.

Karan, preeta and an other boy Suresh.

Karan sighed, why am I always at a warning situation with her... when I'm trying my best to stay away from her...

But he didn't like losing so he was going to take it seriously. But she was a strong one in this. She still had 4 fingers opened, karan had two, suresh had one.

So first he had to make suresh lose, then it'd be just him and her, head on head. And honestly speaking he, couldn't wait.

"It's your turn karan.." Emma said.

What would make a guy like him close his finger? Think karan think... oh wait...

"Never have I ever peed in a public pool" he threw the question at him amd also hoped that little Rose would close her but he was wrong.

"Ahh shitttt" suresh closed his finger and karan saw preeta scrunching her nose in disgust. Obviously peeing in a pool is a nasty thing to do.

All the eyes now were on his opponent who still had her 4 fingers open. Her eyes were taunting and had a victorious grin on her face, that he didn't like one bit.

It was her turn

"Never had I ever moaned someone else in bed while being with somebody else..."

Okay now I'm fucked up, How the hell did she know that???????

But he closed his finger boldly, looking at her with a death glare. The whole crew going silent.

Her lips tilted into a seductive smile as she his only one finger left.

Well get ready for the war, little Rose... he thought before throwing his question.

"Never have I ever had suicidal thoughts."

He asked keeping a straight face and as expected her finger closed leaving only three.

Well two can play the game little Rose.

She paused for a moment thinking hard what should she ask next, "never have I ever looked at myself naked in the mirror."

Karan snorted, not closing his finger, what does she even thinks of me, I'm not that cocky or self obsessed!!!! Well I have watched myself after workout and stuff but never fully naked.

Seeing his open finger, she frowned.

"Never have I ever did not have sex"

He asked, Till now only one night stands and other stuff was discussed so it wasn't a repeated a question.

Everyone expected her to close her finger but she didn't, still sitting with three open fingers, which shocked the hell out of him, well everyone.

That means she's still-

No karan, that's none of your concern, we ain't thinking that.

Now it was her turn

"Never have i ever proposed someone on one knee and asked the person to marry me."

Somewhere, faraway another glacier melted, causing a thunderous sound and he closed his last finger in defeat.

All the unwanted and deeply locked memories started to resurface and it was all because of the person sitting before him.

He swallowed hard, defeated and hurt.

There were gasps everywhere but his eyes were focused on the women infront of him, who had her dark, deep eyes strained on him intently.

Like she was reading his soul.

"And so the winner is preeta!!" Emma announced and everyone cheered but they had their eyes locked at each other.

She averted her gaze when Sameer side hugged her while karan turned around to make tents for everyone to stay.

"Damn bro I never knew you were the romantic one..." josh said hitting his shoulder but karan just smiled weakly at him.

"Let's get to work..." atleast that way I'd be able to ease the pain building rapidly inside me.

That woman is definitely a trouble.


Added pictures so it would be a bit easy to imagine :)

Now you guys better vote and comment.

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