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Chapter Thirteen
No Binx not you too

Jaxs POV

"This way" Binx called to us as we crawled thought the space after him. I let Dani go first as I went after Allison and put my hands on her waist helping her down as max came in after us.

"Thanks" Allison thanked me and I smiled at her

"Yeah of course" I said as I held onto her hand as we continued to walk with max holding the lighter up

"Come alone. Not much further" Binx said

"How far is it Binx?" I asked out of breathe

"See, which way, which way? I can't remember. Oh. look, down here!" Binx said and ran one way as we followed

"Go, Binx" max yelled

"He's trying max" I yelled back and max huffed as I then heard growling behind us

"Come here, you guys. This way" Allison said and I followed her

"Come on" Dani said as we got a ladder

"Up the ladder" Binx said and we helped max up as Binx climbed out

"Binx look out" Max yelled as we then heard the bus roll over us

"Binx, oh" Dani yelled as we heard the bus up above honk 3 times and then we crawled out of the hole

"Oh my god" Max said as he looked at Binx crushed as Dani cried. I ran over and looked at Binx

"Oh no Binx no you too. You promised you have to stay" I cried as Allison stared at me in sadness but didn't know what to say

"It's all my fault" Max stated

"Max , it's not your fault" Allison said and that's when we heard a crackling of bones and we looked to see Binx inflating

"Look" Dani said

"Max" Allison said as Dani put her hand on my shoulder

"Jax" she said and Binx stood up shaking

"I hate it when that happens" Binx said shaking his head and I pet him softly

"You scared the fuck out of me binx" I said wiping my tears

"Oh Jax ,I can't leave now" he said and rubbed his head against my hand as I hugged him closely

" I know you just scared me" I whispered

"I'm sorry" he whispered back and I put him down turning to see Allison and max with theirs eyes wide as fuck

"What?" Binx asked as we all looked at each other

"I told you , I can't die. Dani, you all right?" Binx said and I looked at Dani to see tears on her face

"Yeah" she said and I stood up wiping her tears for her

"Hey I get it but he's okay and we're okay. All right?" I told her and she nodded hugging me tightly

"Okay" she said

"Well let's go then" Binx said and we ran until we got back into town and me and Allison hung back a little bit

"You know you are really good with Dani" she said to me as she held my hand and played with my rings

"Really?" I asked her softly

"Yeah, she trusts you and she should because you're you Jax" Allison stated and I tilted my head in confusion

"What do you mean by that Alli?" I asked her and she shrugged

"You're easy to trust Jax" she said and I blushed

"Good to know" I told her and then I leaned in kissing her cheek and she blushed as we then heard max and Dani yell

"Officer! Officer!" Dani yelled as we looked and ran across the street

"Oh fuck he's fake" I whispered to myself . I could always tell the cops from real to fake. Real ones show up when your parents are yelling at each other and screaming. Fake ones just don't care to show up or even listen in.

"Officer, we need your help" Allison said

"What's the problem?" He asked us and I rolled my head

"Tell him" Dani said pushing his arm

"Go ahead" Allison told him

"Badddd idea" I said to myself

"Well, you see. I just moved here. Well , you see , it's like this, I.. I broke into the old Sanderson house and I brought the witches back from the dead. See, I even have the book" Max said and I handed the book to him as he showed it to the 'cop'

"You lit the black flame candle?" The cop asked

"Yeah" max said as the 'cop' got up off of his motorcycle

"Come on. Okay, let's get up on the sidewalk. Especially you pretty girl" he said and grabbed my arm but I yanked it away

"I don't give a fuck who you are. Do not fucking touch me" I stated and Allison held my hand

"Don't touch her" Allison said with me

"Fine whatever" the 'cop' said and I scoffed but Dani helped us move past it

"And he's a virgin" she said and max looked away from us. The cop brought max in

"Come here" he said and max leant in

"Are you a virgin?" The cop asked

"Yeah" max said and I ran a hand through my hair

"Really?" He asked

"Look I'll get it tattooed on my forehead okay?" Max said angrily

"You act like being a virgin in a bad thing" I said

"Officer, this is not a prank" Allison said

"Really" Dani whined

"Hey! I put my life on the line to protect this community and you punks pull this? Get out of here and take that cat with you" he said

"Come on Dani" Allison said and I stood waiting until he turned to me

"Hey!" I said and once he turned to look at me, I swung my fist as hard as I could

"THATS FOR YELLING AT MY FRIENDS" I said and punched his stomach making groan

"THATS FOR GRABBING ME" I yelled and I brought my knee up hitting him in the face

"And that is for pretending to be a cop, you fake ass Pretentious dick. Come on Binx" I said and Binx jumped on my shoulder as we followed them away leaving him on the ground.

God I fucking hate people

I love my ocs punching people

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