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Chapter Fifteen
Jax? Are you okay?

3rd Person POV


October 31st, 1979

10 year old jax stood in her kitchen on Halloween night staring as as her 15- 16 year old brother Marcus was wearing his hair slicked back in his greasers outfit.

"Mom when can I go out on my own?" Jax asked as she watched her mother walk out of her room

"When you're old enough sweetie" she said and ran a hand through Jaxs hair before grabbing the back of her head and kissing her

"Mom what are you wearing?" She asked her mom with a wondering look of her rounded little face that still held some baby fat to it

"Why? Do you like it?" She asked as she patted down her hair and jacket

"You look great mom , Jax just hasn't seen the movie" Marcus said and Jax smiled as their mother nodded her head in acknowledgement

"Well thank you Marcus, I'm just a character from a movie dear" she told Jax and she nodded

"Okay mom" she replied

"Alright well me and your father are going out tonight, we won't be back for a while. Marcus be home by 11 , Jax the babysitter will be here soon. Have fun you two, love you" their mom said as she walked out of the house and to the car where their dad was waiting for her with a smile on his face

"My friends will be here soon Jax I have to go" Marcus said to her and she nodded

"Okay" she said not realizing that she had let out a small sad sigh and now her brother felt bad.

"I'm sorry Jax" he said and her head snapped up

"What why?" She asked with a pointed look on her face

"Because I'm leaving you alone on Halloween" he said and walked over siting next to her

"It's okay there's always next year" she said and he smiled sadly

"Maybe not Jax, I'm going with my friends next year too" he said and she nodded

"Oh okay" she said and walked upstairs as the sitter walked into the house

"Jax?" Marcus called and she closed her door , for being ten years old she was devastated to say the least

"Marcus what happened?" The sitter asked and Marcus sighed

"She thinks everyone's leaving her" Marcus said and Jax sighed to herself and cuddled her pillow

"Well aren't you?" She said and then walked upstairs leaving Marcus to think

"Jax?" She asked knocking




"JAX" she heard someone yell and she was knocked out of her flashback to see Dani and her mom looking at her

"Jax? Are you okay?" Dani asked and Jax nodded her head slowly

"Yeah yeah I'm fine" she said and Dani smiled

"Okay well mom, this is Jax. Jax , this is my mom" Dani introduced them to each other and Jax held out her hand as she shook the older womens hand

"Oh , are you and my son?" She asked and Jax couldn't help but laugh

"Oh no no believe me your son is handsome but he's just not my type" Jax said and she nodded her head

"Good to know" she said


Max felt hands on his shoulders and he turned to see his dad standing there in a vampire costume

"Oh! Dad" max said

"It's not dad, it's 'dadcula'" his father said lifting up the ends of his cape

"Oh, my goodness, who must this charming young blood donor be?" Maxs dad said bringing Allison in and kissing her hand

"She doesn't like men dad, but that besides the point. Somethin' terrible happened" max stated and his dad dropped Allison's hand

"Dani? What's wrong?" His dad asked looking around

"Good, excuse me, come here" his dad said and grabbed the back of maxs neck pulling him away and into a corner

"Shoot , max. Look, whatever it is, just tell me" his dad said to him


"Come here. This cat here, Binx. He can talk. My brothers a virgin. He lit the black flame candle, the witches are back from the dead and they're after us. We need help" Dani exclaimed and Jax sighed

"How much candy have you had?" Her mom asked her and Jax scoffed

"None, she's being serious" Jax said as Dani said the same thing

"Mom, I haven't od'd. I haven't had a piece. They're real witches , they can fly and they're gonna eat all the kids in Salem. They're real!" Dani said

"All right. Let's just find your father" her mom said standing up

"It's fine dani, we got this on our own" Jax said as Dani sighed and nodded sadly

We walked all the way back to max, Allison and his father. I stood next to Allison and argued with Maxs mom

"Hey , guys, I love you but enough is enough. Just calm down" His dad said

"But they're gonna come" max said

"Don't you see how crazy this sounds?" He asked

"Jax, Jax , they're here" Dani said tugging on my sweater sleeve and I saw them

"Max" I called and we looked at the middle of the dance floor together

"What is it?" Their mom asked

"Nobody's here sweetheart" her mom said and I scoffed

"Yes they are" I said and followed max as we ran to the stage

"Where are you going?" Allison asked as she grabbed my sleeve

"To save his ass" Jax said and she lost all of her self consciousness.
She grabbed Allison's face and kissed her lips. Allison kissed back forgetting that she wasn't out to the world and where they were. Right now it felt like it was her and Jax together, just like when they were 15 and in jaxs room making out over again. Allison's lips were as soft as Jax remembered, they tasted like apple cider and lime lollipop, it was an oddly satisfying mixture .

"I missed doing that but I gotta go" Jax said as she turned and followed max again onto the stage

"YOU CANT LEAVE AFTER YOU DO THAT JAX" Allison called and max climbed on stage as I took the stairs from the other side

"Hey, cut the music" max said yanking the mic out of the performers hand

"I'm in the middle of a song" he said and Jax scoffed

"I don't give a flying fucking monkey if you're performing, cut the music" Jax said and he scoffed

"Jax Santiago? Didn't you kill your parents?" He asked taunting her and Jax saw red

"Oh you asshole" Jax said and she kicked his knee in and then swung on him as he leaned back and was knocked out

"And now that I have your attention, max" Jax said and gave max the microphone back

"Your kids are in danger, three hundred years ago, the Sanderson sisters bewitched people. And now they've returned from their grave" max said and everyone laughed

"I know this sounds dumb, but they're here tonight; they're right over there" max said and the spotlight drifted to them as everyone gasped

"Oh Jesus this won't end good" Jax said to herself


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