XO.1 ~ The Phone Call

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      It has been two weeks since I came home for the summer holidays. Margot and Lara-Jean are home too! And so is Peter, of course. I doubt LJ would let him spend his Summer holidays elsewhere.

     Yuri had convinced her mom not to expel me from KISS, so during my winter break, I got the email saying I had been accepted back! Can you believe that? Just when I thought it was all over and that I would have to give up getting to know my mom and following in her footsteps, or that I would never see my friends again.

    Dae and I had kept in touch during the break and we stayed the best of friends. It was weird at first, I admit, but in the end, we made it work. We call each other all the time and tell each other everything, just like how we used to. And I'm happy about that. 

     When I returned for the second semester, he and I were inseparable. I told him what had happened on the plane between me and Minho. Dae was supportive. Yeah, he admitted that he was shocked and that it was weird, his friend falling in love with me and all that, but he said he would root for us if we ever got together. 

    I honestly didn't know how I felt. When Minho confessed, I was shocked, as one should be. However, the person in question was now ignoring me or pretending that the confession on the flight never happened.

      Returning to KISS, Minho pretended that nothing happened and that we were still frienemies.

   Q had trouble in his world. It was a conflict, a decision of what was right and wrong. When Florian cheated on the finals and took Dae's spot at the top, Q was torn in two, especially when he found out that Dae could have lost his place at KISS. Thankfully, everything worked out.

      More or less.

   When Florian found out that Dae could lose his place and boarding at KISS, he went to Principal Lim and confessed that he had cheated. Trust me, things did not go down well at first, but eventually, with the help of Yuri and Dae, Florian was allowed to stay on at KISS on probation and a semester-long detention. And Dae was once again top of the class.

     Florian's parents were far from pleased when they found out that he had cheated on his finals. They nearly demanded for him to leave KISS, but somehow, he persuaded them to let him stay, don't ask me how. 

     Q was happy that Florian was allowed to stay and was happy that Dae didn't harbour any hard feelings. 

    I was still sorting out my feelings. I had now gotten over Dae, but now I had Minho to worry about. I didn't want to hurt Minho like how I hurt Dae, I could never forgive myself if I hurt someone again and go through those emotions a second time.

     We're all really close friends. For now. Q says that I should confront Minho about his confession, but, I don't want to lose Minho as a friend if things go wrong. Dae and I may have stayed strong friends, but not everyone is like Dae.

   Yuri and Juliana were currently in the Mediterranean on a summer cruise. Principal Lim and Alex are with them and surprisingly, Professor Lee was too. The scandal this would make! But don't worry, Professor Lee is only there to spend time with Alex.

      And guess what! Margot's got a boyfriend! Crazy right?

  I honestly miss being at KISS and seeing my friends. And it's only been two weeks! With the time zones, it's hard to have a conversation with them.

     I did have a pretty lengthy conversation yesterday with Dae though. Want the tea? Wait for it... he's seeing someone! He met this girl a few weeks ago and they've been hanging out. They're not official yet, but isn't it exciting?! Her name's Minji Choi and Dae seems to really like her. According to him, she's already charmed his younger sister, Bora. And that is definitely a test you need to pass in order to date Dae.

      I met Bora during the Easter break. Dae had invited all of us to his place for a barbeque and his sister was adorable! Dae had mentioned his sister a few times throughout the time we had been together, but um hello? She is adorable. She can be quite sassy too, but I can tell that she really adores her older brother.

     Speaking of siblings, Alex and Yuri have been bonding and getting along together like a house on fire!

     How I wish the summer holidays would go by quickly so I could return to KISS for the next year. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be home with my family. Dae and Yuri have also been helping me with learning Korean! And I must say it is hard. However, I know a bit more than my sisters and that's a plus.

     Currently, I'm lounging on my bed, creating a list of gifts to get to bring back with me to Korea. I was currently listening to 'Walk You Home' by NCT Dream. I have to say, KPop is quite good. Madison got me hooked on a couple of songs.

    By the way, even with all the drama that happened, Madison persuaded her parents to let her continue studying at KISS.

     Now let's see, definitely some skincare stuff for Minho. I swear that boy has a skincare routine that could make the skin of ten people look good.

     Dae. What to get Dae? Ooooh! I should him something like a memorial thing for his mom. His mum loved peaches and loved looking at the stars, I'm sure I can put something together.

    What to get Q? Something sports related. Or nature related. Something for his outdoor club perhaps?

    I'll get Florian some history book or something, he'll enjoy reading that. Oooh! Or study supplies. Oooh! Or a poetry book.

      While I was trying to come up with ideas, my phone began to buzz.

    Looking at the caller ID, I sat up in surprise. It was Q. Looking at my clock I quickly calculated that it was like, late at night where they were. Q and Minho had decided to stay in Korea for the summer. Now back to the matter at present, why on earth is he calling me? He should be asleep!

        Accepting the call I was greeted with Minho's face instead of Q's.

   "Oh hey, Minho! How are you? Why are you up? Shouldn't you guys be asleep," I asked, then it dawned on me, "Is this a prank call? Are you guys playing truth or dare right now? Are you guys having a sleepover - wait... what's wrong?"

     Minho looked really worried and stressed and behind him, I could just see Q pacing back and forward.

       "Kitty..." Minho started before sighing.

   "Minho, what's wrong? What happened? Why are you using Q's phone instead of your own?" I asked. A twist in my gut told me something was terribly wrong.

     "Q was going to be the one calling you, but he's currently stressing so I took his phone instead," Minho started. He sounded so defeated, which wasn't like him at all.

     "Minho, tell me what's wrong. If this is a joke -" I began.

  "Kitty..." Minho took a shaky deep breath, "Kitty, it's Dae."

     Worry was creeping into my system. I looked closely at what was happening on my screen. It looked like Florian was trying to calm Q down and... oh my gosh something was definitely wrong. Minho looked like he was about to cry.

      "Minho? Are you... what's happening? What about Dae?" I couldn't stand it anymore. What was with the delay? How serious was the news?

     "Kitty, Dae got into an accident. We're at the hospital right now," Minho dropped the bomb.

My heart stopped and restarted again, going at a pace ten times faster.

     "What?" I whispered, not quite believing what I was hearing. This had to be some kind of sick joke right?

     "Dae got into a car crash, we're currently at the hospital waiting to hear from the doctors, I -" Minho's voice cracked.

  I didn't know what to say. How do you even respond to news like that?

     "Kitty, I don't know what to do," He sounded so broken right now.

  I quickly made up a plan and jumped into action.

      "I'm booking the first flight to Seoul," I said, scrambling to my feet. I had to go. I couldn't leave my friends to worry on their own, they needed my support. I need to be there for Dae too, and his dad and sister. It must be so hard for them right now.

     Minho wasn't saying anything now, just staring off into space as if he had forgotten he was still on call.

    "Minho, I'm going to catch the first flight that I can find. I'm going to hang up, okay? But keep me posted," I said, trying to stay calm, for both our sakes.

     Minho just nodded before I ended the call.

I ran down to the living room to grab my laptop.

     "Whoah, where's the fire?" Peter asked. He and LJ were cuddled up on the couch.

"I need to book a flight to Seoul asap!" I panted.

      "Wait what? Why?" Margot asked  from her seat at the dinner table.

   "M-Minho just called," I furiously typed my password onto the laptop, "Dae got into a car accident."

     "Oh no! Is he alright?" LJ immediately sat up. 

  "I don't know. Minho couldn't talk much, plus, the doctors haven't said anything to them yet," I said. Looking up, I added, "I have to go. I can't let my friends worry alone. And Dae is my best friend. I have to go."

     Trina immediately jumped into action. "Right, Peter, help Kitty book the earliest flight you can find. Lara-Jean, go tell your father what's going on. Kitty," She turned to look at me, "Margot and I will go back your stuff. Including what you need for the next semester. I assume you'll be staying throughout the whole summer right up to the new school year?"

      I nodded, gratefully. I had the best family in the world. 

  "Okay, I've booked you a flight on Korean Air from Portland to Seoul," Peter said, "So we need to get you off to the airport soon. The flight leaves in 3 hours, we need to get there in plenty time for you to check in and all that."

      "Okay, okay thank you," I gave him a big hug. 

    "Kitty! Lara-Jean told me what happened, have you managed to get a flight?" Dad came in at that moment, Lara-Jean in tow. 

      "Yeah, my flight is in 3 hours," I replied. 

   "Oh Kitty," LJ pulled me into a hug. "He'll be fine. He'll be okay," She said. 

       I really hope so. From what I could see on Minho's face and Q's actions, Dae needs all the support he can get. 

     First, I need to actually get there. 


Chapter 1! I'll try to keep this in Kitty's point of view as much as I can, but I'll probably switch to third person pov or even someone else's pov.

Hope you guys enjoy this book!

Clara x

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