XO.5 ~ Dae

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      We had been sitting in the ICU room for most of the time, except for when we were asked to step out while they checked Dae over and replaced his IV and blood bags. Dae had lost a lot of blood from the accident and when they did the operation.

     Yuri and Alex are currently with us. Principle Lim and Professor Lee were here earlier, but they needed to attend to business matters. Florian had arrived too.

     "What's Dae's blood type?" Alex asked from where he sat on the other side of the room. He was looking at the blood bag which was slowly dripping blood into Dae's arm.

     "AB+," Minho and I both answered at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed, despite the situation.

     Mr Kim gave a small chuckle. "Yes, it's AB+, which is a universal recipient, meaning he can receive any other blood type. His mother's blood type was also AB+. Mine is type B, while Bora's is type A," He explained.

   In Korea, it was common for friends or people meeting for the first time to ask what each other's blood type was. It was one of the first questions Dae asked me when we began testing each other.

      Suddenly, the heart monitor began to beat much faster.

 "What's happening?" Yuri asked, standing up from her seat.

      "Something's wrong," Q peered at the monitor.

"You don't say!" I exclaimed, looking at him.

      "I'll fetch a doctor," Alex said, jumping to his feet and rushing out the door.

   Minho leaned into Dae's face as if listening for something. "Guys, his breathing, it's becoming a bit shallow," He said.

    A couple of doctors rushed in followed by three nurses.

  "Right, I want everyone out! We need room to work here," The doctor said, taking one look at the situation.

    We walked out of the room, numb. We didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to think. He was just fine, he was doing fine, and then...

    "Is he having a reaction to the medication?" Florian asked, breaking the silence. He looked around at all our faces to try and see if someone had an answer.

   "He's not allergic to anything," Mr Kim shook his head.

      It felt like a century as we waited for the doctors to finish whatever they were doing and to tell us what was wrong or what went wrong.

     I tried to distract myself by playing with my bracelet, reading signs on the walls, anything. I went to sit on the ground next to Minho, who looked really miserable.

     "What's on your mind?" I asked softly.

     "I was just thinking about how long I've known Dae," Minho murmured, "We both started going to K.I.S.S during our elementary years and we've been best friends ever since."

    "You've both been best friends since elementary?" I didn't they had been friends for that long. Yeah, Dae had told me on occasion that they had been friends for a long time, but I didn't know it was this long.

     "Yeah, he was the first friend I made when I started at the school," Minho nodded, "We then met Q and Marius in our first year of middle school. But then Marius had to, unfortunately, go back to Greece, which is why you haven't met him."

     "So, how did you meet Dae?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. He needed a distraction, and frankly, so did I. If talking about the past got our minds off the situation at present, then I'll take it.

     "Well, he was my roommate," Minho chuckled slightly, "funny how we've been roommates the entire time we've been at K.I.S.S and how we've always managed to have lots of the same classes together."

   "Looks like fate decided for you two to be besties!" I smiled. My plan seemed to be working.

     "He was shy at first, in fact, that's just his character," Minho gazed at the wall opposite, "Dae's always been a shy or quiet kid. He also loves trying to help people and has a hard time saying no. That's why he found it hard to say no to Yuri when she asked if he could be her fake boyfriend as a cover-up. He gets that from his mom. His mom was also really kind, helpful and caring."

     So Dae gets his personality from his mom. I never realised that, but I suppose it makes sense. Dae was always close to his mom.

     "I was born in Korea, but I spent more time overseas than I did here," Minho went on, "We've got three permanent homes, the villa here in Seoul, another one in LA, and the last one in London. Because of that, I was more fluent in English than I was in Korean. So when I came to K.I.S.S, Dae offered to help me become more fluent in Korean if I taught him English."

     "A good deal," I nodded.

      "And because of that, we slowly became friends," Minho said, "Dae invited me over to his place for Chuseok. It was my first time celebrating it without my parents. I met his mom that night and she was so nice and welcoming to me. Up until she passed away, she became like a second mother to me. I would spend the short holidays with Dae and his family unless my mom came back from filming abroad."

       "I remember you and Dae being so inseparable," Mr Kim murmured in addition to the conversation, "in fact, you two still are."

     "When his mom passed..." Minho swallowed, "it was hard for me to see Dae the way he was during that time. He ate little, slept little, wouldn't even let himself cry."

     "At least not when he thought others couldn't hear or see him," Q interjected, "When he returned to the dorms after time away, I got up one night to get a glass of water and when I passed his and Minho's room, I heard him quietly crying."

     "We didn't say anything, and neither did he, but we knew that he knew that we would be there for him if he needed us," Minho said, "After a while, he returned to his normal self, but we know that he misses his mom a lot and is hiding his grief from everyone."

     "Dae hates being a burden on people, which is why he acted like he was okay in order to not bother people into sympathising for him, which doesn't make sense really," Q said.

     I had lost my mom when I was little, but I barely knew her. It is a lot worse losing a mother when you've already made memories and had a lot of fun with them. Dae had had a hard time.

      "Dae studied hard all the time, being on a scholarship he had to get the top score all the time otherwise he would lose his place at K.I.S.S," Minho said, "Being at K.I.S.S means a lot to him. I don't know if he told you, but his mom also went there."

     I didn't know that. So K.I.S.S means a lot to him too. His mom went there, and he met his best friends there.

    "I remember when I first met Dae," Yuri spoke up. We all turned to look at her. "It was long before he became my tutor at K.I.S.S. He came with Mr Kim to our home once. He was exactly how Minho said. Quiet, shy, but he was kind and sweet. He charmed all the staff in our home."

     Mr Han smiled. "Oh yes, I remember that. We found him in the kitchen being spoiled by all the cooks," He said. 

      "He was really shy when Marius and I first met him," Q said. My plan to help get people's mind of the current situation was working. "Like really shy and awkward as if he didn't know what to do with himself. We eventually became friend through a party Minho hosted at our dorm." 

     "Some times, Dae forgets how to have fun," Minho said, "Because he has to study a lot to keep his scholarship, we have to force him to come and have fun with us."

     "Minho is better at persuading him than I am," Q chuckled, "Those two love playing video games together though."

     Hours later, the doctors came out, causing all of us to give all our attention to them.

"Well?" Mr Kim asked, his hands fidgeting.

     "We're not sure until we've done a few tests, but it seems like the patient has had a reaction to the blood bag we hooked him up on earlier," The doctor said.

     "A reaction? To the blood?" Q looked confused, "But he's an AB+, he can take any blood type."

"And I saw the label on the bag, it was an AB+ type blood, he should have been fine," Alex said.

      "Sometimes a patient's body will react to a blood transfusion even if the correct blood type is used. We've dealt with the problem, but we're going to run some tests to find out why to make sure we don't make the same mistake twice," The doctor said.

       "Okay, thank you," Mr Kim bowed.

  The doctors and the nurses left, allowing us to re-enter the room.

      Dae looked really pale, nearly blending in with the white sheets that he lay in. The heart monitor was once again giving off a steady beat.

    "What exactly happened, the car accident I mean," I asked, "I was never told in detail what had happened."

     "He was in a taxi on his way home from a party we were at," Minho began quietly, "it was at a junction. The lights had turned green and the taxi went forward, but some idiot bastard ran the red light and crashed right into the taxi, on Dae's side of the car too."

     "It caused another car to crash into the back, a chain reaction almost," Q added.

"As far as we've been told, two people have already died," Florian said.

    "I shouldn't have let him leave in that taxi," Minho whispered, "I should have just asked him to come and stay over at my place for a sleepover."

    "It wasn't your fault," Alex assured him, patting the boy gently on the back.

    I could see that Minho was finding it hard to keep everything together. He and Dae have been best friends since forever, longer than Dae and I have been friends. It must be so hard for him.


Chapter 5!!! Hope you guys really enjoy this chapter!!! This chapter was originally supposed to go in a different direction, but I decided to leave that for the next chapter and instead write a chapter on how Minho, Q and Dae might have met and become friends.

Thank you all for reading!

Clara x

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