•summer days•

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I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I am a ✨genius✨ when it comes to thinking up stupid ideas~

If you've ever doubted how dumb I am, I'm here to prove to you that your suspicions were right!!

That's me getting the bright idea to try to write some TIOG while floating around my pool bc I was bored floating in my tube. Intellectuals only 🤪👊

I got really pale this winter so I've been trying to get tan by spending time in The Outdoors™ and it's kinda working?? I basically spend my time outside taking care of my chickens or playing in the pool, but never at the same time bc chickens can't swim (the more you know)

And speaking of animals, I went to a petting zoo yesterday!!! All the animals were really gentle (unlike the ones at the VA petting zoos I went to) and oh my gosh there was a deer who licked the feed out of your hand like a puppy

Low quality pics of a high quality animal 10/10 would visit again 💖

Ummm nothing else has happened much lately besides me attending a wedding where I rocked magenta pink eyeshadow (it did not look that bright in the palette, but when I applied it it was too late to go back). This summer, unlike my last one, will stay uneventful as there's nothing much to do besides go to work. Makes for a good excuse to write, right?

Maybe not in a pool tho lol.

How're you guys spending your time?

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