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This chapter is the perfect representation of my two brain cells failing to function 🥴

Also, sorry if this post comes across as whiny!! I over-exaggerate e v e r y t h i n g.


Let's address this right off the bat: I'm dumb. But y'all already knew that lmao. It's no shocker.

I'm so dumb I thought writing a magical fantasy adventure AU would be easy. Creating the world of TIOG and the plot that went down was fun. Outlining came to me naturally.

But then I actually had to write. I've never had to deal with so much world-building, foreshadowing, action, and setting depiction before because I like to write cute, slice of life stuff.

This is where my problem begins.

So, TIOG chapters are long. 4.5k-ish words in one sitting is a lot. At least for me, it is. The main reason they're so long is because I want to cover several events in one chapter because oh my god there's so much ground to cover.

Because I want to combine all these scenes into one cohesive chapter, writing takes forever. Like a good 2/3 weeks minimum. And then the chapter still sucks w h y 😩

I want to write chapters faster because that means I can update more often, and I love updating. It's so hard for me not to publish chapters as soon as I've finished them lol.

So I've come up with a solution for the rest of the fic—instead of having roughly 30 (5k-7k) chapters, TIOG will have about 40 (3k-4.5k).

You'll still be getting the same story, it's just that it's cut up differently now. I think it's a heck lot more digestible this way, too.

The reason I write shorter chapters faster is because I love to write beginnings. When I do an opening scene right, I become motivated as heck to continue on. But this inspiration fades quickly. I'd rather get halfway through a short chapter highly motivated than running out of it a quarter of the way through a longer one.

Wowwie, that sounded super redundant 🙃

Any thoughts, TIOG readers? I'd love to hear them, especially if it's just you roasting me on how dumb I am.

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