Chapter 14

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Brass eyes roll back as his attackers lunges at him with their daggers.

Swift swipes from his blade laid them out one by one. Others fired their pistols but their weapons were immediately spilt in two.

"What the hell is this guy?" Fear froze them. While Tyler was in awe.  He never seen a side Brass like this. More enemies kept approaching and Tyler  moved and grab a gun from the floor.

Without a second to spare, he fired. Brass was with him as he continued the onslaught.


Trevor and Roger had begun exchanging blows with one another. Blood poured out from his right palm as  he witnessed Roger's mutation. His arms became claws and scales grew on his body as his eyes started to roll back.

"What the hell have you done?" He answered.

"It's simple. I've grown into something far more beyond your understanding."

He moved at lightning speed as caught Trevor by the waist and flung him onto the ground.

"And with the serum in my possession. You don't stand a fighting chance."

Trevor quickly transformed and wrapped his body around his arms. He pulled tightly waiting for his bones to crack.

Roger's evil grin and laughter echoed through the hallway as he pulled Trevor away.

Brass immediately kicks his face before he could snap his body in half.

He bare his fang at him while checking on him.

"Nightwalker...I was afraid that you wouldn't come. I was beginning to finish your friend off."

"Enough of this, I came to stop you and that is what I'm going do."

Tyler came behind him and seeing Roger's transformation.

"Tyler, take Trevor and get out. I'll deal with him."

Roger's eyes wandered at Tyler. "You certainly brave for coming back here. I was going to rip you to shreds just like a I did with Christina."

Brass froze in shock. Christina, the woman that treated him like a mother, is dead. His body violently quake at her death.

Tyler moved but Tyler's sword stopped him in his tracks.

"Didn't I tell you to leave,Tyler?!"

"I'm not leaving your side. Christina gave her life for me. And I'm not leaving you."

"Don't argue with me!"

Brass was left open when Roger twisted his jaw sending back against the wall.

"Enough of this! I finish all three of you off."

He extends his arm at Tyler's throat. He was in happiness seeing this victim struggle.

"You've been a big pain for me. I'll make your death quick."

He began ringing his neck just waiting to hear a snap and Brass's despair.

Two swords slice through his arms as it fell.

Brass wasn't ready to die so easily. Wiping the blood on his face, he tries to pinpoint on Roger's weakness. He spears him through the walls and cut at his chest and his legs.

You think you can stop me, Brass. I'm shifter."

His skin started to shed as new skin appeared and was more slicker.

"You're psychopath. Think of your own dreams by making others suffer. And that will be your downfall."

"Are you that deaf? Didn't you just hear me?"

Then, he shifted into a wolf and pounced on top of me.

"As long as l've the serum, you..."

Then, a sharp pain purge his body as the drove through his body. Moreover there was blue liquid over the sword.

"The serum...when did you..."

Brass grinned. "One rule of being villain: always keep your antidotes in safe place and it's locked."

He immediately pushes himself off. Roger's vision began to blur and his foot was wobbly. Then, his body crash into the tables as his body slowly returns to normal.

Brass was on his knees feeling the after effects.

"What are you waiting for Brass? Hurry up and finish me off."

He stood up and walked over to see his body broken and his hands gone.

"No. I'm not like you.  You're going to own up to crimes. Accept your little reality cause your dream to become some greater is gone."

Roger sighs. "Right."


Tyler walk behind him but stop half the way.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks Tyler.

"Not a scratch on me. Anyway, I should take our friend..."

Arms wrapped around him as Brass embraced him. Tyler leaned into him.

"It over. It's finally over."

"Not exactly."

They turn to see Trevor standing on his feet.

"Brass, you must return back to your homeland and become our alpha."

"Alpha? What are you talking about?"

"Since your father perished, it's your duty to become our next leader and bring back our pack once again. That's why I came searching for you."

Brass wonder about his statement. It's true that his father was leader but never said anything about inheriting it to him.

"Brass, I don't think he's lying."

Brass looked at his lover acting trustworthy to Trevor.

"We'll discussed about this later. I'm sure our buddies on there down now."

He nods. Sounds of police cars came around the building.

"That reminds me...where's the dealer?"

"Oh, he's back at the office waiting for me."

"What are talking about?"

"I'll discuss it later. Right now we need to move. I'll retrieve Christina's body later on."

Trevor jumped into the night sky. While Brass picked him up bridal style.

"I can walk down."

"Yeah, but this is much easier. I sure hope you not afraid of heights."

"How can I not be? And besides I've a snake charmer who can be ravishing as he is deadly when provoked."

A faint smile was on his face as he jumps out of the building and landing on trees and moving quickly before police could notice.

Roger let a faint laughter. "To think I be out done by a man like him."

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