Chapter Nine

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People gathered at the burning while police block off the area. Firefighters had already begun evacuating people out and starting to put out the blaze.

Brass practically ran pass officials without a thought. He sensed Roger on the fourth floor. He remained on high alert.  He was different from before.

His mind was going in circles. Was it the same man that had taken care of him all his life?

A sound of crying echoed in room.

"Please someone!!"

The sound of little girl. Brass quickly kicked down a nearby door. And the girl was on the floor as the smoke covered the home.

He ran to aid. "Are you okay? Where are you're parents?" He asks.

"I killed them."

A familiar voice forced him to turn around to see Roger with blood on his clothes and his eyes was emerald as the stone itself.

"I didn't expect you would survive the blast."

"What the hell?! Why are you doing this?!"

He shook his head. "Honestly, always asking the ridiculous questions. You should've know by now. All the test runs I did on you all of the blood taken out of you."

He shows his hand covered in black markings.

"These are the results of your blood. To make me powerful."

Brass eyes were at the girl and she quickly left without a thought. Then, Roger grabs him by the neck.

"You always have a fragile heart. Just like them..."

Brass was gasping for air. But, the grip was too strong.  He went into his serpent and slip out of it.

He ran out of the room and head towards the roof. However, Roger was there already.

Brass couldn't believe that the man standing before him using him as a test subject.

"What do you mean by them?" He asked.

But, Roger was grinning from ear to ear. Brass made one step forward. Roger made one step back.

"Answer me!!"

But no response. He sprinted but only met with a blow to head and hitting concrete.

Roger chuckled as Brass knock out. He sprinted away from the building as siren of police cars swam over here.


Tyler looked everywhere but still no luck. He sat on bench still tried from running.  There in a distant, he sees his sister walking towards him as well as her doctor.

He practically ran up and gave her a hug.

She chuckled. "Don't choke me, okay."

He lets go as stress was lifted off of him.

"Thanks for watching her, Doctor."

He smiled. "You should be soon happy that she'll be out of the hospital very soon."

"Well, I'm not worried." Said Blair.

"No. What I'm worried is how much you have to pay for me."

Wes turned to Tyler. "Listen, we ran to your friend. His name was Charles or Charlie."

Blair giggled and whispers in her brother's ear. I overheard that you and Charles got on."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know a Charlie or Charles."

"Huh? But I'm for certain that was his name he was wearing black flannel and jeans and his eyes were green..."

Tyler froze. Did he actually meet my sister.  But, before he could react, he looks at the corner.

Brass was in handcuffs and being carried into custody. Plus, there was burning blaze that firefighters were already being put out.

He couldn't focus on Blair. Something was wrong. His feet move on its own. He couldn't stop. He had to get to him. He needed to get to him.

He roared at him. But no response. Then as if time had stopped. Their eyes locked. Brass saw the shock from Tyler.  He didn't want to face him. Not when everything is mystery to him.

As he got in, Tyler feet stopped. What was happening to Brass? His mind was spinning. Is Brass something more?!

Blair was beside him as the car sped away.

"Go after him." She said.

He turn to her. She was smiling.

"Clearly, you're concerned for him. I don't why but I felt his sadness inside."

She touches his shoulder. "Look, I'll call Mom to pick me up after I'm finished. You need to focus on that guy."

She whispers again. "Besides, I think he's a keeper." She winks as she head back to Wes.

She was right. Brass needs help. And Tyler was going to do that.

As the car drove, Brass remembered that Roger knocked him out. But,that's when more of his memories return. And with it a horrific tragedy.

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