Do You Know Why I Chose You?

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Nikita felt nervous. She was going to meet Herobrine for only the second time. She wondered vaguely what he was like in his own home.
Probably the same all-powerful being he is in the Overworld. She thought as they passed door after door.
She wondered where they all led to, and where the staircases leading up and down went to. She imagined a huge library hidden somewhere within the fortress's depths and suddenly wanted to go try and find it and read all of the books inside it.
They turned a corner and at the end of the hallway was a set of double doors.
Four guards stood outside them and as they neared lowered their weapons across the doorway, barricading it.
"Your business?" Asked the lead guard.
"The Chosen One." The Guardian said, pointing to me.
"He is expecting you." It said, signaling for the guards behind him to open the door.
They did and Nikita along with her escorts entered the Throne Room.
It was huge, with a netherrack path leading up to an obsidian dais. On top of the dais stood an obsidian throne, and on that throne, diamond sword in hand, sat Herobrine.
"We meet again." He said, his voice resinating through the chamber.
He looked at the Guardian and the guard and they turned and walked silently to the door.
"I have waited a long time to see you again." He said, standing.
He stepped down from the throne and walked towards Nikita.
"You know why you are here, do you not?" He asked.
"Yes." Answered Nikita.
"I do."
"And you have discovered some of your abilities?" He said as he walked around behind her.
"Some." Answered Nikita.
Herobrine stopped in front of her, his stare making Nikita feel faintly uncomfortable.
"Do you know why I chose you?" He asked her, staring her right in the eyes.
Nikita resisted the urge to shudder as she answered "Because I am the only one who can tame the Ender Dragon." She answered.
"Not entirely." Said Herobrine.
"There are... others of your family scattered through out Minecraftia, but you, Nikita, are the most powerful of them all, because your father was one of the most powerful in your family line." He said.
As he said that something clicked in Nikita's mind.
Then why did he die so easily at Brimstone when he could protect himself with her abilities?
She quickly pushed the thought away, however, as Herobrine continued to speak.
"You have the highest chance of bonding with the Ender Dragon, but first you will need to unlock the full potential of your powers."
He turned away from her.
"Once you have unlocked your full potential, you will the be the most powerful one in your family line to have ever lived." He said.
"Together we can finish what they started and rule Minecraftia. No more death and destruction, only peace."
He turned to her again and said "First, however, you must rest and recover your strength."
Herobrine started to walk towards the door and Nikita followed.
"I have a place for you to live in my fortress." He said as they walked through the doors.
"It's on the second floor, close to the Library."
Herobrine rounded a corner and opened a door to reveal another hallway with a staircase at the end. They went up it and emerged into yet another corridor. This hallway was lined with doors as usual, but black carpet covered the cold obsidian floor of the fortress.
"This where all of my Generals and Commanders live, along with my most prized Servants and spies." He said as they walked down the hallway and took a left.
He stopped in front of a spruce wood door.
"This will be your living space for the time being. One of my guards will come and get you in the morning. Then you will start your training." He said.
Nikita nodded and Herobrine walked back down the corridor and out of sight. Nikita opened the door to reveal a room almost twice as large as her one at home with a purple bed in the middle of the room, her own bathroom in the other, with a chest, crafting table, furnace and enchantment table near the bed.
Black and purple carpet covered the floor and a window let her see out into the End Mesa biome. Nikita went over to the chest and took off her armor and put that and the Ender Eye in the chest.
She then took a quick bath and dressed in the new T-Shirt, jeans, sweatshirt and shoes that she found in the chest. Part of Nikita wondered if Herobrine had put those things in the chest for her, but she quickly dismissed the thought.
Nikita then glanced out of the window. She still had some time...
She glanced at the door, and decided that she would go to the Library just to see what was there. She opened the door quietly and closed it behind her.
No Servants wandered halls now that it was close to to evening time.
She walked along hallway after hallway before she found the doors to the library. She pushed them open to find her dream come true.
There were tall shelves that went clear up to the ceiling piled with books and tables in the middle so you could sit and read and write. Pillows were in one corner of the room to provide a more comfortable reading spot, and Nikita went over to it. She then turned to the towering bookshelves. She could tell that she would be here for awhile.
She began on the bookshelf closest to her. It turns out that these books were about the myths and legends of Minecraftia.
She took down a leather bound volume and brought it over to the pillows where she sat down and opened it. She turned to the page about the Wither Storm, a huge monster that could destroy a whole biome in less then fifteen minutes. She read the whole chapter, learning things about the ancient monster that she hadn't known before.
She did the same for Entity 303 and Null, and even dragons.
She was so engrossed in the book that she didn't realize what time it was until she looked up and saw that it was nighttime.
She quickly got up, taking the book with her, and went back to her room where she changed into her night clothes and went to bed.

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