Move Out!

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Nikita awoke in the morning not to a knock on her door as usual, but to the sound of thousands of mobs gathering below in the field that she had trained on.
She got out of bed, stretched and got dressed in her armor. She quickly grabbed her sword and the bag that she had full of food and the other things that she had acquired during the journey to Shadowstone, her including the map to The Cave.
Suddenly something came to her when she saw a piece of paper and a pencil.
I have an idea. She told the Ender Dragon.
What is it? The Dragon asked.
I have to send a message to Brimstone to warn them if the coming battle, and I only know one person who I trust enough to get the letter to Brimstone. Said Nikita.
He's hopefully waiting outside the Shadowfang Mountains. Said Nikita, sitting down at the desk and writing a letter to Brimstone, telling them of the coming danger and that she and the Ender Dragon were friendly.
She then tucked it under her armor so Herobrine wouldn't see.
I'm going to ask him for permission to go. Said Nikita, getting up and walking out of her room and down to the throne room.
Wish me luck. She said.
Nikita found him talking with one of his generals, a Servant dressed in black armor, tendrils of what looked like black smoke coming off of the armor and disappearing into thin air. A sword with a grey hilt and black blade was in his hand, ready at a moment's notice.
"Excuse me, it looks like Nikita has something to ask me." Said Herobrine, turning his glowing white eyes on her.
The General bowed and nodded, leaving the room to wait at the door.
"What do you need Nikita?" He asked, looking at the diamond blade that he held across his lap.
"I need to go to the Overworld. There is a human fighter waiting for me beyond the Shadowfang mountains that would make a formidable ally." She said, looking up at him.
Herobrine was silent for a moment before answering.
"You may go, but take the horse tied in front of the Temple and be back by midday with or without him." He said, looking up from his diamond sword.
"Thank you." Said Nikita, bowing slightly and walking out of the Throne Room.
He said yes, which means that I can get this message to Brimstone, but I have to go by horseback. She told the Ender Dragon.
Good. Ride swiftly. She said.
About five minutes later she came to the Temple and found the horse tied to an endstone fence post, but she didn't take it, though. Instead she went right into the Obsidian Temple into the portal room. She entered the portal and came out in the stronghold.
It felt like she hadn't been here in forever, and as she ran through the twisting hallways she wished vaguely that she had time to read all the books in the library.
When she finally reached the cave entrance that led to the stronghold Nikita concentrated and opened a portal to where Elijah should be. When she stepped through the portal she found Elijah right where she had left him.
Grey Wind was tied to a tree, and when she saw the portal she reared in fear, waking Elijah up. Nikita saw him draw his sword and quickly closed the portal.
"It's me!" She said, holding her hands up.
"Nikita!" Said Elijah, his voice full of relief.
"You can travel through portals now?" He asked.
"Amongst other things." Said Nikita.
"And I'm bonded with the Ender Dragon."
"Whoa." Said Elijah.
"I have a question, a very important question." Nikita said, taking the note to Brimstone out.
"Can I trust you?" She asked him, looking him dead in the eye.
"Yes, of course. I only said that I wanted to become a Servant so you would take me with you." He said.
"Good. I need you to take this to Brimstone. It's a message to them warning them of the coming war. Herobrine is going to attack the Redstone Isle and then come for Brimstone." She said.
"Don't stop until you get to Brimstone."
Nikita then gave Elijah the note.
"Get this to them, please. My parents live there and I don't want to lose them."
Elijah nodded and tucked the note into his saddlebags. He then mounted Grey Wind and turned to face her.
"Stay safe, Nikita. Come back to Brimstone in one piece." He said.
"I'll try." She said, giving him a sad smile.
"Ride swiftly." Nikita said.
Elijah nodded and then spurred Grey Wind forward, riding off into the forest and disappearing from view.
I really hope that that message makes it through. Thought Nikita as she opened another portal to the stronghold.
Nikita took a deep breath and stepped through the portal, returning once again to Shadowstone.
"So he did not come with?" Asked a voice, making Nikita jump.
She turned and saw Herobrine standing in the doorway, eyes trained on her.
"No." She said, looking him in the eyes.
"He ran before I could kill him."
"We will get to his precious city before he can warn them as is." Said Herobrine, making Nikita's heart leap.
"We are moving now. I need you to create a portal to the Overworld, seeing as this portal isn't big enough to fit an entire army." Said Herobrine, walking out of the room and beckoning Nikita to follow him.
"I will have you and the Ender Dragon fly above the army, and you will be the first to attack when we reach the Redstone Isle." Said Herobrine as they emerged into the grey light of Shadowstone.
The scene before her awed and terrified Nikita at the same time. Thousands of mobs were gathered in front of the Stronghold, all with white eyes. Servants in shadowy black horses with red or white eyes were among the organized ranks of monsters. Ghasts and Blazes floated above the rest of the army with Phantoms gliding around them.
The thing that shocked Nikita the most was the winged Servant standing at the front of the army, a sword with a black blade in its hand.
This Servant was almost twice as tall as the others and had black feathered wings protruding from its back. It had black armor on like the other Servants, but this amor had red markings in it.
What is that thing? Nikita asked the Ender Dragon.
They call them Masters. She answered.
They are Servants that were brought back by Herobrine as stronger Servants. They are smarter, faster and stronger, and are hard to kill. I had thought that in the first war they were all killed, but he must have made another one.
There was another war? Asked Nikita.
I'll tell you when we leave. Said the Dragon.
"Nikita, mount the Dragon and open the portal." Said Herobrine.
Nikita did so, calling the dragon to her and mounting her. Then she created a portal and got it to be large enough that the army could go through it and focused on maintaining it.
"Move out!" Ordered Herobrine.
The winged Servant in front of the army relayed the message in a voice more like a hiss, sending by a shiver down Nikita's spine.
All at once the army moved as one, going into the portal and entering the Overworld.
The battle had begun.

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