The Battle Plan

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She woke up from her uneasy rest to find that she wasn't tired at all.
Maybe it's apart of my powers? She thought as she put on comfortable clothes to wear under her armor.
That morning was filled with tension, everyone waiting in anticipation for the inevitable attack on Brimstone. Nikita was especially on edge, and the Ender Dragon noticed and tried to reassure her.
With the combined might of both armies and you we will be fine. She said.
You say that, but I have a horrible feeling that it won't go the way we want it to. I have a feeling that we will lose this battle. Said Nikita as she walked to where Elijah was staying inside Brimstone.
Don't think like that or we will lose this battle. Said the Dragon.
I'll try not to. She told her, quickly conversing with the guards at the gate before being let into the city.
Nikita tried hard to ignore the looks of wonder and open staring as she made her way to Elijah's home.
She knew that she made quiet the peculiar sight, as she was wearing her enchanted armor and had her sword across her back, not to mention the huge dragon flying above her.
When she got to where Elijah was she knocked on the door. A few moments later she saw Elijah open the door, his iron armor and sword on.
"Come in." He said, beckoning her inside.
Nikita did, following him inside to a small table where they sat down.
"We need to fight away from the city." Said Nikita, sitting down and facing Elijah.
"We can use the forest to our advantage." Said Elijah.
"Our warriors can hide in the tall grasses and the trees will give is cover from any flying mobs he has." He said, sitting down across from her.
"The only ones that will cause a huge problem will be the Blazes and Magma Cubes." Said Nikita.
"They can set the whole forest on fire, effectively smoking us out."
"Then we engage them in the clearing close to the Redstone Isle." Said Elijah.
"That will give you and the Ender Dragon room to use her fire and your magic." He said.
"Our biggest advantage."
"We can keep Herobrine busy while you take care of the mobs," said Nikita, "though his powers are far more powerful then mine."
"If you use your brain I'm sure you can match him if not in power then in your creativity and ability to think on your feet." Said Elijah.
"If it all goes south then we can possibly escape though a portal." Said Nikita.
"We need to keep Herobrine away from Brimstone at all costs, though. The portal escape will be our final option if that is our only hope for survival." She said.
"When the Isle's army arrives we will get our forces  set up around the clearing. The Dragon and I will be the first to attack. We'll draw Herobrine away from you guys and turn his attention on us instead."
"Once that happens his army won't be as organized. The mobs should be fairly easy to take out then." Said Nikita.
"What I still don't know about is how to defeat or weaken Herobrine."
"There must be some way to do it, besides banishing him. I don't know how to do that yet, that will take more research, but if we can hold him off for now we will have time to find that information." She said.
"And keep our home."
"So we have a plan?" Elijah asked, looking her in the eyes.
"Yes. You can tell the Elders." She told him.
"The Isle should be calling on me at any moment." She said.
"Then I'll go tell them." Said Elijah, getting up and walking towards the door.
Nikita followed him, stepping out into the cool air.
"Stay safe." Said Elijah, putting a hand on Nikita's shoulder.
"We need you now more then ever."
"I know." Said Nikita.
"That's what scares me." She said.
"We all know you can do it. Now you just need to believe in yourself." He said, turning and heading towards the Elder's house at a brisk walk.
He's right you know. Said the Dragon.
I know, but I just can't shake the feeling that this is all going to go wrong. Nikita said as she walked to her village once again.
She then told the Ender Dragon to come and meet her in an open field and she mounted the Dragon. They took off and did a sweep of the area around Brimstone, searching the forests and a little ways into the mountains. She didn't want him to sneak up on them.
We only have three days left. She told the Dragon.
In reality we probably only have two days left until he gets here.
We need the Redstone Isle to hurry. She said, looking off in the direction of the Isle.
We will make it. She said, reassuring Nikita a little.
When they returned to Brimstone they found Elijah waiting for them.
"The Redstone Isle is ready to move both its citizens and its army."
Nikita nodded and said "I'll go and get them moved. Just be ready to receive another army." She said.
"We have empty houses and camps set up on the outskirts of the city." He said.
"We're as ready as we will ever be."
Nikita then turned her gaze to the sky and the Ender Dragon lifted off. She gathered enough power to make another portal and flew through it, sealing it behind her.
They came out above the city and Nikita landed in the center where the citizens were gathered on one side and the army on the other. She asked one of the Elders to show her a picture of the village they were going to, as Nikita had found out she needed to see the place to open a portal to it.
Once that was done she began to construct the portal, widening it and lengthening it until it was big enough that the people could move through it in large numbers.
As one the group of assembled families went through the portal to the other side, waving good eye to those staying on the island. Once all of them were through she closed the portal and turned to the General of the army.
It was time to move the them.


Hello again. What do you guys think? Will they win the battle or not? I'm personally rooting for them, but we shall see... anyway, I put banners at the top of each of the chapters. Do you guys like them? Do have any ideas for them? Please let me know in the comments and read on to find out if the battle is won or lost!

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