The Place I Call Home

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She woke up and yawned. It was in that moment that she remembered something. It was the last day of school!

Nikita leapt out of bed and got dressed, changing into a purple T-Shirt and capris. She then grabbed her black sweatshirt and turned to look out her window at the clear blue sky.

A new day, a new beginning. She thought.

She then ran down the stairs to where her brother, Thomas, and her parents sat around the table. She sat down and began to eat her breakfast of steak with eggs and milk.

"How did you sleep?" Asked her mother.

"Good." Answered Nikita, finishing her glass of milk and standing up.

She walked out into the hallway of her house and went to the hooks by the front door and grabbed her backpack. She put it on the floor and unzipped it.

"Science notebook... math binder... water bottle... pencil case... I have everything." She said to herself, putting her backpack on.

Thomas, her older brother then walked up behind her and said "Excited for the last day of school?"

"Yes." Said Nikita.

"We finally get a break from all the science homework Mrs. Smith assigns us." She said.
Thomas laughed.

"She does give us a lot of homework." He said.

"Are you ready to go?" Asked their mother.

"Yes." Both kids answered.

"Alright, get moving or you'll be late!" Said their dad, smiling.

"Bye!" Called Nikita as she ran through the door out into the cool morning air.

Because they lived in one of the many villages on the outskirts of Brimstone all the kids had to walk farther to get to school.

All of them left at 7:00 so that they had enough time to go to their lockers to get all their things and talk to teachers before classes started at 7:30.

About ten minutes later a voice called "Nikita!"
Over all of the kids' voices around them.

It was Alex.

"Hey Alex!" She said, fist-bumping him.

"How are you?" He asked as the walked through the gates of Brimstone.

The city of Brimstone itself was encircled by a cobblestone wall that was only accessible through this gate, which was heavily guarded do to the threat Herobrine's forces posed.

The very cobblestones themselves were enchanted with protection and strengthening spells to ward off any attacks.
The enchantments could hold against most anything, any attacks by mobs or armies. Herobrine hadn't been able to take it during the First War, and now he had come to power again. Several realms had already fallen, but Nikita didn't worry too much.

She was sure that they would be safe here.

"Hey!" They both called, walking over to them.
"Hey guys!" Nikita said.
The buildings in the city were mainly stone, concrete and cobblestone to prevent fire since they were so close together. Some sandstone houses were scattered around and some of the shops, like the Rare Item Shop, were wooden structures.
The streets were cobblestone and the sidewalks concrete. Hundreds of kids walked along the sidewalks twisting through the city as they made their way to Brimstone's elementary, junior high or high school. Nikita was in 11th grade, and her brother was in 12th grade. She was 16, and Thomas was 17, but despite the one year age difference they had a close relationship.
The entered the high school through two iron doors and walked through a hallway to their lockers. It was a fun day. In every class they did something special, wether it was having a party, watching a movie.
By the end of it Nikita was on a sugar high. Her final class, Language Arts, has one of the only teachers in the entire high school who had an end of year party for her students. Mrs. Ambrose was her favorite teacher only because of that, but because she was the most fun and the kindest teacher in the entire school.
"I feel so hyper!" She told Thomas as they walked home.
They then heard thunder rumble in the distance. The two siblings looked at each other.
"We better get home fast, or we'll be soaking wet." Said Thomas.
They then raced each other back home, Nikita winning the race.
When Nikita went upstairs to read a book and enjoy the first hours of summer break she noticed that it had begun to rain, lightning flashing and thunder rolling. When she sat down on her bed pain sliced through her head. She winced and got up to look out of the window, leaning her forehead up against the cool glass, the coldness helping her headache some.
Then a flash of lightning illuminated the forest to her right and she saw an entirely black figure with white eyes staring right at her. She stumbled backwards and let out a soft gasp of fear. Nikita had never seen something like it before, she didn't even know that creatures like this existed.
"What are you?" She asked the strange creature.
A Servant of Herobrine. The Servant said, its raspy voice echoing inside her head.
Come at midnight to the forest clearing and you will learn about your past and receive a mission only you can undertake. The Servant's low voice rumbled.
Let no one see you or hear you, or you will jeopardize your meeting with The ghost of this world. It said.
Then it was gone. Nikita let out the breath she hadn't known she was holding.
The Ultimate Evil... Herobrine. She thought.
Somehow, someway it felt... right. It felt right that the Servant had come to her and given her Herobrine's message, though Nikita didn't know exactly why. She was still apprehensive, not quiet sure if this was a good idea.
Why me? She wondered as she watched the rain fall and the sun set.
"You will know in time." Said the deep voice of the Servant again.
Then all was silent, except for the soft patter of rain on the window and the howl of the wind.
"Nikita, time for dinner!" Her mom called.
"Coming!" Nikita called.
She walked slowly towards the steps and then looked back out the window.
Tonight at midnight I will meet him...
"Nikita, are you alright?" Asked her mother at the dinner table.
Nikita hadn't eaten much, she was to busy thinking about what the Servant had said, what no one could know.
Why me? Kept ringing in her head.
Why pick a girl who has never met her parents before, who lives with a foster family that found her in a forest not far from here, and who doesn't remember her past and has no one who knows where my home is? What's so special about... me?
"Nikita." Her mother asked again.
"Yeah?" Said Nikita said, looking up at her mind.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yes, just... thinking." She answered.
"About what?" Asked her mom.
"The end if school and what I'm going to do." She lied.
"Then why aren't you eating?"
"I had to many sweets at school and I'm not hungry." She answered, feeling a pang of guilt as she lied yet again to her mother.
"Then maybe you shouldn't have eaten so many sweets." Said her mother.
"I probably shouldn't have." Nikita agreed, half heartedly taking a bite of her food.
Later that night Nikita lay awake, waiting for midnight to come, listening to the sound of the thunderstorm raging outside.
I will learn more about my past... and get a mission. She thought, apprehension filling her, but at the same time excitement overtook her to, making her restless.
I will see him, the ghost of this world, the Feared One. The one who has taken over so many realms already.
With that thought she felt a certain tugging sensation in her gut telling her to get up.
It was time to leave.

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