Quirkless chef & the gravity girl

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Mini log: Izuku Midorya is not good at many things but the 4 things that people can all agree on is that izuku was the smart, a great cook, and most of all too nice for his own good!  Now you may ask why is the last said as if it's a bad thing well it both is and isn't it isn't because it makes him approachable and like able but it bad too as it makes him a push over too he's also very good at guessing your favorite food just by looking at you ( don't ask how not even scientist could figure it out)

Now onto the actual chapter

Ochako: man why does everything got to be so expensive!

She exclaimed as she was walking home to sleep for being unable to find any store or place that sells anything in her price range she stops when she sees a glowing sign with the picture of all might and other popular pros it even had thirteen on there and she the second biggest hero on the sign the hero where all positioned to look like there running into action she also saw the name of the place glowing bright it says plus ultra cafe/restaurant it say open

Ochako: ok this my last try oh I hope there affordable

She then walks but unfortunately for her and the person she knocked down half of the plates he was holding fell and broke

Ochako: oh no I am so sorry man those look expensive I don't think I can pay for any of them!

???: hey calm down it's ok no need to worry I am fine and I can always replace them

He say with a bright and gentle smile

Ochako: blushes not it not ok I should have watch where I was going

???: really it's all good but if you don't mind me asking why are you in here and how grand opening not until tomorrow and the door should be locked

Ochako: wait really oh I am so sorry I saw the sign saying open and I found that the door is unlocked so I came in thinking it was open!

She say while bowing to apologize

???: hey it's ok it my fault for not double checking the sign and door Any ways since your here how about I make you something to eat it cold out how about I make some soup and a plate of mochi for you since it your favorite

Ochako: what how you know that

She asked backing up a little thinking he's some weird stalker

???: oh well you see I really don't know my self not even my doctor knows why they think it a mutation I have since i am quirkless

He Said while scratching the back of his head

Ochako: ok then but I don't have enough to pay for it

???: don't worry it's on the house since I caused this situation in the first place

Ochako: wha you don't have to do that I can just pay you what I have and pay the rest of the tab when I can!

???: no please I insist that I do this oh where's are my manners my name is izuku Midorya and you are miss?

Ochako: ok if you are sure then and my name is ochako uraraka nice to meet you

Izuku: anyways have a seat your food should be done I. About an hour

Ochako: ok

Meanwhile with izuku

Ok let's see let cut the cut the fat off the pork back and add that to the pot now let cut the pork belly to nice thick strips let chop some onions and garlic and sauté it in a wok with pinch of salt black pepper soy sauce and add a little dice chili peppers for spice there now to add it to the pot and now time to make the noodles he got out eggs flower starch and started to make the doe

Once that was done he rolled out the doe and cut it

And after that he started on the mochi

Meanwhile with ochako

Ochako: oh that smells so good she started to salivate

With izuku

Izuku: and there it's done sorry for the wait but here's your food

Ochako: she try's the ramen and she gets stars in her eyes this is delicious! The best I ever tasted!

Izuku: blushing oh it can't be that good I am average at best

Ochako: oh don't be modest your food is great

Izuku: thanks

Ochako: anyways you must like hero's to make a hero themed cafe/restaurant here

Izuku: yeah I do in fact I wanted to be one but then reality hit and I realize I can't be one no matter how hard I try

Ochako: hey don't talk like you been a great hero in my opinion! You been a great classmate

Izuku: surprised your a hero student?

Ochako: yeah or well not yet I start tomorrow for my first day at u.a

Izuku: oh he said with a depressed aura

Ochako: what's wrong?

Izuku:Well ochako I failed the test this cafe and restaurant is a last ditch effort to not be a complete failure at life

Ochako: oh she said now feeling bad for bringing up that topic

Izuku: hey cheer up a frown doesn't suit you and I am fine I grown numb to rejection you know with being quirkless and all

Ochako: that's not right no one should be numb to rejection in the first place! Your human too why are so mistreated your nice too!

Izuku: well that just how life is ochako not everything sun shine and rainbows where everyone is happy like how all might portrays it to be any ways it late you should head on home now you don't want to be late on your first day right?

Ochako: right thank you for the food I promise to pay you back for the meal and I am not taking no for an answer bye!

Izuku: sigh what a strange girl she was cute though

He then went to clean up and close up shop

To be continued

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