AMA Answers

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1.) What was your first fandom?

I talked about this a little bit in the chapters "The Pearl That Rolled Away." It would be the Rainbow Magic fairy books, by Daisy Meadows. (Not sure, but I think that might be a pen name.)

I didn't know what a fandom was at the time, but considering I wrote fanfiction (for any of you who haven't read it, it is in the Pearl That Rolled Away chaptere) for this series (nope didn't know what that was either), I think I can be considered a part of the fandom.

And from there it was just a downhill spiral to Harry Potter and Percy Jackson to Ranger's Apprentice and Artemis Fowl and the Lunar Chronicles and then to movies and musicals and now Gravity Falls and now I'm stuck in the fandom wormhole forever :P

I regret nothing.


2.) Will you do a sequel to Magicae?

Probably not. The way it ended would make it difficult to create another whole story about it. However, I've been told that there are a few lose threads at the end, so at some point I might either lengthen the ending or write a one-shot or something taking place after. I also have an idea for a possible prequel, though that too probably wouldn't become a full story.

3.) What country are you from?

United States of America!

4.) What are your favorite genres to write?

Fantasy, fantasy, and more fantasy! Often with some kind of adventure in it.

5.) What is usually your timeframe of writing the entire draft of a story?

A very long time. My first full story (not on Wattpad) took me over two years to complete. Magicae... I'm not entirely sure, because I wrote the first part a couple years ago, but then I wasn't on Wattpad for a really long time. I started writing it again over the summer, and finished it in November.

In the past, I haven't had very good time management skills, but since this school year started I've been doing more writing than before. One of my new year's resolutions is to complete Blood is Thicker Than Water before the end of 2019.

6.) Do you plan to publish Magicae?

No. I'm proud of completing it, but the basis of the story (magic school, main characters are 'chosen ones') is a lot like Harry Potter, and I don't want any accusations of plagiarism. Additionally, I came up with this cliche idea a long time ago, and I finished it because I like the characters and because wanted to finish the story I started, not because I wanted to publish it. Also there are a lot of plot threads I meant to do stuff with that never happened, and I don't think I'm willing to do the required editing.


7.) Who is your favorite character in Magicae?

I'd have to say Penny, mainly because we are a lot alike. Yes, she is one of my many self insert characters :/

Although I'm really proud of the character development in some of the other characters.


8.) Can you give the vaguest and most confusing summary of Magicae possible?

Three kids find out that they are not only magical, but also the Fabulosa, who are destined to defeat the evil Malum. They go to a magical school where they meet Dumbledore's clone. They learn to control their powers with teachers whose names are all Latin words because Salena is bad at coming up with names and uses Google Translate. There are cliches and cringiness, as well as some plot holes, but also character development. The Power of Friendship™ prevails.

There you go! Confusing enough?

9.) What has been your inspiration for writing?

I don't know if there was really any one thing that inspired me to write, as far as I know I just started doing it one day. But for whatever reason, really pretty scenery always inspires me, as well as reading really good books! And sometimes I don't have any inspiration, and I just have to force myself to write.

10.) What were some of your favorite childhood books?

I mentioned above, the Rainbow Magic books were a big thing for me. Another was the Boxcar Children, when I went through a mystery phase. I also love the Magic Treehouse books!

When I was a little older, I really liked the Charlie Bone series (I really need to reread that), and for a long time my favorite book series was the Guardians of Ga'Hoole. I reread that a year or two ago, and it's still really good.

Out of curiosity, have any of you read the books listed here?


11.) If you could wish to be any mythical creature, what would you be?

Dragon. I love dragons so much, and it would be especially cool to be a dragon that could change my size. I could be a tiny dragon and curl up on my pillow, or be a huge dragon and dramatically soar through the sky.

Thank you to everyone who asked, and if you want me to elaborate on any questions let me know!

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