Ending (Poetry)

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reading the ending of a story
a story you have loved
and laughed
and cried
along with its characters
is like a
jumbled up mess
of emotions
like a ball of different colored yarn
inside me
because the characters have grown
and changed
because I will never again fully experience the wonder of meeting these people
and growing along with them
for the first time
and never adventure more with them
but their story has been told
and it is time for a new tale
but I know that I can revisit again
and again
and again
I can watch them grow
and change
but know
despite the ending
that they
will be


So if it isn't obvious, I [had] just finished a book and had so many feels I had to do something. Although I feel this way with many books, I just really felt the need to write this.
In case you were wondering, the book was Eliza and Her Monsters, by Francesca Zappia. It is about a high school girl who is the creator of a very popular webcomic, but has kept her identity a secret online. Despite her popularity online, at school she is anything but. Then a boy who turns out to be one of the biggest fanfiction writers for the webcomic moves to her school, and she gradually comes out of her shell. It is a really good read for those who write or draw, or are in fandoms (which is probably most of the people on Wattpad!). There is some cursing and bad language, however, so be warned.
I hope you enjoyed this poem, as it really summed up how I felt finishing the book.

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