Mama Grace (Gravity Rises AU)

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The other day I was rereading the Everly Grace minisode of Gravity Rises by BrightnessWings19 (if you've watched Gravity Falls but haven't read Gravity Rises then what!! are!! you!! doing!! with!! your!! life!! Go read it now), and at one point Grace says how she wishes she could raise Gideon and take him away from Gaston, as she is 18 and it would be legal.

And although that unfortunately can't happen in canon, why not make an AU where it does! Some of these ideas came from Wings, and of course she owns the storyline of Gravity Rises that this comes from.

But just imagine:

- Grace takes Gideon and they move away from Gravity Rises. There is a long court battle and Gaston goes to jail (HAHAHAHA YOU DESERVE WORSE) and Geneva is put on probationary parenthood

-  They eventually move back, shortly before Dipper and Mabel arrive

- The amulets don't work outside of the town boundaries, so when they move back to Gravity Rises Gideon is just beginning to learn how to use his

- The amulet went dead when they left town, but Grace didn't know if they would need it (possibly in self-defense against the Order) so they kept it

- One day Gideon is out exploring the woods and he runs into Mabel, who has recently found the Journal and is exploring the woods

- And since Gideon has been raised far from the poisonous influence of Gaston, he isn't a huge jerk like in canon, and he and Mabel bond over their love of exploring the woods and of the supernatural

- Gideon has a crush on her basically from the get-go

- In this AU, Gideon found the Journal before they left town, so when he comes back he is a huge fanboy of Ford's (think canon Dipper)

- Speaking of Dipper, Dipper figures out that Gideon likes his sister right off the bat. Dipper finds it funny and promises not to tell Mabel

- Also Dipper realizes that Gideon is sorta lonely so he welcomes Gideon into his friend group with Greyson and Candy

- Even with Grace, Gideon's been pretty lonely and now he has four friends??

- Even in this AU Gideon needs a hug

- Speaking of friends, after he comes back and is learning how to use the amulet, he meets Pacifica

-wHO IS NOT ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON HER AMULET because it doesn't work outside of town!!

- She sees him struggling and just thinks "Wow he is pathetic," but she's never seen another amuler user and is curious, so she decides to teach him

- At first Gideon is offended and like "I don't need help! I'm a Northwest!" but after he tries to dramatically fly away and instead faceplants in the snow he admits he probably needs some training

- So Paz teaches him and at first the bicker all the time because they don't like each other, but then they start to become friends and they keep bickering but now it's friendly and Gideon knows he can trust her

- Gideon acts a bit as Pacifica's moral compass because she can still tend to be a bit of a jerk, especially towards Mabel (which really stresses Gideon out because his friend kinda hates the girl he likes)

- Pacifica does somewhat hate Mabel because a part of her thinks that Mabel is the reason Dipper doesn't have a crush on her, but also the logical part of her knows that's not true

- and I mean she's not plotting Mabel's demise so I'd say that's an improvement

- And because a part of me just wants these two to end up being friends, there's a good chance of much character development for Paz

- Everly goes to Blind Lincoln for advice about raising Gideon a lot, as he is the closest thing to a father/mentor she has

- Lincoln is super lost and confused at first. What does he know about parenting?

- But he certainly loves Grace like a daughter, so he's going to try his best to help her

- So Lincoln just stays up all night reading parenting books in both the town library and the Order library so he can give her advice

- And then when be basically adopts Pacifica he is already super prepared

- So everyone is happy and there is fluff and I've spent way too much time on this but no regrets

If anyone has ideas to add for this, tell me about them!!

And anyways this AU probably wouldn't work as a full story, just because a lot of the plot drama in Gravity Rises has been resolved (I'm sorry I just want to give these children happiness)

But I may be writing some one-shots for this!

eh I'll figure it out)

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