My Characters

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This is gonna be a chapter about some of my original characters (OCs). If you have any questions about them, don't hesitate to ask. But please, no one steal these characters. I came up with them and they are my intellectual property.

Rose- The Halfling

Rose is a 'halfling,' or half human, half dragon. "How is this possible?" you may be asking. Well, there's only a slightly complicated explanation. But it's long, so I apologize in advance.

Rose's father was a fire dragon, which have the ability to not only breath fire, but are also immune to the heat of fire and can summon and control it. Fire dragons, living in the desert, also are like camels in the aspect that they can go for long periods of time with limited food or water.

In the desert where the fire dragons live, there are two main oases— Dragon Oasis and Blooming Oasis (names will likely be changed.) The Dragon Oasis, names for the dragons that reside there in a cave system in a nearby mountain. The Blooming Oasis is named for the abundance of desert roses growing around it.

When they were young, Rose's father and his brother liked to sneak off to the human village around the Blooming Oasis and cause mischief. Well, her father did and his brother mostly just followed along with him.

One day while they were in the village, Rose's father saw a girl and fell in love with her. For weeks she was all he could think about, no matter how much his brother tried to talk some sense into him.

Eventually he confided in his brother that he had heard rumors of a witch who had the power to perform miraculous transformation. Rose's father decided to go there and have her transform him into a human. He left the dragon tribe and they all believed him to be dead, except for his brother who had sworn to keep the secret.

Her father succeeded in turning human, but lost his powers and control over fire. He and the girl did end up getting married and having Rose, but her mother died in childbirth.

Rose started showing control over fire when she was 3-4 years old, and around that time her previously human featured began to turn slightly dragonish, with reptilian slitted pupils, golden eyes, and very defined cheekbones. Her father, no longer having control over the fire, knew he had to bring her back to the dragon tribe for them to train her.

In the long journey to Dragon Oasis, he died so that Rose could survive, giving her that last of their supplies. He died upon arrival, giving Rose into the care of her uncle, his brother.

Rose was raised by her uncle, the only halfling in the all-dragon tribe. Dragons think of themselves as more important and better than humans, and growing up surrounded by this mindset Rose tends to hate her human half. She has control over fire but was always weaker than the rest of the dragons her age.

She always wanted to be able to turn into a dragon, and her uncle told her stories about halflings from the past who had been able to. The tribe leaders told him to stop telling Rose that, and shortly after Rose turns 15 she overhears the leaders telling her uncle that it's time she went to live with the humans again.

Rose is mostly able to control her fire (except for when she gets mad, as then it sometimes tends to explode out of her), so the tribe leaders think it would be kinder to let her live "with her own kind."

Rose, having thought of humans as "lesser" all her life, is totally against the idea. She decides to run away, and has the idea to find the witch that turned her father human. After all, if she could turn a dragon into a human, why shouldn't she be able to turn a human into a dragon?

Rose is very brave but also sorta thinks if herself as better than her human companions. She is somewhat a mixture between Gryffindor and Slytherin, being very determined to succeed and prove herself. Additionally, despite her sometimes hating her mother for being human, Rose also carries on her mother's skill of weaving.

Name: Rose Dracones
Eye colour: Golden, flecked with green
Hair colour: red orange (result of fire in her blood)
Hair length: pixie cut, layered in back, spiky
Hair type: thick, scruffy
Clothes: flowy white tunic, waist band colorful woven strip that belongs to mother, white leggings, moccasin-like shoes
Height: 6'2"
Personality: feisty, never backs down from a challenge, confident, strong exterior masks soft interior, incredibly loyal once you earn her trust, athletic, courageous, knowledgeable when it comes to battle related things, very competitive, impulsive, somewhat reckless, determined, stubborn, gets angry easily, firery personality, sometimes gets carried away with her competitiveness and may hurt her friends, sarcastic
Skin tone: darkly tanned, Hispanic
Body type: very lean and muscular
Other stuff: Her eyes are somewhat reptilian with slitted pupils, has very sharp features, strong cheekbones

Ok I promise the other two are shorter, I'm sorry this was so long. Next up...

Alesha- The Witch's Granddaughter

Alesha was born with a rare disease that will eventually kill her (right now this is super vague, but will work on developing said disease later.) It has something to do with magic, maybe a curse or something.

As a child, Alesha got sick quite often and her mother didn't know what to do. When Alesha was eight, she went to live with her grandmother, a healer living a ways away from their village. There, thanks to her grandmother's healing, Alesha's health improved considerably.

As she grew older, Alesha began to learn from her grandmother and eventually became her apprentice. Then Alesha learns that her healer grandma is also a good witch who uses her magic to help the villagers who come to her.

Alesha had inherited this skill for magic (likely a result of fey blood in her lineage), so she also began to learn that. One of her favorite things to do is to cast her conciousness out and merge with the mind of an animal, her favorite being birds such as eagles or falcons. True transformation into other forms is impossible for humans, but this is the next best thing for Alesha.

The catch is that while she can control the animal's body and use its senses, her human body is in a coma-like, hibernating state. If something were to happen to it, then her mind would be trapped in the animal's. While she is 'borrowing' the creature's form her human mind is able to dominate the animal one, but if she were to be trapped in there for a long period of time, the animal mind would eventually overpower her human self.

Alesha loves doing this because she is able to escape from her weak human body. One day, while her grandmother has left on some unknown journey, Alesha is shocked when a strange looking girl shows up claiming that Alesha's grandmother turned this girl's father, who was a dragon, into a human, and wanting Alesha to turn her into a dragon.

Alesha is very loyal and brave. Always having been relatively weak, she is always quick to help those weaker than her, protecting children from bullies and healing small animals.

Name: Alesha Aigam
Eye color: leaf green
Hair color: white-blonde
Hair length: midway down her back usually is braided back into a single braid
Hair type: lank, thin, slightly stringy
Clothes: brown tunic dress that ends midway down her thigh, has long sleeves she rolls up, tan leggings
Height: 5'2"
Skin Tone: very pale peach, in some lightings is tinted green (from fey blood)
Body Type: skinny, pointy and angular
Other Stuff: her ears are ever so slightly pointed, slim heart shaped face with round chin

And last but not least....

Tobin- The Bodyguard

Tobin has trained all of his life to become a bodyguard for some important noble in the kingdom. His father is a retired guard and his three older brothers have as well.

Tobin was at the top of his group at the training school, an excellent warrior and strategist. He ends up being assigned to the kingdom's prince, a boy about his own age. Tobin's duty is to protect him at all costs, even at the sacrifice of Tobin's own life.

It turns out that the prince is a huge jerk and is incredibly cruel to Tobin and others. Tobin already begins to dislike him in his first day on the job. There is some kind of ceremony where the prince is out in the public, and there is an assassination attempt. (I'm not entirely sure how advanced technology is in this world, so the attack is either by gun or bow and arrow).

In the moment when the prince is shot at, Tobin realizes that he doesn't want to die to save the prince's life. He shoves the prince down instead of taking the hit, and the prince is wounded.

Tobin is now viewed as a traitor to the crown. All his family, who were so proud of him before, shunned him, including one of Tobin's brothers who Tobin always felt very close to.

Tobin is taken to prison, where he regrets his decision. In the palace, the prince's life is hanging by a thread. If he dies, then Tobin will definitely be excited. If the prince lives, there is a chance that Tobin will only be exiled from this kingdom.

One of Tobin's brothers, the one he felt closest to, came to visit Tobin and, after warning Tobin never to return to this country, frees him.

Tobin runs. He makes it out of the country and into the forest, where he manages to get to this healer's cottage, where he sees these two girls arguing. He then passes out due to his long time spent running.

Name: as of right now I just have his first name, Tobin
Eye color: brown
Hair color: chestnut brown
Hair length: buzz cut, though it grows out over the course of the story
Hair type: thick, tangled once it grows out
Clothes: studded leather armor when fighting, normal clothing:

Height: 6'3" (he and Rose are constantly at odds about this)
Personality: Throughout the story Tobin wrestles with his guilt of not protecting the prince. He has a very firm sense of duty and chivalry and honor ( very similar to Horace from Ranger's Apprentice). He also has a very strong survival sense too. Loyal
Skin tone: tanned
Body type: barrel chested, very muscular but somewhat bulky
Other stuff:

The three then must go on some kind of quest, where Alesha and Rose are looking for Alesha's grandmother, and Tobin trying to catch the prince's assassin. There also may be something about a war between the dragon tribes or possible between humans and dragons.

Ahahahaha I'm so sorry this is a total information dump and way too much stuff. I apologize.

And since my Secret Santa wanted to know about the OCs I'm just gonna tag everyone. Sorry that this took so long to get done!


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