Absoloutely Anything

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"How did we so filthy rich again?" Shima wondered. He laid on their sectional couch while Rin and Izumo slow danced around the living room in front of him.

Rin had a silk dress shirt and high-waisted black pants with black dress shoes. A diamond studded chain wrapped around his neck and fell down to display the pale skin exposed due to the two top buttons undone on his shirt. His hair was still messy, but that was kind of his thing now.

Izumo still wore her dress from the gala they'd come home from–a floor length black mermaid style with a slit displaying her left leg. A light blue sash wrapped around her thin waist and small, detailed designs drifted down her dress in the same blue.

Her black heels made no sound on the rug, but she was having no trouble dancing so gracefully with their fiancé. Her hair was still up in the fancy bun with hair accessories that matched her dress. Her tails swept the ground under the dress.

They were both stunning, but together, Shima could stare at them forever. He took out his phone and took a picture of the two dancing. He'd have an artist paint the scene and hang it on the wall. He wasn't vain, he just really loved his partners.

Rin delivered the Fox Unusual onto the couch and pulled Shima up to dance. Said pinkette was in a three piece suit. He'd discarded the jacket and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. He wasn't a big fan of suit jackets. Too stiff and stuffy.

The only time he'd ever willingly wear a full three piece suit was for their wedding, which was in winter. The Unusuals had wanted a Spring Wedding, but Shima loved how beautiful they looked in the winter–Rin with his pale features and stunning white wings and Izumo with her cute White fox ears and fluffy tails that swished around nonstop. They'd look like two five-course meals.

Shima and Rin salsa'd when the song changed. Rin laughed as he was twirled, adjusting to dancing as the woman instead of the man easily. They stayed and spun. Kissed and carressed. Izumo got up and put one hand on the back of Rin's head, kissing him first, then doing the same to Shima.

Three years ago, they'd escaped the Hunters–peple who hated Unusuals and executed them for nothing.

They'd run away, first to Rio, Brazil where many bird Unusuals liked to party and Samba. Then, they'd moved to Los Angeles, California in America. Rin got a job as a model–the most popular model. Izumo started as a receptionist, then made her way up and took over a huge publishing company.

Shima had bought a building and turned into a salon for both Humans and Unusuals. It started small, but gained popularity and now people from all over the world came to see what all the fuss was about.

Rin had bought a five-star resteraunt and on Teusdays, he went down there to cook the Special of the day. Rich people lived dining at it and hot food they didn't even like just to see if he was really that good at cooking. People lived Rin for his likeable personality and the job suited the Eagle Unusual perfectly, because he was a people pleaser.

They watched the sun set and moon rise every day without missing a single day of the tradition. They had for years now. Sometimes Rin would fly them both up to see they sky above the clouds, holding them in his strong arms as they marveled at the beauty of the only thing that was absoloute in this world.

They were filthy rich and lived in the entire top floor of a high-rise. They had nice furniture and decor, but other than that, they saved most of their wealth for the kids they'd undoubtedly have or vacations. They all knew what it was like to have nothing and they didn't want to be the rich people that wasted their money on useless things.

They'd started from the bottom and now they were at the top. The Hunters that had captured Rin and Izumo had tried to take them back twice. It didn't end well for them. Rin knew how to fight and they couldn't take him by surprise that time. He beat them up and literally threw them out onto the street.

The second time, Izumo had been visiting Rin at his modeling job. The hunters grabbed her by the arm and Rin beat the living daylights out of them. "If you ever come near us again, I will not hesitate to end you." He'd growled.

Someone called the cops and the Hunters were sent to jail for sexual harassment and public displays of violence. On top of that, Rin sued them out of everything they had.

Life was sweet. They had to work hard almost every day, hut it was worth it. They wanted a future together and they wanted to have a family to show the world that you could accomplish anything if you tried hard enough. Rags to Riches, as they say these days.

Shima couldn't wait to marry his fiiancés and officially start a whole new life together.

And if people ever questioned the scars on Rin and Izumo's wrists and elbows, they'd just have to wonder and look on to see how well the two were doing now. They'd never be in such a dark place like that ever again. Not on Shima's watch.

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