Arthur x reader fluffy angst

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Hey guys, sorry I've been inactive on my account. My schoolwork has been keeping me from doing what I love which is writing for you guys. So, as an apology for my inactiveness, I decided to write an Arthur Pendragon oneshot. Hope you enjoy!

Arthur was in the training arena late one night when he heard Merlin coming down the hall to see what was going on. The young king looked at the female mage, tears sparkling in his deep purple eyes before he turned back around to keep training. "I believe that you've mastered that attack already, Arthur." she remarked. He turned around as more tears fell down his cheeks from the guilt he was facing. The young king had been fighting demons with you two days ago when you had been knocked onto the ground by one of them. Your left leg was broken, the time it would take you to recover being about three months. Arthur promised you that he would be there to keep you safe if you needed him, and he let you down. The king of Camelot buried his face in his hands and sobbed before Merlin spoke. "If (Y/N) were here, she would want you to rest, not take the blame for her pain. You should get some sleep, Your Highness." the mage told him. He nodded, put his sword away, and then went to his room to go to sleep.

Arthur woke up early the next day and got dressed quickly before heading over to the medical wing to see you. You were currently resting in one of the beds they had provided for the injured knights and staff of the castle. Arthur saw that you were asleep and sat in the chair next to your bed to watch over you. He gently pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and waited for you to wake up.

You opened your eyes after a surprisingly peaceful night's sleep. You noticed that a hand was holding yours and looked over to be met with your sleeping boyfriend. You smiled at the sight of the red head, his presence always made you feel at peace. You tried to get up, only for the pain that shot through your leg to remind you why you were in the medical wing in the first place. Your leg was broken and you would have to wait three months for it to heal. You heard the male beside you shift slightly and looked over again, only to be met with two beautiful purple eyes. Tears rushed down his cheeks as he hugged you against him. "Arthur, are you ok? Why are you crying?" you asked. He lifted his gaze to you. "I promised you I would protect you. I'm a failure of a king." he said. You sat up as best you could in your bed and cupped his face in your hands. Tears were still running down his cheeks as he looked up at you. You smiled softly before leaning in and kissing him. You then hugged him close to you, as if the slightest movement would make him fade away into nothing. "You didn't fail me. If you hadn't gotten me out of there before that demon hit me again, I would have died. You did protect me in the end." you said. He hugged you back, relaxing slightly in your embrace. He wanted to protect you for as long as he lived. The King of Camelot then laid you back down against the pillows for you to rest. Arthur got up and told you that he needed to meet up with the Sins to help them get rid of the demons attacking Liones. "Be careful, Arthur." you said to him. He nodded and then left you in the room alone. You closed your eyes and drifted off into sleep.

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