Ban X mother reader

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Ban gazed at your sleeping figure as you held your newborn baby girl, Camellia. He gently cradled you in his arms as you slept, trying his best not to disturb you. Camellia looked exactly like him, red eyes and soft blue hair. However, instead of spiky like his, it was wavy like yours. He gently kissed the top of Camellia's head as she slept, trying to let her sleep as well. Meliodas said that the two of you could stay at the tavern as long as you needed to. At the moment, you, Camellia, and the rest of the Sins were in Vanya to restock the tavern. As you slept in his arms, Ban's mind wandered to being a father. During the route his mind was taking, his thoughts wandered to his own father, and how he treated him as a child. Ban had had a bad childhood, and wanted to make sure that Camellia didn't turn out like him EVER. he gazed softly at your sleeping figure and started to cry silently. He knew he didn't deserve you at all, and he constantly tried to make sure that you were happy, but he still had his doubts. Tears streamed down his face as he thought self deprecating things about himself.

What if I DO turn out like him?

What if she leaves me?

Would she take Camellia with her?

He was too deep in thought to notice King float into the room to get a snack. It was only when he heard King start to talk to him that he snapped out of his trance, the fairy's wings illuminated to the point where he wouldn't disturb you. "You know Ban, ever since I've gotten my heart reading abilities, I've been listening to your mind lately. And honestly, you need to stop being so sad and pessimistic all the time. (Y/N) just had YOUR kid a few hours ago, and you're already thinking poorly about yourself, not to mention your future with her. I don't think that she would like that at all if she knew what you thought about yourself." as he started up the stairs, he turned back to Ban, "A relationship takes two people and needs honesty to survive Ban." he said, and with that, he vanished up the stairs.

Ban returned to looking at you. You had always told him how wonderful he was, how much you loved him dearly. He was moved to near tears almost every time that you told him all of the things that you loved about him. He sat and then shifted your body to where he could lay on your lap and not disturb you. Just before he slipped into sleep's embrace, he heard the soft cries of Camellia, most likely from being woken up from his shifting your position. When she saw the immortal man pick her up, she stopped crying and looked at him. She reached out with her chubby little hands and grabbed his jacket collar. He smiled and held her close to him, letting the infant rest on him. He softly hummed a tune that he had heard from you when he was lulled to sleep. Slowly, but steadily, Camellia went back to sleep. As Ban slipped into sleep, the other six Sins peeked out from around the room's doorway and saw Ban asleep with his daughter in his arms. They then left, knowing now just how soft that the Fox Sin of Greed could be.

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