Demon Gowther x reader fluffy angst

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Hey guys, I can't find who requested this so whoever did I'm sorry for not saying so. Also sorry it's so short. Anyways, enjoy!

You remembered the feel of Gowther's fingers running through your soft (H/C) hair as he gently braided the strands to perfection. Not that you weren't perfect in his eyes already, but you were even more immaculate when he could see you with your hair all fancy. You smiled at the memories you shared with him before he was taken away from you by the Demon King and trapped in the Demon Realm's Prison. You were a goddess, and quite a powerful one at that. Your ability was necromancy, so you were considered very important to the Goddess Race's army. At least, by a few of the other soldiers you were. You never told the Archangels about your power though, fearing that you would never have peace again if you did tell them. On top of that, you could also teleport to wherever you knew about or had seen. You decided one day that you would teleport into the Demon Realm's Prison to see Gowther, even if for only a second. You conjured a portal to where his cell was in the prison before unlocking it with your moldable light and peeking in, a smile crossing your face when you saw the familiar face of your lover. He was asleep, much to your surprise. His commandment was deactivated, given that he gave it to the doll Gowther. You quietly made your way over to him and cupped his face in your hands, making him stir slightly and slowly open his now black eyes. When he saw you, he smiled, and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you after such a long time without doing so. "Why are you here? It's too dangerous." he said, making you smile. "I needed to see you. It's been five hundred years since I last saw your face, Gowther." you said, your forehead rested against his as he reached up and brushed a few strands of your hair away from your face. "I suppose you're right, but still, you shouldn't try to do this again, you might get hurt." he said. You then leaned in and gently kissed him on the lips before hearing some guards coming near, their footfalls quick as you kissed him one last time and left, getting through the portal after closing the door and relocking it just as they rounded the corner. You got back just in time for them to start checking the rooms for any escaped prisoners. You smiled softly as you leaned back against the tree you were in front of, already missing his warmth.

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