Hendrickson x wife reader fluffy angst

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I've been wanting to write this for such a long time, but couldn't because SCHOOL. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

You smiled as you talked to your friends from when you were at least twenty, laughing about the times you remembered having with them. It was your wedding night, and you decided to invite not only your friends and family, but your husband, Hendrickson's friends and family. Dreyfus was obviously invited, given that he was basically family to both you and your husband. However, without Hendrickson's knowledge, you also invited his mother and stepfather, because you wanted to meet them. The way you got the invitation to them was through Jenna, who knew almost everyone and their mother who lived in Istar, Hendrickson's parents included in that group. They had yet to show up, and for a while, you thought they were going to be no shows, until you felt two arms wrap around your waist as you turned to look at who was hugging you. A warm smile crossed your face as you realized that it was Hendrickson who was hugging you, but he didn't seem at ease. You told your friends to give you and your husband a moment before walking out to the balcony at where your venue was. He then spoke once you had closed the door. "Did you invite my parents by any chance? I'm not mad, I just wanted to know." he asked, a worried look on his face as you spoke. "Yeah, I'm really sorry, I really wanted to meet them tonight. I'm sorry for not telling you, Hendy." you said, looking to the side as he walked over to you. He rested his head on top of yours as he spoke. "I never told you about my stepfather, but he's not exactly the nicest person in the world to women. He's abusive to my mother, and I don't want him to be rude to you on the night of our wedding." he said, his beautiful teal eyes gazing softly into your (E/C) orbs before hearing Dreyfus calling for the two of you. "Hey, Hendy, (Y/N), there are two people here that want to see you." he said. You looked over at Hendrickson, linking your hands together as the two of you walked back into the church you were at. You saw that the woman in the couple was smiling and waving before her husband grabbed her hand and told her to stop. You practically dragged your husband over to the two before seeing the woman with light silver hair and teal eyes greet you with a smile before running up to you and engulfing you in a tight hug. "Hi, I'm Meredith, Hendrickson's mother. It's wonderful to meet you miss (Y/N). Welcome to the family." she said. The druid then gestured to her husband, her gentle gaze a stark contrast to his as she spoke again. "This is my husband, River. We're so glad to finally meet you." she said. Her husband looked you up and down before speaking. "Well that makes one of us. I for one didn't look forward to meeting you. I don't want my son with a whore." he said, making you freeze in place as your smile turned into a slightly concerned look. "I think that sluts deserve to stay in the streets where they belong." he remarked, making you struggle to keep your composure as the other people in the church turned to stare at you as you were humiliated by this man that they'd never seen before. Your smile turned into a melancholy expression as Dreyfus tried to intervene before things got out of hand. "Besides, an ugly fat pig of a woman such as yourself only cares about my son for his looks, not for his personality." he said, a smirk twisting onto his face as tears started to stream down your cheeks. You covered your face as you ran out of the church, trying to get as far away from everyone as you could.

Back in the church, everyone stood staring in shock as the drunk people at the church were struck sober and the jokers of the group stood stone faced. He looked at everyone before speaking. "What's with the foul looks? I only spoke the truth." he said. Meredith was shielded by Dreyfus as yours and Hendrickson's friends started to beat the male who had humiliated you on your special day.

Hendrickson ran after you as you sprinted back home. The church was only a few blocks from your house, so you got home rather quickly. "(Y/N), stop running so fast, you might trip and fall." your husband called after you. Once you ran into your house, Hendrickson followed on your heels as he saw you run into the bedroom. "(Y/N), are you in here?" he asked, his teal eyes softening once his gaze rested on you taking off your dress to put on something more comfortable. He went outside of the room as you changed, not wanting to invade your privacy. After you were done, you took a seat on the edge of your bed, tears still running down your cheeks as you curled up into a ball. Tears staining your (F/C) sweater that Hendrickson had gotten you after your first date together. You had black leggings to match, and the sweater showed a little bit of your bust, a fact that your husband didn't take into account before buying the sweater. He sat next to your curled up figure before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him, hugging you tightly. Before he could even do anything else, you spoke. "Hendy, do you think I'm ugly?" you asked, your voice breaking in the middle of your question with quiet sobs. He turned to you before cupping your face in his hands, smiling at you lovingly. "Of course not. I think you're the prettiest woman in the world, and you're the only woman that matters to me. Never forget that." he said, his gaze full of love and happiness as he held your dress out for you to take. "Now then, show him you're unphased and walk back into that church like the goddess you are." he said.

River was in the corner smirking as the injured guests scowled at him every once in a while. Dreyfus, outraged by his insults towards you, fumed with hatred towards him. However, the entire crowd cheered once you tackled him to the ground with Hendrickson's help, pinning his legs under yours painfully with the front points of your heels while Hendrickson pinned his arms to the ground. You then socked him as hard as you could in the face, smiling when he struggled to get up. He struggled to get away, dragging Meredith with him as he ran out the door, got in his carriage with his wife, and rode off back to Istar.

After gifts, you cut the cake and then bid the guests farewell before leaving with Dreyfus to get back home. After the two of you said goodnight, you both walked into your home and then went upstairs, Hendrickson waiting outside of the bedroom for you to get dressed before he went in and got dressed in his pyjamas as well. He then joined you in the bed before being pulled close by you as you buried your face in his chest, closing your eyes as a blush dusted his cheeks. He then kissed you on the forehead before closing his eyes as well, falling asleep soon after.

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