Lance Corporal

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Hey guys, this was requested by @Asagiri_zeldris. Hope you enjoy!

You were a shy person by nature, so you usually blended in with crowds. However, you had your brave moments. You had decided to join the army of your race, the Goddess race, and you ranked lower than many, but still managed to find yourself being the one that ran errands for the other goddesses in the Tornado faction. That was what led you to meet him. He was the leader of your faction, and he caught your interest instantly the first time you saw him. Sariel, the Tornado Grace, had noticed you fervently running errands for your factionmates when you accidentally bumped into him. You nervously stuttered an apology before you saw who you had bumped into. Your ability was called Vision, which allowed you to see into the future. However, that ability came with the cost of having a disease that no one you knew of could cure. No one knew you had such an ability, not even the Supreme Deity did. While you practically begged the Archangel not to kick you out of the army, he chuckled in amusement as Tarmiel walked over to his friend. "It's alright, I'm not going to take your job. Tell me though, what is your name?" he asked, a genuine smile on his face as Tarmiel cleared his throat, causing the shorter male to turn to his friend as you spoke. "M-my name is (Y/N) s-sir." you stuttered, trying to regain the composure you had lost the moment you bumped into him. "Well then, (Y/N), it's nice to meet you. What faction are you in?" he asked, causing you to look up from the ground as his golden yellow eyes locked with yours. "O-oh, actually, it's the Tornado Faction." you explained, causing Tarmiel to chime in. "Well then, what an odd coincidence, don't you think, Sariel?" he asked, looking down at his friend. "Indeed, it is. But anyways, I have a mission to complete, it was nice meeting you though, (Y/N)." your name rolled off of his tongue as if it was made for him to say. He then smiled and waved, walking off with Tarmiel.

When you finally got back, you were exhausted from doing so many errands for the day. On top of that, you had a factionmate that loved to tease and humiliate you every day you saw him. His name was Nathan, and he was a jerk to everyone he spoke to other than his friends. You felt him yank your hair, chuckling when you yelped in pain. You spun around and glared at the male as Lance Corporal Nerobasta walked in, calling everyone into the main room. "Everyone listen up, The head of your faction, Sariel, has told me to choose one of you to move into one of the Archangels' Mansion as a general. He gave me the name of the person already, so would (Y/N) please step forward?" she questioned, causing you to step forward shyly and wave to her. She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she motioned for you to follow her to your room. She then helped you pack your things and then helped you carry them to where you would be living from now on.

Once you got to the mansion, your eyes widened at the size of the place. She walked in with you and led you to your new room, telling you to unpack and make yourself comfortable. You nodded as she closed the door, giving you privacy to get settled in. almost an hour later, when you had finished unpacking and were now reading a book, Sariel knocked in the door. "Come in." you answered, causing him to open the door as you looked up from the novel you were reading. You smiled at him when his golden eyes met yours. "Sir Sariel, I didn't thi-" he stopped you by raising his hand. "Just Sariel is fine you know. Besides, you're the general of my faction, so I don't mind at all." he said, causing you to nod. He then took your hand and showed you around the place so that you wouldn't get lost.

A few months passed, and your disease was getting worse. At this point, the Supreme Deity knew that only she could cure you, but she refused to, having another idea in mind. She knew that your innate Goddess magic wasn't very strong, and had decided to reincarnate you instead. Sariel, who didn't know what was happening to you, decided to tell you how he felt about you before it was too late. You were laying in bed, resting for the day, when Sariel walked into the room. He had a necklace in his hand, and gave it to you to look at. You smiled at the thoughtful gift as he spoke, drawing your attention back to him. "Hey, so I was wondering, are you interested in anyone like, romantically?" he asked, causing your face to turn red. You nodded your head yes as he sighed sadly, looking deeply into your (E/C) eyes before he spoke. "I wanted to tell you that even if you don't feel the same, that I've loved you since the day we met. And I'm happy for whoever you have feelings for. I'm sure that he's a lu-" he was interrupted by you grabbing his collar and pressing your lips against his, causing his entire face to turn red as you kissed him. "I wanted to tell you that I had feelings for you, but I didn't want to ruin my friendship with you." you explained, smiling softly as you reached into your purse and brought out a small pocket knife. You gave it to him, saying "I want you to have this, as thanks for the necklace and also because when I saw it at the store it reminded me of you. Do you like it?" you asked, causing him to nod his head yes. He then hugged you tightly, resting your head on his chest as he spoke. "I promise you that I'm going to find someone who can help you get rid of this disease." he vowed, causing you to nod your thanks to him as he laid your head back down against the pillow you were resting on. He then left the room so that you could sleep.

You had been dating Sariel for about a year now, and decided to look into the future to see if things would go smoothly from this point. However, your heart sank when you saw that in 3,000 years, both he and Tarmiel would have their spirit forms fade away until they reached the Necropolis after they battled with Estarossa and turned him back into Mael. You now knew the truth, and went to try to make peace with the Archangel turned demon before it was too late. You decided to go and tell him the truth.

When you finally found the male, he was sitting by himself, holding his sword as he sensed your presence behind him. He then turned around, only to be pinned to the ground as he spoke. "Do you have a death wish, goddess. I am Estarossa of the Ten Commandments, second son of the Demon King." he said, glaring up at you as you spoke. "Listen to me, you aren't Estarossa, you are Mael of the Four Archangels, and you've been brainwashed to where you think you're the second son of the Demon King." you said. He then managed to throw you off of him and land a hit across your chest, smirking as you coughed up blood and started to bleed out rapidly. "That's hogwash to say that I'm the person I killed in battle. Not only that, but it's inconsistent. I had fun beating you though, goddess." he said, smirking as he flew away. You fell to your knees, struggling to try to get to where there was help for you. You knew that you wouldn't be able to heal yourself, but you would at least try to get to someone you could. Your vision was becoming darker as tears started to stream down your cheeks. You then saw Sariel and smiled up at him, coughing up more blood as you started to lose consciousness. His eyes widened in horror as he dove down and held you up, his hands and jacket staining red with your blood as you looked down at him. You cupped his cheek in your hand, wiping the tears that started to fall away from his face. "Save your tears, we will... meet again one day, Sariel. I love you very much." you said, closing your eyes and breathing your last as he watched a soft smile etch itself onto your features. He felt your neck for a pulse, and his stomach dropped when he didn't feel one. "No no no no no, (Y/N), come on, this has to be a dream. You have to wake up for me, please!" he begged, not ready to say goodbye to the one he loved the most just yet. He cradled your dead body in his arms, sobbing into your hair as he cursed himself for not protecting you from harm. He knew that only the Supreme Deity could bring you back, and rushed to get to her palace. When he did get there, he was answered with a "No" from the female as he begged her to see reason. "Please your Majesty, I'm begging you with my heart and soul." he begged, but was still answered with a no. He knew that she must have a reason for denying him his lover's resurrection, but he didn't know why she would. He then nodded before he carried you in his arms back to the mansion.

After the funeral, he was on a mission with the rest of his faction when he overheard two of your former factionmates talking. The subject? You. "You know, I think that she faked having an illness to get gifts from Sir Sariel. He is very giving you know." one of them said. "Yeah, she probably was perfectly healthy, and just wanted him for his money like the gold digger she is." The other chimed in, snickering before they felt Sariel's harsh gaze on them. He then walked up to them and spoke. "The next time you say something like that about (Y/N) or any other goddess for that matter, then you're going to be sent home and you won't be able to return. Do I make myself clear, soldiers?" he asked, receiving a hasty nod from the two of them as he went back to the front of the group and continued to lead them.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Deity was currently in the Necropolis, looking for where your spirit was. When she finally found you, you were sitting down beside a lake as tears ran down your cheeks. You then turned around and gasped when you came face to face with the leader of your race. "Supreme Deity, is there something wrong?" you asked. She shook her head no before leading you to where the two of you needed to go. In front of you was a portal, and it had a sort of film over it, like it was barely out of your reach. Through it, you saw a pregnant woman with (H/C) hair who looked to be almost at her due date, her husband, who had (E/C) eyes, was sitting beside his wife. You then looked up at her. "Why are you showing me this?" you asked. She patted your head with her pointer finger as she spoke. "That is a high ranking Goddess and her husband. Both have strong magic, and the skillset to teach you everything you need to know. "I'm showing you this because I want to give you a second chance with your lover. You will be reincarnated as this couple's baby. Since you have the same hair color as the woman, and the same eye color as the man, their child will look like you. When you first see me in this new body, I shall give you your memories from your past life back. They have already decided to name you (Y/N), due to my suggestion of them doing so. I wish you good luck, and never stop trying to do what is good for others." she said. A flash of white blinded you, and when you opened your eyes, there was the woman, holding you in her arms as she slept.

Years passed, and you had finally gotten the hang of your magic. You were able to use Arc naturally as if it were breathing. You were a soldier by this point, with the ability to fight many demons at once. This was what made the Archangels see your potential in their factions. Sariel was the one who would always keep tabs on you in battle just in case something happened. You reminded him too much of his (Y/N), and the thought of failing to protect you again scared him beyond belief. You had chosen to be in the Tornado Faction like you had in your previous life, but you hadn't seen the Supreme Deity yet, so you didn't know about your past life. One afternoon, Jelamet walked into your faction's base and called everyone downstairs. Your roommate, Jordan, motioned for you to follow her, smiling as the two of you ran down the stairs. Once your faction had completely assembled in the main room, Jelamet told your group that you had been chosen to be the next Lance Corporal alongside her and Nerobasta, representing the Tornado Faction. You smiled as your factionmates cheered you on. Jordan helped you pack your things, and then helped you get them to the carriage guided by flying horses that would get you to where you needed to go.

Once you got to the Archangels' Mansion, you were hit with an odd feeling of nostalgia when you went inside. Sariel had kept your necklace, and wore it all the time wherever he went. When you were introduced to him, you felt as though you had met him before. Ludociel and Tarmiel welcomed you with open arms. After a few weeks, you were requested at the Supreme Deity's Palace to speak to her. Once you entered the grand palace, you came face to face with the leader of your race as she cast a spell on you and you fell to your knees as you felt a terrible headache start to form. You then regained your memories from your past life before looking up at her as she nodded to you. You then raced off to find Sariel, wanting to see him again.

You decided to go to where Sariel usually went even now in his free time, which was your old meeting place. You got there before him, and decided to wait by the ruins site where the two of you would talk for hours at a time. You then heard wings flapping and then looked up at the male as he spoke. "Lance Corporal (Y/N), what are you doing here?" he asked, confused as to why you were here of all places. You smiled as you walked up to him before wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a hug, not wanting to let him go. You then decided to explain yourself. "It's me Sariel, don't you remember how we used to spend so much time here?" you asked, causing him to stare at you in disbelief as he ran back to you and tackled you to the ground, burying his face in your soft (H/C) hair as he started to sob. "I missed you so much, (Y/N), please never leave me like that ever again." he begged, causing you to give him a soft smile as you lifted his chin to where he was looking at you. You then captured his lips in a gentle kiss before you separated from him. "I'll never leave you behind again, and that's a promise" you said, holding him close to you once more as you enjoyed the peaceful moment for the time being with the one you loved.

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