Ludociel x Meliodas' sister reader

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Hey guys, this was requested by @Jc20-5. Sorry for taking so long to update, school has been once again taking me away from writing. Anyways, enjoy!

Your father, the king of all demons, had told you that there was a way to peacefully end the Holy War, without a treaty between the goddesses being signed formally on paper with a quill and a handshake between both him and the Supreme Deity. He told you that he and the other deity agreed to end the Holy War if you chose one of her Archangels to marry. Your eyes went wide as you realized what a perfect opportunity you had set before you. You nodded and agreed to choose one Archangel if you could meet them in person. After a while of begging your father to let you meet them so that you could get to know them, he said yes. He only said yes to your request because he knew how small the chance of you getting a kind husband out of one of the four would be already, and how much bigger it would be if you met them in advance. You then proposed one day for each Archangel to get to know you, totaling four days in the Goddess Realm in all. You knew you were pushing your luck with your father as it stood already, but you knew that you looked the most like your mother, and your skills were on par with Zeldris' skill set, having been taught by Cusack himself. He eventually agreed and then let you go back to your room to pack your stuff to go to the Goddess Realm.

The next day, you were woken up early in the morning by your personal maid, who had your two bags by the door ready to go. When you got dressed and went outside, you saw Zeldris waiting for you there, concern mixing with anger in his dark eyes. You sighed and hugged him, reassuring him that you would be ok. When you got into the carriage, you expected him to leave, not knowing that Zeldris would be going with you to drop you off. When he got in the carriage, you got comfortable in your seat as your brother sat across from you. The two of you then rode to the Goddess Realm together, talking about what you would be treated like and how you would be seen by the other goddesses apart from the Archangels.

When you got out of the carriage and got your bags, you were in front of the Supreme Deity's palace, a brilliant white that matched your white and silver hemmed jacket perfectly. Little did your brothers and your father know, you had already been dating one of the four Archangels for a little over a year now, so you knew who you would choose. However, you decided to make his day the last day, the first being Tarmiel, the second being Sariel, the third being Mael, and, of course, the final day being your boyfriend, Ludociel. You walked in to see that the Supreme Deity was waiting with another white jacket in her hand for you to change into in case you were wearing black. She realized that it wasn't necessary and bowed to you, gesturing to Nerobasta. Your demonic magic was deactivated at the moment so as not to scare anyone, including the Goddess Lance Corporal. You nodded and followed her, smiling as you looked at the ornate white, pearl, silver, and gold wall designs before turning to the woman walking in front of you. "If you don't mind my asking, um... Nerobasta, right?" you asked, not knowing what to say to a woman who obviously hated every demon she laid eyes on. "What do you want?" she asked, looking back with a scowl. "Well, it's just that everything is so peaceful here, it's really nice to be honest." you said, making her eyes widen. She didn't realize that some demons could be so happy with the color white. "Hold on, you like the white palace with pearl walls and silver with gold lining the pillars and designs? You like these light colors?" she asked, shocked. You smiled and nodded before the two of you came to a room and you saw the Archangels themselves. The four goddesses who seemed to strike fear into the hearts of every demon they came even remotely close to. Well, every demon that is, except for Meliodas. You bowed to them before looking at the four of them. Tarmiel stepped forward and then led the way as Nerobasta told you where your room was and that she would be taking your stuff to your room. You looked back at her and nodded before walking out into the open fields with the three headed male. The two of you started off by heading into town, where a festival was being held. You saw some delicious looking apple tart caramels and tugged on Tarmiel's jacket, to which he responded by turning around and looking to where you were pointing. "You have a sweet tooth?" he asked, making you nod before he got out a money bag and gave you two silver coins. You thanked him and bought the candy before running back to him and opening the bag. You held it out to him after you ate one of the tarts and savored the sweet flavor. You saw a small smile curve itself onto his lips as he reached out and took one of the candies and ate one. He hummed at the delicious taste. "So, Tarmiel, tell me about yourself, why don't you?" you asked politely. You then listened as he told you that the two of you should go somewhere you could hear him clearly, and walked down one of the quiet paths to a sunlit patch. "Well, when I was born, my mother left my father to take care of me. Given that I have two other heads, my father left me to die alone in my old home, but luckily, Sariel's mother and father took me in, and raised me as their own. That's the main reason why the two of us work so well together, because we've been there for each other since we were both about a little over two years old." he said, looking at you. You then began to speak, sharing your past with the male. "See, my mother died giving birth to me, so my father thought about killing me for being the reason his wife died, but my brothers stepped in, saying that they would help him raise me if he would let me live. So here I am, because of the kindness they both showed me." you said, looking down. "I owe them everything." you said, a tear slipping down your cheek before you wiped it off using your jacket sleeve. You saw that the sun was starting to set, and then asked if Tarmiel would walk you back to the castle, his reply being yes. After the two of you got back, you thanked him and walked back to your room alone through the silent hallways. When you got back to your room, you got into your pyjamas and got in the bed, falling asleep soon after.

The next day, you were woken up by Sariel at twelve in the afternoon, the male not being happy about you getting dressed slowly when you were just waking up. After you walked out of the room you were staying in, you saw the male and then nodded as he started walking to an unknown location. "So, (Y/N), why don't you talk about yourself or something other than staring at me?" he asked, making you nod once again before you started to speak. "Well, my mother died when I was born, and my teacher was Cusack, the Napping Reaper, who taught me how to fight and how to dodge attacks from other people and such. There really isn't much to my life, how about you?" you asked as he turned to you. He then started to speak. "I assume you know about Tarmiel's childhood from yesterday?" he asked, causing you to nod in agreement. He hummed in curiosity when he saw the locket around your neck. "Where's the locket from?" he asked, looking at the piece of golden jewelry as you looked down at it. "It's from my father, as a fifteenth birthday gift." you explained, feeling like he was slowly choking you like a giant snake. He then turned to you, his yellow eyes locking with yours. "Do you like horses, (Y/N)?" he asked, your eyes widening as you nodded your head yes. "Good, then you'll love this next surprise." he said, walking up to a barn and opening the doors slowly. Out from the inside of the barn came a pegasus choal. You saw the small horse walk over to you with a bandage on its wing, and turned to Sariel. "Her wing broke when she crashed into a tree a few miles away from here, so I helped her back to this abandoned barn and have been nursing her back to health. She's a bit timid, and she also doesn't have a lot of trust in anyone else other than me. Plus, her mother is gone, and I've been looking for her for a long time now, but with no luck. I was wondering if maybe you could help me after she heals her wing fully, which should be tomorrow evening, when I can take off the cast, and see if she can fly." he said. You nodded as the two of you walked back now that the sun was setting after the long time it took to walk to the barn. After Sariel fed the choal, he closed and locked the doors for the night, and led you back to the palace. After you got into bed, you fell asleep soon after, happy with the day.

You woke up on the third day at five in the morning to Mael knocking on the door. Waking up fully and getting dressed for the day, you brushed your hair, put it in a low ponytail, and then walked out the door. You saw Mael with a finger against his lips, motioning for you to be quiet as he led you to one of the top spires on one of the towers of the palace. You sat down next to him as he pointed to the horizon, making you look out to see an ocean of golden tall grass with a tree that had pink leaves and blue blossoms on it. Past the tree was the sunrise, a beautiful orange pink decorating the sky as your eyes widened in utter amazement at the beautiful scene in your mind. You had your sketchbook and some drawing and coloring pencils with you, and proceeded to take out the sketchbook before flipping to a new page as you started to sketch the beautiful scenery in front of you. After you were done sketching and getting the scene right, you colored in the beautiful picture in front of you before showing the pink and orange fading into each other, a gorgeous background to the pink and blue tree in the middle ground of the picture, which complimented the golden sea of grass in the perfect way. After the two of you stood up, you and Mael went out into town to look at the shops and such in town, as well as do some window shopping in the town square.

A long day had passed, and you were thinking back to how kind Mael was, his gentle nature was something that had to get him a girlfriend at some point in time, and you knew that for sure. You were walking to bed down a dead silent corridor when a pair of large arms wrapped around you and picked you up, carrying you to one of the balconies in the palace. You looked up and smiled, seeing the long awaited face of your boyfriend, Ludociel. He was nice to you because he saw how kind you were to a goddess child who had gotten caught in the fight and got too close to enemy territory. The small child was discovered by one of your inferior generals, who threw the child in front of you and asked what you wanted to do with her. Her big green eyes reminded you too much of Meliodas, so you told them to step aside while you picked up the girl and told the general that you were going to give her back to her people. Her as well as a lot of other people within earshot looked at you in shock. "Is there a problem with my decision, general Marrow, or do you want to keep that head of yours on your shoulders?" you asked with a snarl, making the woman shake her head no furiously. "Good, I'll be taking my leave then." you said. When you first saw Ludociel, the child ran to him, who immediately checked her for any injuries, the only ones he found being some bruises from being from the general who threw her. He then turned to you. "Why help your enemy?" he asked, making you smile. "I may be a demon, but I have standards you know. I don't like to see children getting hurt because multiple maids at the king's castle have kids that I babysit if I'm not on a mission." you explained. He nodded his thanks as you took off to get back to your post.

You looked back at the man you loved, only to be kissed on the lips, taking you by surprise. Your face turned red as you melted in his arms, glad to finally have a moment with him. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he gazed at you lovingly with open eyes. Both of them were a pure white color that took your breath away every time you looked into his eyes. You smiled before taking the chance to speak. "Ludociel, I'm going to have the entire day tomorrow with you, it's not like I'm going to leave in the middle of the night." you said, making him realize that he needed to get going to his chambers. He nodded before letting you go and walking out of the room to get to his room. You smiled before closing the door and locking it, getting dressed in your nightgown and going to sleep soon after.

The next day, you woke up early in the morning and walked outside and into the gardens. You saw so many flowers that you had never seen before, and colors that you had thought to be very rare in your eyes. You saw your boyfriend next to the celestial gate as he motioned for you to follow him. He looked back after a few minutes to make sure you were following him before speaking. "I'm going to show you the surface, given that you've only seen it when it was covered in blood. There's a place I want to show you today. That place being the Fairy King's Forest." he said, returning his gaze in front of him before he told you to stop and dispel your darkness. You obeyed willingly as the shadows surrounding you diminished, leaving you open and vulnerable. You grasped his arm before he led you into the large forest filled with thick foliage and every plant you could ever imagine to exist. You saw something whiz past you and saw a fairy with brightly colored wings in front of you. They were rainbow, and the colors were moving around in his wings. The rainbow colors seemed to be encased in the black glittering outlines of his wings. The long red hair that went down to his waist, and the baggy pants seemed to complete the look amazingly. He nodded to Ludociel before gesturing to your figure, which was hidden behind the Archangel. "This is (Y/N), a demon who has agreed to marry either me or one of the other Archangels." The fairy cocked an eyebrow at you. "Why?" he asked, his voice a soft and slightly low pitch. You looked up at Ludociel, as if begging him to speak for you. "(Y/N) is the Demon King's daughter, and as for why she's doing this is quite simple. The marriage will mark the end of the Holy War for good. No more fights, and you can rule over the forest without losing more fairies than you already have. I'd say that's a pretty good deal on our part, wouldn't you?" he asked. The fairy sighed before hesitantly extending a hand toward you to shake. "My name is Fairy King Gloxinia, the ruler of this forest. Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." he said. You then gave him a questioning look. "What is it?" he asked, looking back at you. "I was wondering if you knew where Meliodas was." you said, your eyes looking at the dirt. He smiled before showing you where your oldest brother was. He was sitting with a goddess with long silver hair and deep sea blue eyes. She was laughing at something he had said while he smiled down at the girl. You realized now why he had left your family, to be with the one he loves. You knocked on the tree before you looked at the girl. Meliodas stared at you in shock before being shoved to the side by you. You got right up in her face, squinting at the girl before you smiled at her. "Mel, you never said you left because of a girl this pretty. And here I was, thinking you had gotten killed. Next time tell me these things instead of giving me a heart attack." you said, scowling at your older brother. You then turned back to the goddess woman and introduced yourself. "I'm (Y/N), Meliodas' younger sister. And you are?" you asked, holding out your hand for her to shake. She took your hand as she told you her name. "My name is Elizabeth. It's wonderful to meet you, (Y/N)." she said, her soft voice soothing you. You looked at your brother once again and sighed. "Leave it to you to go after none other than Bloody Ellie, brother." you said, turning on your heel. You then walked back to Ludociel as he kept walking onward.

When the three of you got to the center of the forest, you saw that there was a very tall giant with sapphire blue skin and only one eye, which was purple. You had never really been up close to any giants before, the reason being that they fought for Stigma. You also noticed a fairy with beads in her honey blonde hair. She floated down to you and looked you up and down, taking obvious notice of your physique and what aura you gave off. She then spoke to Gloxinia, but her eyes were still on you. "Brother, why is there a demon other than Meliodas here?" she asked, looking at him as he sighed and introduced you to her. "Gherade, this is (Y/N), and she's Meliodas' younger sister. She's also supposed to marry one of the Archangels to finally negotiate a peace treaty between us and the Demon clan." he explained, making her sigh in relief. She then smiled at you before apologizing to you for coming off as rude to you. "It's fine, you're not the first to give me that look, but that scared me if I'm being honest." you said. The earth under you was lifted up as you came face to face with the giant behind you. "Are you guys sure we can trust her?" he asked, staring you down for a moment before looking at Gloxinia and Ludociel. "If I can trust her, then I'm sure you can as well. Besides, she's the key to ending the Holy War in case you've forgotten Drole." he said, making your eyes widen as you realized who you were talking to. "Hold on, you're the giant king?" you asked, catching his attention as he redirected his gaze to you. "Yes, why do you ask?" he asked. Your eyes widened in amazement as you looked him up and down. "Dear goodness, you must be at least forty feet tall. I've never seen a giant or demon as tall as you. That's incredible!" you said. The giant smiled before hugging you close to his face with a smile as you hugged him back. After a while of talking, you saw that the sun was starting to set, and tugged on Ludociel's sleeve as you yawned softly. The male took the hint and bid the others farewell and then picked you up before launching himself into the sky. When he got back, you had fallen asleep in his arms, so he carried you to your room and set you down in the bed before kissing your forehead and leaving for the night to get to sleep.

The next morning, you were greeted by Zeldris waiting for you outside of the palace, and woke up before you finished packing and making sure you left nothing behind for the maids to clean up. You then walked out of your room, only to see the four Archangels outside of your room, waiting for you so that they could escort you to the carriage. Once you were in the carriage, the four waved goodbye and saw you off. Even after the carriage left, Ludociel was still standing there, hoping you would come back eventually.

The wedding was arranged to be a month after you chose your groom. The guests were already invited by now, and there were a few more preparations to be made before you would be walking down that aisle to marry your boyfriend. You were glad to be the one to marry him, and had been looking forward to this day since the day you started dating him. You sighed as the maid left you to wait for your brother to get to the wedding. You saw a head of raven black hair and smiled as he walked in to see you with your dress on. You heard Zeldris knock on the door and opened it to see your brother in tears. Zeldris rushed over to you and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. "You do know that you're going to have to stay in the Goddess Realm after the wedding, right?" Zeldris asked flatly. You nodded your head yes before seeing Meliodas in the doorway, who sighed. You smiled at the two before hearing Zeldris speak again. "If he treats you badly then you tell us. I don't care about starting another war, I will kill Ludociel if he hurts you, ok?" he asked. You nodded before hearing the bells at the Supreme Deity's Palace start to ring, telling the guests that the wedding was starting in five minutes. You and Ludociel had decided that Mael would be the ring bearer and Sariel would be the best man. Zeldris agreed to this because he knew not to try to cause a commotion at a wedding, even if it was in the Goddess Realm.


You sat down and sighed, having had to dance for the last hour with your now husband and other people at the wedding. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and looked up to see your husband, his white eyes gazing softly into your (E/C) ones. He handed you a bouquet of lilies and motioned to the crowd of women waiting in the middle of the ballroom floor. You nodded and got up before getting in front of the crowd of women, turning around, and throwing the bouquet backwards. You heard an excited squeal and looked back to see that Elizabeth had caught the bouquet. You smiled at the goddess before heading back to your chair as the guests started to leave the palace to get back home. It was about eleven at night, so you were tired to say the least. You opened the door and held it for a group of women that thanked you for inviting them. The last guests to leave were your brothers, your father couldn't come to the wedding due to having paperwork to fill out for the night, making him very busy. You told your brothers goodbye before they left and closed the door. Nerobasta offered with the help of a few other goddesses to clean up for you. You thanked them before taking hold of your husband's hand and giving it a light squeeze. He looked down at you and saw your worried expression before leading you outside into the cold night air. "Are you ok, (Y/N)?" he asked, snapping you out of the daydream you were having. "Oh, yeah, it's just that, is it really over? The war I mean." you asked, looking up at him. He smiled before leaning down and kissing you on the lips. "Indeed it is. Now then, let's go home." he said, picking you up as he unfurled his big feathery wings and took off into the starry sky above.

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