Mael x reader fluffy angst

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Hey guys, I'm back! I'm going through some really bad writers block and would appreciate any requests. Anyways, enjoy!

You were what society deemed as 'ugly', meaning that your waist wasn't as small as it 'should' be, or you weren't as charismatic as every girl 'should' be. You were one of the bigger girls in your friend group, and your friends left you after someone told them that you were an embarrassment to the group. That left you with no friends, and only you and your boyfriend. He was always telling you that he loved you and that he would always be there for you. You hated the way you looked, and thought of yourself as an embarrassment to others around you. You were an ambivert, meaning that you could be an introvert or an extrovert depending on the situation. You were more on the introverted side of the spectrum, meaning that you almost never stood up for yourself when someone commented on your looks. Lately, you had cut back on meals because you wanted to be what society deemed as 'skinny', also unintentionally catching the notice of your boyfriend, Mael. the Archangel had taken notice of the fact that you were eating less than usual, and voiced his concerns to you. You waved him away, saying that you weren't hungry, when you were actually starving. One day, Mael had decided that he had put up with that stupid behavior for long enough, and went to go find you. You were in your shared room with the Archangel and heard him open the door. You looked up from a book you were reading and saw that he was staring at you with a look of concern. You looked back at the book, making him scared at this point. He swiped the book from your hands and marked your page before picking you up and carrying you downstairs. You looked at him as he walked, worried that he might be mad. When he set you down in your chair, you were seated in front of a plate of (F/F), your favorite food. You looked up at the Archangel as he spoke. "Ludociel and I put hard work into making this and it would be rude not to eat it. I know you haven't eaten in three days, (Y/N). You can't fool me when I know how you are. Please, take care of yourself." he said, taking your smaller hands into his. Tears slid down your cheeks as you spoke, making him look at you sympathetically as he hugged you. "Why do you care so much? Why stay with me when there are so many other women out there that are so much prettier than me. They're skinny and they talk without having to be asked a question that needs a response. So why me?" you asked the Archangel. The male looked down at you before he crouched down to your level, cupping your cheeks in his hands. He leaned in and kissed you on the lips, taking you by surprise. He separated from you before he spoke. "So what if you don't have an hourglass figure? You look gorgeous to me. And who cares if you don't talk until you get forced into a conversation? I love the fact that you're shy all the time. That's one of the things I treasure the most about you, (Y/N)." he said. "Now then, you should eat something to get back some energy. And please don't do this again." he begged. You picked up the fork and ate, humming at the taste of the food. After you were done, you put the plate in the sink before walking over to your boyfriend. He was watching as the sun started to set over the horizon. You wrapped your arms around him, leaning into his back. Mael turned around and held you close as the two of you watched the sunset. After the moon had started to rise, the two of you went inside to get to bed. You walked into the bedroom and got into the shower to clean yourself. After you were done, you dried off and got dressed in your pyjamas before going out of the bathroom. You got in the bed with Mael and laid down next to him, your back facing him. You were rolled over and pulled against the male's chest as he held you close, burying his face in your hair. He sighed as he breathed in your scent of lavender. The Archangel spoke as he started to fall asleep. "I love you." he mumbled, loud enough for you to hear. You kissed him on the lips, surprising him as his eyes went wide. "I love you too." you said, closing your eyes. The male smiled and closed his eyes as well, eventually falling asleep with you in his arms.

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