Seven Deadly Sins guys headcanons

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Ban headcanons (fairy reader)

Probably the protective type over you.

He's been through a lot, so he's going to make sure you never experience what he had to go through during his childhood.

He would likely be a bit more open on PDA. Likely even more so if he felt threatened by someone flirting with you.

He loves your lap. The way he can just lay down and fall asleep on your lap is one of his favorite things to do.

He loves your soft little hands and how they fit in his.

He's like a pillow if you need one. He'll lay your head on his chest and let you sleep if your pillow is missing or if you want to lay down on him. He doesn't mind.

King headcanons (fairy reader)

He loves to braid your soft hair. He also LOVES to brush it and run his fingers through it.

He loves how you look so interested in the books you read, and occasionally brings you tea to drink if he's getting himself some.

He's very restricted when it comes to PDA, unless someone flirts with you. Then, he'll hold your hand or kiss you on the cheek to make the other guys get the hint.

He'll let you sit or rest on Chastiefol literally ALL day long if you want to.

He loves how you always hum to him softly until he falls asleep with his head on your lap.

Like mentioned before, PDA could kill this boy. If you hold his hand at random, he'll turn beet red. If you kiss him, he'll faint right then and there.

He adores your hands and how small they are. He loves to hold them.

Still a protective boy when he needs to be.

Meliodas headcanons (human reader)

Can we just say that he LOVES to sit on your lap. Like DANG, he LOVES your lap.

More open on PDA than even BAN. He shows it even more so when someone flirts with you.

Lets you lay your head on his chest whenever you feel like it.

Knows you need your space and doesn't try to grope you.

All in all loves you.

Helbram headcanons (fairy reader)

Loves how you always sing for him.

He adores watching you make flowers grow, giving you seeds and letting you plant them and let them shoot up as beautiful blossoms and buds.

When it comes to PDA, he's like a guard dog. He'll gladly pull you into his lap if he senses that someone threatens his relationship with you when you get flirted with.

He hates when you are stuck trying to decide between different books to read and what to write in stories of your own. He also hates it when you don't know what to draw.

He LOVES to watch you draw pictures. He always loves it when you try to get every detail right, and even gives pointers like "the posture is a tad bit too stiff, but you're doing great"

Like Ban, Helbram LOVES to rest his head on your soft chest. He just lays there in your gentle embrace, listening to you sing him to sleep.

Most likely guarding you like his life depends on it if he senses danger is nearby because this blonde has just lost too much.

Gilthunder headcanons (human reader)

Tries his best to make time out of his day to spend with you.

Loves it when you tell him about the things that go on at home.

This pink haired boy will smother you in affection if he has to. He gladly pulls you into his lap even if at the worst possible time. Basically like a cat.

Is relatively open on PDA. He hates it when guys flirt with you, so he usually either holds your hand, kisses you, or picks you up and carries you. His point gets across pretty well either way.

He loves it when you sing to him. It soothes him after a long, stressful day of work.

He loves both your lap and your chest, resting his head on either after a long day or if he can fit time into his busy schedule.

He also loves your hands and how soft and small they are.

When he can, he'll brush your soft hair and then braid it if possible.

All in all loves you no matter what.

Howzer headcanons (human reader)

He loves it when you come up to him and ask if he can spend time with you. He thinks it means you're thinking of him.

This blonde will NOT, under ANY circumstance, let another guy touch or flirt with you.

He's open on PDA, ranging from anywhere on the spectrum of affection.

He loves the soft tunes you hum when you work away on your daily activities. It makes him smile.

He LOVES your lap, and usually lays his head down on it whenever he possibly can. He loves how you get flustered by this, thus the reason why he does it so often.

He'll let you ride on his shoulders any time you want to. He loves how you enjoy the view above all of the other heads in the crowd. (other than Ban's of course because of how freakishly tall he is.)

All out lovable and sweet.

Estarossa headcanons (demon reader)

This guy has lost a LOT of things that are close to him. So he's not going to let you go.

He's a bit more closed on the PDA, letting you have your space when you ask for it, but still makes sure to give the person talking to you, if they flirt with you, a NASTY glare so they back off.

He loves taking long walks with you and loves it when you make flowers grow with the seeds he gives you.

LOVES to rest his head on your lap. It calms him down.

All in all loves you no matter what.

Zeldris headcanons (demon reader)

This shorty LOVES to hug you.

He does limitless PDA and doesn't care what others think.

He loves your chest, resting his head on it whenever he gets tired. Plus he loves how you get so flustered so easily by him doing this.

He loves your soft hair and wants to brush it literally ALL THE TIME.

Tries to carry you and usually succeeds at doing so unless he's REALLY tired.

Loves your tiny hands and sometimes teases you about them like "heh, little hands,"

He'll try to get your attention if he thinks you're ignoring him. He'll tug on your sleeve or something.

"Yeah Zel?" you would ask

He'll softly kiss you and then continue with his work, acting like it never happened, even though he can see your red face.

All in all loves you.

Monspeet headcanons (demon reader)

He loves to watch you rest after a long day of working.

Offers to do anything for you, at the price of hugs.

This guy loves laps and chests equally, laying on both from time to time.

Monspeet will try to spend as much time with you as possible, checking up on you often.

He wants you to not worry about him too much, so he tries to keep your mind occupied with drawing, reading, or writing.

A bit closed on PDA, but will gladly show others that you're HIS and his alone.

Loves you no matter what.

Escanor headcanons (human reader)


This guy is gladly putting you on his shoulders whenever he can.

He loves that he can pick you up literally whenever. It doesn't matter when or where, he just wants to hold you.

He also loves it when you tell him what you like to do during the day, given that he almost always is away fighting.

100% open on PDA, from holding you in his lap to holding your hand, he gets his message that you're taken across pretty easily.


He loves to read poetry and stories to you if you want to listen.

Nighttime Escanor really likes to watch you draw the rest of the sins, including him.

He also loves your soft hair and how long it is.

This man also loves your shoulder for some reason. Like at random he'll rest his head on your shoulder.

When Escanor is in his nighttime form, he is always trying to advise you on what books to read and how to get better at writing and drawing.

Restricted on PDA, but will still show that you're his.

All in all, loves you more than you know.

Arthur headcanons (human reader)

He gets that he's royalty and all.

But he still LOVES to spend time with you even if there are others around.

Like srsly, he spends as much time as possible with you.

He'll let you go to the royal library if that's what you're into.

He'll also let you go into the gardens and look at the flowers.

As for PDA, he trusts you not to leave him, but he'll stay close if someone flirts with you.

If you ask him to clear it up that you're his, then he'll do that.

He's always trying to get your opinion on things.

"(Y/N), do you think I should patrol tod-" "YEEEEEES. TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF ARTHUR."

He loves your chest and lap because he's not a biased person.

He also loves how flustered you can get when he lays his head on both places.

He absolutely adores your hands as well, holding them whenever he can.

All in all loves you very much.

Gloxinia headcanons (fairy reader)

This fairy has lost everything.

So expect him to make sure that you don't leave him.

This man can be a soft bby, but it will take time for you to get him to let the walls down that keep his emotions so secure.

In fact, do all you can to destroy them walls

He also loves your soft hair and how it shines in the sunlight.

He absolutely LOVES your chest and lays down on it literally ALL. THE. TIME.

Whenever someone flirts with you, he'll pull you closer to him and shoot the person a glare and maybe flip them off as well.

He's very closed on PDA, let's be for real, he's a fairy. He's not gonna be that open about affection.

At the end of the day, he loves you no matter what

"What did I ever do to deserve you (Y/N)?"

Drole headcanons (half fairy, half giant reader)

This guy may be very, V E R Y tall, but he still loves you.

Because of his height and size, he tries to be gentle with you.

Please take care of this tall bby, he needs it.

He loves to watch over you when you need rest.

Being that you're half fairy and all, he tries to be conscious of your wings as well.

Cue protective Gloxinia.

Gloxinia tries to scold Drole about being careful of your wings and how you had to witness the humans' horrifying slaughter of many fairies to rip their wings off.

Drole is the quiet type and rarely shows his affection.

When he does, he's shy and always tells you how he feels.

Again, this tall bby is soft on the inside, he just won't show it all the time.

Given that you're half giant, you're about as tall as two Dianes.

Also meaning that your wings are H U G E

Drole loves to touch them even though Gloxinia always tries to get him to stop.

He can't help it tho.

He loves to feel your wings against his fingertips.

All in all, tall soft bby loves you.

Sariel headcanons (goddess reader)

He loves to spend time with you.

Not much can really be said about Sariel bcs he's rarely mentioned like ever

But he does love you.

Sariel is closed off on PDA because he isn't one to show emotion at all in public.

If someone flirts with you, he'll cut them on the wrist with a blast of wind and scowl at them from a distance until they get the hint and walk away.

He really loves your lap, and rests his head on it very often.

Usually in a drunk haze after a long day so he falls on top of you and demands cuddles.

He's like a cat.

All in all loves you.

Tarmiel headcanons (goddess reader)

This Archangel is such a sweet guy and always is willing to help you.

I like to imagine that the first time he ever met you was when some other children were teasing him for having three heads and you yelled at them to cut it out.

After that, he basically stuck with you most of the time.

The first one of his friends that you meet is Sariel.

If someone flirts with you, he intervenes immediately and tells them that you're dating him.

Tarmiel's pretty closed off on PDA, like the other three Archangels didn't know the two of you were dating until you kissed him on the cheek one time.

He's also pretty insecure about having three heads, you have to tell him that it doesn't matter to you and that you still love him.

All in all loves you more than you could ever know.

Ludociel headcanons (goddess reader)

Given that he's the leader of the archangels, he rarely spends time outside of training.

When he met you though, he opened up a lot more than he did to anyone before that.

Now, he spends more time with you.

Ludociel isn't one for PDA very often as he thinks others label him as weak if he shows emotion in public.

If someone flirts with you, he'll open his eyes to where they stare right at two blank colorless orbs before they freak out and run away.

He loves your chest and your lap, resting mostly on your chest though.

Like Sariel, he's in a haze after a long day and demands cuddles.

He may not show it often, but he does love you.

Mael headcanons (goddess reader)

Soft bby never really had time for a relationship.

So when he met you after the holy war, he actually had time for that kind of stuff.

He tries to help you when it's needed.

He's never really had anyone that was kind to him other than Ludociel and Elizabeth.

So when he overheard you confiding in his older brother that you liked him of all people, it was like a dream come true.

On the outside, he looked chill and nonchalant.

On the inside, his heart was doing backflips.

What you didn't expect was that he was going to ask you out first.

Mael is also closed off on PDA, but that's because he's too shy to show any affection in public unless you're being hit on. That's when he gets serious.

He also really loves your chest bcs soft

He is all for hugs and affection, it shows him that you love him.

He lowkey cried a little bit the first time you absentmindedly put his head on your chest and started to play with his hair.

Griamore headcanons (human reader)

Griamore is so sweet to you and is such a gentleman.

He did learn from his father about good manners.

He loves to hold you on his shoulders because he's pretty tall.

Griamore would have definitely introduced you to Howzer and Gilthunder first.

They're his best friends and he's been friends with them since they were like five so...

Dreyfus would probably embarrass him in front of you at some point after you met him.

Cue red faced soft bby.

He'd try desparately to get his father to stop, only making Dreyfus continue.

Eventually, he would stop because he likes having you around and doesn't want to scare you away.

all in all, soft bby loves you.

Hendrickson headcanons (human reader)

He's scared you'll leave him, so at the start of your relationship, whenever he would mess up, he always apologized.

He figured out pretty quickly that you had decided to be with him of all the other people that you knew, and that you weren't going to leave him.

Sweet bby then realized how much you meant to him and how he would gladly give his life for you to live in his place. 

Hendrickson is such a gentleman to you, always holding the door for you whenever he's with you and he also would give you flowers whenever you were feeling sad.

Given that he's a druid, he can grow flowers rather quickly. This is something you told him that you could watch him do for hours upon hours. 

He obviously introduces you to Dreyfus, who tries to embarrass Hendrickson literally right when you meet him. You just laugh it off and after a while, Dreyfus realizes that you and his friend go perfectly together.

Hendrickson literally LOVES it when you come up to him in the middle of the day just to see him.

He is a chest guy and LOVES to rest his head on your chest.

all in all, loving and sweet.

Slader headcanons (Human reader)

He loves it when you visit him at his place after a long day.

Slader doesn't show much affection whenever he's around other Holy Knights, but he might hold your hand or hold you by the waist.

This man hates it when you get flirted with, so he probably kisses you on the cheek or pulls you closer to him.

He loves your chest and lays his head on it all the time whenever he's tired.

If he's had a long day, he'll walk over to you and hug you or sit with you and pull you onto his lap.

Slader loves it when you run your hand over his scar. He's kept it a secret from a lot of people.

All in all loves you a lot.

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