Sins and Co. Yandere Headcanons

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Hey guys, hope your days/nights are going well. This is a friendly reminder that you should take care of yourselves and that if no one else does, then I worry for your health, both mental and physical. WARNING: The following content is yandere, so please proceed with caution. Without further ado, hope you enjoy!


Ban as a yandere would be very protective of you and would follow you wherever you went.

He would also be very kind to you and you only other than the Sins.

You are the only person he would keep away from Meliodas because he sees you as his woman, not Meliodas' woman.

He would be aggressive towards you if you tried to escape him though.

He would cook for you and give you whatever your heart desires unless it's him leaving you.

All in all, Ban would put your safety first.


I can't see King being too harsh as a yandere, so he'd probably have some sort of sense in him not to hurt you or keep you away from everyone in your life that's a guy.

He would give you cuddles for hours while being protective of you if anyone enters the room the two of you are in.

He also showers you in love and gifts, and he loves to spoil you.

This fairy would do anything for you if you're his.


Lord help any poor soul that hits on you if Meliodas is around and is a yandere.

He's a protective yandere, so he looks out for you constantly.

He's even more perverted than if he wasn't a yandere.

Don't worry though, because he's not a delusional yandere, so he won't expect you to obey him whenever he asks you to do something.

He'd likely patiently coax you to do it because he's very patient when it comes to you.


Gilthunder is very much a gentle person, despite his strength and magical power.

As a yandere, this won't change whatsoever.

However, what does change is that he's always around you, no matter where you go.

Even if you tell him not to go with you, unless it's something private, you're being accompanied by him wherever you go.

If you need space, however, then he'll respect your wish if it doesn't put you in danger.

He'll make sure that you don't run off though, and that's when he becomes slightly possessive of you.

However, he draws the line at hurting you, he'll never hurt you no matter what you do to him.


If Howzer were a yandere, then you best bet that he's a protective one, despite how nice he may seem.

He'll definitely make sure to keep tabs on where you are at all times, much to your surprise should you find out he does so.

He absolutely adores when you praise him for what he does, and always smiles when you do.

All in all rather harmless.


Zeldris as a yandere is very controlling whether you like it or not.

Despite this, he still loves you, and will protect you with his life.

You best bet that he's going to keep you at the Demon King's castle, no questions asked.

He eventually opens up to you about his insecurities because you eventually gain his trust.

You also learn that he loves to do your hair, styling it in nice updos because he thinks you look beautiful.

All in all, he'd still be very caring when it comes to you.


As a yandere, I think Arthur would still be pretty harmless.

He always goes with you wherever he can, and if he can't then Merlin does instead.

Arthur knows what you like to do like the back of his hand. He knows your likes and dislikes as much as his own.

He'd shower you with love and gifts if you ask for them, as long as it's something he can give.

Arthur would also style your hair all fancy with ornaments and such, thinking you look pretty with them in your hair, he'd also get you dresses and outfits to match, and would be fine with returning them if you asked him to do that.

All in all, he's still a big softie.


Ludociel as a yandere would be downright sadistic if he had to be.

Though he's usually very calm, he'll pull a full 180 if you try to deceive him or run away from him.

He'll pull your hair and demand that you tell him you'll never leave, he's that kind of yandere.

However, as long as you don't make him mad, then he'll be a big sweetheart to you, constantly giving you love and gifts if you wish. While he doesn't uselessly spend money, he'll get you small gifts, like a necklace or a bracelet that reminds him of you.

All in all, it's very hard to leave once he's noticed you and becomes interested in you.


I can't see this man as a possessive yandere, I just can't.

Cusack is the type of yandere who would be patient with you, trying his hardest to understand what you do and why you do it.

He'll let you do whatever you want to with his long pink hair. Braid it, put it in a bun, even put it in other hairdos as long as they don't get in his face. However, if he has a meeting, he's either undoing it if it's a bun or something of the like, or telling Zeldris that it's something a friend did for him if you braid it.

He's constantly making sure you're not hurting yourself, and wants you to be happy, but if the two don't coexist in a situation, then safety is his top priority in his book.


Oh boy, someone help you if Orlondi is the yandere who's interested in you.

He, like Ludociel, is a sadistic yandere, and he'll do as he pleases with you.

The second he lays eyes on you and develops feelings for you, you are now his woman.

He doesn't care if you're human, you're now graced with the title of his human.

He won't drink your blood, the line is drawn at harming you, that is something he won't do.

If his siblings try to hurt you, then they better be prepared to be stabbed by his thorns, you're not getting hurt as long as he can help it.

You're also given royal treatment by the maids of Izraf's castle, and he will make sure the ones he chooses are ones he trusts not to drink your blood. Not that they would, given that their fate is sealed the second even a fang grazes your skin.

On top of that, he also gets you all sorts of gorgeous dresses and blouses that match your hair and eyes.

Orlondi also gets you all sorts of hair ornaments to make you look fancy and beautiful.

He does love you, even if it's in his own way.

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