The Sins and co. during Quarantine with their (S/O)

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Ban could handle danger, but not this kind.

He actually shuts up and helps you stay active because he has to as well given that he's a Holy Knight of Liones.

He also obviously also makes delicious food for you to eat so yeah.

This boy actually listened to the warnings of having to go into quarantine and such.

Whether you like it or not, you are staying in quarantine with the rest of the Sins at the Boar Hat.

You still get to travel and stay safe. It's a win for win.

He definitely opens up to you even more given that you two spend more time with each other.

Quarantine with Ban is in all pretty good.


One word: PANIC

King is always panicking and checking the inventory of the tavern if the two of you get stuck there.

Will try to reassure you that it's going to be ok but can't even reassure himself.

Poor bby is so scared.

He eventually calms down after some comforting reassurance from you and some hugs and cuddles as well.

Will gladly accept any requests to train with you to stay active.

He becomes slightly braver during quarantine to the point where he can kiss you without you having to initiate it.

Sweet bby would sleep even more if you would let him.

He would also spend the time he has with you doing your hair and getting better at it.

All in all, Harlequin would make sure you're safe during the quarantine.


This short blonde leprechaun can handle this kind of stuff given that he is literally chill through everything.

He obviously gets much more touchy feely of you.

And Hawk is still there to stop him from doing so.

Will give you kisses wherever you want because he still sort of drinks his respect women juice.

He will also drag you out of bed to train when he gets up to do so even though he wants you to sleep.

He will also make sure that you're staying healthy.

Meliodas is a good person to be quarantined with.


He wants you to be healthy and happy. So he's going to drag you over to his house for the quarantine.

He will have lots of games and activities to do while the two of you are stuck at his place.

This fairy will give you lots of hugs and will become a big softie for your love towards him.

He's always been pretty distant, so he's going to make up for it with hugs and affection.

Helbram will be the one to go out to get supplies because he doesn't want you to run the risk of getting sick.

All in all, quarantine with Helbram is full of love and affection.


Gilthunder will throw you in the castle and literally slam the doors shut.

He would make sure to stay active and keep you active and healthy as well. Not to mention happy.

Would pull you onto his lap and give cuddles and kisses while being a big softie.

He would also cook for you like Ban would.

All in all a good quarantine partner.


He will make sure that you are well fed and healthy.

He will also demand cuddles because he's either not training or still getting ready for the day.

Howzer loves your affection and will turn into putty if you run your fingers through his hair.

Soft bby makes sure you are active and safe.

Not much to be said about this Holy Knight, but he's a good quarantine buddy.


He loves your attention. So he sees this quarantine as an opportunity to be with you and get the affection he really needs.

Will go up to you after training and lay down on your lap until you give him affection he wants.

Estarossa is still distant even with you because he doesn't want to lose you and go through the pain he went through when his older brother betrayed his clan.

Even so, he saves that for when the two of you are alone because he's still not open on PDA.

He makes sure that you are healthy and well fed so that you don't get sick.

Esta also makes sure you stay active to keep your energy up.

All in all a chill quarantine buddy.


He gets you up at 6 in the freaking morning because he's that excited to train with you for longer than he usually does given that your schedule is now completely blank.

Will make you train until you nearly pass out or beg for a break.

He'll give you a break if you really need it though.

He also makes sure that you eat healthy and that you stay content.

If Zeldris sees that you're extremely tired from training the next day, he'll let you rest because he's a caring boyfriend.

Will jump tackle you at random if you're not training and will hug you no matter where the two of you are.

He spends hours doing your hair because you are a princess in his opinion and he thinks the world of you.

Zeldris is the quarantine buddy that makes sure that you're safe and happy.


He doesn't want you to get sick, so he makes sure that you're healthy and happy.

Will give you hugs and is actually very warm unlike the flames he creates.

(one of my personal headcanons is that Enchant Hellblaze is an attack that actually feels cold)

He will make you train until you get it right, but will let you take breaks to regain your senses and to recollect.

All in all, Monspeet keeps you safe during quarantine.


He makes you stay inside all the time and goes out himself.

Escanor also reads to you if you like to hear his poems.

He will give you hugs, reassuring you that these things will be over soon.

He makes you food that's healthy and delicious because of how good he actually is at cooking. (Still not as good as Ban lmao)

He also reminds you to train every day, but will also watch you train and give you pointers on how your stance should be, how to hold the hilt of the weapon, etc.

All in all, Escanor will be a loving quarantine buddy.


He will gladly still opt to train with you alongside the other Holy Knights of Camelot.

Soft bby gets so red-faced if you try to do anything romantic towards him.

He does give good hugs though, so feel free to hug him whenever.

He makes sure that you're getting enough exercise every day and staying healthy so that you don't get sick.

If you even think of staying up past lights out for the Holy Knights, there's always that one maid that tells the young king and he will literally drag you from where you are back to your room.

He will then proceed to tackle hug you onto the bed and then bury his beet red face into your hair, whispering to you how he doesn't want to lose you.

All in all, Arthur obviously doesn't want you to get sick.


Like he'd ever let you leave the house in the first place to risk your health.

He does care though.

I can imagine that he would also be quarantining with Gherade because they're siblings and yeah.

Gherade would have definitely found out about what was going on between you and her brother for a while now.

Don't worry, she likes you a lot.

Gloxinia would do the cooking most of the time while switching off with you and his sister.

He would train with you a lot to keep you in shape.

All in all, you and Gloxinia in quarantine are pretty chill.


Stated in the past chapter about Sariel and you getting sick, he's not letting you out of his sight for a minute. Unless you really need space and he sees you're in a bad mood.

He can cook, but he'll still take turns with you on making dinner.

Sariel will try his best to not have to go out very often because the two of you are likely quarantined with the other three Archangels and their (S/O)'s and he doesn't want to risk his best friends or your best friends getting sick.

(Yes I did make it a personal headcanon that the Archangels and their (S/O)'s are living together in the same house. I also imagine it's pretty big.)

Sariel has to make sure that he trains every day to stay in shape. So he obviously drags you into the mix of things.

He still loves you though, and will gladly give you a kiss on the cheek for doing well in training as well as cuddles.

Quarantining with Sariel isn't that bad to be honest.


Quarantine with Tarmiel is with the other Archangels as well, but mostly with just him. 

He takes this time with you to grow closer to you.

He's still going to wake you up when he gets up though.

Tarmiel also sees this as a time when he can cuddle you more than he already does and he gladly uses the opportunity to do so.

If the group starts to run low on supplies, then he's the one who goes out to get them.

All in all, quarantine with Tarmiel is pretty chill.


Given that he thought that his younger brother died during the Holy War, he would be worried about you enough as it is.

Now, he was going to worry even more than usual.

Ludociel doesn't show affection around others, and usually would have shown his softer side when the two of you got home before the other Archangels did.

He now only shows you how much he cares when the two of you are in one another's bedrooms.

He will make sure to wake you up before ten but likely after seven because you need the sleep after all of those days with little to no sleep as a knight for the Goddess race.

All in all, quarantine with Ludociel might be a little more intense, but he still loves you.


Poor boy doesn't know how he's going to get any alone time with you now.

He usually gives you affection when the two of you are alone, so he'll probably take you to a ruins sight to sit and talk as well as obviously cuddle.

Sweet bby will likely let you rest for as long as you want because he loves you and drinks his respect women juice.

He will gladly give you affection when the two of you are alone in one another's bedrooms, and will immediately wrap you in his strong grip and hold you tightly against him as he buries his very red face into your soft chest.

Will cook for you because he was taught to do so by Ludociel. So he'll know a few recipes now and again, making only the healthy dishes.

All in all, Mael with you in quarantine is amazing.


He lets you quarantine with him and the royal family given that he has a room in Liones castle.

In his eyes, quarantine for him is a chance for the two of you to spend more time together.

He definitely shows you more attention than he did before.

He takes turns with the other Holy Knights to get supplies, so he still stays away from others.

Slader still tries to keep your relationship with him a secret from the other Holy Knights.

Yeah, they all find out during the quarantine period.

He doesn't really know how to cook, so if you can cook, then he'll let you.

Slader also makes sure that you're healthy and happy, so he wakes you up pretty early to get exercise in the mornings.

All in all, quarantine with Slader is full of good memories.

I know it's trash and I'm sorry if it's VERY OOC because they've never been in this situation before but I tried my best. Hope you liked it❤️❤️❤️

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