Zeldris x reader modern AU

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Hey guys, sorry for posting so little lately. I'm going to have to be on hiatus for a while due to school keeping me away from writing. Please understand that I'm under a lot of stress right now. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

You woke up in your apartment early one morning and tried to get up, only for a hand to grab the back of your night shirt and pull you back down. You giggled softly as you felt your boyfriend bury his face in your chest, a habit he had when he was tired. You saw his raven black hair, and his half open emerald green eyes that you had fallen in love with. You ran your fingers through his hair as he sighed. "Zeldris, I need to get up. I've got writing to do today now that I have my motivation back." You whispered, making him wrap his arms around your waist, holding you close to his chest. He looked up at you with his green orbs before shaking his head no. "I need cuddles." He mumbled, tired from yesterday. "If you get up now then I can go get us something from the cafe." You proposed, knowing he liked green tea. The male shot up from his place faster than you thought possible. He looked down at you and gave you a rare smile as you got up to get dressed. You went to the bathroom with your clothes and changed into a (F/C) top with black leggings and black boots. Zeldris knocked on the door and asked if he could come into the bathroom. You unlocked the door and opened it to let the male in. After the two of you were ready to leave, Zeldris opened the front door and closed it after you were outside. He had the key to the apartment on his keychain, so the two of you wouldn't get locked out of the house. You brought your purse because you wanted to do some shopping for your mother, whose birthday was the next day. You looked down at Zeldris and snickered. All of your friends loved him, and that was because of one reason. He respected you, unlike your ex boyfriend had when he was dating you. He was abusive of you, and mistreated you on multiple occasions. That was how you met Zeldris. You kept walking while remembering your first encounter with Zeldris.

You were walking with (X/N) when he saw you looking at a couple who were picnicing on the hill in the park you two were in. He thought you were looking at the boy and grabbed your wrist painfully. "Are you looking at him?" He asked, his face contorted in rage as he stared you down. When he had grabbed your wrist, Zeldris and his brother, Meliodas, were walking past when they heard you start to cry. Zeldris knew he couldn't stand by, and told Meliodas that he was going to do something really quick. After a few seconds, your ex landed in front of the male with bruises on his face. Meliodas looked over to see Zeldris leading you to a bench as he told Meliodas that you would be going with them to their place. You nodded and hugged him, sobbing while thanking him repeatedly after what he had just done.

You grabbed his hand and led him to the cafe down the street, which was next to the mall. The two of you walked inside and sighed at the same time as the mixed aromas of tea and fresh baked scones hit the two of you. You walked in and got in line to wait and felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You turned around to see (X/N) and saw that he was waiting in line for coffee as well. Zeldris saw the way he was eyeing you, and glared unnoticeably at the taller male as he started to speak to you. "Well, if it isn't (Y/N) (L/N). Hey babe." He said, as if you were still dating him. "I told you (X/N), I'm not your girlfriend anymore." You said, looking down as he tilted up your chin to look at him. "But you could be." He said, making the male beside you glare daggers at him until he noticed his stare and looked down at Zeldris. "Don't tell me that this tiny pipsqueak is your boyfriend now." He said, looking Zeldris in the eye as he spoke. "I am her boyfriend." He responded, unaffected by the taller male's height and intimidation attempts. He glared at the ravenette. "She was mine first shorty. Remember that." He snarled. Zeldris snickered. "She isn't anymore. Besides, you may be tall, but I'm faster than you'll ever be. And stop trying to scare me. It won't work on me." He said, wrapping his arm around your waist as the male behind you fumed in pure rage. He saw the knife strapped to Zeldris's belt and stopped glaring at the two of you. He saw Zeldris looking back at him and glared at him. He unlatched the knife sheath and brought it out for him to see. It was a small Bowie knife, and he realized that was because Zeldris fought better with a knife than a gun. "I'm known for being extremely fast and skilled with a knife. I know exactly where the most fatal points on your neck are. Try anything and I won't hesitate to give you a visual on what I do to sickos like you who touch my girlfriend." He said, buttoning the sheath after putting the knife back in its place. He shot the male a glare before you ordered the drinks at the front. Just as you got out your credit card, Zeldris got out his and gave it to the cashier. You put yours back in your wallet and sighed as you looked down at your boyfriend.

After the two of you left, you walked to the mall and got your mother a new shirt for her birthday. After the two of you left, you went back to the apartment and walked into the room after locking the door behind the two of you, flopping down on the bed soon after. You felt Zeldris lay down next to you and pulled him against your chest as his face turned bright red. You buried your face in his hair as tears streamed down your cheeks. He moved to where he was in front of you and cupped your face in his hands. He then leaned in and kissed you on the lips, taking you by surprise. You melted into his touch, relaxed after what had happened earlier. The two of you stayed like that before falling asleep, comfortable in each other's presence.

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