Demon Courting Headcanons

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Hey guys, this was a request from @A_Random_Person0911. Hope you guys enjoy.

~Personal headcanons about Demon courting~

Demons are different from Goddesses not only in appearance, but also in a few courting customs.

One of the only things that they share in common is gift giving.

The difference between Demons and Goddesses for gift giving is that Demons usually make or find the gifts they give to the person that they're courting.

For example, they could find a nice crystal somewhere and make it into a necklace to give to someone.

They also use looks, but they mainly express themselves through their darkness.

Demons have markings that their darkness makes, and whichever pattern is more appealing to the person getting courted gets chosen.


Zeldris' markings look a lot like they're climbing up his arms and the rest of his body.

They kind of look like fire.

The main things he likes to make are small charms out of whatever he can make them with.

This varies from wood to stone and crystals if he wants to.

The first gift he ever gave you was an empty charm bracelet that he told you to keep empty.

This is because he wants to make the charms for the bracelet himself.

Designs vary depending on which material he's using. If he uses wood, he makes sure that it's finished and polished after he paints it. The designs usually have something to do with you or something he likes about you.

Eventually, when he tells you he likes you, he gives you a heart made of a smooth crystal he found and ground down to a smaller size.

Zeldris is very affectionate when the two of you are alone, and he likes to trace the charms on your bracelet with his eyes closed and try to guess what they are.


Meliodas' darkness patterns are very elegant, unlike Zeldris'.

You're the only one who gets to touch them, no matter how many times other people ask.

Another thing only you get to do is hug him from any of his blind spots because he trusts you.

The gifts he gives you are simple ones, like small river stones that he finds, or a necklace made entirely of flowers that Gloxinia helped him make for you.

When you finally understand that he's trying to court you, you decide to give him a small river stone in the shape of a heart, and he loves it so much.

He'll cuddle and hug you as much as you want him to, and he loves it when you do the same.

Meliodas also loves it when you run your fingers through his hair or when you let him rest his head on your lap.


Cusack is over prepared for a lot of things, and anything having to do with you is no exception.

He prepares everything down to how he'll make the gift he gives you as a courting gift.

His demon markings are also elegant, like Meliodas', but there are fewer of them. He sees no reason to cover his entire body with markings, since he believes that anyone as a person is more important than how they look.

He gives you clothing that he made himself (you can't tell me that he doesn't know how to sew) and in your favorite color, too.

He also gives you hair ornaments that he made by himself out of wire that he found and some crystals that he found on the surface when he went there.

When you finally understand that he's trying to court you, everything makes sense to you, from the gifts, to the hand made clothes, to the small things he would do for you when you felt terrible on any given day.

Cusack loves it when you hug him from behind, even though it's his only blind spot, because he trusts you completely.

He also loves it when you play with his hair. He has a lot of it, might as well braid it and do as you please with it.

This also indirectly leads to plenty of questions from Zeldris, who finally catches sight of the braid that Cusack had in his hair since his training began that morning.

Another thing that he loves is cuddles, especially if you run your fingers through his hair. He sometimes falls asleep whenever you do that.


Monspeet is a quiet and patient man, but he doesn't over prepare as much as Cusack does.

He's observant of what you like and dislike, and makes note of those things for later, when he makes the gift he gives to you when he courts you.

Eventually, he settles on making you a book of pressed flowers from the surface, and gives it to you.

Monspeet's markings are straight lines, so they're not terribly fancy, but they still look nice.

One of the things he loves is when you give him small little gifts that you made for him.

He also loves wrapping you up in his soft, warm, thick cape and cuddling with you after a long day.

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